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Juan Antonio Caballero Carretero

Catedrático de Universidad
Área de conocimiento: Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Departamento: Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Grupo: FISICA NUCLEAR BASICA - FQM-160 (Universidad de Sevilla)
Instituto de Inv.: Carlos I

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2025 First Joint Oscillation Analysis of Super-Kamiokande Atmospheric and T2K Accelerator Neutrino Data PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Ponencia2024 (Work in Progress): Clustering-Based Characterization of Database Server Ransom Scams IX Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación En Ciberseguridad
Artículo2024 Combined Analysis of Neutrino and Antineutrino Charged Current Inclusive Interactions SYMMETRY-BASEL
Artículo2024 New model comparison for semi-inclusive charged-current electron and muon neutrino scattering by Ar40 in the energy range of the MicroBooNE experiment PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Ponencia2023 Analysis of T2K and MINERνA Semi-Inclusive νμ−12C Measurements NuFACT 2022
Artículo2023 First measurement of muon neutrino charged-current interactions on hydrocarbon without pions in the final state using multiple detectors with correlated energy spectra at T2K PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2023 Measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters from the T2K experiment using 3.6×1021 protons on target European Physical Journal C
Artículo2023 Measurements of the νμ and ν ¯ μ -induced coherent charged pion production cross sections on C 12 by the T2K experiment PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Ponencia2023 Neutral current quasielastic (anti)neutrino scattering beyond the Fermi gas model at MiniBooNE and BNL kinematics Proceedings of Science
Artículo2023 Superscaling in the resonance region for neutrino-nucleus scattering: The SuSAv2 dynamical coupled-channels model PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2023 Updated T2K measurements of muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance using 3.6 x 10 21 protons on target PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2023 Weak Neutrino (Antineutrino) Charged-Current Responses and Scaling for Nuclear Matter in the Relativistic Mean Field Universe
Artículo2022 Final state interactions in semi-inclusive neutrino-nucleus scattering: Applications to the T2K and MINERνA experiments PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Ponencia2022 Inelastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in the superscaling model Proceedings of Science
Artículo2022 Neutrino energy reconstruction from semi-inclusive samples PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2022 Semi-inclusive charged-current neutrino-nucleus reactions: Analysis of data in the Relativistic Plane-Wave Impulse Approximation Proceedings of Science
Artículo2022 SuSAv2 model for inelastic neutrino-nucleus scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2021 Neutrino-nucleus scattering in the SuSA model EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS
Artículo2021 Theoretical description of semi-inclusive T2K, MINERνA and MicroBooNE neutrino-nucleus data in the relativistic plane wave impulse approximation PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2020 Analysis of quasielastic (e,e′) electromagnetic responses and scaling for nuclear matter in the relativistic mean field model Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo2020 Constraints in modeling the quasielastic response in inclusive lepton-nucleus scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2020 Electron- versus neutrino-nucleus scattering JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS
Artículo2020 Nucleon momentum distribution extracted from the experimental scaling function Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo2020 Semi-inclusive charged-current neutrino-nucleus cross sections in the relativistic plane-wave impulse approximation PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2019 Analysis of the MINERvA antineutrino double-differential cross sections within the SuSAv2 model including meson-exchange currents PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Ponencia2019 Charged-current quasielastic (anti)neutrino cross sections on 12 C with realistic spectral functions including meson-exchange contributions 10TH JUBILEE CONFERENCE OF THE BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION
Artículo2019 Mean-field and two-body nuclear effects in inclusive electron scattering on argon, carbon, and titanium: The superscaling approach PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2019 Neutrino-oxygen CC0 pi scattering in the SuSAv2-MEC model JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS
Artículo2019 Realistic spectral function model for charged-current quasielastic-like neutrino and antineutrino scattering cross sections on C-12 PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2018 Asymmetric relativistic Fermi gas model for quasielastic lepton-nucleus scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2018 Charged-current quasielastic (anti)neutrino cross sections on 12C with realistic spectral functions including meson-exchange contributions Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2018
Ponencia2018 Nuclear effects in (anti)neutrino charge-current quasielastic scattering at MINER nu A kinematics XXII INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, NEUTRON PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS
Ponencia2018 Nuclear effects in (anti)neutrino charged-current quasielastic scattering at minerva kinematics Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement
Artículo2018 Two-nucleon emission in neutrino and electron scattering from nuclei: The modified convolution approximation ANNALS OF PHYSICS
Artículo2017 Density dependence of 2p-2h meson-exchange currents PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2017 Meson-exchange currents and quasielastic predictions for neutrino-nucleus scattering Proceedings of Science
Artículo2017 Relativistic model of 2p-2h meson exchange currents in (anti) neutrino scattering JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS
Artículo2017 The frozen nucleon approximation in two-particle two-hole response functions PHYSICS LETTERS B
Ponencia2016 Ayudante: Identifying Undesired Variable Interactions (Abstract) Actas de la jornadas nacionales de investigación en ciberseguridad: Granada, 15, 16 y 17 de Junio de 2016
Ponencia2016 Charged-Current Inclusive Neutrino Cross Sections in the SuperScaling Model 9TH INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS CONFERENCE OF THE BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION (BPU-9)
Artículo2016 Charged-current inclusive neutrino cross sections in the superscaling model including quasielastic, pion production and meson-exchange contributions JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS
Artículo2016 Charged-current neutrino-nucleus reactions within the superscaling meson-exchange current approach PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Libro2016 El espín, Pauli: los electrones bailan El espín, Pauli: los electrones bailan
Artículo2016 Emission of neutron-proton and proton-proton pairs in electron scattering induced by meson-exchange currents PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2016 Emission of neutron-proton and proton-proton pairs in neutrino scattering PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2016 Inclusive electron scattering within the SuSAv2 meson-exchange current approach PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Libro2016 La antimateria, Dirac: el reflejo oscuro de la materia La antimateria, Dirac: el reflejo oscuro de la materia
Ponencia2016 Relativistic Modeling of Inclusive Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the SuperScaling Approach RÁBIDA 2015: Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments and Applications
Ponencia2015 Charge-current and neutral-current quasielastic neutrino(antineutrino) scattering on 12C with realistic spectral and scaling functions Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2015
Ponencia2015 Charged-current inclusive neutrino cross sections: Superscaling extension to the pion production and realistic spectral function for quasielastic region Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2015
Artículo2015 Estimate of the theoretical uncertainty of the cross sections for nucleon knockout in neutral-current neutrino-oxygen interactions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2015 Evaluation of theoretical uncertainties in parity-violating electron scattering from nucleons and nuclei JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS
Libro2015 Los neutrinos: las partículas elementales que todo lo atraviesan Los neutrinos: las partículas elementales que todo lo atraviesan
Artículo2015 Meson-exchange currents and quasielastic predictions for charged-current neutrino-C-12 scattering in the superscaling approach PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2015 Neutral current quasielastic (anti)neutrino scattering beyond the Fermi gas model at MiniBooNE and BNL kinematics PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Corrección2015 Nuclear effects in neutrino and antineutrino charged-current quasielastic scattering at MINERvA kinematics (vol 89, 093002, 2014) PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2015 Parity violation and dynamical relativistic effects in (e,e'N) reactions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2015 Parity violation in quasielastic electron-nucleus scattering within the relativistic impulse approximation PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2015 Relativistic description of meson-exchange currents and SuperScaling predictions in charged-current neutrino reactions Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Future Neutrino Facilities, NuFact 2015
Ponencia2015 Superscaling in electron-nucleus scattering and its link to CC and NC QE neutrino-nucleus scattering NUINT12: 8TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION
Artículo2014 Angular distribution in two-particle emission induced by neutrinos and electrons PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2014 Charged-current quasielastic neutrino scattering cross sections on C-12 with realistic spectral and scaling functions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2014 Extensions of superscaling from relativistic mean field theory: The SuSAv2 model PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2014 Global analysis of parity-violating asymmetry data for elastic electron scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2014 Nuclear effects in neutrino and antineutrino charged-current quasielastic scattering at MINER nu A kinematics PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2014 Relativistic effects in two-particle emission for electron and neutrino reactions PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2013 Neutral current (anti)neutrino scattering: Relativistic mean field and superscaling predictions PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2013 Neutrino and antineutrino CCQE scattering in the SuperScaling Approximation from MiniBooNE to NOMAD energies PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2013 Off-shell effects in the relativistic mean field model and their role in CC (anti)neutrino scattering at MiniBooNE kinematics PHYSICS LETTERS B
Revisión2013 Parity violation in elastic electron-nucleon scattering: Strangeness content in the nucleon PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS
Editorial2013 Preface: La Rábida 2012 international scientific meeting on nuclear physics AIP Conference Proceedings
Artículo2013 Relativistic description of final-state interactions in neutral-current neutrino and antineutrino cross sections PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2012 Meson-Exchange Currents and Quasielastic Antineutrino Cross Sections in the Superscaling Approximation PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Ponencia2012 Relativistic Models for Quasi-Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering 19TH PARTICLES AND NUCLEI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (PANIC11)
Ponencia2012 Scaling ideas in neutrino scattering reactions: application to the MiniBooNE experiment XIX INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, NEUTRON PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS (VARNA 2011)
Artículo2012 Superscaling predictions for neutrino-induced charged-current charged pion production at MiniBooNE PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2011 Meson-exchange currents and quasielastic neutrino cross sections in the superscaling approximation model PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2011 Relativistic analyses of quasielastic neutrino cross sections at MiniBooNE kinematics PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo2011 Relativistic Descriptions of Final-State Interactions in Charged-Current Quasielastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering at MiniBooNE Kinematics PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo2011 Relativistic descriptions of quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus scattering: Application to scaling and superscaling ideas PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2011 Scaling function, spectral function, and nucleon momentum distribution in nuclei PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2011 Superscaling predictions for NC and CC quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering 12TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO FACTORIES, SUPERBEAMS, AND BETABEAMS (NUFACT)
Artículo2011 The electron-ion scattering experiment ELISe at the International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR)-A conceptual design study NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT
Editorial2010 La Rabida 2009 International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics - Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments, and Applications: Preface AIP Conference Proceedings
Artículo2010 Meson-exchange currents and final-state interactions in quasielastic electron scattering at high momentum transfers PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2010 Pionic correlations and meson-exchange currents in two-particle emission induced by electron scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2010 Scaling function and nucleon momentum distribution PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2010 Superscaling analyses, lepton scattering and nucleon momentum distributions in nuclei CERN-Proceedings
Artículo2010 Superscaling analysis of the Coulomb sum rule in quasielastic electron-nucleus scattering PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2009 Longitudinal and transverse scaling functions within the coherent density fluctuation model PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2009 Neutrino interactions importance for nuclear physics SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION
Ponencia2009 Nuclear effects in electron reactions and their impact on neutrino processes SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION
Artículo2009 Overview of neutrino-nucleus interactions ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B
Ponencia2009 Overview of neutrino-nucleus quasielastic scattering SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION
Artículo2009 Relativistic descriptions of inclusive quasielastic electron scattering: Application to scaling and superscaling ideas PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2009 Relativistic models for electron and neutrino-nucleus scattering SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION
Artículo2009 Superscaling of non-quasielastic electron-nucleus scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2008 Final-state interactions in the superscaling analysis of neutral-current quasielastic neutrino scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2008 Superscaling and charge-changing neutrino scattering from nuclei in the Delta region beyond the relativistic Fermi gas model PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2008 Superscaling predictions for neutral current quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo2007 Final-state interactions and superscaling in the semi-relativistic approach to quasielastic electron and neutrino scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2007 Gaw - An imaging atmospheric čerenkov telescope with large field of view Frascati Physics Series
Ponencia2007 GAW- An imaging atmospheric Čerenkov telescope with large field of view Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2007
Artículo2007 Quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo2007 Scaling and isospin effects in quasielastic lepton-nucleus scattering in the relativistic mean field approach PHYSICS LETTERS B
Ponencia2007 Superscaling analyses of inclusive electron scattering and their extension to charge-changing neutrino cross sections in nuclei SIX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION
Artículo2007 Superscaling and neutral current quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scattering beyond the relativistic Fermi gas model PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2006 General study of superscaling in quasielastic (e, e ') and (v, mu) reactions using the relativistic impulse approximation PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2006 Superscaling analysis of inclusive electron scattering and its extension to charge-changing neutrino-nucleus cross sections beyond the relativistic Fermi gas approach PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2006 Superscaling and charge-changing neutrino cross sections NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS
Artículo2006 Superscaling and neutral current quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2005 Final state interaction effects in neutrino-nucleus quasielastic scattering NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS
Artículo2005 Final-state interaction and recoil polarization in (e, e ' p) reactions: comparison with the polarized target case Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo2005 Nuclear transparencies in relativistic A(e, e′p) models Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo2005 Semirelativistic description of quasielastic neutrino reactions and superscaling in a continuum shell model PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2005 Skewed recoil polarization in (e, e ' p) reactions from polarized nuclei ANNALS OF PHYSICS
Artículo2005 Superscaling in charged current neutrino quasielastic scattering in the relativistic impulse approximation PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo2005 Uncorrelated scattering approximation revisited Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo2005 Using electron scattering superscaling to predict charge-changing neutrino cross sections in nuclei PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2004 A((e)over-right-arrow,e '(p)over-right-arrow)B responses: From bare nucleons to complex nuclei PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2004 Analysis of polarized /sup 16/o(e,e'p) observables within the relativistic distorted wave impulse approximation PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2004 Induced nucleon polarization and meson-exchange currents in (e,e(')p) reactions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2004 Inelastic electron-nucleus scattering and scaling at high inelasticity PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2004 Nuclear transparencies in relativistic A(e, e ' p) models PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo2003 Delta-isobar relativistic meson exchange currents in quasielastic electron scattering Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo2003 Meson-exchange currents in (e,e ' p) recoil polarization observables PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2003 Nuclear model effects in charged-current neutrino-nucleus quasielastic scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia2003 Relativity in polarized electron scattering observables NUCLEAR DYNAMICS: FROM QUARKS TO NUCLEI
Artículo2003 Semirelativistic meson-exchange currents in (e,e(')) and (e,e(')p) reactions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Revisión2002 Gauge and Lorentz invariant one-pion exchange currents in electron scattering from a relativistic Fermi gas PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2002 Kinematical relativistic effects in ((e)over-right-arrow, e ' (N)over-right-arrow) reactions Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo2002 Momentum distribution of relativistic nuclei with Hartree-Fock mesonic correlations EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2002 Relativistic pionic effects in quasielastic electron scattering Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo2002 RPWIA analysis of dynamical relativistic contributions in O-16((e)over-right-arrow, e '(p)over-right-arrow) reactions Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Ponencia2002 Signatures of relativistic nuclear dynamics in (e,e ' p) reactions NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY
Artículo2001 Relativistic mean field approximation to the analysis of O-16(e,e ' p) N-15 data at vertical bar Q(2)vertical bar <= 0.4 (GeV/c)(2) PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo2001 Role of relativity in electron scattering: kinematical versus dynamical effects Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo2001 The uncorrelated scattering approximation for the scattering of weakly bound systems Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo2001 Uncorrelated scattering approximation for the scattering and breakup of weakly bound nuclei on heavy targets Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1999 Analysis of meson exchange and isobar currents in (e,e ' p) reactions from O-16 PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia1999 Quasielastic scattering from relativistic bound nucleons: R-TL response EXPERIMENTAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN EUROPE
Artículo1999 Quasielastic scattering from relativistic bound nucleons: Transverse-longitudinal response PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Ponencia1999 Relativistic analysis of (e, e ' p) reactions at high and low p PROCEEDINGS OF THE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND RELATED AREAS
Artículo1999 Relativistic effects in electromagnetic nuclear responses in the quasi-elastic delta region Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1999 Strange form factors of the proton: a new analysis of the v ((v)over-bar) data of the BNL-734 experiment Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1998 Analysis of factorization in (e,e ' p) reactions: A survey of the relativistic plane wave impulse approximation Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1998 Relativistic current densities for bound spin-orbit partners and the longitudinal-transverse response in (e,e ' p) processes Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1998 Relativistic effects in electromagnetic meson-exchange currents for one-particle emission reactions Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1998 The ratio of p and n yields in NC nu((nu)over-bar) nucleus scattering and strange form factors of the nucleon PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo1997 Inelastic nu and (nu)over-bar scattering on nuclei and ''strangeness'' of the nucleon Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1996 Inclusive quasielastic scattering of polarized electrons from polarized nuclei Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1996 Parity violation in quasielastic electron scattering from closed-shell nuclei Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1996 Relativistic analysis of the Pb-208(e,e'p)Tl-207 reaction at high momentum PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo1995 Effects of relativistic optical potentials in (E,E'P) Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
Artículo1995 Probing deformed orbitals with a(e,e'n)b reactions Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1995 Relativistic versus nonrelativistic optical potentials in a(e, e'p)b reactions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo1995 Spin-dependent momentum distributions in deformed-nuclei ANNALS OF PHYSICS
Artículo1994 Polarized spectral-function of deformed-nuclei - modeling the reaction (ne)over-right-arrow-21 ((e)over-right-arrow, e'n)ne-20 Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1993 Scattering of polarized electrons from polarized targets - coincidence reactions and prescriptions for polarized half-off-shell single-nucleon cross-sections Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1993 Spectroscopic factors in ca-40 and pb-208 from (e,e'p) - fully relativistic analysis PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo1993 The (e,e'p) reaction on nd-142 and nd-146 - a search for deformation effects Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1991 Comparison of the Nilsson and Skyrme hartree-fock results for the properties of highly deformed states in nuclei ANNALS OF PHYSICS
Artículo1991 Momentum distributions from deformed Hartree-Fock calculations Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1990 Momentum distributions in axially-symmetric deformed-nuclei - The Nilsson model Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo1990 Variable volume parameters for the radii and kinetic energies of superdeformed states PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo1988 Effects of nuclear-deformation in quasi-elastic electron-scattering Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Ponencia1987 Distribución de momentos en núcleos deformados XXI Reunión bienal de la Real Sociedad española de Física: programa, Salamanca 4 al 10 de octubre, 1987
Ponencia1987 El modo de tijeras en isótopos de Ti y Ne XXI Reunión bienal de la Real Sociedad española de Física: programa, Salamanca 4 al 10 de octubre, 1987
Artículo1987 Momentum distributions in deformed-nuclei JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE
Artículo1987 Transmission coefficients in anharmonic symmetrical potentials JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/09/2021 31/08/2025 Responsable Procesos de dispersión fuerte, electromagnética y débil con núcleos a energías bajas e intermedias (PID2020-114687GB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/01/2012 31/12/2015 Responsable Física con Sistemas de Fermiones Correlacionados: Estudios en Física Nuclear y Extensión a Otros Campos (FIS2011-28738-C02-01) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
15/12/2009 01/11/2011 Responsable Dinámica relativista en dispersión de electrones y neutrinos por núcleos (ACI2009-1053) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
30/12/2010 30/04/2012 Responsable Dinámica relativista en dispersión de electrones y neutrinos (AIC10-D-000571) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/11/2011 30/06/2013 Responsable Dinámica relativista en dispersión de electrones y neutrinos (AIC-D-2011-0704) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/01/2015 30/06/2018 Responsable Estructura de Núcleos, Moléculas y Hadrones y su Dinámica en Procesos de Dispersión Fuerte y Electrodébil (FIS2014-53448-C2-1-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/01/2018 30/09/2021 Responsable Estudios de Procesos de Dispersión Fuerte y Electrodébil con Núcleos a Energías Bajas e Intermedias (FIS2017-88410-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/01/2009 31/03/2012 Investigador/a Sistemas de fermiones fuertemente correlacionados: estructura, dispersión y aplicaciones (FIS2008-04189) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
05/10/2021 31/03/2023 Investigador/a Reacciones y Estructura nucleares: interacción eutrino-núcleo, Abundancias elementales del Cosmos, evolución Estelar y procesos Radiativos (RENACER) (P20_01247) Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Autonómico)
01/01/2011 31/12/2012 Responsable Descripción relativista de núcleos y procesos de dispersión leptón-núcleo (AIC10-D-000567) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/12/2011 01/12/2012 Responsable Descripción relativista de núcleos y procesos de dispersión leptón-núcleo (AIC-D-2011-0707) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/09/2019 31/08/2022 Responsable NEUTrino OscillatioN analysis at T2K and SuperKamiokkande experiments: Can neutrinos explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe? NEUTON (H2020-839481) Comisión Europea (Europeo)
26/03/2013 31/03/2018 Investigador/a La Física Nuclear Fuera del Valle de Beta-Estabilidad: Sus Implicaciones en Astrofísica (P11-FQM-7632) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico)
31/12/2005 30/06/2007 Investigador/a Dispersión de núcleos exóticos (FPA2005-04460) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
31/12/2005 31/12/2008 Investigador/a Teorías de muchos cuerpos para sistemas de fermiones fuertemente correlacionados (FIS2005-01105) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
10/11/2006 10/11/2007 Investigador/a Jornadas de Difusión Científica. QUIFIMAT2006 (CCT006-06-00146) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
31/01/2008 31/12/2012 Investigador/a Núcleos en el Límite de la Estabilidad en el Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (P07-FQM-02894) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico)
13/06/2008 31/12/2008 Investigador/a Jornadas de difusión científica. Quifimat2008 (FCT-08-0456) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
01/10/2006 30/03/2010 Investigador/a Dispersión, estructura y trancking para núcleos exóticos (FPA2006-13807-C02-01) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
01/10/2002 30/03/2006 Investigador/a Teorías de muchos cuerpos para sistemas de fermiones correlacionados (BFM2002-03315) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
01/10/2002 30/09/2005 Investigador/a Dispersión y estructura de núcleos exóticos (FPA2002-04181-C04-04) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
01/09/2024 31/08/2027 Investigador/a Reacciones inducidas por interacciones Electrodébiles y Nucleares a energías bajas e intermedias (PID2023-146401NB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
26/05/2005 31/12/2006 Responsable Dinámica relativista en dispersión de electrones y neutrinos (INFN2004-002) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
28/01/2009 31/03/2010 Investigador/a Encuentro científico internacional "Conceptos fundamentales en la física nuclear: teoría, experimentos y aplicaciones (FIS2008-04711-E) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
08/09/2012 13/09/2012 Investigador/a Encuentro Internacional en Física Nuclear, La Rábida 2012 (CPAN11-ESCU04) CPAN Ingenio 2010 (Nacional)
01/01/2004 30/12/2005 Investigador/a Métodos Teóricos para la dispersión de núcleos débilmente ligados (HP2003-0121) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
30/06/2004 30/06/2005 Responsable Dinámica Relativista en dispersión de electrones y neutrinos (INFN-2003-03) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
01/07/2007 31/08/2008 Responsable Dinámica relativista en dispersión de electrones y neutrinos (INFN07-12) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
01/07/2008 30/11/2009 Responsable Dinámica relativista en dispersión de electrones y neutrinos (INFN08-20) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
01/09/2007 31/12/2010 Responsable El fenómeno de scaling en dispersión leptón-núcleo. Distribución de momentos en núcleos y estudios de reacciones con núcleos exóticos (PCI2006-A7-0548) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Internacional)
01/11/2009 01/12/2010 Responsable Dinámica relativista en dispersión de electrones y neutrinos (FPA2008-03770-E) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
01/09/2009 31/12/2011 Investigador/a Reacciones nucleares a energías relativistas. Regimenes regular, irregular e intermedio (FPA2008-05281-E) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
30/12/2008 30/04/2009 Investigador/a Jornadas de difusión científica. QUIFIMAT2008 (OTRI/08-OE22) Universidad de Sevilla (Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación) (Local)
31/10/2007 31/12/2007 Investigador/a Jornadas de difusión científica QUIFIMAT 2007 (OTRI/06-OE08) Universidad de Sevilla(Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación) (Local)
12/09/2007 31/12/2007 Investigador/a Física: progreso e innovación (CCT005-07-00178) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado