Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Francisco Jesús Fernández Lasheras

Profesor Titular de Universidad
Área de conocimiento: Geometría y Topología
Departamento: Geometría y Topología
Grupo: HOMOTOPIA PROPIA - FQM-189 (Universidad de Sevilla)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Lifting semistability in finitely generated ascending HNN-extensions ANNALES DE L INSTITUT FOURIER
Artículo2024 Weak Z-structures for some combinatorial group constructions JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA
Artículo2023 Lifting semistability in finitely generated ascending HNN-extensions ANNALES DE L INSTITUT FOURIER
Artículo2023 Proper 2–equivalences between infinite ended finitely presented groups ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY
Artículo2023 Weak Z-structures and one-relator groups JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA
Artículo2020 A topological equivalence relation for finitely presented groups JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA
Artículo2016 A Note on Group Extensions and Proper 3-Realizability MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS
Artículo2013 Relating the Freiheitssatz to the asymptotic behavior of a group REVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA
Artículo2013 The proper Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of semistable one-ended 3-manifolds TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012 Detecting cohomology classes for the proper LS category. The case of semistable 3-manifolds MATHEMATICAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY
Artículo2012 Groups which are not properly 3-realizable REVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA
Artículo2012 On manifolds with nonhomogeneous factors CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS
Artículo2009 One-relator groups and proper 3-realizability REVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA
Artículo2007 Amalgamated products and properly 3-realizable groups JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA
Artículo2007 Properly 3-realizable groups Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Artículo2005 Ascending HNN-extensions and properly 3-realisable groups BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY
Artículo2005 On properly 3-realizable groups TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS
Artículo2005 Proper L-S category, fundamental pro-groups and 2-dimensional proper co-H-spaces TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS
Artículo2005 Properly 3-realizable groups PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY
Ponencia2005 Properly 3-realizable groups: A survey Geometric Methods in Group Theory
Artículo2004 Direct products and properly 3-realisable groups BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY
Artículo2003 Embedding proper homotopy types Colloquium Mathematicum
Artículo2002 A note on fake surfaces and universal covers TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS
Artículo2002 Minimal covers of open manifolds with half-spaces and the proper L-S category of product spaces Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin
Artículo2001 The equivariant category of proper G-spaces ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS
Artículo2000 An obstruction to 3-dimensional thickenings PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY
Artículo2000 Universal covers and 3-manifolds JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA

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