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Jesus Casal Berbel

Profesor Contratado Doctor
Área de conocimiento: Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Departamento: Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Grupo: FISICA NUCLEAR BASICA - FQM-160 (Universidad de Sevilla)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 6Lias a Three-Body System in the (p, 3He) Reaction at Astrophysical Energies FEW-BODY SYSTEMS
Artículo2024 Collective core effects and dineutron correlations in three-body nuclei NUOVO CIMENTO C-COLLOQUIA AND COMMUNICATIONS IN PHYSICS
Artículo2024 Evolution of the two-neutron configuration from 11Li to 13Li PHYSICS LETTERS B
Ponencia2024 Experimental study of 6He Coulomb breakup as an indirect measurement of 4He(2n,γ)6He reaction rate for the astrophysical r-process EPJ Web of Conferences
Artículo2024 Mass, Spectroscopy, and Two-Neutron Decay of Be 16 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Letter2024 Neutron-transfer induced breakup of the Borromean nucleus 9Be PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2024 Prediction of two-neutron halos in the N = 28 isotones 40Mg and 39Na PHYSICS LETTERS B
Ponencia2024 Searching for particle-hole cluster bands in 8Be using the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer EPJ Web of Conferences
Ponencia2023 Advances on clusters and correlations in nuclear structure and reactions Journal of Physics Conference Series
Artículo2023 Searching for universality of dineutron correlation at the surface of Borromean nuclei PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2023 Three- α configurations of the second Jπ= 2 + state in 12 C EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2022 Coherent description of elastic scattering and fusion at near-barrier energies for the Be 9 + Pb 208 and Be 9 + Au 197 reactions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2022 Exploring the halo character and dipole response in the dripline nucleus F 31 PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Revisión2022 Reaction mechanisms of the weakly bound nuclei 6 , 7 Li and 7 , 9 Be on light targets at near barrier energies EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2021 Alpha-induced inelastic scattering and alpha-transfer reactions in 12 C and 16 O within the Algebraic Cluster Model EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2021 Elastic scattering measurements for the C 10 + Pb 208 system at Elab=66 MeV PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2021 Opening angle and dineutron correlations in knockout reactions with Borromean two-neutron halo nuclei PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2021 Systematic calculations of reactions with exotic and stable nuclei to establish a unified theoretical approach PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2021 Three-alpha configurations in the 0(+) states of C-12 FEW-BODY SYSTEMS
Revisión2020 An overview of the scientific contribution of Andrea Vitturi to nuclear physics: Being an account of the recent TNP19 meeting held in Padova EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Editorial2020 Comment on "from Coulomb excitation cross sections to nonresonant astrophysical rates in three-body systems: The Ne 17 case" PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2020 Description of continuum structures in a discrete basis: Three-body resonances and two-nucleon decays SciPost Physics Proceedings
Artículo2020 Electric dipole response of low-lying excitations in the two-neutron halo nucleus F-29 PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2020 Exploring continuum structures in reactions with three-body nuclei Journal of Physics Conference Series
Artículo2020 Exploring two-neutron halo formation in the ground state of F-29 within a three-body model PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2020 Global study of Be 9 + p at 2.72A MeV GLOBAL STUDY of BE 9 +p at 2.72A MEV V. SOUKERAS et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2020 Reaction theory and advanced CDCC Journal of Physics Conference Series
Artículo2020 The(29)F nucleus as a lighthouse on the coast of the island of inversion COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS
Artículo2020 Three-body structure of B-19: finite-range effects in two-neutron halo nuclei PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2020 Transition densities and form factors in the triangular alpha-cluster model of C-12 with application to C-12 + alpha scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2020 Two-nucleon emitters within a pseudostate approach Recent Progress in Few-Body Physics
Artículo2019 Identifying structures in the continuum: Application to Be-16 PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2019 Investigating the Li-10 continuum through Li-9(d, p)Li-10 reactions PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2019 Structure of 13Be probed via quasi-free scattering PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2019 Systematic study of optical potential strengths in reactions on Sn-120 involving strongly bound, weakly bound, and exotic nuclei PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2019 The algebraic molecular model in C-12 and its application to the alpha+C-12 scattering: from densities and transition densities to optical potentials and nuclear formfactors SYMMETRIES AND ORDER: ALGEBRAIC METHODS IN MANY BODY SYSTEMS: A SYMPOSIUM IN CELEBRATION OF THE CAREER OF PROFESSOR FRANCESCO IACHELLO
Ponencia2019 Three-body description of C-12: from the hyperspherical formulation to the algebraic cluster model and its application to alpha+C-12 inelastic scattering IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS (NSD2019)
Artículo2019 Time scales in nuclear structure and nuclear reactions of exotic nuclei NUOVO CIMENTO C-COLLOQUIA AND COMMUNICATIONS IN PHYSICS
Artículo2018 Be-9+Sn-120 scattering at near-barrier energies within a four-body model PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2018 Two-nucleon emitters within a pseudostate method: the case of Be-6 and Be-16 PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2017 Description of the 11Li(p,d)10Li transfer reaction using structure overlaps from a full three-body model PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2017 Linking structure and dynamics in (p, pn) reactions with Borromean nuclei: The Li-11(p, pn) Li-10 case PHYSICS LETTERS B
Ponencia2017 Three-body radiative capture reactions NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN ASTROPHYSICS VIII (NPA8 2017)
Ponencia2016 Be-9 scattering within a four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels framework 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEUS-NUCLEUS COLLISIONS 2015
Artículo2016 Determining astrophysical three-body radiative capture reaction rates from inclusive Coulomb break-up measurements PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2016 Radiative capture reaction for Ne-17 formation within a full three-body model PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2016 Reactions induced by 9Be in a four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels framework RÁBIDA 2015: Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments and Applications
Artículo2015 Be-9 elastic scattering on Pb-208 and Al-27 within a four-body reaction framework PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2014 Astrophysical reaction rate for Be-9 formation within a three-body approach PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2013 Analytical transformed harmonic oscillator basis for three-body nuclei of astrophysical interest: Application to He-6 PHYSICAL REVIEW C

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
05/10/2021 31/03/2023 Investigador/a Reacciones y Estructura nucleares: interacción eutrino-núcleo, Abundancias elementales del Cosmos, evolución Estelar y procesos Radiativos (RENACER) (P20_01247) Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Autonómico)
01/01/2018 30/09/2021 Investigador/a Estudios de Procesos de Dispersión Fuerte y Electrodébil con Núcleos a Energías Bajas e Intermedias (FIS2017-88410-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/09/2022 31/08/2026 Investigador/a EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science - EURO-LABS (4598/1176) European Commission (Europeo)
26/03/2013 31/03/2018 Investigador/a La Física Nuclear Fuera del Valle de Beta-Estabilidad: Sus Implicaciones en Astrofísica (P11-FQM-7632) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico)
01/01/2014 30/06/2016 Investigador/a Desarrollos en Teoría de Reacciones y Cálculos para la Interpretación de Experimentos con Núcleos Exóticos (FIS2013-41994-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/05/2021 31/03/2023 Investigador/a Super Exotic NUClear systems at the limit of stability: Core excitations in halo nuclei and fewnucleon emitters (SENUC) (101023609) Comisión Europea (Europeo)
01/09/2021 31/08/2025 Investigador/a Procesos de dispersión fuerte, electromagnética y débil con núcleos a energías bajas e intermedias (PID2020-114687GB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/01/2010 31/12/2013 Investigador/a Cálculos para la interpretación de experimentos de reacciones con núcleos exóticos (FPA2009-07653) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/01/2015 31/12/2018 Investigador/a El Núcleo Atómico más Allá de la Línea de Estabilidad y sus Implicaciones Astrofísicas (FIS2014-51941-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/01/2015 30/06/2018 Investigador/a Estructura de Núcleos, Moléculas y Hadrones y su Dinámica en Procesos de Dispersión Fuerte y Electrodébil (FIS2014-53448-C2-1-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/05/2021 31/03/2023 Contratado Super Exotic NUClear systems at the limit of stability: Core excitations in halo nuclei and fewnucleon emitters (SENUC) (101023609) Comisión Europea (Europeo)
01/09/2024 31/08/2027 Investigador/a Reacciones inducidas por interacciones Electrodébiles y Nucleares a energías bajas e intermedias (PID2023-146401NB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado