Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Maria Victoria Barbado Gonzalez

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2021 Delayed administration of ixazomib modifies the immune response and prevents chronic graft-versus-host disease. BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION
Artículo2020 Polyphenolic extract (PE) from olive oil exerts a potent immunomodulatory effect and prevents graft-versus-host disease in a mouse model BIOLOGY OF BLOOD AND MARROW TRANSPLANTATION
Resumen congreso2018 Pre-clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of ixazomib as a prophylaxis of sickness disease against guest (chronic eich) in a murine model HAEMATOLOGICA
Resumen congreso2018 Pre-Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of Delayed Administration of Ixazomib in the Prophylaxis of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease BLOOD
Artículo2017 Cannabinoid derivatives exert a potent anti-myeloma activity both in vitro and in vivo INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER
Resumen congreso2017 Cannabinoids derivatives modify the pattern of sphingolipids in acute myeloid leukemia cells and produce a potent anti-leukemic effect HAEMATOLOGICA
Resumen congreso2017 Immunomodulatory effect of polyphenols obtained from olive oil in acute graft versus host disease BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION
Resumen congreso2016 Cannabinoids Derivatives Exert a Potent Antileukemic Effect By Modifying the Pattern of Membrane Sphingolipids BLOOD
Artículo2015 Myelomatous plasma cells display an aberrant gene expression pattern similar to that observed in normal memory B cells American Journal of Cancer Research
Artículo2015 The CD27(+) memory B cells display changes in the gene expression pattern in elderly individuals IMMUNOLOGY
Resumen congreso2014 Cannabinoids As Antimyeloma Agents: a New Approach for the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma BLOOD
Artículo2014 Gene and miRNA Expression Profiles of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells Vary Depending on Their Origin BIOLOGY OF BLOOD AND MARROW TRANSPLANTATION
Artículo2014 Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor produces long-term changes in gene and microRNA expression profiles in CD34(+) cells from healthy donors HAEMATOLOGICA
Resumen congreso2013 Memory B Cells Display Changes In The Expression Pattern Of Genes Related To Cell Survival In Elderly Individuals BLOOD
Resumen congreso2013 Myelomatous Plasma Cells Display An Intermediate Gene Expression Pattern Between a Normal Plasma Cell and a Memory B Cell BLOOD
Resumen congreso2012 Mirnas and Gene Expression Profiles in CD34+Cells Are Dependent On the Source of Progenitor Cells Employed in Transplantation. BLOOD
Artículo2011 Identification of Potential Biomarkers for Giant Cell Tumor of Bone Using Comparative Proteomics Analysis AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY
Artículo2010 Both CD133+ cells and monocytes provide significant improvement for hindlimb ischemia, although they do not transdifferentiate into endothelial cells Cell Transplantation
Artículo2010 Isolation and Characterization of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells From Human Degenerated Nucleus Pulposus Comparison With Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells From the Same Subjects SPINE
Revisión2010 The Clinical Relevance of Molecular Genetics in Soft Tissue Sarcomas Advances in Anatomic Pathology
Artículo2009 Both expanded and uncultured mesenchymal stem cells from MDS patients are genomically abnormal, showing a specific genetic profile for the 5q-syndrome LEUKEMIA
Artículo2009 Multiparametric comparison of mesenchymal stromal cells obtained from trabecular bone by using a novel isolation method with those obtained by iliac crest aspiration from the same subjects CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH
Artículo2008 Optimization of mesenchymal stem cell expansion procedures by cell separation and culture conditions modification EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY
Artículo2007 Changes in the serotonergic system in the main olfactory bulb of rats unilaterally deprived from birth to adulthood JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY
Artículo2006 Differential effects of unilateral olfactory deprivation on noradrenergic and cholinergic systems in the main olfactory bulb of the rat NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2005 Heterogeneous targeting of centrifugal inputs to the glomerular layer of the main olfactory bulb JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY
Artículo2002 Changes in immunoreactivity to calcium-binding proteins in the anterior olfactory nucleus of the rat after neonatal olfactory deprivation EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY
Artículo2001 Volumetric changes in the anterior olfactory nucleus of the rat after neonatal olfactory deprivation EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY
Artículo1999 A standardized model for the anatomical division of the rodent olfactory bulb European Journal Of Anatomy
El investigador no tiene ningún proyecto asociado.


Nº Solicitud Fecha Solicitud Fecha Concesión Nombre
P201630539 27/04/2016 04/09/2018 Derivados del indazol para el tratamiento del gammapatías monoclonales