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Evaluation of clinical examination and preoperative imaging in patients with right iliac fossa pain and a medium or high risk score for appendicitis (RIFT-2)

Autoría grupal: RIFT Study Group on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative; Goméz Rosado, Juan Carlos (RIFT Study Group on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative)

Tipo: Artículo
Año de Publicación: 2024
Volumen: 1
Número: 2
Páginas: 46 - 54
Acceso abierto: Vía híbrida
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# Autoría grupal
1RIFT Study Group on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative
2Goméz Rosado, Juan Carlos (RIFT Study Group on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative)