Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Maria Dolores Hidalgo Galvez

Acceso Margarita Salas
Área de conocimiento: No existe área para esta sección.
Departamento: Sin Departamento Específico
Grupo: Sin grupo

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Impact of future scenarios of climate change on lignin dynamics in soil: A case study in a Mediterranean savannah SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2023 Impact of climate change on pasture quality in Mediterranean dehesas subjected to different grazing histories PLANT AND SOIL
Artículo2022 Can trees buffer the impact of climate change on pasture production and digestibility of Mediterranean dehesas? SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2022 Three years of warming and rainfall reduction alter leaf physiology but not relative abundance of an annual species in a Mediterranean savanna. JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
Artículo2022 Transgenerational responses to climate change in Mediterranean annual species with contrasting functional strategies ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY
Artículo2021 Direct and indirect effects of global change on mycorrhizal associations of savanna plant communities Oikos (Malden)
Artículo2021 Epigenetic responses of hare barley (Hordeum murinum subsp. leporinum) to climate change: an experimental, trait-based approach HEREDITY
Artículo2021 How will forecasted warming and drought affect soil respiration in savannah ecosystems? The role of tree canopy and grazing legacy AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
Artículo2020 Micro-climatic effects on plant phenolics at the community level in a Mediterranean savanna Scientific reports
Artículo2020 Phenological responses to climate change in communities of plants species with contrasting functional strategies ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY
Artículo2018 Phenological behaviour of early spring flowering trees in Spain in response to recent climate changes THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY

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