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Hugo Viciana Asensio

Emergia (Posdoct. J.A.)
Área de conocimiento: Filosofía
Departamento: Filosofía y Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia
Grupo: Sin grupo

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Accordance and conflict between religious and scientific precautions against COVID-19 in 27 societies Religion, Brain & Behavior
Artículo2024 Scientifically Together, Politically Apart? SCIENCE & EDUCATION
posted-content2023 Accordance and conflict between religious and scientific precautions against COVID-19 in 27 societies
Libro2023 Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy
Artículo2023 Greater traditionalism predicts COVID-19 precautionary behaviors across 27 societies Scientific reports
Capítulo2023 The Experimental Turn in Moral and Political Philosophy Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy
Artículo2022 Merit is not meritorious everywhere: fairness in first and third party tasks among Kogi children Journal of Cognition and Culture
Artículo2021 Absolutely right and relatively good: consequentialists see bioethical disagreement in a relativist light. AJOB empirical bioethics
Artículo2021 Animal culture: but of which kind? STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE
Corrección2021 Correction to: Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy (Review of Philosophy and Psychology, (2021), 12, 1, (9-44), 10.1007/s13164-018-0400-9) REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2021 Estimating the reproducibility of experimental philosophy REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY
Corrección2021 Estimating the reproducibility of experimental philosophy (vol 12, pg 9, 2021) REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY
Libro2020 Una introducción a la ética experimental: problemas, enfoques y métodos Una introducción a la ética experimental: problemas, enfoques y métodos
Artículo2019 Hot utilitarianism and cold deontology: Insights from a response patterns approach to sacrificial and real world dilemmas SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2019 The dual nature of partisan prejudice: Morality and identity in a multiparty system PLOS ONE
Artículo2018 Cultural transmission and biological markets BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY
Artículo2018 Relativism of Distance - a Step in the Naturalization of Meta-Ethics ETHICAL THEORY AND MORAL PRACTICE
Artículo2018 The Perception of Spontaneous and Volitional Laughter Across 21 Societies PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE
Nota2018 To kill a bee: The aptness and moralistic heuristics of reactive attitudes BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES
Artículo2017 Cold Side-Effect Effect: Affect Does Not Mediate the Influence of Moral Considerations in Intentionality Judgments FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2017 Deliberación pública a lo silvestre Ludus Vitalis
Editorial2016 Credibility, credulity, and redistribution BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES
Artículo2016 Detecting affiliation in colaughter across 24 societies PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Corrección2016 Erratum: Detecting affiliation in colaughter across 24 societies (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2016) 113 (4682-4687)) PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Reseña2016 How Does Social Epidemiology Shape the Theory of Justice? A Review of Sridhar Venkatapuram Health Justice: An Argument from the Capabilities Approach. 1st ed. Cambridge / Malden, MA: Polity Pres, 2011 Dilemata: Revista Internacional de Ciencias Aplicadas
Ponencia2016 Is Williams’ Relativism of Distance a Truly Relativistic Position? SEFA 2016: Eighth Meeting of the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy
Capítulo2016 Supernatural beliefs and the evolution of cooperation The Oxford handbook of evolutionary psychology and religion
Artículo2014 The early rationality of trust and skepticism Ludus Vitalis
Capítulo2010 ¿Hacer de la necesidad virtud?: apuntes sobre las transformaciones de la Ética por el influjo de las ciencias empíricas Neurofilosofía: perspectivas contemporáneas
Artículo2009 Los desafíos del altruismo. A propósito de los precursores evolutivos de la moral Thémata: Revista de filosofía
Ponencia2009 The use of supernatural entities in moral conversations as a cultural-psychological attractor ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
Artículo2008 Modules for all seasons? Domain-specificity, ecological plasticity and culture Análisis Filosófico
Nota2007 The animal variations: When mechanisms matter in accounting for function BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES
Este investigador no ha dirigido/tutorizado tesis

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
25/02/2021 26/01/2023 Responsable Conceptos de conocimiento científico y controversias públicas: una aproximación desde la filosofía experimental (2021/LEONARDO HUGO VICIANA) Fundación BBVA (Nacional)
24/06/2022 30/09/2024 Responsable Introductory online course on the science and ethics of effective altruism and longtermism (2022-OPAF) Open Philanthropy Fund (Internacional)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado