Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

María José Ruiz Montero

Catedrático de Universidad

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2018 Work fluctuation theorems and free energy from kinetic theory JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT
Artículo2015 Anomalous self-diffusion in a freely evolving granular gas near the shearing instability PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2015 Power-law decay of the velocity autocorrelation function of a granular fluid in the homogeneous cooling state PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2013 Shearing instability of a dilute granular mixture PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2013 Steady self-diffusion in classical gases EPL
Artículo2013 Uniform self-diffusion in a granular gas PHYSICS OF FLUIDS
Ponencia2012 Heat Flux in a Granular Gas 28TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RAREFIED GAS DYNAMICS 2012, VOLS. 1 AND 2
Ponencia2012 Steady Representation of the Homogeneous Cooling State of a Granular Mixture 28TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RAREFIED GAS DYNAMICS 2012, VOLS. 1 AND 2
Artículo2012 Velocity correlations between a vibrated granular gas and a piston on top GRANULAR MATTER
Artículo2011 Cooling rates and energy partition in inhomogeneous fluidized granular mixtures PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2010 Volume fluctuations and compressibility of a vibrated granular gas PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Ponencia2009 Fluctuations of a piston on top of a fluidized granular gas MODELING AND SIMULATION OF NEW MATERIALS
Artículo2009 Hydrodynamic character of the nonequipartition of kinetic energy in binary granular gases PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2009 On the development of inhomogeneities in freely evolving granular gases: The shear state and beyond EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS
Artículo2009 The Fourier state of a dilute granular gas described by the inelastic Boltzmann equation JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT
Artículo2009 Vibrated granular gas confined by a piston PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2008 Shear state of freely evolving granular gases PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2008 Velocity fluctuations of a piston confining a vibrated granular gas JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT
Artículo2007 Average energy and fluctuations of a granular gas at the threshold of the clustering instability GRANULAR MATTER
Artículo2007 Symmetry breaking and clustering in a vibrated granular gas with several macroscopically connected compartments EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS
Artículo2006 Hydrodynamic profiles for an impurity in an open vibrated granular gas PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2005 Energy partition and segregation for an intruder in a vibrated granular system under gravity - art. no. 0978001 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Ponencia2005 Heat flux in a vibrated granular gas: the diffusive heat conductivity coefficient RAREFIED GAS DYNAMICS
Artículo2005 Hydrodynamic modes, Green-Kubo relations, and velocity correlations in dilute granular gases JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER
Artículo2005 Scaling and universality of critical fluctuations in granular gases PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo2004 Energy fluctuations in the homogeneous cooling state of granular gases PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2004 Heat flux and upper boundary condition in an open fluidized granular gas EPL
Artículo2004 Simulation study of the Green-Kubo relations for dilute granular gases PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2004 Steady-state representation of the homogeneous cooling state of a granular gas PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2004 Validity of the Boltzmann equation to describe low-density granular systems PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2003 Velocity distribution of fluidized granular gases in the presence of gravity PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2002 Hydrodynamic Maxwell demon in granular systems PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2002 Transversal inhomogeneities in dilute vibrofluidized granular fluids PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2001 Fourier state of a fluidized granular gas EPL
Artículo2001 Hydrodynamics of an open vibrated granular system PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2000 Boundary conditions and normal state for a vibrated granular fluid PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo2000 Self-diffusion in freely evolving granular gases PHYSICS OF FLUIDS
Artículo1999 Brownian motion in a granular gas PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo1999 Direct Monte Carlo simulation of dilute granular flow COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS
Artículo1999 High energy tail in the velocity distribution of a granular gas PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo1999 On the validity of linear hydrodynamics for low-density granular flows described by the Boltzmann equation EPL
Artículo1999 Origin of density clustering in a freely evolving granular gas PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo1998 Instability and spatial correlations in a dilute granular gas PHYSICS OF FLUIDS
Artículo1998 Spatial correlations in dilute granular flows: A kinetic model study PHYSICS OF FLUIDS
Artículo1997 Efficient schemes to compute diffusive barrier crossing rates MOLECULAR PHYSICS
Artículo1997 Steady uniform shear flow in a low density granular gas PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo1996 Homogeneous cooling state of a low-density granular flow PHYSICAL REVIEW E
Artículo1994 Dynamical glassy behavior on the basis of simple-models described by master-equations JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS
Artículo1994 On the linear relaxation of a one-dimensional bonded fluid model ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK B-CONDENSED MATTER
Artículo1993 Topological properties of supercooled polymeric liquid JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
Artículo1991 Continuous cooling of a one-dimensional bonded fluid - A Monte Carlo simulation study PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Artículo1991 Glasslike relaxation in a one-dimensional bonded-fluid model Physical review. B, Condensed Matter

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/01/2012 30/06/2015 Investigador/a Fluctuaciones e Interacciones Entre Subsistemas en Gases Granulares (FIS2011-24460) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/01/2015 30/06/2018 Responsable Gases Granulares: Relajación, Confinamiento, Efectos Hidrodinámicos Complejos (FIS2014-53808-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/12/2002 30/11/2005 Investigador/a Teoría cinética e hidrodinámica de flujos granulares (BFM2002-00307) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
31/12/2005 31/12/2008 Investigador/a Flujos granulares: correlaciones, fluctuaciones y efectos de densidad finita (FIS2005-01398) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
01/01/2009 30/06/2012 Investigador/a Transporte y respuesta en flujos granulares (FIS2008-01339) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/01/2018 31/07/2021 Investigador/a Fundamentación Microscópica de la Hidrostática e Hidrodinámica de Fluidos Complejos y Confinados (FIS2017-87117-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
26/09/2007 29/09/2007 Responsable Granual fluids: a proving ground for nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. (1566) European Science Foundation (Europeo)
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