Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

M. Stella Redon Calvillo

Talento Doctores (PID Junta Andalucía)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Phylogenetic Relationships of Avian Cestodes from Brine Shrimp and Congruence with Larval Morphology Animals
Artículo2023 Seed size, not dispersal syndrome, determines potential for spread of ricefield weeds by gulls Plants
Artículo2022 Phenotypic but no genetic adaptation in zooplankton 24 years after an abrupt +10°C climate change Evolution Letters
Artículo2021 Explaining variation in abundance and species diversity of avian cestodes in brine shrimps in the salar de atacama and other chilean wetlands WATER
Artículo2020 Exploring parasites in extreme environments of high conservational importance:Artemia franciscana(Crustacea: Branchiopoda) as intermediate host of avian cestodes in Andean hypersaline lagoons from Salar de Atacama, Chile PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2019 Andean hypersaline lakes in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile: between lithium exploitation and unique biodiversity conservation CONSERVATION SCIENCE AND PRACTICE
Artículo2019 First report of cestode infection in the crustacean Artemia persimilis from Southern Chilean Patagonia and its relation with the Neotropical aquatic birds PEERJ
Capítulo2019 Hypersaline Lagoons from Chile, the Southern Edge of the World Lagoon Environments Around the World - A Scientific Perspective
Artículo2017 El último despertar de "Artemia": crónica de una extinción anunciada Quercus
Artículo2015 Aquatic pollution may favor the success of the invasive species A-franciscana AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY
Artículo2015 Comparing cestode infections and their consequences for host fitness in two sexual branchiopods: alien Artemia franciscana and native A. salina from syntopic-populations PEERJ
Artículo2015 Helminth parasites of artemia franciscana (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in the Great Salt Lake, Utah: First data from the native range of this invader of European wetlands FOLIA PARASITOLOGICA
Artículo2015 Influence of developmental stage and sex on infection of the American brine shrimp Artemia franciscana Kellogg, 1906 by avian cestodes in Ebro Delta salterns, Spain AQUATIC INVASIONS
Revisión2012 A revision of Artemia biodiversity in Macaronesia Aquatic Biosystems
Artículo2012 Differential susceptibility to parasites of invasive and native species of Artemia living in sympatry: consequences for the invasion of A. franciscana in the Mediterranean region BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS
Artículo2011 Participation of metanauplii and juvenile individuals of Artemia parthenogenetica (Branchiopoda) in the circulation of avian cestodes PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2009 Records of cysticercoids of Fimbriarioides tadornae Maksimova, 1976 and Branchiopodataenia gvozdevi (Maksimova, 1988) (Cyclophyllidea, Hymenolepididae) from brine shrimps at the Mediterranean coasts of Spain and France, with a key to cestodes from Artemia spp. from the Western Mediterranean ACTA PARASITOLOGICA

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