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Raúl Periáñez Rodríguez

Profesor Titular de Universidad
Área de conocimiento: Física Aplicada
Departamento: Física Aplicada I
Grupo: FISICA NUCLEAR APLICADA - RNM-138 (Universidad de Sevilla)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Land-to-sea indicators of the Zanclean megaflood COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2024 Modelling past tsunamis in European waters Prevention and Treatment of Natural Disasters
Artículo2024 Numerical modelling of radionuclide uptake by bluefin tuna along its migration routes in the Mediterranean Sea after a nuclear accident MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2023 A numerical model to simulate the transport of radionuclides in the western Mediterranean after a nuclear accident JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2023 A study on the transport of 137Cs and 90Sr in marine biota in a hypothetical scenario of a nuclear accident in the Western Mediterranean sea JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING
Capítulo2023 Numerical simulation of the tsunami generated by a potential collapse and submarine landslide in la palma (canary islands) after the september 2021 cumbre Vieja eruption: Comparison with the late bronze age eruption of Santorini (Aegean sea) Horizons in Earth Science Research
Artículo2023 Sediments as sinks and sources of marine radionuclides: implications for their use as ocean tracers MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023 Some considerations on the dependence to numerical schemes of Lagrangian radionuclide transport models for the aquatic environment JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2022 Comment on "Distribution of dissolved Cs137, I131 and Pu238 at Eastern Mediterranean Sea in case JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2022 Modelling the atmospheric dispersion of radiotracers in small-scale, controlled detonations: validation of dispersion models using field test data JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION
Artículo2022 The transport of radionuclides released from nuclear facilities and nuclear wastes in the marine environment at oceanic scales Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
Artículo2022 Viewpoint on the Integration of Geochemical Processes into Tracer Transport Models for the Marine Environment GEOSCIENCES
Artículo2021 A Lagrangian Tool for Simulating the Transport of Chemical Pollutants in the Arabian/Persian Gulf Modelling
Artículo2021 APERTRACK: A particle-tracking model to simulate radionuclide transport in the Arabian/Persian Gulf Progress in Nuclear Energy
Artículo2021 Development of a dynamic food chain model for assessment of the radiological impact from radioactive releases to the aquatic environment JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2021 Numerical simulation of the tsunami generated by a potential submarine landslide in La Palma (Canary Islands) after the September 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption GEOSCIENCES
Artículo2021 Opening Fukushima floodgates: modelling 137Cs impact in marine biota MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2021 The transport, effective half-lives and age distributions of radioactive releases in the northern Indian Ocean MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2021 Transport and dispersion of tritium from the radioactive water of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2020 A Lagrangian oil spill transport model for the Red Sea OCEAN ENGINEERING
Artículo2020 Models for predicting the transport of radionuclides in the Red Sea JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Revisión2020 The Zanclean megaflood of the Mediterranean – Searching for independent evidence EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS
Artículo2019 A Modelling Study on Tsunami Propagation in the Caspian Sea Pure and Applied Geophysics
Artículo2019 An exploratory modelling study on sediment transport during the Zanclean flood of the Mediterranean SN APPLIED SCIENCES
Artículo2019 Fukushima Cs-137 releases dispersion modelling over the Pacific Ocean. Comparisons of models with water, sediment and biota data JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2019 Influence of alongslope processes on modern turbidite systems and canyons in the Alboran Sea (southwestern Mediterranean) DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS
Revisión2019 Marine radionuclide transport modelling: Recent developments, problems and challenges ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE
Artículo2018 An Exploratory Modelling Study on Late Pleistocene Mega-Tsunamis Triggered By Giant Submarine Landslides in the Mediterranean Open Journal of Oceanography
Artículo2018 Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations of the Late Pleistocene Lake Bonneville Flood JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY
Artículo2018 Recent evolution of I-129 levels in the Nordic Seas and the North Atlantic Ocean SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2018 The behaviour of U-236 in the North Atlantic Ocean assessed from numerical modelling: A new evaluation of the input function into the Arctic SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2018 The marine kd and water/sediment interaction problem JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2017 A modelling study on tsunami propagation in the Red Sea: Historical events, potential hazards and spectral analysis OCEAN ENGINEERING
Artículo2016 A comparison of radionuclide dispersion model performances for the Baltic Sea and Fukushima releases in the Pacific Ocean Radioprotection
Artículo2016 Coupling catchment hydrology and transient storage to model the fate of solutes during low-flow conditions of an upland river JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY
Artículo2016 Integration of 3D model THREETOX in JRODOS, implementation studies and modelling of Fukushima scenarios Radioprotection
Artículo2016 Inter-comparison of dynamic models for radionuclide transfer to marine biota in a Fukushima accident scenario JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2016 Mid-range atmospheric dispersion modelling. Intercomparison of simple models in EMRAS-2 project JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2016 Modelling of marine radionuclide dispersion in IAEA MODARIA program: Lessons learnt from the Baltic Sea and Fukushima scenarios SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2016 Revisiting the time scale and size of the Zanclean flood of the Mediterranean (5.33 Ma) from CFD simulations MARINE GEOLOGY
Artículo2016 The behaviour of Cs-137 in the North Atlantic Ocean assessed from numerical modelling: Releases from nuclear fuel reprocessing factories, redissolution from contaminated sediments and leakage from dumped nuclear wastes MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Divulgación2015 ¿Como se produce un tsunami? Muy Interesante
Artículo2015 A comparison of marine radionuclide dispersion models for the Baltic Sea in the frame of IAEA MODARIA program JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2015 A new comparison of marine dispersion model performances for Fukushima Dai-ichi releases in the frame of IAEA MODARIA program JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2015 A Numerical Modelling Study on the Potential Role of Tsunamis in the Biblical Exodus JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2015 Computational fluid dynamics simulations of the Zanclean catastrophic flood of the Mediterranean (5.33 Ma) PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY
Artículo2015 The behaviour of I-129 released from nuclear fuel reprocessing factories in the North Atlantic Ocean and transport to the Arctic assessed from numerical modelling MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2014 A numerical modeling study on oceanographic conditions in the former Gulf of Tartessos (SW Iberia): Tides and tsunami propagation JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS
Artículo2014 Assessment in marine environment for a hypothetic nuclear accident based on the database of tidal harmonic constants MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2014 Modelling tsunamis in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Application to the Minoan Santorini tsunami sequence as a potential scenario for the biblical Exodus JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS
Ponencia2013 H15-122: Numerical analysis for 137CS on seabed sediment including atmospheric deposition near the Fukushima coastal area Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2013
Artículo2013 Marine dispersion assessment of Cs-137 released from the Fukushima nuclear accident MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2013 Modeling tides and tsunami propagation in the former Gulf of Tartessos, as a tool for Archaeological Science JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE
Artículo2013 Modeling tsunami propagation in the Iberia-Africa plate boundary: Historical events, regional exposure and the case-study of the former Gulf of Tartessos JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS
Artículo2013 Numerical Modeling of the Releases of Sr-90 from Fukushima to the Ocean: An Evaluation of the Source Term ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2013 Should we measure plutonium concentrations in marine sediments near Fukushima? JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo2013 The geochemical behavior of natural radionuclides in coastal waters: A modeling study for the Huelva estuary JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS
Artículo2013 Tidal circulation, sediment and pollutant transport in Cadiz Bay (SW Spain): A modelling study OCEAN ENGINEERING
Artículo2013 Water circulation, sediment transport and pollutant dynamics in southern Iberian Peninsula coastal waters: a review on numerical modelling studies ISRN Oceanography
Artículo2012 Caesium-137 and Strontium-90 temporal series in the Tagus River: experimental results and a modelling study JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Letter2012 Comment on "A set of rapid-response models for pollutant dispersion assessments in southern Spain coastal waters" by R. Perianez and F. Caravaca, Marine Pollution Bulletin 60 (2010) 1412-1422 Reply MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2012 Local scale marine modelling of Fukushima releases. Assessment of water and sediment contamination and sensitivity to water circulation description MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2012 Modelling the environmental behaviour of pollutants in Algeciras Bay (south Spain) MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2011 Assessing emergency situations and their aftermath in urban areas: the EMRAS II Urban Areas Working Group Radioprotection
Artículo2011 Models for pollutant behavior in Spanish-Moroccan waters OCEAN ENGINEERING
Artículo2010 A set of rapid-response models for pollutant dispersion assessments in southern Spain coastal waters MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Capítulo2010 Modelling radioactivity dispersion in coastal waters Radioactive Contamination Research Developments
Artículo2009 Characteristic times in the English Channel from numerical modelling: supporting decision-making JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION
Artículo2009 Contamination and restoration of an estuary affected by phosphogypsum releases SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2009 Environmental modelling in the Gulf of Cadiz: Heavy metal distributions in water and sediments SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2009 Occupational dosimetric assessment (inhalation pathway) from the application of phosphogypsum in agriculture in South West Spain JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Revisión2009 The role of physical processes controlling the behaviour of radionuclide contaminants in the aquatic environment: a review of state-of-the-art modelling approaches JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2009 Transfer of Cd, Pb, Ra and U from Phosphogypsum Amended Soils to Tomato Plants WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION
Artículo2008 A modelling study on Cs-137 and Pu-239,Pu-240 behaviour in the Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2008 Modelling surface radioactive, chemical and oil spills in the Strait of Gibraltar COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES
Artículo2008 Testing models for predicting the behaviour of radionuclides in aquatic systems APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2007 A rapid response model for simulating radioactivity dispersion in the Strait of Gibraltar JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo2007 Chemical and oil spill rapid response modelling in the Strait of Gibraltar-Alboran Sea ECOLOGICAL MODELLING
Artículo2007 Modeling of Ra-226 behavior in a Spanish estuary affected by the phosphate industry JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo2006 Assessment of state-of-the-art models for predicting the remobilisation of radionuclides following the flooding of heavily contaminated areas: the case of Pripyat River floodplain JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Libro2006 Evaluación de la seguridad alimentaria y radiológica en la aplicación del fosfoyeso como enmienda de suelos agrícolas en las marismas del guadalquivir Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos. Publicación Técnica
Artículo2006 Experiences from a case study of multi-model application to assess the behaviour of pollutants in the Dnieper-Bug Estuary ECOLOGICAL MODELLING
Artículo2006 Modelling surface radioactive spill dispersion in the Alboran Sea JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2006 Modelling the spatio-temporal evolution of H-3 in the waters of the River Tagus JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2005 An operative lagrangian model for simulating radioactivity dispersion in the Strait of Gibraltar JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2005 Evaluation of the radioactive impact of the phosphogypsum wastes used as amendment in agriculture soils Radioprotection
Artículo2005 GISPART: a numerical model to simulate the dispersion of contaminants in the Strait of Gibraltar ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE
Artículo2005 Measuring and modelling temporal trends of Ra-226 in waters of a Spanish estuary affected by the phosphate industry MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2005 Modelling the dispersion of radionuclides by a river plume: Application to the Rhone river CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH
Libro2005 Modelling the dispersion of radionuclides in the marine environment: An introduction Modelling the Dispersion of Radionuclides in the Marine Environment: An Introduction
Artículo2005 Modelling the transport of suspended particulate matter by the Rhone River plume (France). Implications for pollutant dispersion ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
Artículo2005 Self-cleaning in an estuarine area formerly affected by Ra-226 anthropogenic enhancements: numerical simulations SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2004 A particle-tracking model for simulating pollutant dispersion in the Strait of Gibraltar MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2004 On the sensitivity of a marine dispersion model to parameters describing the transfers of radionuclides between the liquid and solid phases JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2004 Self-cleaning in an estuarine area formerly affected by Ra-226 anthropogenic enhancements SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2004 Testing the behaviour of different kinetic models for uptake/release of radionuclides between water and sediments when implemented in a marine dispersion model JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2004 The dispersion of 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the Rhone River plume: a numerical model JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2003 Kinetic modelling of the dispersion of plutonium in the eastern Irish Sea: two approaches JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS
Artículo2003 Mecanismos de transferencia de radionucleidos en el medio ambiente Vas Jornadas de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Gestión de Residuos Radiactivos
Artículo2003 Modelling the dispersion of radionuclides in estuarine environments: The Odiel river estuary Radioactivity in the environment
Artículo2003 Phosphogypsum amendment effect on radionuclide content in drainage water and marsh soils from southwestern Spain JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY
Artículo2003 Redissolution and long-term transport of radionuclides released from a contaminated sediment: a numerical modelling study ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2003 Restauración natural radiactiva del estuario del río Odiel tras la interrupción de los vertidos de las fábricas de ácido fosfórico en su cauce Nuclear España
Artículo2002 A particle-tracking method for simulating the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in coastal waters JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2002 Modelling the physico-chemical speciation of plutonium in the eastern Irish Sea: a further development JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2002 Modelling the suspended matter dynamics in a marine environment using a three dimensional sigma coordinate model: application to the eastern Irish Sea APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING
Artículo2002 The enhancement of Ra-226 in a tidal estuary due to the overation of fertilizer factories and redissolution from sediments: Experimental results and a modelling study ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2001 Ra-226 in waters of an estuarine system formerly affected by direct discharges of wastes from a phosphate fertilizer processing complex JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo2001 Sedimentary speciation of U and Th isotopes in a marsh area at the southwest of Spain JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo2000 Modelling the physico-chemical speciation of plutonium in the eastern Irish Sea JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2000 Modelling the tidal dispersion of Cs-137 and Pu-239,Pu-240 in the English Channel JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1999 A numerical model to simulate the tidal dispersion of radionuclides in the English Channel JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1999 Distribution of natural radionuclides in sequentially extracted fractions of sediments from a marsh area in Southwest Spain: U isotopes JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1999 Three-dimensional modelling of the tidal dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in the marine environment. Application to Pu-239,Pu-240 dispersion in the eastern Irish Sea JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS
Artículo1998 A three dimensional sigma-coordinate model to simulate the dispersion of radionuclides in the marine environment: application to the Irish Sea ECOLOGICAL MODELLING
Letter1998 Comment on Modelling the distribution of radionuclides in deep ocean water columns. Application to 3H, 137CS and 239,240Pu by R. Perianez, J. Environ. Radioactivity, Vol. 38(2), pp. 173-194 (multiple letters) [1] JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Letter1998 Comment on modelling the distribution of radionuclides in deep ocean water columns. Application to H-3, Cs-137 and Pu-239,Pu-240 by R. Perianez, J. Environ. Radioactivity. Vol. 38(2), pp. 173-194. Reply JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1998 Kinetic transfer coefficients for radionuclides in estuarine waters: Reference values from Ba-133 and effects of salinity and suspended load concentration JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo1998 Modelling the distribution of radionuclides in deep ocean water columns. Application to H-3, Cs-137 and Pu-239,Pu-240 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1998 Soil to plant transfer of Ra-226 in a marsh area: Modelling application JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1998 Three-dimensional modelling of the tide-induced dispersion of radionuclides in the sea JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1997 A four phases model to simulate the dispersion of 226Ra, 238U y 232Th in an estuary affected by phosphate rock processing Radioprotection
Artículo1997 A six-phase model to simulate the contamination by non-conservative radionuclides of sediments, soils and plants in a marsh area. Application to the Odiel marsh in southwest Spain JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1997 Modelling 226Ra dispersion in a estuarine system at the southwest of Spain FRESHWATER AND ESTUARINE RADIOECOLOGY
Artículo1997 Uranium and thorium concentrations in an estuary affected by phosphate fertilizer processing: Experimental results and a modelling study JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1996 Estudio del impacto radiológico en sistemas acuáticos mareales Radioproteccion
Artículo1996 Modelling the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters .1. Conceptual and mathematical model JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1996 Modelling the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters .2. Application to Ra-226 dispersion in an estuarine system JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1996 Modelling the suspended matter distribution in an estuarine system - Application to the Odiel river in southwest Spain ECOLOGICAL MODELLING
Artículo1996 U- and Th-isotopes in an estuarine system in southwest Spain: Tidal and seasonal variations APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo1995 Levels and behavior of natural radioactivity in the vicinity of phosphate fertilizer plants JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo1994 A modeling study of Ra-226 dispersion in an estuarine system in south-west Spain JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo1994 Aplicación de modelos numéricos al estudio de sistemas portuarios. dinámica de aguas, dispersión de contaminantes y sedimentología en el puerto de huelva Obra Pública
Artículo1994 Radium isotopes in suspended matter in an estuarine system in the southwest of Spain JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo1993 Ra-isotopes around a phosphate fertilizer complex in an estuarine system at the southwest of Spain JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/01/2016 30/04/2019 Investigador/a Resolución de Problemas Ambientales Marinos y Terrestres Clave Mediante Nuevos Desarrollos en Espectrometría de Masas con Acelerador de Baja Energía (Leams) en el CNA (FIS2015-69673-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
05/10/2021 30/06/2023 Investigador/a Radioactive TRACErs and novel modelling techniques for an accurate quantification of the biological pump and ocean CARBON storage. TRACECARBON (P20_01217) Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Autonómico)
01/03/2006 28/02/2009 Investigador/a Técnicas ultrasensibles para la determinación de radionucleidos en materiales ambientales (EXC/2005/RNM-419) Junta de Andalucía (Plan Andaluz de Investigación) (Autonómico)
31/01/2008 31/12/2012 Investigador/a Aplicación de Técnicas de Datación por Isótopos Radiactivos en Ecosistemas Naturales Andaluces (P07-RNM-02567) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico)
01/01/2019 30/06/2022 Investigador/a Buscando los Limites en Espectrometría Masas con Acelerador de Baja Energía (Leams) en el Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA): Métodos y Aplicaciones (PGC2018-094546-B-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional)
01/01/2009 30/06/2012 Investigador/a Nuevos desarrollos en espectrometría de masas con aceleradores de baja energía: medidas en la instalación del Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (C.N.A.) (FIS2008-01149) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/02/2020 30/04/2022 Investigador/a AMS and radiometrically determined radionuclides as tracers of natural processes in the Arctic and Southern Oceans (US-1263369) Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento) (Autonómico)
13/12/2004 13/12/2007 Investigador/a Estudios sobre espectrometría de masas con aceleradores (AMS) con especial énfasis en AMS de baja energía (FIS2004-00495) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
28/12/2001 27/12/2004 Investigador/a Determinación de 129I y 36CI mediante espectrometría de masas con aceleradores (AMS) (BFM2001-3880) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
01/02/2013 31/01/2016 Responsable Emergency management in Europe in the light of lessons learned from Fukushima (323287) Comisión Europea (Europeo)
01/09/2024 31/08/2027 Investigador/a Hacia una mejor cuantificación del hundimiento del carbono orgánico particulado en el océano (PID2023-149513NB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/07/2000 30/06/2003 Investigador/a Estudios sobre los mecanismos de transferencia de radionucleidos entre los diversos compartimentos de la biosfera (OG-005/02) Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, S.A. (Desconocido)
01/07/2000 30/06/2003 Investigador/a Estudios sobre los mecanismos de transferencia de radionucleidos entre los diferentes compartimentos de la biosfera (OG-005/03) Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, S.A. (Desconocido)
01/07/2000 30/06/2003 Investigador/a Estudios sobre los mecanismos de transferencia de radionucleidos entre los diferentes compartimentos de la biosfera (OG-116/00) Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, S.A. (Desconocido)
01/07/2000 30/06/2003 Investigador/a Estudios sobre los mecanismos de transferencia de radionucleidos entre los diferentes compartimentos de la biosfera (OG-084/00) Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, S.A. (Desconocido)
01/01/2005 30/09/2006 Investigador/a Evaluación de la seguridad alimentaria y radiológica en la aplicación del fosfoyeso como enmienda de suelos agrícolas recuperados en las marismas del Guadalquivir (OG-020/05) Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, S.A. (Desconocido)
01/01/2005 30/09/2006 Investigador/a Evaluación de la seguridad alimentaria y radiológica en la aplicación del fosfoyesos como enmienda de suelos agrícolas recuperados en las marismas del Guadalquivir (OG-012/06) Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, S.A. (Desconocido)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/01/2004 30/12/2005 Investigador/a Estudios sobre radionúclidos y metales pesados en lagos y embalses de las regiones alpina y mediterránea (HU2003-0024) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
01/10/2006 30/09/2007 Investigador/a Nueva fuente de iones para el acelerador tamdem van de graaff de 3 MV del Centro Nacional de Aceleradores y otro material adicional para la mejora de las prestaciones del acelerador (FIS2006-27275-E) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado