ICSCRE - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo de colectivo: Grupo de investigación
Estado: Grupo definitivo
Ámbito: Andalucía
Instituciones: Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía. Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (FIBICO)
Fecha de creación: 15/01/2019

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Effectiveness and health outcomes of collaborative nurse prescribing for patients anticoagulated with antivitamin K in primary care: a study protocol HEALTHCARE
Revisión2024 Factors Influencing Occupational Stress Perceived by Emergency Nurses During Prehospital Care: A Systematic Review PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT
Artículo2024 Gender-modulated relationships among depression, light household tasks and physical activity: population-based moderation analysis Journal of Public Mental Health
Capítulo2024 Innovación docente con metodología de autoaprendizaje en entornos simulados (MAES) Enseñanza e innovación educativa en el ámbito universitario
Artículo2024 Romantic Love and Its Link With Gender-Based Violence. Journal of forensic nursing
Artículo2024 The relationship between neighborhood social capital and health from a biopsychosocial perspective: A systematic review PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
Artículo2024 The spiritual aspect of pain: an integrative review JOURNAL OF RELIGION & HEALTH
Artículo2023 A multicenter study about the population treated in the respiratory triage stations deployed by the red cross during the COVID-19 pandemic INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2023 Comparison of the psychological impact of COVID-19 on self-employed private healthcare workers with respect to employed public healthcare workers: three-wave study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain HEALTHCARE
Artículo2023 Dosage of physical activity to avoid impairment of activities due to pain: analysis of population-based conditional processes Pain Management Nursing
Revisión2023 Internalization of the romantic love myths as a risk factor for gender violence: a systematic review and meta-analysis Sexuality Research and Social Policy
Artículo2023 Psychometric properties and confirmatory factor analysis of the love myths scale in a comparative sample by gender and across generational groups Sexuality Research and Social Policy
Artículo2023 Spiritual dimension in neurological and neurodegenerative diseases: a systematic mapping review JOURNAL OF RELIGION & HEALTH
Artículo2023 Spiritual needs during COVID 19 pandemic in the perceptions of Spanish emergency critical care health professionals Intensive and Critical Care Nursing
Artículo2023 Virtual reality vs. buzzy®. efficacy in pain and anxiety management during pediatric venipuncture. Systematic review and meta-analysis Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Artículo2022 Burnout and spirituality among nurses: a scoping review EXPLORE: the journal of Science & Healing
Artículo2022 Caring behaviours demonstrated to nursing students in the interpersonal relation with the faculty: A cross sectional study Nurse Education Today
Artículo2022 Diabetes Management after a Therapeutic Education Program: A Qualitative Study HEALTHCARE
Artículo2022 Effects of a diabetes self-management education program on glucose levels and self-care in type 1 diabetes: a pilot randomized controlled trial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2022 Effects of nursing diabetes self-management education on glycemic control and self-care in type 1 diabetes: study protocol INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2022 The efficacy of religious and spiritual interventions in nursing care to promote mental, physical and spiritual health: a systematic review and meta-analysis Applied Nursing Research
Artículo2022 The role of spirituality and religiosity in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic: an integrative review of the scientific literature. JOURNAL OF RELIGION & HEALTH
Artículo2022 The use of spiritual and religious interventions for the treatment for insomnia: a scoping review JOURNAL OF RELIGION & HEALTH
Artículo2021 “Looking for better (job) opportunities”: a qualitative analysis of the occupational health of immigrants in southern Spain Workplace Health & Safety
Artículo2021 Acculturation, health behaviors, and social relations among Chinese immigrants living in Spain INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2021 Anxiety and perceived risk in Red Cross volunteer personnel facing the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2021 Educational interventions by nurses in caregivers with their elderly patients at home PRIMARY HEALTH CARE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2021 Effectiveness of the advanced practice nursing interventions in the patient with heart failure: a systematic review Nursing open
Artículo2021 Factores relacionados con el ajuste diádico conyugal en parejas con hijos en edad pediátrica ENFERMERIA CLINICA
Artículo2021 Food patterns among Chinese immigrants living in the South of Spain NUTRIENTS
Artículo2021 Health care provided to immigrants in a humanitarian aid center in Spain PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
Artículo2021 Health problems and the use of medications and traditional therapies among Chinese immigrants living in Spain HEALTHCARE
Artículo2021 Integrative review of related factors and defining characteristics of lack of family integrity INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING KNOWLEDGE
Artículo2021 International multicenter study on drug consumption in nursing students INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2021 Lived experiences of African migrants crossing the strait of Gibraltar to Europe: a cross-cultural approach to healthcare from a qualitative methodology INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Revisión2021 Social image of nursing. An integrative review about a yet unknown profession NURSING REPORTS
Revisión2021 Systematic review of the relationship between couple dyadic adjustment and family health CHILDREN-BASEL
Artículo2021 The effectiveness of spiritual interventions in the workplace for work-related health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT
Revisión2021 The relationship between mindfulness and emotional intelligence as a protective factor for healthcare professionals: systematic review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2020 Analysis of prehospital care of migrants who arrive intermittently at the coasts of southern spain INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2020 Breakfast habits among schoolchildren in the City of Uruguaiana, Brazil JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS
Revisión2020 Consecuencias biopsicosociales en población española afectada por un proceso de desahucio GACETA SANITARIA
Artículo2020 Cultural adaptation and validation of the nursing students' perceptions of instructor caring into Spanish NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE
Artículo2020 Culture and spirituality in the experience of breast cancer and mastectomy CULTURA DE LOS CUIDADOS
Artículo2020 Development and validation of the operational definitions of the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis of insomnia in the occupational health setting INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING KNOWLEDGE
Artículo2020 Effects of advertising on food consumption preferences in children NUTRIENTS
Artículo2020 Healthcare and health problems from the perspective of indigenous population of the peruvian amazon: a qualitative study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2020 Influence of personality traits and its interaction with the phenomenon of bullying: multi-centre descriptive study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2020 Insomnia interventions in the workplace: A systematic review and meta-analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Revisión2020 La turnicidad como factor determinante en la aparición de insomnio en población laboral: revisión sistemática REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SALUD PUBLICA
Letter2020 Necesidad de incluir la perspectiva de género en la investigación GACETA SANITARIA
Artículo2020 Nursing as a Sustainability Factor of the Health System during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study SUSTAINABILITY
Artículo2020 Nursing students' perception on the effectiveness of emergency competence learning through simulation HEALTHCARE
Artículo2020 Sedentary behaviors of a school population in Brazil and related factors INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2020 The occupational health of female immigrant caregivers: a qualitative approach INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2020 Videogame-related experiences among regular adolescent gamers PLOS ONE
Artículo2019 Abordaje enfermero del insomnio en salud laboral REVISTA ENFERMERÍA DEL TRABAJO
Artículo2019 Actuación enfermera frente al alcoholismo en salud laboral: revisión bibliográfica REVISTA ENFERMERÍA DEL TRABAJO
Revisión2019 La atención enfermera a las familias con personas en situación de dependencia Metas de Enfermería
Revisión2019 La atención enfermera en Urgencias al paciente musulmán durante el Ramadán. Revisión sistemática CULTURA DE LOS CUIDADOS
Artículo2019 La formación en religiosidad y espiritualidad en los estudios de Grado en Enfermería CULTURA DE LOS CUIDADOS
Letter2019 La resiliencia familiar como activo en salud ANALES DEL SISTEMA SANITARIO DE NAVARRA
Revisión2019 Prescripción enfermera en salud laboral: una revisión integrativa REVISTA ENFERMERÍA DEL TRABAJO
Revisión2019 Systematic review of the nature of nursing care described by using the Caring Behaviours Inventory JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING
Artículo2018 El factor migratorio como determinante de salud: una intervención transcultural desde la Enfermería del Trabajo ENFERMERIA CLINICA
Editorial2018 El Plan de Acogida para nuestros especialistas en formación REVISTA ENFERMERÍA DEL TRABAJO
Artículo2018 Psychometric Testing of INTEGRARE, an Instrument for the Assesment of Pressure Ulcer Risk in Inpatients INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING KNOWLEDGE
Artículo2018 Relationship between family variables and conjugal adjustment ATENCION PRIMARIA
Capítulo2017 Influencia de la I Guerra Mundial en la Enfermería Española. Titulo de Enfermería y Plan formativo de la Cruz Roja. Los colegios profesionales de enfermería, su función social e institucional
Capítulo2017 La Enfermería durante el Reinado de Isabel II. Marco legislativo de la profesionalización enfermera en España. Los colegios profesionales de enfermería, su función social e institucional
Capítulo2017 Movilización de jóvenes voluntarias y formación de Damas Enfermeras de la Cruz Roja durante la Guerra Civil Española Los colegios profesionales de enfermería, su función social e institucional
Póster2016 Ajuste diádico conyugal en parejas sevillanas. GACETA SANITARIA
Artículo2016 La población laboral adolescente ¿estamos teniéndola en cuenta? REVISTA ENFERMERÍA DEL TRABAJO
Póster2016 Validación de la Escala de Autopercepción del Estado de Salud Familiar (AESFA5). GACETA SANITARIA
Artículo2014 El enfermero del trabajo en los centros educativos REVISTA ENFERMERÍA DEL TRABAJO
Artículo2013 Content validation of the Self-perception of Family Health Status scale using the Delphi technique REVISTA LATINO-AMERICANA DE ENFERMAGEM
Artículo2013 Vigilancia de la salud en trabajadores expuestos a yodo REVISTA ENFERMERÍA DEL TRABAJO
Artículo2012 Consistencia interna y validez de un cuestionario para medir la autopercepción del estado de salud familiar REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SALUD PUBLICA
Otros2011 Diseño y Validación de un instrumento para valorar la Autopercepción del Estado de Salud Familiar GACETA SANITARIA
El colectivo no tiene ningún proyecto asociado.
El colectivo no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado