I+D FARMACOTÉCNICA - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo de colectivo: Grupo de investigación
Estado: Grupo definitivo
Ámbito: Andalucía
Instituciones: Universidad de Sevilla
Fecha de creación: 29/10/2007

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2021 Synergistic effect of acetazolamide-(2-hydroxy)propyl β-cyclodextrin in timolol liposomes for decreasing and prolonging intraocular pressure levels PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo2019 Electrocoagulation/flocculation of cyanobacteria from surface waters JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
Artículo2019 Grafted Sepiolites for the Removal of Pharmaceuticals in Water Treatment CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS
Artículo2019 Usuarios de lentes de contacto: pérdida de agudeza visual por preparados oftálmicos Gaceta de Optometría y Optica Oftálmica
Artículo2017 Enhancement of albendazole dissolution properties using solid dispersions with Gelucire 50/13 and PEG 15000 JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2015 Preparation and characterization of an oily suspension of omeprazole for administration in pediatrics INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES AND RESEARCH
Artículo2014 Enhanced antioxidant effect of trans-resveratrol: potential of binary systems with polyethylene glycol and cyclodextrin DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY
Artículo2012 Enhanced Solubilisation of Six PAHs by Three Synthetic Cyclodextrins for Remediation Applications: Molecular Modelling of the Inclusion Complexes PLOS ONE
Artículo2006 Cefdinir: A comparative study of anhydrous vs. monohydrate form Microstructure and tabletting behaviour EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS
Artículo2005 Characterization and dissolution properties of ketoprofen in binary and ternary solid dispersions with polyethylene glycol and surfactants DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY
Artículo2005 Diclofenac salts, II. Solid dispersions in PEG6000 and Gelucire 50/13 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS
Artículo2005 Inclusion complexes of alpha- and gamma-cyclodextrins and the herbicide norflurazon: I. Preparation and characterisation. II. Enhanced solubilisation and removal from soils CHEMOSPHERE
Artículo2004 Characterization of ibuproxam binary and ternary dispersions with hydrophilic carriers DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY
Artículo2004 Preparation and characterization of inclusion complex of norflurazon and beta-cyclodextrin to improve herbicide formulations JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2003 Study of glimepiride-b-cyclodextrin complex. Bollettino chimico farmaceutico (Milano)
Corrección2002 Polymorphism of rac-5,6-diisobutyryloxy-2-Methylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-naphthalene hydrochloride (CHF 1035). I. Thermal, spectroscopic, and x-ray diffraction properties (vol 90, pg 1154, 2001) JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2001 Channeling agent and drug release from a central core matrix tablet DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY
Artículo2001 Current status of ATP-ase Proton Pump Inhibitor complexation with cyclodextrins BIOLOGYCAL JOURNAL OF ARMENIA
Artículo2001 Ethyl cellulose polymer microspheres for controlled release of norfluazon PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE
Artículo2001 Leaching of 2,4-D from a soil in the presence of beta-cyclodextrin: laboratory columns experiments CHEMOSPHERE
Artículo2001 Polymorphism of rac-5,6-diisobutyryloxy-2-methylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-naphthalene hydrochloride (CHF 1035). I. Thermal, spectroscopic, and X-ray diffraction properties JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES
Revisión2001 Thermal analysis of cyclodextrins and their inclusion compounds THERMOCHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2000 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid/partially methylated-beta-Cyclodextrin inclusion complexes ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2000 H-1-nuclear magnetic resonance and phase solubility studies of the stoichiometries in 2,4-D: alpha- and beta-cyclodextrins inclusion complexes Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry
Artículo2000 Improvement of the desorption of the pesticide 2,4-D via complexation with HP-beta-cyclodextrin PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE
Artículo2000 Study of omeprazole-gamma-cyclodextrin complexation in the solid state DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY
Ponencia1999 2,3-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid alpha- and beta-CD inclusion complexes. A H-1-nuclear magnetic resonance study PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CYCLODEXTRINS
Artículo1999 beta-CD effect on 2,4-D soil adsorption CHEMOSPHERE
Artículo1999 Complexation of ursodeoxycholic acid with beta-cyclodextrin-choline dichloride coprecipitate INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo1999 Effects of the host cavity size and the preparation method on the physicochemical properties of ibuproxam-cyclodextrin systems DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY
Ponencia1999 Investigation of the inclusion complex and stoichiometry of omeprazole with beta-CD by H-1 NMR spectroscopy PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CYCLODEXTRINS
Artículo1998 2,4-D-alpha-cyclodextrin complexes - Preparation and characterization by thermal analysis JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS
Artículo1998 Crystal forms of piroxicam pivalate: Preparation and characterization of two polymorphs JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES
Artículo1998 Determination of the stoichiometry of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid beta-cyclodextrin complexes in solution and in solid state THERMOCHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1998 Study by DSC and HSM of the oxazepam-PEG 6000 and oxazepam-D-mannitol systems: Application to the preparation of solid dispersions THERMOCHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1998 Study of the inclusion of gliclazide in alpha-cyclodextrin JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS
Artículo1998 Thermal characterization of gliclazide/beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS
Artículo1998 Thermal study of different omeprazole-gamma-CD co-ground systems JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS
Artículo1997 Dissolution behavior of oxazepam in presence of cyclodextrins: Evaluation of oxazepam-DIMEB binary system DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY
Artículo1997 Investigation of the triamterene-ß-cyclodextrin system prepared by co-grinding INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo1997 Nuclear magnetic resonance investigations of the inclusion complexation of gliclazide with beta-cyclodextrin JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES
Artículo1997 Solid-state characterization and dissolution characteristics of gliclazide-beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo1997 Study of the complexation behaviour of gliclazide with partially methylated beta-cyclodextrin in solution and solid state INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo1996 Dissolution properties and in vivo behaviour of triamterene in solid dispersions with polyethylene glycols Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae
Artículo1996 Inclusion of the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) with beta-cyclodextrin by different processing methods CHEMOSPHERE
Artículo1996 Preliminary study of different omeprazole-gamma-CD co-grinded systems INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo1996 Study of complexation of gliclazide with beta-cylodextrin in solution by NMR techniques JOURNAL OF INCLUSION PHENOMENA AND MOLECULAR RECOGNITION IN CHEMISTRY
Artículo1996 Thermal investigation of crystallization of polyethylene glycols in solid dispersions containing oxazepam INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo1996 Thermal investigation of PEG 4000 - Oxazepam binary system JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS
Artículo1995 Application of γ-cyclodextrin to the improvement of dissolution characteristics of oxazepam FARMACO
Artículo1995 Influence of the preparation method of solid dispersions on their dissolution rate: Study of triamterene-d-mannitol system INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo1995 Métodos de elaboración de compuestos de inclusión con ciclodextrinas (y II) Industria Farmacéutica
Artículo1995 Study of the dissolution characteristics of oxazepam via complexation with β-cyclodextrin INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo1995 Técnicas empleadas en la caracterización de compuestos de inclusión con ciclodextrinas ( y III) Industria Farmacéutica
Artículo1995 Técnicas empleadas en la caracterización de compuestos de inclusión con ciclodextrinas (I) Industria Farmacéutica
Artículo1995 Técnicas empleadas en la caracterización de compuestos de inclusión con ciclodextrinas (II) Industria Farmacéutica
Ponencia1994 Application of hot stage microscopy to the thermal study of oxazepam - PEG 4000 binary system ELECTRON MICROSCOPY 1994, VOLS 3A AND 3B
Artículo1994 Evaluation of dissolution characteristics of oxazepam-2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin binary systems Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae
Artículo1994 Improvement of the diuretic effect of triamterene via solid dispersion technique with PEG-4000 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS
Artículo1994 Métodos de elaboración de compuestos de inclusión con ciclodextrinas (I) Industria Farmacéutica
Artículo1994 The application of solid dispersion technique with d-mannitol to the improvement in oral absorption of triamterene JOURNAL OF DRUG TARGETING
Artículo1994 Utilidad de ciclodextrinas y derivados en el campo farmacéutico (i) Industria Farmacéutica
Artículo1994 Utilidad de ciclodextrinas y derivados en el campo farmacéutico, (y II). Aplicaciones Industria Farmacéutica


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Denominación Agencia financiadora Importe concedido
01/11/2016 30/04/2017 Granulación de composites basados en minerales de arcilla (2895/0854) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología) (Desconocido)
01/01/2007 01/01/2008 Proyecto DHA/IBD (OG-090/07) Laboratorios CASEN FLEET SLU (Desconocido)
13/07/2006 13/08/2010 Mejora de características biofarmacéuticas de citotóxicos a través de la formulación de complejos de inclusión de ciclodextrinas naturales y semisintéticas (OG-099/06) Pharma Mar, S.A. (Desconocido)
01/04/2004 31/12/2004 Asesoramiento en el campo de la tecnología farmacéutica (OG-005/04) Synthon Hispania (Desconocido)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Denominación Agencia financiadora Importe concedido
01/01/2001 31/12/2002 Soluciones y dispersiones sólidas de fármacos poco solubles en excipientes poliméricos (HI2000-0053) Ministerio de la Presidencia (Nacional) 5.589,40 €
El colectivo no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado