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Comparison of inclusive and photon-tagged jet suppression in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with ATLAS

Aad, G ; Abbott, B; Abeling, K; Abicht, NJ; Abidi, SH; Aboulhorma, A; Abramowicz, H; Abreu, H; Abulaiti, Y; Acharya, BS; Bourdarios, CA; Adamczyk, L; Addepalli, SV; Addison, MJ; Adelman, J; Adiguzel, A; Adye, T; Affolder, AA; Afik, Y; Agaras, MN; Agarwala, J; Aggarwal, A; Agheorghiesei, C; Ahmad, A; Ahmadov, F; Ahmed, WS; Ahuja, S; Ai, X; Aielli, G; Aikot, A; Tamlihat, MA; Aitbenchikh, B; Aizenberg, I; Akbiyik, M; Åkesson, TPA; Akimov, AV; Akiyama, D; Akolkar, NN; Al Khoury, K; Alberghi, GL; Albert, J; Albicocco, P; Albouy, GL; Alderweireldt, S; Aleksa, M; Aleksandrov, IN; Alexa, C; Alexopoulos, T; Alfonsi, F; Algren, M; Alhroob, M; Ali, B; Ali, HMJ; Ali, S; Alibocus, SW; Aliev, M; Alimonti, G; Alkakhi, W; Allaire, C; Allbrooke, BMM; Allen, JF; Flores, CAA; Allport, PP; Aloisio, A; Alonso, F; Alpigiani, C; Estevez, MA; Fernandez, AA; Cardoso, MA; Alviggi, MG; Aly, M; Coutinho, YA; Ambler, A; Amelung, C; Amerl, M; Ames, CG; Amidei, D; Dos Santos, SPA; Amos, KR; Ananiev, V; Anastopoulos, C; Andeen, T; Anders, JK; Andrean, SY; Andreazza, A; Angelidakis, S; Angerami, A; Anisenkov, AV; Annovi, A; Antel, C; Anthony, MT; Antipov, E; Antonelli, M; Anulli, F; Aoki, M; Aoki, T; Pozo, JAA; Aparo, MA; Bella, LA; Appelt, C; Apyan, A; Aranzabal, N; Val, SJA; Arcangeletti, C; Arce, ATH; Arena, E; Arguin, JF; Argyropoulos, S; Arling, JH; Arnaez, O; Arnold, H; Artoni, G; Asada, H; Asai, K; Asai, S; Asbah, NA; Assahsah, J; Assamagan, K; Astalos, R; Atashi, S; Atkin, RJ; Atkinson, M; Atmani, H; Atmasiddha, PA; Augsten, K; Auricchio, S; Auriol, AD; Austrup, VA; Avolio, G; Axiotis, K; Azuelos, G; Babal, D; Bachacou, H; Bachas, K; Bachiu, A; Backman, F; Badea, A; Bagnaia, P; Bahmani, M; Bailey, AJ; Bailey, VR; Baines, JT; Baines, L; Baker, OK; Bakos, E; Gupta, DB; Balakrishnan, V; Balasubramanian, R; Baldin, EM; Balek, P; Ballabene, E; Balli, F; Baltes, LM; Balunas, WK; Balz, J; Banas, E; Bandieramonte, M; Bandyopadhyay, A; Bansal, S; Barak, L; Barakat, M; Barberio, EL; Barberis, D; Barbero, M; Barel, MZ; Barends, KN; Barillari, T; Barisits, MS; Barklow, T; Baron, P; Moreno, DAB; Baroncelli, A; Barone, G; Barr, AJ; Barr, JD; Navarro, LB; Barreiro, F; da Costa, JBG; Barron, U; Teixeira, MGB; Barsov, S; Bartels, F; Bartoldus, R; Barton, AE; Bartos, P; Basan, A; Baselga, M; Bassalat, A; Basso, MJ; Basson, CR; Bates, RL; Batlamous, S; Batley, JR; Batool, B; Battaglia, M; Battulga, D; Bauce, M; Bauer, M; Bauer, P; Hurrell, LTB; Beacham, JB; Beau, T; Beaucamp, JY; Beauchemin, PH; Becherer, F; Bechtle, P; Beck, HP; Becker, K; Beddall, AJ; Bednyakov, VA; Bee, CP; Beemster, LJ; Beermann, TA; Begalli, M; Begel, M; Behera, A; Behr, JK; Beirer, JF; Beisiegel, F; Belfkir, M; Bella, G; Bellagamba, L; Bellerive, A; Bellos, P; Beloborodov, K; Benchekroun, D; Bendebba, F; Benhammou, Y; Benoit, M; Bensinger, JR; Bentvelsen, S; Beresford, L; Beretta, M; Kuutmann, EB; Berger, N; Bergmann, B; Beringer, J; Bernardi, G; Bernius, C; Bernlochner, FU; Bernon, F; Guardia, AB; Berry, T; Berta, P; Berthold, A; Bertram, IA; Bethke, S; Betti, A; Bevan, AJ; Bhalla, NK; Bhamjee, M; Bhatta, S; Bhattacharya, DS; Bhattarai, P; Bhopatkar, VS; Bi, R; Bianchi, RM; Bianco, G; Biebel, O; Bielski, R; Biglietti, M; Billoud, TRV; Bindi, M; Bingul, A; Bini, C; Biondini, A; Birch-sykes, CJ; Bird, GA; Birman, M; Biros, M; Biryukov, S; Bisanz, T; Bisceglie, E; Biswal, JP; Biswas, D; Bitadze, A; Bjorke, K; Bloch, I; Blocker, C; Blue, A; Blumenschein, U; Blumenthal, J; Bobbink, GJ; Bobrovnikov, VS; Boehler, M; Boehm, B; Bogavac, D; Bogdanchikov, AG; Bohm, C; Boisvert, V; Bokan, P; Bold, T; Bomben, M; Bona, M; Boonekamp, M; Booth, CD; Borbély, AG; Bordulev, IS; Borecka-Bielska, HM; Borissov, G; Bortoletto, D; Boscherini, D; Bosman, M; Sola, JDB; Bouaouda, K; Bouchhar, N; Boudreau, J; Bouhova-Thacker, EV; Boumediene, D; Bouquet, R; Boveia, A; Boyd, J; Boye, D; Boyko, IR; Bracinik, J; Brahimi, N; Brandt, G; Brandt, O; Braren, F; Brau, B; Brau, JE; Brener, R; Brenner, L; Brenner, R; Bressler, S; Britton, D; Britzger, D; Brock, I; Brooijmans, G; Brooks, WK; Brost, E; Brown, LM; Bruce, LE; Bruckler, TL; de Renstrom, PAB; Brüers, B; Bruni, A; Bruni, G; Bruschi, M; Bruscino, N; Buanes, T; Buat, Q; Buchin, D; Buckley, AG; Bulekov, O; Bullard, BA; Burdin, S; Burgard, CD; Burger, AM; Burghgrave, B; Burlayenko, O; Burr, JTP; Burton, CD; Burzynski, JC; Busch, EL; Büscher, V; Bussey, PJ; Butler, JM; Buttar, CM; Butterworth, JM; Buttinger, W; Vazquez, CJB; Buzykaev, AR; Urbán, SC; Cadamuro, L; Caforio, D; Cai, H; Cai, Y; Cairo, VMM; Cakir, O; Calace, N; Calafiura, P; Calderini, G; Calfayan, P; Callea, G; Caloba, LP; Calvet, D; Calvet, S; Calvet, TP; Calvetti, M; Toro, RC; Camarda, S; Munoz, DC; Camarri, P; Camerlingo, MT; Cameron, D; Camincher, C; Campanelli, M; Camplani, A; Canale, V; Canesse, A; Cantero, J; Cao, Y; Capocasa, F; Capua, M; Carbone, A; Cardarelli, R; Cardenas, JCJ; Cardillo, F; Carducci, G; Carli, T; Carlino, G; Carlotto, JI; Carlson, BT; Carlson, EM; Carminati, L; Carnelli, A; Carnesale, M; Caron, S; Carquin, E; Carrá, S; Carratta, G; Argos, FC; Carter, JWS; Carter, TM; Casado, MP; Caspar, M; Castillo, FL; Garcia, LC; Gimenez, VC; Castro, NF; Catinaccio, A; Catmore, JR; Cavaliere, V; Cavalli, N; Cavasinni, V; Cekmecelioglu, YC; Celebi, E; Celli, F; Centonze, MS; Cepaitis, V; Cerny, K; Cerqueira, AS; Cerri, A; Cerrito, L; Cerutti, F; Cervato, B; Cervelli, A; Cesarini, G; Cetin, SA; Chadi, Z; Chakraborty, D; Chan, J; Chan, WY; Chapman, JD; Chapon, E; Chargeishvili, B; Charlton, DG; Charman, TP; Chatterjee, M; Chauhan, C; Chekanov, S; Chekulaev, SV; Chelkov, GA; Chen, A; Chen, B; Chen, H; Chen, J; Chen, M; Chen, S; Chen, SJ; Chen, X; Chen, Y; Cheng, CL; Cheng, HC; Cheong, S; Cheplakov, A; Cheremushkina, E; Cherepanova, E; El Moursli, RC; Cheu, E; Cheung, K; Chevalier, L; Chiarella, V; Chiarelli, G; Chiedde, N; Chiodini, G; Chisholm, AS; Chitan, A; Chitishvili, M; Chizhov, MV; Choi, K; Chomont, AR; Chou, Y; Chow, EYS; Chowdhury, T; Chu, KL; Chu, MC; Chu, X; Chudoba, J; Chwastowski, JJ; Cieri, D; Ciesla, KM; Cindro, V; Ciocio, A; Cirotto, F; Citron, ZH; Citterio, M; Ciubotaru, DA; Ciungu, BM; Clark, A; Clark, PJ; Clarry, C; Columbie, JMC; Clawson, SE; Clement, C; Clercx, J; Clissa, L; Coadou, Y; Cobal, M; Coccaro, A; Barrue, RFC; De Sa, RCL; Coelli, S; Cohen, H; Coimbra, AEC; Cole, B; Collot, J; Muiño, PC; Connell, MP; Connell, SH; Connelly, IA; Conroy, EI; Conventi, F; Cooke, HG; Cooper-Sarkar, AM; Choi, ACO; Corpe, LD; Corradi, M; Corriveau, F; Cortes-Gonzalez, A; Costa, MJ; Costanza, F; Costanzo, D; Cote, BM; Cowan, G; Cranmer, K; Cremonini, D; Crépé-Renaudin, S; Crescioli, F; Cristinziani, M; Cristoforetti, M; Croft, V; Crosby, JE; Crosetti, G; Cueto, A; Donszelmann, TC; Cui, H; Cui, Z; Cunningham, WR; Curcio, F; Czodrowski, P; Czurylo, MM; De Sousa, MJDS; Pinto, JVD; Da Via, C; Dabrowski, W; Dado, T; Dahbi, S; Dai, T; Dal Santo, D; Dallapiccola, C; Dam, M; D'amen, G; D'Amico, V; Damp, J; Dandoy, JR; Daneri, MF; Danninger, M; Dao, V; Darbo, G; Darmora, S; Das, SJ; D'Auria, S; David, C; Davidek, T; Davis-Purcell, B; Dawson, I; Day-hall, HA; De, K; De Asmundis, R; De Biase, N; De Castro, S; De Groot, N; de Jong, P; De la Torre, H; De Maria, A; De Salvo, A; De Sanctis, U; De Santo, A; De Regie, JBD; Dedovich, DV; Degens, J; Deiana, AM; Del Corso, F; Del Peso, J; Del Rio, F; Deliot, F; Delitzsch, CM; Della Pietra, M; Della Volpe, D; Dell'Acqua, A; Dell'Asta, L; Delmastro, M; Delsart, PA; Demers, S; Demichev, M; Denisov, SP; D'Eramo, L; Derendarz, D; Derue, F; Dervan, P; Desch, K; Deutsch, C; Di Bello, FA; Di Ciaccio, A; Di Ciaccio, L; Di Domenico, A; Di Donato, C; Di Girolamo, A; Di Gregorio, G; Di Luca, A; Di Micco, B; Di Nardo, R; Diaconu, C; Diamantopoulou, M; Dias, FA; Do Vale, TD; Diaz, MA; Capriles, FGD; Didenko, M; Diehl, EB; Diehl, L; Cornell, SD; Pardos, CD; Dimitriadi, C; Dimitrievska, A; Dingfelder, J; Dinu, IM; Dittmeier, SJ; Dittus, F; Djama, F; Djobava, T; Djuvsland, JI; Doglioni, C; Dohnalova, A; Dolejsi, J; Dolezal, Z; Dona, KM; Donadelli, M; Dong, B; Donini, J; D'Onofrio, A; D'Onofrio, M; Dopke, J; Doria, A; Fernandes, ND; Dougan, P; Dova, MT; Doyle, AT; Draguet, MA; Dreyer, E; Drivas-koulouris, I; Drnevich, M; Drobac, AS; Drozdova, M; Du, D; du Pree, TA; Dubinin, F; Dubovsky, M; Duchovni, E; Duckeck, G; Ducu, OA; Duda, D; Dudarev, A; Duden, ER; D'uffizi, M; Duflot, L; Dührssen, M; Dülsen, C; Dumitriu, AE; Dunford, M; Dungs, S; Dunne, K; Duperrin, A; Yildiz, HD; Düren, M; Durglishvili, A; Dwyer, BL; Dyckes, GI; Dyndal, M; Dziedzic, BS; Earnshaw, ZO; Eberwein, GH; Eckerova, B; Eggebrecht, S; De Souza, EEP; Ehrke, LF; Eigen, G; Einsweiler, K; Ekelof, T; Ekman, PA; El Farkh, S; El Ghazali, Y; El Jarrari, H; El Moussaouy, A; Ellajosyula, V; Ellert, M; Ellinghaus, F; Ellis, N; Elmsheuser, J; Elsing, M; Emeliyanov, D; Enari, Y; Ene, I; Epari, S; Erdmann, J; Erland, PA; Errenst, M; Escalier, M; Escobar, C; Etzion, E; Evans, G; Evans, H; Evans, LS; Evans, MO; Ezhilov, A; Ezzarqtouni, S; Fabbri, F; Fabbri, L; Facini, G; Fadeyev, V; Fakhrutdinov, RM; Falciano, S; Coelho, LFFU; Falke, PJ; Faltova, J; Fan, C; Fan, Y; Fang, Y; Fanti, M; Faraj, M; Farazpay, Z; Farbin, A; Farilla, A; Farooque, T; Farrington, SM; Fassi, F; Fassouliotis, D; Giannelli, MF; Fawcett, WJ; Fayard, L; Federic, P; Federicova, P; Fedin, OL; Fedotov, G; Feickert, M; Feligioni, L; Fellers, DE; Feng, C; Feng, M; Feng, Z; Fenton, MJ; Fenyuk, AB; Ferencz, L; Ferguson, RAM; Luengo, SIF; Martinez, PF; Fernoux, MJV; Ferrando, J; Ferrari, A; Ferrari, P; Ferrari, R; Ferrere, D; Ferretti, C; Fiedler, F; Filipcic, A; Filmer, EK; Filthaut, F; Fiolhais, MCN; Fiorini, L; Fisher, WC; Fitschen, T; Fitzhugh, PM; Fleck, I; Fleischmann, P; Flick, T; Flores, M; Castillo, LRF; De Acedo, LFS; Follega, FM; Fomin, N; Foo, JH; Forland, BC; Formica, A; Forti, AC; Fortin, E; Fortman, AW; Foti, MG; Fountas, L; Fournier, D; Fox, H; Francavilla, P; Francescato, S; Franchellucci, S; Franchini, M; Franchino, S; Francis, D; Franco, L; Lima, VF; Franconi, L; Franklin, M; Frattari, G; Freegard, AC; Freund, WS; Frid, YY; Friend, J; Fritzsche, N; Froch, A; Froidevaux, D; Frost, JA; Fu, Y; Garrido, SF; Fujimoto, M; Torregrosa, EF; Fung, KY; De Simas, EF; Furukawa, M; Fuster, J; Gabrielli, A; Gabrielli, A; Gadow, P; Gagliardi, G; Gagnon, LG; Gallas, EJ; Gallop, BJ; Gan, KK; Ganguly, S; Gao, Y; Walls, FMG; Garcia, B; García, C; Alonso, AG; Caffaro, AGG; Navarro, JEG; Garcia-Sciveres, M; Gardner, GL; Gardner, RW; Garelli, N; Garg, D; Garg, RB; Gargan, JM; Garner, CA; Garvey, CM; Gaspar, P; Gassmann, VK; Gaudio, G; Gautam, V; Gauzzi, P; Gavrilenko, IL; Gavrilyuk, A; Gay, C; Gaycken, G; Gazis, EN; Geanta, AA; Gee, CM; Gemme, C; Genest, MH; Gentile, S; Gentry, AD; George, S; George, WF; Geralis, T; Gessinger-Befurt, P; Geyik, ME; Ghani, M; Ghneimat, M; Ghorbanian, K; Ghosal, A; Ghosh, A; Giacobbe, B; Giagu, S; Giani, T; Giannetti, P; Giannini, A; Gibson, SM; Gignac, M; Gil, DT; Gilbert, AK; Gilbert, BJ; Gillberg, D; Gilles, G; Gillwald, NEK; Ginabat, L; Gingrich, DM; Giordani, MP; Giraud, PF; Giugliarelli, G; Giugni, D; Giuli, F; Gkialas, I; Gladilin, LK; Glasman, C; Gledhill, GR; Glemza, G; Glisic, M; Gnesi, I; Go, Y; Goblirsch-Kolb, M; Gocke, B; Godin, D; Gokturk, B; Goldfarb, S; Golling, T; Gololo, MGD; Golubkov, D; Gombas, JP; Gomes, A; Da Silva, GG; Delegido, AJG; Gonçalo, R; Gonella, G; Gonella, L; Gongadze, A; Gonnella, F; Gonski, JL; Andana, RYG; de la Hoz, SG; Fernandez, SG; Lopez, RG; Renteria, CG; Rodrigues, MVG; Suarez, RG; Gonzalez-Sevilla, S; Rodriguez, GRG; Goossens, L; Gorini, B; Gorini, E; Gorisek, A; Gosart, TC; Goshaw, AT; Gostkin, MI; Goswami, S; Gottardo, CA; Gotz, SA; Gouighri, M; Goumarre, V; Goussiou, AG; Govender, N; Grabowska-Bold, I; Graham, K; Gramstad, E; Grancagnolo, S; Grandi, M; Grant, CM; Gravila, PM; Gravili, FG; Gray, HM; Greco, M; Grefe, C; Gregor, IM; Grenier, P; Grewe, SG; Grieco, C; Grillo, AA; Grimm, K; Grinstein, S; Grivaz, JF; Gross, E; Grosse-Knetter, J; Grud, C; Grundy, JC; Guan, L; Guan, W; Gubbels, C; Rojas, JGRG; Guerrieri, G; Guescini, F; Gugel, R; Guhit, JAM; Guida, A; Guillemin, T; Guilloton, E; Guindon, S; Guo, F; Guo, J; Guo, L; Guo, Y; Gupta, R; Gurbuz, S; Gurdasani, SS; Gustavino, G; Guth, M; Gutierrez, P; Zagazeta, LFG; Gutsche, M; Gutschow, C; Gwenlan, C; Gwilliam, CB; Haaland, ES; Haas, A; Habedank, M; Haber, C; Hadavand, HK; Hadef, A; Hadzic, S; Hagan, AI; Hahn, JJ; Haines, EH; Haleem, M; Haley, J; Hall, JJ; Hallewell, GD; Halser, L; Hamano, K; Hamer, M; Hamity, GN; Hampshire, EJ; Han, J; Han, K; Han, L; Han, S; Han, YF; Hanagaki, K; Hance, M; Hangal, DA; Hanif, H; Hank, MD; Hankache, R; Hansen, JB; Hansen, JD; Hansen, PH; Hara, K; Harada, D; Harenberg, T; Harkusha, S; Harris, ML; Harris, YT; Harrison, J; Harrison, NM; Harrison, PF; Hartman, NM; Hartmann, NM; Hasegawa, Y; Hauser, R; Hawkes, CM; Hawkings, RJ; Hayashi, Y; Hayashida, S; Hayden, D; Hayes, C; Hayes, RL; Hays, CP; Hays, JM; Hayward, HS; He, F; He, M; He, Y; Heatley, NB; Hedberg, V; Heggelund, AL; Hehir, ND; Heidegger, C; Heidegger, KK; Heidorn, WD; Heilman, J; Heim, S; Heim, T; Heinlein, JG; Heinrich, JJ; Heinrich, L; Hejbal, J; Helary, L; Held, A; Hellesund, S; Helling, CM; Hellman, S; Henderson, RCW; Henkelmann, L; Correia, AMH; Herde, H; Jiménez, YH; Herrmann, LM; Herrmann, T; Herten, G; Hertenberger, R; Hervas, L; Hesping, ME; Hessey, NP; Hibi, H; Hill, E; Hillier, SJ; Hinds, JR; Hinterkeuser, F; Hirose, M; Hirose, S; Hirschbuehl, D; Hitchings, TG; Hiti, B; Hobbs, J; Hobincu, R; Hod, N; Hodgkinson, MC; Hodkinson, BH; Hoecker, A; Hofer, J; Holm, T; Holzbock, M; Hommels, LBAH; Honan, BP; Hong, J; Hong, TM; Hooberman, BH; Hopkins, WH; Horii, Y; Hou, S; Howard, AS; Howarth, J; Hoya, J; Hrabovsky, M; Hrynevich, A; Hryn'ova, T; Hsu, PJ; Hsu, SC; Hu, Q; Hu, YF; Huang, S; Huang, X; Huang, Y; Huang, Z; Hubacek, Z; Huebner, M; Huegging, F; Huffman, TB; Hugli, CA; Huhtinen, M; Huiberts, SK; Hulsken, R; Huseynov, N; Huston, J; Huth, J; Hyneman, R; Iacobucci, G; Iakovidis, G; Ibragimov, I; Iconomidou-Fayard, L; Iengo, P; Iguchi, R; Iizawa, T; Ikegami, Y; Ilic, N; Imam, H; Lezki, MI; Carlson, TI; Introzzi, G; Iodice, M; Ippolito, V; Irwin, RK; Ishino, M; Islam, W; Issever, C; Istin, S; Ito, H; Ponce, JMI; Iuppa, R; Ivina, A; Izen, JM; Izzo, V; Jacka, P; Jackson, P; Jacobs, RM; Jaeger, BP; Jagfeld, CS; Jain, G; Jain, P; Jakobs, K; Jakoubek, T; Jamieson, J; Janas, KW; Javurkova, M; Jeanneau, F; Jeanty, L; Jejelava, J; Jenni, P; Jessiman, CE; Jézéquel, S; Jia, C; Jia, J; Jia, X; Jia, Z; Jiggins, S; Pena, JJ; Jin, S; Jinaru, A; Jinnouchi, O; Johansson, P; Johns, KA; Johnson, JW; Jones, DM; Jones, E; Jones, P; Jones, RWL; Jones, TJ; Joos, HL; Joshi, R; Jovicevic, J; Ju, X; Junggeburth, JJ; Junkermann, T; Rozas, AJ; Juzek, MK; Kabana, S; Kaczmarska, A; Kado, M; Kagan, H; Kagan, M; Kahn, A; Kahra, C; Kaji, T; Kajomovitz, E; Kakati, N; Kalaitzidou, I; Kalderon, CW; Kamenshchikov, A; Kang, NJ; Kar, D; Karava, K; Kareem, MJ; Karentzos, E; Karkanias, I; Karkout, O; Karpov, SN; Karpova, ZM; Kartvelishvili, V; Karyukhin, AN; Kasimi, E; Katzy, J; Kaur, S; Kawade, K; Kawale, MP; Kawamoto, C; Kawamoto, T; Kay, EF; Kaya, FI; Kazakos, S; Kazanin, VF; Ke, Y; Keaveney, JM; Keeler, R; Kehris, GV; Keller, JS; Kelly, AS; Kempster, JJ; Kennedy, KE; Kennedy, PD; Kepka, O; Kerridge, BP; Kersten, S; Kersevan, BP; Keshri, S; Keszeghova, L; Haghighat, SK; Khan, RA; Khandoga, M; Khanov, A; Kharlamov, AG; Kharlamova, T; Khoda, EE; Kholodenko, M; Khoo, TJ; Khoriauli, G; Khubua, J; Khwaira, YAR; Kilgallon, A; Kim, DW; Kim, YK; Kimura, N; Kingston, MK; Kirchhoff, A; Kirfel, C; Kirfel, F; Kirk, J; Kiryunin, AE; Kitsaki, C; Kivernyk, O; Klassen, M; Klein, C; Klein, L; Klein, MH; Klein, M; Klein, SB; Klein, U; Klimek, P; Klimentov, A; Klioutchnikova, T; Kluit, P; Kluth, S; Kneringer, E; Knight, TM; Knue, A; Kobayashi, R; Kobylianskii, D; Koch, SF; Kocian, M; Kodys, P; Koeck, DM; Koenig, PT; Koffas, T; Kolay, O; Kolb, M; Koletsou, I; Komarek, T; Köneke, K; Kong, AXY; Kono, T; Konstantinidis, N; Kontaxakis, P; Konya, B; Kopeliansky, R; Koperny, S; Korcyl, K; Kordas, K; Koren, G; Korn, A; Korn, S; Korolkov, I; Korotkova, N; Kortman, B; Kortner, O; Kortner, S; Kostecka, WH; Kostyukhin, VV; Kotsokechagia, A; Kotwal, A; Koulouris, A; Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi, A; Kourkoumelis, C; Kourlitis, E; Kovanda, O; Kowalewski, R; Kozanecki, W; Kozhin, AS; Kramarenko, VA; Kramberger, G; Kramer, P; Krasny, MW; Krasznahorkay, A; Kraus, JW; Kremer, JA; Kresse, T; Kretzschmar, J; Kreul, K; Krieger, P; Krishnamurthy, S; Krivos, M; Krizka, K; Kroeninger, K; Kroha, H; Kroll, J; Kroll, J; Krowpman, KS; Kruchonak, U; Krüger, H; Krumnack, N; Kruse, MC; Krzysiak, JA; Kuchinskaia, O; Kuday, S; Kuehn, S; Kuesters, R; Kuhl, T; Kukhtin, V; Kulchitsky, Y; Kuleshov, S; Kumar, M; Kumari, N; Kupco, A; Kupfer, T; Kupich, A; Kuprash, O; Kurashige, H; Kurchaninov, LL; Kurdysh, O; Kurochkin, YA; Kurova, A; Kuze, M; Kvam, AK; Kvita, J; Kwan, T; Kyriacou, NG; Laatu, LAO; Lacasta, C; Lacava, F; Lacker, H; Lacour, D; Lad, NN; Ladygin, E; Laforge, B; Lagouri, T; Lahbabi, FZ; Lai, S; Lakomiec, IK; Lalloue, N; Lambert, JE; Lammers, S; Lampl, W; Lampoudis, C; Lancaster, AN; Lançon, E; Landgraf, U; Landon, MPJ; Lang, VS; Langenberg, RJ; Langrekken, OKB; Lankford, AJ; Lanni, F; Lantzsch, K; Lanza, A; Lapertosa, A; Laporte, JF; Lari, T; Manghi, FL; Lassnig, M; Latonova, V; Laudrain, A; Laurier, A; Lawlor, SD; Lawrence, Z; Lazzaroni, M; Le, B; Le Boulicaut, EM; Leban, B; Lebedev, A; LeBlanc, M; Ledroit-Guillon, F; Lee, ACA; Lee, SC; Lee, S; Lee, TF; Leeuw, LL; Lefebvre, HP; Lefebvre, M; Leggett, C; Miotto, GL; Leigh, M; Leight, WA; Leinonen, W; Leisos, A; Leite, MAL; Leitgeb, CE; Leitner, R; Leney, KJC; Lenz, T; Leone, S; Leonidopoulos, C; Leopold, A; Leroy, C; Les, R; Lester, CG; Levchenko, M; Levêque, J; Levin, D; Levinson, LJ; Lewicki, MP; Lewis, DJ; Li, A; Li, B; Li, C; Li, CQ; Li, H; Li, J; Li, K; Li, L; Li, M; Li, QY; Li, S; Li, T; Li, X; Li, Z; Liang, S; Liang, Z; Liberatore, M; Liberti, B; Lie, K; Marin, JL; Lien, H; Lin, K; Lindley, RE; Lindon, JH; Lipeles, E; Lipniacka, A; Lister, A; Little, JD; Liu, B; Liu, BX; Liu, D; Liu, JB; Liu, JKK; Liu, K; Liu, M; Liu, MY; Liu, P; Liu, Q; Liu, X; Liu, Y; Liu, YL; Liu, YW; Merino, JL; Lloyd, SL; Lobodzinska, EM; Loch, P; Lohse, T; Lohwasser, K; Loiacono, E; Lokajicek, M; Lomas, JD; Long, JD; Longarini, I; Longo, L; Longo, R; Paz, IL; Solis, AL; Lorenz, J; Martinez, NL; Lory, AM; Loseva, O; Lou, X; Lounis, A; Love, J; Love, PA; Lu, G; Lu, M; Lu, S; Lu, YJ; Lubatti, HJ; Luci, C; Alves, FLL; Lucotte, A; Luehring, F; Luise, I; Lukianchuk, O; Lundberg, O; Lund-Jensen, B; Luongo, NA; Lutz, MS; Lux, AB; Lynn, D; Lyons, H; Lysak, R; Lytken, E; Lyubushkin, V; Lyubushkina, T; Lyukova, MM; Ma, H; Ma, K; Ma, LL; Ma, Y; Mac Donell, DM; Maccarrone, G; MacDonald, JC; Farias, PCMD; Madar, R; Mader, WF; Madula, T; Maeda, J; Maeno, T; Maguire, H; Maiboroda, V; Maio, A; Maj, K; Majersky, O; Majewski, S; Makovec, N; Maksimovic, V; Malaescu, B; Malecki, P; Maleev, VP; Malek, F; Mali, M; Malito, D; Mallik, U; Maltezos, S; Malyukov, S; Mamuzic, J; Mancini, G; Manco, G; Mandalia, JP; Mandic, I; de Andrade, LM; Maniatis, IM; Ramos, JM; Mankad, DC; Mann, A; Mansoulie, B; Manzoni, S; Mapekula, X; Marantis, A; Marchiori, G; Marcisovsky, M; Marcon, C; Marinescu, M; Marjanovic, M; Marshall, EJ; Marshall, Z; Marti-Garcia, S; Martin, TA; Martin, VJ; Latour, BMD; Martinelli, L; Martinez, M; Agullo, PM; Outschoorn, VIM; Suarez, PM; Martin-Haugh, S; Martoiu, VS; Martyniuk, AC; Marzin, A; Mascione, D; Masetti, L; Mashimo, T; Masik, J; Maslennikov, AL; Massa, L; Massarotti, P; Mastrandrea, P; Mastroberardino, A; Masubuchi, T; Mathisen, T; Matousek, J; Matsuzawa, N; Maurer, J; Macek, B; Maximov, DA; Mazini, R; Maznas, I; Mazza, M; Mazza, SM; Mazzeo, E; Mc Ginn, C; Mc Gowan, JP; Mc Kee, SP; McDonald, EF; McDougall, AE; Mcfayden, JA; McGovern, RP; Mchedlidze, G; Mckenzie, RP; Mclachlan, TC; Mclaughlin, DJ; McMahon, SJ; Mcpartland, CM; McPherson, RA; Mehlhase, S; Mehta, A; Melini, D; Garcia, BRM; Melo, AH; Meloni, F; Da Costa, AMMJ; Meng, HY; Meng, L; Menke, S; Mentink, M; Meoni, E; Merlassino, C; Merola, L; Meroni, C; Merz, G; Meshkov, O; Metcalfe, J; Mete, AS; Meyer, C; Meyer, JP; Middleton, RP; Mijovic, L; Mikenberg, G; Mikestikova, M; Mikuz, M; Mildner, H; Milic, A; Milke, CD; Miller, DW; Miller, LS; Milov, A; Milstead, DA; Min, T; Minaenko, AA; Minashvili, IA; Mince, L; Mincer, AI; Mindur, B; Mineev, M; Mino, Y; Mir, LM; Lopez, MM; Mironova, M; Mishima, A; Missio, MC; Mitra, A; Mitsou, VA; Mitsumori, Y; Miu, O; Miyagawa, PS; Mkrtchyan, T; Mlinarevic, M; Mlinarevic, T; Mlynarikova, M; Mobius, S; Moder, P; Mogg, P; Mohammed, AF; Mohapatra, S; Mokgatitswane, G; Moleri, L; Mondal, B; Mondal, S; Monig, G; Mönig, K; Monnier, E; Romero, LM; Berlingen, JM; Montella, M; Montereali, F; Monticelli, F; Monzani, S; Morange, N; De Carvalho, ALM; Llacer, MM; Martinez, CM; Morettini, P; Morgenstern, S; Morii, M; Morinaga, M; Morley, AK; Morodei, F; Morvaj, L; Moschovakos, P; Moser, B; Mosidze, M; Moskalets, T; Moskvitina, P; Moss, J; Moyse, EJW; Mtintsilana, O; Muanza, S; Mueller, J; Muenstermann, D; Müller, R; Mullier, GA; Mullin, AJ; Mullin, JJ; Mungo, DP; Perez, DM; Sanchez, FJM; Murin, M; Murray, WJ; Murrone, A; Muskinja, M; Mwewa, C; Myagkov, AG; Myers, AJ; Myers, G; Myska, M; Nachman, BP; Nackenhorst, O; Nag, A; Nagai, K; Nagano, K; Nagle, JL; Nagy, E; Nairz, AM; Nakahama, Y; Nakamura, K; Nakkalil, K; Nanjo, H; Narayan, R; Narayanan, EA; Naryshkin, I; Naseri, M; Nasri, S; Nass, C; Navarro, G; Navarro-Gonzalez, J; Nayak, R; Nayaz, A; Nechaeva, PY; Nechansky, F; Nedic, L; Neep, TJ; Negri, A; Negrini, M; Nellist, C; Nelson, C; Nelson, K; Nemecek, S; Nessi, M; Neubauer, MS; Neuhaus, F; Neundorf, J; Newhouse, R; Newman, PR; Ng, CW; Ng, YWY; Ngair, B; Nguyen, HDN; Nickerson, RB; Nicolaidou, R; Nielsen, J; Niemeyer, M; Niermann, J; Nikiforou, N; Nikolaenko, V; Nikolic-Audit, I; Nikolopoulos, K; Nilsson, P; Ninca, I; Nindhito, HR; Ninio, G; Nisati, A; Nishu, N; Nisius, R; Nitschke, JE; Nkadimeng, EK; Nobe, T; Noel, DL; Nommensen, T; Norfolk, MB; Norisam, RRB; Norman, BJ; Novak, J; Novak, T; Novotny, L; Novotny, R; Nozka, L; Ntekas, K; De Moura, NMJN Jr; Nurse, E; Ocariz, J; Ochi, A; Ochoa, I; Oerdek, S; Offermann, JT; Ogrodnik, A; Oh, A; Ohm, CC; Oide, H; Oishi, R; Ojeda, ML; O'Keefe, MW; Okumura, Y; Seabra, LFO; Pino, SAO; Damazio, DO; Goncalves, DO; Oliver, JL; Öncel, ÖO; O'Neill, AP; Onofre, A; Onyisi, PUE; Oreglia, MJ; Orellana, GE; Orestano, D; Orlando, N; Orr, RS; O'Shea, V; Osojnak, LM; Ospanov, R; Garzon, GOY; Otono, H; Ott, PS; Ottino, GJ; Ouchrif, M; Ouellette, J; Ould-Saada, F; Owen, M; Owen, RE; Oyulmaz, KY; Ozcan, VE; Ozturk, F; Ozturk, N; Ozturk, S; Pacey, HA; Pages, AP; Aranda, CP; Padovano, G; Griso, SP; Palacino, G; Palazzo, A; Palestini, S; Pan, J; Pan, T; Panchal, DK; Pandini, CE; Vazquez, JGP; Pandya, HD; Pang, H; Pani, P; Panizzo, G; Paolozzi, L; Papadatos, C; Parajuli, S; Paramonov, A; Paraskevopoulos, C; Hernandez, DP; Park, KR; Park, TH; Parker, MA; Parodi, F; Parrish, EW; Parrish, VA; Parsons, JA; Parzefall, U; Dias, BP; Dominguez, LP; Pasqualucci, E; Passaggio, S; Pastore, F; Pasuwan, P; Patel, P; Patel, UM; Pater, JR; Pauly, T; Pearkes, J; Pedersen, M; Pedro, R; Peleganchuk, SV; Penc, O; Pender, EA; Penski, KE; Penzin, M; Peralva, BS; Peixoto, APP; Sanchez, LP; Perepelitsa, DV; Codina, EP; Perganti, M; Perini, L; Pernegger, H; Perrin, O; Peters, K; Peters, RFY; Petersen, BA; Petersen, TC; Petit, E; Petousis, V; Petridou, C; Petrukhin, A; Pettee, M; Pettersson, NE; Petukhov, A; Petukhova, K; Pezoa, R; Pezzotti, L; Pezzullo, G; Pham, TM; Pham, T; Phillips, PW; Piacquadio, G; Pianori, E; Piazza, F; Piegaia, R; Pietreanu, D; Pilkington, AD; Pinamonti, M; Pinfold, JL; Pereira, BCP; Pinoargote, AEP; Pintucci, L; Piper, KM; Pirttikoski, A; Pizzi, DA; Pizzimento, L; Pizzini, A; Pleier, MA; Plesanovs, V; Pleskot, V; Plotnikova, E; Poddar, G; Poettgen, R; Poggioli, L; Pokharel, I; Polacek, S; Polesello, G; Poley, A; Polifka, R; Polini, A; Pollard, CS; Pollock, ZB; Polychronakos, V; Pacchi, EP; Ponomarenko, D; Pontecorvo, L; Popa, S; Popeneciu, GA; Poreba, A; Quintero, DMP; Pospisil, S; Postill, MA; Postolache, P; Potamianos, K; Potepa, PA; Potrap, IN; Potter, CJ; Potti, H; Poulsen, T; Poveda, J; Astigarraga, MEP; Ibanez, AP; Pretel, J; Price, D; Primavera, M; Martin, MAP; Privara, R; Procter, T; Proffitt, ML; Proklova, N; Prokofiev, K; Proto, G; Protopopescu, S; Proudfoot, J; Przybycien, M; Przygoda, WW; Puddefoot, JE; Pudzha, D; Pyatiizbyantseva, D; Qian, J; Qichen, D; Qin, Y; Qiu, T; Quadt, A; Queitsch-Maitland, M; Quetant, G; Quinn, RP; Bolanos, GR; Rafanoharana, D; Raffaeli, F; Ragusa, F; Rainbolt, JL; Raine, JA; Rajagopalan, S; Ramakoti, E; Ramirez-Berend, IA; Ran, K; Rapheeha, NP; Rasheed, H; Raskina, V; Rassloff, DF; Rave, S; Ravina, B; Ravinovich, I; Raymond, M; Read, AL; Readioff, NP; Rebuzzi, DM; Redlinger, G; Reed, AS; Reeves, K; Reidelsturz, JA; Reikher, D; Rej, A; Rembser, C; Renardi, A; Renda, M; Rendel, MB; Renner, F; Rennie, AG; Rescia, AL; Resconi, S; Ressegotti, M; Rettie, S; Rivera, JGR; Reynolds, E; Rezanova, OL; Reznicek, P; Ribaric, N; Ricci, E; Richter, R; Richter, S; Richter-Was, E; Ridel, M; Ridouani, S; Rieck, P; Riedler, P; Riefel, EM; Rieger, JO; Rijssenbeek, M; Rimoldi, A; Rimoldi, M; Rinaldi, L; Rinn, TT; Rinnagel, MP; Ripellino, G; Riu, I; Rivadeneira, P; Vergara, JCR; Rizatdinova, F; Rizvi, E; Roberts, BA; Roberts, BR; Robertson, SH; Robinson, D; Gajardo, CMR; Manzano, MR; Robson, A; Rocchi, A; Roda, C; Bosca, SR; Garcia, YR; Rodriguez, AR; Vera, AMR; Roe, S; Roemer, JT; Roepe-Gier, AR; Roggel, J; Rohne, O; Rojas, RA; Roland, CPA; Roloff, J; Romaniouk, A; Romano, E; Romano, M; Hernandez, ACR; Rompotis, N; Roos, L; Rosati, S; Rosser, BJ; Rossi, E; Rossi, LP; Rossini, L; Rosten, R; Rotaru, M; Rottler, B; Rougier, C; Rousseau, D; Rousso, D; Roy, A; Roy-Garand, S; Rozanov, A; Rozario, ZMA; Rozen, Y; Ruan, X; Jimenez, AR; Ruby, AJ; Rivera, VHR; Ruggeri, TA; Ruggiero, A; Ruiz-Martinez, A; Rummler, A; Rurikova, Z; Rusakovich, NA; Russell, HL; Russo, G; Rutherfoord, JP; Colmenares, SR; Rybacki, K; Rybar, M; Rye, EB; Ryzhov, A; Iglesias, JAS; Sabatini, P; Sabetta, L; Sadrozinski, HFW; Tehrani, FS; Samani, BS; Safdari, M; Saha, S; Sahinsoy, M; Saimpert, M; Saito, M; Saito, T; Salamani, D; Salnikov, A; Salt, J; Salas, AS; Salvatore, D; Salvatore, F; Salzburger, A; Sammel, D; Sampsonidis, D; Sampsonidou, D; Sánchez, J; Pineda, AS; Sebastian, VS; Sandaker, H; Sander, CO; Sandesara, JA; Sandhoff, M; Sandoval, C; Sankey, DPC; Sano, T; Sansoni, A; Santi, L; Santoni, C; Santos, H; Santpur, SN; Santra, A; Saoucha, KA; Saraiva, JG; Sardain, J; Sasaki, O; Sato, K; Sauer, C; Sauerburger, F; Sauvan, E; Savard, P; Sawada, R; Sawyer, C; Sawyer, L; Galvan, IS; Sbarra, C; Sbrizzi, A; Scanlon, T; Schaarschmidt, J; Schacht, P; Schäfer, U; Schaffer, AC; Schaile, D; Schamberger, RD; Scharf, C; Schefer, MM; Schegelsky, VA; Scheirich, D; Schenck, F; Schernau, M; Scheulen, C; Schiavi, C; Schioppa, EJ; Schioppa, M; Schlag, B; Schleicher, KE; Schlenker, S; Schmeing, J; Schmidt, MA; Schmieden, K; Schmitt, C; Schmitt, N; Schmitt, S; Schoeffel, L; Schoening, A; Scholer, PG; Schopf, E; Schott, M; Schovancova, J; Schramm, S; Schroeder, F; Schroer, T; Schultz-Coulon, HC; Schumacher, M; Schumm, BA; Schune, P; Schuy, AJ; Schwartz, HR; Schwartzman, A; Schwarz, TA; Schwemling, P; Schwienhorst, R; Sciandra, A; Sciolla, G; Scuri, F; Sebastiani, CD; Sedlaczek, K; Seema, P; Seidel, SC; Seiden, A; Seidlitz, BD; Seitz, C; Seixas, JM; Sekhniaidze, G; Sekula, SJ; Selem, L; Semprini-Cesari, N; Sengupta, D; Senthilkumar, V; Serin, L; Serkin, L; Sessa, M; Severini, H; Sforza, F; Sfyrla, A; Shabalina, E; Shaheen, R; Shahinian, JD; Renous, DS; Shan, LY; Shapiro, M; Sharma, A; Sharma, AS; Sharma, P; Sharma, S; Shatalov, PB; Shaw, K; Shaw, SM; Shcherbakova, A; Shen, Q; Sherwood, P; Shi, L; Shi, X; Shimmin, CO; Shinner, JD; Shipsey, IPJ; Shirabe, S; Shiyakova, M; Shlomi, J; Shochet, MJ; Shojaii, J; Shope, DR; Shrestha, B; Shrestha, S; Shrif, EM; Shroff, MJ; Sicho, P; Sickles, AM; Haddad, ES; Sidoti, A; Siegert, F; Sijacki, D; Sikora, R; Sili, F; Silva, JM; Oliveira, MVS; Silverstein, SB; Simion, S; Simoniello, R; Simpson, EL; Simpson, H; Simpson, LR; Simpson, ND; Simsek, S; Sindhu, S; Sinervo, P; Singh, S; Sinha, S; Sioli, M; Siral, I; Sitnikova, E; Sivoklokov, SY; Sjölin, J; Skaf, A; Skorda, E; Skubic, P; Slawinska, M; Smakhtin, V; Smart, BH; Smiesko, J; Smirnov, SY; Smirnov, Y; Smirnova, LN; Smirnova, O; Smith, AC; Smith, EA; Smith, HA; Smith, JL; Smith, R; Smizanska, M; Smolek, K; Snesarev, AA; Snider, SR; Snoek, HL; Snyder, S; Sobie, R; Soffer, A; Sanchez, CAS; Soldatov, EY; Soldevila, U; Solodkov, AA; Solomon, S; Soloshenko, A; Solovieva, K; Solovyanov, OV; Solovyev, V; Sommer, P; Sonay, A; Song, WY; Sonneveld, JM; Sopczak, A; Sopio, AL; Sopkova, F; Alvarez, IRS; Sothilingam, V; Sottocornola, S; Soualah, R; Soumaimi, Z; South, D; Soybelman, N; Spagnolo, S; Spalla, M; Sperlich, D; Spigo, G; Spinali, S; Spiteri, DP; Spousta, M; Staats, EJ; Stabile, A; Stamen, R; Stampekis, A; Standke, M; Stanecka, E; Stange, MV; Stanislaus, B; Stanitzki, MM; Stapf, B; Starchenko, EA; Stark, GH; Stark, J; Starko, DM; Staroba, P; Starovoitov, P; Stärz, S; Staszewski, R; Stavropoulos, G; Steentoft, J; Steinberg, P; Stelzer, B; Stelzer, HJ; Stelzer-Chilton, O; Stenzel, H; Stevenson, TJ; Stewart, GA; Stewart, JR; Stockton, MC; Stoicea, G; Stolarski, M; Stonjek, S; Straessner, A; Strandberg, J; Strandberg, S; Stratmann, M; Strauss, M; Strebler, T; Strizenec, P; Ströhmer, R; Strom, DM; Strom, LR; Stroynowski, R; Strubig, A; Stucci, SA; Stugu, B; Stupak, J; Styles, NA; Su, D; Su, S; Su, W; Su, X; Sugizaki, K; Sulin, VV; Sullivan, MJ; Sultan, DMS; Sultanaliyeva, L; Sultansoy, S; Sumida, T; Sun, S; Gudnadottir, OS; Sur, N; Sutton, MR; Suzuki, H; Svatos, M; Swiatlowski, M; Swirski, T; Sykora, I; Sykora, M; Sykora, T; Ta, D; Tackmann, K; Taffard, A; Tafirout, R; Vargas, JST; Takeva, EP; Takubo, Y; Talby, M; Talyshev, AA; Tam, KC; Tamir, NM; Tanaka, A; Tanaka, J; Tanaka, R; Tanasini, M; Tao, Z; Araya, ST; Tapprogge, S; Mohamed, ATA; Tarem, S; Tariq, K; Tarna, G; Tartarelli, GF; Tas, P; Tasevsky, M; Tassi, E; Tate, AC; Tateno, G; Tayalati, Y; Taylor, GN; Taylor, W; Tee, AS; De Lima, RT; Teixeira-Dias, P; Teoh, JJ; Terashi, K; Terron, J; Terzo, S; Testa, M; Teuscher, RJ; Thaler, A; Theiner, O; Themistokleous, N; Theveneaux-Pelzer, T; Thielmann, O; Thomas, DW; Thomas, JP; Thompson, EA; Thompson, PD; Thomson, E; Tian, Y; Tikhomirov, V; Tikhonov, YA; Timoshenko, S; Timoshyn, D; Ting, EXL; Tipton, P; Tlou, SH; Tnourji, A; Todome, K; Todorova-Nova, S; Todt, S; Togawa, M; Tojo, J; Tokár, S; Tokushuku, K; Toldaiev, O; Tombs, R; Tomoto, M; Tompkins, L; Topolnicki, KW; Torrence, E; Torres, H; Pastor, ET; Toscani, M; Tosciri, C; Tost, M; Tovey, DR; Traeet, A; Trandafir, IS; Trefzger, T; Tricoli, A; Trigger, IM; Trincaz-Duvoid, S; Trischuk, DA; Trocmé, B; Troncon, C; Truong, L; Trzebinski, M; Trzupek, A; Tsai, F; Tsai, M; Tsiamis, A; Tsiareshka, PV; Tsigaridas, S; Tsirigotis, A; Tsiskaridze, V; Tskhadadze, EG; Tsopoulou, M; Tsujikawa, Y; Tsukerman, II; Tsulaia, V; Tsuno, S; Tsur, O; Tsuri, K; Tsybychev, D; Tu, Y; Tudorache, A; Tudorache, V; Tuna, AN; Turchikhin, S; Cakir, IT; Turra, R; Turtuvshin, T; Tuts, PM; Tzamarias, S; Tzanis, P; Tzovara, E; Ukegawa, F; Poblete, PAU; Umaka, EN; Unal, G; Unal, M; Undrus, A; Unel, G; Urban, J; Urquijo, P; Urrejola, P; Usai, G; Ushioda, R; Usman, M; Uysal, Z; Vacek, V; Vachon, B; Vadla, KOH; Vafeiadis, T; Vaitkus, A; Valderanis, C; Santurio, EV; Valente, M; Valentinetti, S; Valero, A; Moreno, EV; Vallier, A; Ferrer, JAV; Van Arneman, DR; Van Daalen, TR; Van der Graaf, A; Van Gemmeren, P; Van Rijnbach, M; Van Stroud, S; Van Vulpen, I; Vanadia, M; Vandelli, W; Vandenbroucke, M; Vandewall, ER; Vannicola, D; Vannoli, L; Vari, R; Varnes, EW; Varni, C; Varol, T; Varouchas, D; Varriale, L; Varvell, KE; Vasile, ME; Vaslin, L; Vasquez, GA; Vasyukov, A; Vazeille, F; Schroeder, TV; Veatch, J; Vecchio, V; Veen, MJ; Veliscek, I; Veloce, LM; Veloso, F; Veneziano, S; Ventura, A; Gonzalez, SV; Verbytskyi, A; Verducci, M; Vergis, C; De Araujo, MV; Verkerke, W; Vermeulen, JC; Vernieri, C; Vessella, M; Vetterli, MC; Vgenopoulos, A; Maira, NV; Vickey, T; Boeriu, OEV; Viehhauser, GHA; Vigani, L; Villa, M; Perez, MV; Villhauer, EM; Vilucchi, E; Vincter, MG; Virdee, GS; Vishwakarma, A; Visibile, A; Vittori, C; Vivarelli, I; Voevodina, E; Vogel, F; Voigt, JC; Vokac, P; Volkotrub, Y; Von Ahnen, J; Von Toerne, E; Vormwald, B; Vorobel, V; Vorobev, K; Vos, M; Voss, K; Vossebeld, JH; Vozak, M; Vozdecky, L; Vranjes, N; Milosavljevic, MV; Vreeswijk, M; Vuillermet, R; Vujinovic, O; Vukotic, I; Wada, S; Wagner, C; Wagner, JM; Wagner, W; Wahdan, S; Wahlberg, H; Wakida, M; Walder, J; Walker, R; Walkowiak, W; Wall, A; Wamorkar, T; Wang, AZ; Wang, C; Wang, H; Wang, J; Wang, RJ; Wang, R; Wang, SM; Wang, S; Wang, T; Wang, WT; Wang, W; Wang, X; Wang, Y; Wang, Z; Warburton, A; Ward, RJ; Warrack, N; Watson, AT; Watson, H; Watson, MF; Watton, E; Watts, G; Waugh, BM; Weber, C; Weber, HA; Weber, MS; Weber, SM; Wei, C; Wei, Y; Weidberg, AR; Weik, EJ; Weingarten, J; Weirich, M; Weiser, C; Wells, CJ; Wenaus, T; Wendland, B; Wengler, T; Wenke, NS; Wermes, N; Wessels, M; Wharton, AM; White, AS; White, A; White, MJ; Whiteson, D; Wickremasinghe, L; Wiedenmann, W; Wiel, C; Wielers, M; Wiglesworth, C; Wilbern, DJ; Wilkens, HG; Williams, DM; Williams, HH; Williams, S; Willocq, S; Wilson, BJ; Windischhofer, PJ; Winkel, FI; Winklmeier, F; Winter, BT; Winter, JK; Wittgen, M; Wobisch, M; Wolffs, Z; Wollrath, J; Wolter, MW; Wolters, H; Wongel, AF; Woodward, EL; Worm, SD; Wosiek, BK; Wozniak, KW; Wozniewski, S; Wraight, K; Wu, C; Wu, J; Wu, M; Wu, SL; Wu, X; Wu, Y; Wu, Z; Wuerzinger, J; Wyatt, TR; Wynne, BM; Xella, S; Xia, L; Xia, M; Xiang, J; Xie, M; Xie, X; Xin, S; Xiong, A; Xiong, J; Xiotidis, I; Xu, D; Xu, H; Xu, L; Xu, R; Xu, T; Xu, Y; Xu, Z; Yabsley, B; Yacoob, S; Yamaguchi, Y; Yamashita, E; Yamauchi, H; Yamazaki, T; Yamazaki, Y; Yan, J; Yan, S; Yan, Z; Yang, HJ; Yang, HT; Yang, S; Yang, T; Yang, X; Yang, Y; Yang, Z; Yao, WM; Yap, YC; Ye, H; Ye, J; Ye, S; Ye, X; Yeh, Y; Yeletskikh, I; Yeo, BK; Yexley, MR; Yin, P; Yorita, K; Younas, S; Young, CJS; Young, C; Yu, C; Yu, Y; Yuan, M; Yuan, R; Yue, L; Zaazoua, M; Zabinski, B; Zaid, E; Zakareishvili, T; Zakharchuk, N; Zambito, S; Saa, JAZ; Zang, J; Zanzi, D; Zaplatilek, O; Zeitnitz, C; Zeng, H; Zeng, JC; Zenger, DT; Zenin, O; Zenis, T; Zenz, S; Zerradi, S; Zerwas, D; Zhai, M; Zhang, B; Zhang, DF; Zhang, J; Zhang, K; Zhang, L; Zhang, P; Zhang, R; Zhang, S; Zhang, T; Zhang, X; Zhang, Y; Zhang, Z; Zhao, H; Zhao, P; Zhao, T; Zhao, Y; Zhao, Z; Zhemchugov, A; Zheng, J; Zheng, K; Zheng, X; Zheng, Z; Zhong, D; Zhou, B; Zhou, H; Zhou, N; Zhou, Y; Zhu, CG; Zhu, J; Zhu, Y; Zhu, Y; Zhuang, X; Zhukov, K; Zhulanov, V; Zimine, NI; Zinsser, J; Ziolkowski, M; Zivkovic, L; Zoccoli, A; Zoch, K; Zorbas, TG; Zormpa, O; Zou, W; Zwalinski, L

Autoría grupal: ATLAS Collaboration

Tipo: Artículo
Año de Publicación: 2023
Volumen: 846
Número de artículo: 138154
Acceso abierto: Vía dorada
Fuente Nº Citas Fecha Actualización

Año: 2023

Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 4.30


Año: 2023

Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 1,380






Nuclear and High Energy Physics7/87Q1T1D1

SJR año:


Factor de Impacto:


Nuclear and High Energy Physics8/85Q1T1D1
No existen datos para la revista de esta publicación.
No exiten datos para esta publicación
# Autor Afiliación
1Aad, G Aix-Marseille Universite (France)
2Abbott, BUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
3Abeling, KUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
4Abicht, NJTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
5Abidi, SHBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
6Aboulhorma, AUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy; Mohammed V University of Rabat Faculty of Sciences (Morocco)
7Abramowicz, HTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
8Abreu, HTechnion Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Physics (Israel)
9Abulaiti, YNew York University (USA)
10Acharya, BSIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); King's College London; Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) (Italy)
11Bourdarios, CAUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
12Adamczyk, LAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
13Addepalli, SVBrandeis University (USA)
14Addison, MJThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
15Adelman, JNorthern Illinois University (USA)
16Adiguzel, AIstanbul University Department of Physics (Turkiye)
17Adye, TSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
18Affolder, AAUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
19Afik, YEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
20Agaras, MNInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
21Agarwala, JIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pavia (Italy)
22Aggarwal, AJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
23Agheorghiesei, CAlexandru Ioan Cuza University Faculty of Physics (Romania)
24Ahmad, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
25Ahmadov, FEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); Institute of Physics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (Switzerland)
26Ahmed, WSMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
27Ahuja, SRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
28Ai, XUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
29Aielli, GUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata; University of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Physics (Italy)
30Aikot, ACSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
31Tamlihat, MAMohammed V University of Rabat Faculty of Sciences (Morocco)
32Aitbenchikh, BUniversity of Hassan II Casablanca Faculty of Science Ain Chock (Morocco)
33Aizenberg, IWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
34Akbiyik, MJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
35Åkesson, TPALund University (Sweden)
36Akimov, AVEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
37Akiyama, DWaseda University (Japan)
38Akolkar, NNRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
39Al Khoury, KColumbia University (USA)
40Alberghi, GLIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
41Albert, JUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
42Albicocco, PIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
43Albouy, GLCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
44Alderweireldt, SThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
45Aleksa, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
46Aleksandrov, INEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
47Alexa, CHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
48Alexopoulos, TNational Technical University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
49Alfonsi, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
50Algren, MUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
51Alhroob, MUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
52Ali, BCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
53Ali, HMJLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
54Ali, SAcademia Sinica - Taiwan (Taiwan)
55Alibocus, SWUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
56Aliev, MState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
57Alimonti, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
58Alkakhi, WUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
59Allaire, CUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
60Allbrooke, BMMUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
61Allen, JFThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
62Flores, CAAFederico Santa Maria Technical University Physics Department (Chile)
63Allport, PPUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
64Aloisio, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
65Alonso, FConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); La Plata Institute of Physics (Argentina)
66Alpigiani, CUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
67Estevez, MAAutonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
68Fernandez, AAJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
69Cardoso, MAUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
70Alviggi, MGIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
71Aly, MThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
72Coutinho, YAFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
73Ambler, AMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
74Amelung, CEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
75Amerl, MThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
76Ames, CGLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
77Amidei, DUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
78Dos Santos, SPALaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
79Amos, KRCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
80Ananiev, VUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
81Anastopoulos, CThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
82Andeen, TThe University of Texas at Austin Department of Physics (USA)
83Anders, JKEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
84Andrean, SYStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
85Andreazza, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
86Angelidakis, SNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
87Angerami, AColumbia University; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA)
88Anisenkov, AVEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
89Annovi, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Wuppertal (Italy)
90Antel, CUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
91Anthony, MTThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
92Antipov, EState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
93Antonelli, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
94Anulli, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
95Aoki, MHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
96Aoki, TThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
97Pozo, JAACSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
98Aparo, MAUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
99Bella, LADeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
100Appelt, CHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
101Apyan, ABrandeis University (USA)
102Aranzabal, NEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
103Val, SJAInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
104Arcangeletti, CIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
105Arce, ATHDuke University Department of Physics (USA)
106Arena, EUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
107Arguin, JFUniversité de Montréal (Canada)
108Argyropoulos, SUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
109Arling, JHDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
110Arnaez, OUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
111Arnold, HUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
112Artoni, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
113Asada, HNagoya University; Nagoya University School of Science Graduate School of Science (Japan)
114Asai, KOchanomizu University (Japan)
115Asai, SThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
116Asbah, NAHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
117Assahsah, JMohammed First University of Oujda (Morocco)
118Assamagan, KBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
119Astalos, RComenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics (Slovakia)
120Atashi, SUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
121Atkin, RJUniversity of Cape Town (South Africa)
122Atkinson, MUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
123Atmani, HMohammed VI Polytechnic University (Morocco)
124Atmasiddha, PAUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
125Augsten, KCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
126Auricchio, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
127Auriol, ADUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
128Austrup, VAThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
129Avolio, GEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
130Axiotis, KUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
131Azuelos, GUniversity of British Columbia; Université de Montréal (Canada)
132Babal, DSlovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia)
133Bachacou, HCEA (France)
134Bachas, KAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; University of Thessaly (Greece)
135Bachiu, ACarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
136Backman, FStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
137Badea, AHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
138Bagnaia, PIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
139Bahmani, MHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
140Bailey, AJCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
141Bailey, VRUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
142Baines, JTSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
143Baines, LQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
144Baker, OKYale University Department of Physics (USA)
146Gupta, DBUniversity of Texas Arlington (USA)
147Balakrishnan, VUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
148Balasubramanian, RUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
149Baldin, EMEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
150Balek, PAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
151Ballabene, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
152Balli, FCEA (France)
153Baltes, LMHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
154Balunas, WKUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
155Balz, JJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
156Banas, EInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
157Bandieramonte, MUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
158Bandyopadhyay, ARheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
159Bansal, SRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
160Barak, LTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
161Barakat, MDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
162Barberio, ELUniversity of Melbourne School of Physics (Australia)
163Barberis, DUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
164Barbero, MAix-Marseille Universite (France)
165Barel, MZUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
166Barends, KNUniversity of Cape Town (South Africa)
167Barillari, TMax Planck Society (Germany)
168Barisits, MSEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
169Barklow, TSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
170Baron, PPalacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)
171Moreno, DABThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
172Baroncelli, AUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
173Barone, GBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
174Barr, AJUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
175Barr, JDUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
176Navarro, LBStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
177Barreiro, FAutonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
178da Costa, JBGInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
179Barron, UTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
180Teixeira, MGBLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
181Barsov, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
182Bartels, FHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
183Bartoldus, RSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
184Barton, AELancaster University Department of Physics (England)
185Bartos, PComenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics (Slovakia)
186Basan, AJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
187Baselga, MTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
188Bassalat, AUniversite Paris Saclay; An Najah National University (Palestine)
189Basso, MJUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
190Basson, CRThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
191Bates, RLUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
192Batlamous, SMohammed V University of Rabat Faculty of Sciences (Morocco)
193Batley, JRUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
194Batool, BUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
195Battaglia, MUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
196Battulga, DHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
197Bauce, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
198Bauer, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
199Bauer, PRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
200Hurrell, LTBConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); University of Buenos Aires Department of Physics (Argentina)
201Beacham, JBDuke University Department of Physics (USA)
202Beau, TSorbonne Universite (France)
203Beaucamp, JYConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); La Plata Institute of Physics (Argentina)
204Beauchemin, PHTufts University (USA)
205Becherer, FUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
206Bechtle, PRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
207Beck, HPUniversity of Bern; University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics; University of Fribourg Department of Physics (Switzerland)
208Becker, KUniversity of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
209Beddall, AJIstinye University (Turkiye)
210Bednyakov, VAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
211Bee, CPState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
212Beemster, LJINSTITUTE PHYSICS (Serbia)
213Beermann, TAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
214Begalli, MUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
215Begel, MBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
216Behera, AState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
217Behr, JKDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
218Beirer, JFUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
219Beisiegel, FRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
220Belfkir, MUnited Arab Emirates University (U Arab Emirates)
221Bella, GTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
222Bellagamba, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
223Bellerive, ACarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
224Bellos, PUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
225Beloborodov, KEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
226Benchekroun, DUniversity of Hassan II Casablanca Faculty of Science Ain Chock (Morocco)
227Bendebba, FUniversity of Hassan II Casablanca Faculty of Science Ain Chock (Morocco)
228Benhammou, YTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
229Benoit, MBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
230Bensinger, JRBrandeis University (USA)
231Bentvelsen, SUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
232Beresford, LDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
233Beretta, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
234Kuutmann, EBUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
235Berger, NUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
236Bergmann, BCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
237Beringer, JLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
238Bernardi, GUniversite Paris Cite (France)
239Bernius, CSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
240Bernlochner, FURheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
241Bernon, FAix-Marseille Universite; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
242Guardia, ABInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
243Berry, TRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
244Berta, PCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
245Berthold, ATU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
246Bertram, IALancaster University Department of Physics (England)
247Bethke, SMax Planck Society (Germany)
248Betti, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
249Bevan, AJQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
250Bhalla, NKUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
251Bhamjee, MUniversity of Johannesburg Department of Mechanical Engineering Science (South Africa)
252Bhatta, SState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
253Bhattacharya, DSUniversity of Wurzburg Faculty of Physics and Astronomy (Germany)
254Bhattarai, PSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
255Bhopatkar, VSOklahoma State University Department of Physics (USA)
256Bi, RBrookhaven National Laboratory; University of Colorado Boulder Department of Physics (USA)
257Bianchi, RMUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
258Bianco, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
259Biebel, OLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
260Bielski, RUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
261Biglietti, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
262Billoud, TRVCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
263Bindi, MUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
264Bingul, AGaziantep University (Turkiye)
265Bini, CIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
266Biondini, AUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
267Birch-sykes, CJThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
268Bird, GASTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; University of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
269Birman, MWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
270Biros, MCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
271Biryukov, SUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
272Bisanz, TTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
273Bisceglie, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Calabria Department of Physics (Italy)
274Biswal, JPSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
275Biswas, DUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
276Bitadze, AThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
277Bjorke, KUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
278Bloch, IDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
279Blocker, CBrandeis University (USA)
280Blue, AUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
281Blumenschein, UQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
282Blumenthal, JJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
283Bobbink, GJUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
284Bobrovnikov, VSEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
285Boehler, MUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
286Boehm, BUniversity of Wurzburg Faculty of Physics and Astronomy (Germany)
287Bogavac, DEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
288Bogdanchikov, AGEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
289Bohm, CStockholm University Department of Physics (Sweden)
290Boisvert, VRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
291Bokan, PDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
292Bold, TAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
293Bomben, MUniversite Paris Cite (France)
294Bona, MQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
295Boonekamp, MCEA (France)
296Booth, CDRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
297Borbély, AGUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
298Bordulev, ISEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
299Borecka-Bielska, HMUniversité de Montréal (Canada)
300Borissov, GLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
301Bortoletto, DUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
302Boscherini, DIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
303Bosman, MInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
304Sola, JDBEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
305Bouaouda, KUniversity of Hassan II Casablanca Faculty of Science Ain Chock (Morocco)
306Bouchhar, NCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
307Boudreau, JUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
308Bouhova-Thacker, EVLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
309Boumediene, DUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
310Bouquet, RUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
311Boveia, AOhio State University (USA)
312Boyd, JEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
313Boye, DBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
314Boyko, IREuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
315Bracinik, JUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
316Brahimi, NShanghai Jiao Tong University (Peoples R China)
317Brandt, GUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
318Brandt, OUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
319Braren, FDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
320Brau, BUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
321Brau, JEUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
322Brener, RWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
323Brenner, LUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
324Brenner, RUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
325Bressler, SWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
326Britton, DUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
327Britzger, DMax Planck Society (Germany)
328Brock, IRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
329Brooijmans, GColumbia University (USA)
330Brooks, WKFederico Santa Maria Technical University Physics Department (Chile)
331Brost, EBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
332Brown, LMUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
333Bruce, LEHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
334Bruckler, TLUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
335de Renstrom, PABInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
336Brüers, BDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
337Bruni, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
338Bruni, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
339Bruschi, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
340Bruscino, NIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
341Buanes, TUniversity of Bergen (Norway)
342Buat, QUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
343Buchin, DMax Planck Society (Germany)
344Buckley, AGUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
345Bulekov, OEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
346Bullard, BASLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
347Burdin, SUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
348Burgard, CDTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
349Burger, AMUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
350Burghgrave, BUniversity of Texas Arlington (USA)
351Burlayenko, OUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
352Burr, JTPUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
353Burton, CDThe University of Texas at Austin Department of Physics (USA)
354Burzynski, JCSimon Fraser University (Canada)
355Busch, ELColumbia University (USA)
356Büscher, VJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
357Bussey, PJUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
358Butler, JMBoston University Department of Physics (USA)
359Buttar, CMUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
360Butterworth, JMUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
361Buttinger, WSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
362Vazquez, CJBMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
363Buzykaev, AREuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
364Urbán, SCCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
365Cadamuro, LUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
366Caforio, DJustus Liebig University Giessen Department of Physics II (Germany)
367Cai, HUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
368Cai, YUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS; Nanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
369Cairo, VMMEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
370Cakir, OAnkara University (Turkiye)
371Calace, NEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
372Calafiura, PLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
373Calderini, GSorbonne Universite (France)
374Calfayan, PIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
375Callea, GUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
376Caloba, LPFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
377Calvet, DUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
378Calvet, SUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
379Calvet, TPAix-Marseille Universite (France)
380Calvetti, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pisa Department of Physics (Italy)
381Toro, RCSorbonne Universite (France)
382Camarda, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
383Munoz, DCBrandeis University (USA)
384Camarri, PUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata; University of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Physics (Italy)
385Camerlingo, MTIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
386Cameron, DEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); CERN Tier 0 (Switzerland)
387Camincher, CUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
388Campanelli, MUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
389Camplani, ANiels Bohr Institute (Denmark)
390Canale, VIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
391Canesse, AMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
392Cantero, JCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
393Cao, YUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
394Capocasa, FBrandeis University (USA)
395Capua, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Calabria Department of Physics (Italy)
396Carbone, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
397Cardarelli, RUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
398Cardenas, JCJUniversity of Texas Arlington (USA)
399Cardillo, FCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
400Carducci, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Calabria Department of Physics (Italy)
401Carli, TEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
402Carlino, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
403Carlotto, JIInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
404Carlson, BTUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy; Westmont Coll (USA)
405Carlson, EMUniversity of British Columbia; University of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
406Carminati, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
407Carnelli, ACEA (France)
408Carnesale, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
409Caron, SRadboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Netherlands)
410Carquin, EFederico Santa Maria Technical University Physics Department (Chile)
411Carrá, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
412Carratta, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
413Argos, FCUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
414Carter, JWSUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
415Carter, TMThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
416Casado, MPInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
417Caspar, MDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
418Castillo, FLUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
419Garcia, LCInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
420Gimenez, VCCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
421Castro, NFLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas; University of Minho Department of Physics (Portugal)
422Catinaccio, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
423Catmore, JRUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
424Cavaliere, VBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
425Cavalli, NIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
426Cavasinni, VIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pisa Department of Physics (Italy)
427Cekmecelioglu, YCDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
428Celebi, EBogazici University (Turkiye)
429Celli, FUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
430Centonze, MSIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Salento Department of Mathematics and Physics Ennio de Giorgi (Italy)
431Cepaitis, VUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
432Cerny, KPalacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)
433Cerqueira, ASUniversidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brazil)
434Cerri, AUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
435Cerrito, LUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata; University of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Physics (Italy)
436Cerutti, FLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
437Cervato, BUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
438Cervelli, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
439Cesarini, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
440Cetin, SAIstinye University (Turkiye)
441Chadi, ZUniversity of Hassan II Casablanca Faculty of Science Ain Chock (Morocco)
442Chakraborty, DNorthern Illinois University (USA)
443Chan, JUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
444Chan, WYThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
445Chapman, JDUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
446Chapon, ECEA (France)
447Chargeishvili, BIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
448Charlton, DGUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
449Charman, TPQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
450Chatterjee, MUniversity of Bern; University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics (Switzerland)
451Chauhan, CCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
452Chekanov, SArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
453Chekulaev, SVUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
454Chelkov, GAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
455Chen, AUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
456Chen, BTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy; University of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Israel)
457Chen, HBrookhaven National Laboratory; Nanjing University Department of Physics (USA)
458Chen, JSimon Fraser University; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
459Chen, MUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
460Chen, SThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
461Chen, SJNanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
462Chen, XCEA; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy; Tsinghua University Department of Physics; Collaborat Innovat Ctr Quantum Matter CICQM (Peoples R China)
463Chen, YUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
464Cheng, CLUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
465Cheng, HCThe Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
466Cheong, SSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
467Cheplakov, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
468Cheremushkina, EDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
469Cherepanova, EUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
470El Moursli, RCMohammed V University of Rabat Faculty of Sciences (Morocco)
471Cheu, EThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
472Cheung, KNational Tsing-Hua University Department of Physics (Taiwan)
473Chevalier, LCEA (France)
474Chiarella, VIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
475Chiarelli, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
476Chiedde, NAix-Marseille Universite (France)
477Chiodini, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
478Chisholm, ASUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
479Chitan, AHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
480Chitishvili, MCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
481Chizhov, MVEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
482Choi, KThe University of Texas at Austin Department of Physics (USA)
483Chomont, ARIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
484Chou, YUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
485Chow, EYSRadboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Netherlands)
486Chowdhury, TUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
487Chu, KLWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
488Chu, MCThe Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
489Chu, XInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS; Nanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
490Chudoba, JInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
491Chwastowski, JJInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
492Cieri, DMax Planck Society (Germany)
493Ciesla, KMAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
494Cindro, VJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
495Ciocio, ALawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
496Cirotto, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
497Citron, ZHWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Department of Physics (Israel)
498Citterio, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
499Ciubotaru, DAHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
500Ciungu, BMUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
501Clark, AUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
502Clark, PJThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
503Clarry, CUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
504Columbie, JMCDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
505Clawson, SEDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
506Clement, CStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
507Clercx, JDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
508Clissa, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
509Coadou, YAix-Marseille Universite (France)
510Cobal, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Udine Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (Italy)
511Coccaro, AINFN Sez (Italy)
512Barrue, RFCLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
513De Sa, RCLUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
514Coelli, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
515Cohen, HTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
516Coimbra, AECIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
517Cole, BColumbia University (USA)
518Collot, JCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
519Muiño, PCUniversidade de Lisboa; Laboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
520Connell, MPUniversity of Johannesburg Department of Mechanical Engineering Science (South Africa)
521Connell, SHUniversity of Johannesburg Department of Mechanical Engineering Science (South Africa)
522Connelly, IAUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
523Conroy, EIUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
524Conventi, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Parthenope University Naples (Italy)
525Cooke, HGUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
526Cooper-Sarkar, AMUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
527Choi, ACOSorbonne Universite (France)
528Corpe, LDUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
529Corradi, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
530Corriveau, FMcGill University Department of Physics; Inst Particle Phys IPP (Canada)
531Cortes-Gonzalez, AHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
532Costa, MJCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
533Costanza, FUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
534Costanzo, DThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
535Cote, BMOhio State University (USA)
536Cowan, GRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
537Cranmer, KUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
538Cremonini, DIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
539Crépé-Renaudin, SCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
540Crescioli, FSorbonne Universite (France)
541Cristinziani, MUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
542Cristoforetti, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Trento (Italy)
543Croft, VUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
544Crosby, JEOklahoma State University Department of Physics (USA)
545Crosetti, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Calabria Department of Physics (Italy)
546Cueto, AAutonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
547Donszelmann, TCUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
548Cui, HUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
549Cui, ZThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
550Cunningham, WRUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
551Curcio, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Calabria Department of Physics (Italy)
552Czodrowski, PEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
553Czurylo, MMHeidelberg University Institute of Physics (Germany)
554De Sousa, MJDSUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
555Pinto, JVDFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
556Da Via, CThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
557Dabrowski, WAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
558Dado, TTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
559Dahbi, SUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
560Dai, TUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
561Dal Santo, DUniversity of Bern; University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics (Switzerland)
562Dallapiccola, CUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
563Dam, MNiels Bohr Institute (Denmark)
564D'amen, GBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
565D'Amico, VLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
566Damp, JJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
567Dandoy, JRUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
568Daneri, MFConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); University of Buenos Aires Department of Physics (Argentina)
569Danninger, MSimon Fraser University (Canada)
570Dao, VEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
571Darbo, GINFN Sez (Italy)
572Darmora, SArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
573Das, SJBrookhaven National Laboratory; University of Colorado Boulder Department of Physics (USA)
574D'Auria, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
575David, CYork University - Canada (Canada)
576Davidek, TCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
577Davis-Purcell, BCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
578Dawson, IQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
579Day-hall, HACzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
580De, KUniversity of Texas Arlington (USA)
581De Asmundis, RIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
582De Biase, NDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
583De Castro, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
584De Groot, NRadboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Netherlands)
585de Jong, PUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
586De la Torre, HNorthern Illinois University (USA)
587De Maria, ANanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
588De Salvo, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
589De Sanctis, UUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata; University of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Physics (Italy)
590De Santo, AUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
591De Regie, JBDCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
592Dedovich, DVEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
593Degens, JUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
594Deiana, AMSouthern Methodist University (USA)
595Del Corso, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
596Del Peso, JAutonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
597Del Rio, FHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
598Deliot, FCEA (France)
599Delitzsch, CMTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
600Della Pietra, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
601Della Volpe, DUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
602Dell'Acqua, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
603Dell'Asta, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
604Delmastro, MUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
605Delsart, PACNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
606Demers, SYale University Department of Physics (USA)
607Demichev, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
608Denisov, SPEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
609D'Eramo, LUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
610Derendarz, DInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
611Derue, FSorbonne Universite (France)
612Dervan, PUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
613Desch, KRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
614Deutsch, CRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
615Di Bello, FAUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
616Di Ciaccio, AUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata; University of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Physics (Italy)
617Di Ciaccio, LUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
618Di Domenico, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
619Di Donato, CIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
620Di Girolamo, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
621Di Gregorio, GEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
622Di Luca, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Trento (Italy)
623Di Micco, BIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Roma Tre University Department of Mathematics and Physics (Italy)
624Di Nardo, RIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Roma Tre University Department of Mathematics and Physics (Italy)
625Diaconu, CAix-Marseille Universite (France)
626Diamantopoulou, MCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
627Dias, FAUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
628Do Vale, TDSimon Fraser University (Canada)
629Diaz, MAPontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Millennium Inst Subatom Phys High Energy Frontier (Chile)
630Capriles, FGDRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
631Didenko, MCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
632Diehl, EBUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
633Diehl, LUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
634Cornell, SDDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
635Pardos, CDUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
636Dimitriadi, CUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy; Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Sweden)
637Dimitrievska, ALawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
638Dingfelder, JRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
639Dinu, IMHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
640Dittmeier, SJHeidelberg University Institute of Physics (Germany)
641Dittus, FEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
642Djama, FAix-Marseille Universite (France)
643Djobava, TIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
644Djuvsland, JIUniversity of Bergen (Norway)
645Doglioni, CLund University; The University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
646Dohnalova, AComenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics (Slovakia)
647Dolejsi, JCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
648Dolezal, ZCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
649Dona, KMEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
650Donadelli, MUniversidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil)
651Dong, BMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
652Donini, JUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
653D'Onofrio, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Roma Tre University Department of Mathematics and Physics (Italy)
654D'Onofrio, MUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
655Dopke, JSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
656Doria, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
657Fernandes, NDLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
658Dougan, PThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
659Dova, MTConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); La Plata Institute of Physics (Argentina)
660Doyle, ATUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
661Draguet, MAUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
662Dreyer, EWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
663Drivas-koulouris, INational Technical University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
664Drnevich, MNew York University (USA)
665Drobac, ASTufts University (USA)
666Drozdova, MUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
667Du, DUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
668du Pree, TAUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
669Dubinin, FEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
670Dubovsky, MComenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics (Slovakia)
671Duchovni, EWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
672Duckeck, GLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
673Ducu, OAHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
674Duda, DThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
675Dudarev, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
676Duden, ERBrandeis University (USA)
677D'uffizi, MThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
678Duflot, LUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
679Dührssen, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
680Dülsen, CUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
681Dumitriu, AEHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
682Dunford, MHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
683Dungs, STU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
684Dunne, KStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
685Duperrin, AAix-Marseille Universite (France)
686Yildiz, HDAnkara University (Turkiye)
687Düren, MJustus Liebig University Giessen Department of Physics II (Germany)
688Durglishvili, AIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
689Dwyer, BLNorthern Illinois University (USA)
690Dyckes, GILawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
691Dyndal, MAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
692Dziedzic, BSInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
693Earnshaw, ZOUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
694Eberwein, GHUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
695Eckerova, BComenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics (Slovakia)
696Eggebrecht, SUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
697De Souza, EEPSorbonne Universite (France)
698Ehrke, LFUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
699Eigen, GUniversity of Bergen (Norway)
700Einsweiler, KLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
701Ekelof, TUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
702Ekman, PALund University (Sweden)
703El Farkh, SIbn Tofail University of Kenitra (Morocco)
704El Ghazali, YIbn Tofail University of Kenitra (Morocco)
705El Jarrari, HAcademia Sinica - Taiwan; Mohammed V University of Rabat Faculty of Sciences (Taiwan)
706El Moussaouy, AUniversité de Montréal (Canada)
707Ellajosyula, VUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
708Ellert, MUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
709Ellinghaus, FUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
710Ellis, NEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
711Elmsheuser, JBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
712Elsing, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
713Emeliyanov, DSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
714Enari, YThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
715Ene, ILawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
716Epari, SInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
717Erdmann, JTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
718Erland, PAInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
719Errenst, MUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
720Escalier, MUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
721Escobar, CCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
722Etzion, ETel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
723Evans, GLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
724Evans, HIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
725Evans, LSRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
726Evans, MOUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
727Ezhilov, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
728Ezzarqtouni, SUniversity of Hassan II Casablanca Faculty of Science Ain Chock (Morocco)
729Fabbri, FUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
730Fabbri, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
731Facini, GUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
732Fadeyev, VUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
733Fakhrutdinov, RMEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
734Falciano, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
735Coelho, LFFUEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
736Falke, PJRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
737Faltova, JCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
738Fan, CUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
739Fan, YInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
740Fang, YUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
741Fanti, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
742Faraj, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) (Italy)
743Farazpay, ZLouisiana Technical University (USA)
744Farbin, AUniversity of Texas Arlington (USA)
745Farilla, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
746Farooque, TMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
747Farrington, SMThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
748Fassi, FMohammed V University of Rabat Faculty of Sciences (Morocco)
749Fassouliotis, DNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
750Giannelli, MFUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata; University of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Physics (Italy)
751Fawcett, WJUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
752Fayard, LUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
753Federic, PCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
754Federicova, PInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
755Fedin, OLEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
756Fedotov, GEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
757Feickert, MUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
758Feligioni, LAix-Marseille Universite (France)
759Fellers, DEUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
760Feng, CShandong University; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
761Feng, MTsinghua University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
762Feng, ZUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
763Fenton, MJUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
764Fenyuk, ABEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
765Ferencz, LDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
766Ferguson, RAMLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
767Luengo, SIFFederico Santa Maria Technical University Physics Department (Chile)
768Martinez, PFInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
769Fernoux, MJVAix-Marseille Universite (France)
770Ferrando, JDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
771Ferrari, AUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
772Ferrari, PUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics; Radboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Netherlands)
773Ferrari, RIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
774Ferrere, DUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
775Ferretti, CUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
776Fiedler, FJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
777Filipcic, AJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
778Filmer, EKThe University of Adelaide School of Physical Sciences (Australia)
779Filthaut, FRadboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Netherlands)
780Fiolhais, MCNLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas; City University of New York (CUNY) System; University of Coimbra Department of Physics (USA)
781Fiorini, LCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
782Fisher, WCMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
783Fitschen, TThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
784Fitzhugh, PMCEA (France)
785Fleck, IUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
786Fleischmann, PUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
787Flick, TUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
788Flores, MUniversity of the Philippines Diliman National Institute of Physics (Philippines)
789Castillo, LRFThe Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
790De Acedo, LFSEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
791Follega, FMIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Trento (Italy)
792Fomin, NUniversity of Bergen (Norway)
793Foo, JHUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
794Forland, BCIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
795Formica, ACEA (France)
796Forti, ACThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
797Fortin, EEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
798Fortman, AWHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
799Foti, MGLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
800Fountas, LUniversity of the Aegean Department of Financial and Management Engineering; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
801Fournier, DUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
802Fox, HLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
803Francavilla, PIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pisa Department of Physics (Italy)
804Francescato, SHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
805Franchellucci, SUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
806Franchini, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
807Franchino, SHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
808Francis, DEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
809Franco, LRadboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Netherlands)
810Lima, VFEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
811Franconi, LDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
812Franklin, MHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
813Frattari, GBrandeis University (USA)
814Freegard, ACQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
815Freund, WSFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
816Frid, YYTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
817Friend, JUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
818Fritzsche, NTU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
819Froch, AUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
820Froidevaux, DEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
821Frost, JAUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
822Fu, YUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
823Garrido, SFFederico Santa Maria Technical University Physics Department (Chile)
824Fujimoto, MOchanomizu University (Japan)
825Torregrosa, EFCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
826Fung, KYThe Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
827De Simas, EFFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
828Furukawa, MThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
829Fuster, JCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
830Gabrielli, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
831Gabrielli, AUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
832Gadow, PEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
833Gagliardi, GUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
834Gagnon, LGLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
835Gallas, EJUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
836Gallop, BJSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
837Gan, KKOhio State University (USA)
838Ganguly, SThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
839Gao, YThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
840Walls, FMGPontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Millennium Inst Subatom Phys High Energy Frontier (Chile)
841Garcia, BBrookhaven National Laboratory; University of Colorado Boulder Department of Physics (USA)
842García, CCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
843Alonso, AGUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
844Caffaro, AGGYale University Department of Physics (USA)
845Navarro, JEGCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
846Garcia-Sciveres, MLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
847Gardner, GLUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
848Gardner, RWEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
849Garelli, NTufts University (USA)
850Garg, DUniversity of Iowa (USA)
851Garg, RBSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; Stanford University Physics Department (USA)
852Gargan, JMThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
853Garner, CAUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
854Garvey, CMUniversity of Cape Town (South Africa)
855Gaspar, PFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
856Gassmann, VKTufts University (USA)
857Gaudio, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
858Gautam, VInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
859Gauzzi, PIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
860Gavrilenko, ILEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
861Gavrilyuk, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
862Gay, CThe University of British Columbia Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
863Gaycken, GDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
864Gazis, ENNational Technical University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
865Geanta, AAHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
866Gee, CMUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
867Gemme, CINFN Sez (Italy)
868Genest, MHCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
869Gentile, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
870Gentry, ADUniversity of New Mexcio Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
871George, SRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
872George, WFUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
873Geralis, TNational Centre of Scientific Research "Demokritos" (Greece)
874Gessinger-Befurt, PEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
875Geyik, MEUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
876Ghani, MUniversity of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
877Ghneimat, MUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
878Ghorbanian, KQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
879Ghosal, AUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
880Ghosh, AUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy; The University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
881Giacobbe, BIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
882Giagu, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
883Giani, TUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
884Giannetti, PIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
885Giannini, AUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
886Gibson, SMRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
887Gignac, MUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
888Gil, DTJagiellonian University in Kraków Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics (Poland)
889Gilbert, AKAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
890Gilbert, BJColumbia University (USA)
891Gillberg, DCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
892Gilles, GUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
893Gillwald, NEKDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
894Ginabat, LSorbonne Universite (France)
895Gingrich, DMUniversity of British Columbia; University of Alberta Department of Physics (Canada)
896Giordani, MPIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Udine Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (Italy)
897Giraud, PFCEA (France)
898Giugliarelli, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Udine Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (Italy)
899Giugni, DIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
900Giuli, FEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
901Gkialas, IUniversity of the Aegean Department of Financial and Management Engineering; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
902Gladilin, LKEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
903Glasman, CAutonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
904Gledhill, GRUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
905Glemza, GDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
906Glisic, MUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
907Gnesi, IIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Ctr Studi & Ric Enrico Fermi (Italy)
908Go, YBrookhaven National Laboratory; University of Colorado Boulder Department of Physics (USA)
909Goblirsch-Kolb, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
910Gocke, BTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
911Godin, DUniversité de Montréal (Canada)
912Gokturk, BBogazici University (Turkiye)
913Goldfarb, SUniversity of Melbourne School of Physics (Australia)
914Golling, TUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
915Gololo, MGDUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
916Golubkov, DEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
917Gombas, JPMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
918Gomes, ALaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas; University of Lisbon Department of Physics (Portugal)
919Da Silva, GGUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
920Delegido, AJGCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
921Gonçalo, RLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas; University of Coimbra Department of Physics (Portugal)
922Gonella, GUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
923Gonella, LUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
924Gongadze, AUniv Georgia (Georgia)
925Gonnella, FUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
926Gonski, JLColumbia University (USA)
927Andana, RYGThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
928de la Hoz, SGCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
929Fernandez, SGInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
930Lopez, RGUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
931Renteria, CGLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
932Rodrigues, MVGDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
933Suarez, RGUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
934Gonzalez-Sevilla, SUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
935Rodriguez, GRGCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
936Goossens, LEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
937Gorini, BEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
938Gorini, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Salento Department of Mathematics and Physics Ennio de Giorgi (Italy)
939Gorisek, AJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
940Gosart, TCUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
941Goshaw, ATDuke University Department of Physics (USA)
942Gostkin, MIEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
943Goswami, SOklahoma State University Department of Physics (USA)
944Gottardo, CAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
945Gotz, SALudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
946Gouighri, MIbn Tofail University of Kenitra (Morocco)
947Goumarre, VDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
948Goussiou, AGUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
949Govender, NUniversity of Johannesburg Department of Mechanical Engineering Science (South Africa)
950Grabowska-Bold, IAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
951Graham, KCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
952Gramstad, EUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
953Grancagnolo, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Salento Department of Mathematics and Physics Ennio de Giorgi (Italy)
954Grandi, MUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
955Grant, CMCEA; The University of Adelaide School of Physical Sciences (France)
956Gravila, PMWest University of Timisoara (Romania)
957Gravili, FGIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Salento Department of Mathematics and Physics Ennio de Giorgi (Italy)
958Gray, HMLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
959Greco, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Salento Department of Mathematics and Physics Ennio de Giorgi (Italy)
960Grefe, CRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
961Gregor, IMDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
962Grenier, PSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
963Grewe, SGMax Planck Society (Germany)
964Grieco, CInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
965Grillo, AAUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
966Grimm, KCalifornia State University Fresno (USA)
967Grinstein, SICREA; Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
968Grivaz, JFUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
969Gross, EWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
970Grosse-Knetter, JUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
971Grud, CUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
972Grundy, JCUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
973Guan, LUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
974Guan, WBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
975Gubbels, CThe University of British Columbia Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
976Rojas, JGRGCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
977Guerrieri, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Udine Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (Italy)
978Guescini, FMax Planck Society (Germany)
979Gugel, RJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
980Guhit, JAMUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
981Guida, AHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
982Guillemin, TUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
983Guilloton, ESTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; University of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
984Guindon, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
985Guo, FInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS; Nanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
986Guo, JShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
987Guo, LDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
988Guo, YUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
989Gupta, RDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY); University of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
990Gurbuz, SRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
991Gurdasani, SSUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
992Gustavino, GEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
993Guth, MUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
994Gutierrez, PUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
995Zagazeta, LFGUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
996Gutsche, MTU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
997Gutschow, CUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
998Gwenlan, CUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
999Gwilliam, CBUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1000Haaland, ESUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
1001Haas, ANew York University (USA)
1002Habedank, MDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1003Haber, CLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1004Hadavand, HKUniversity of Texas Arlington (USA)
1005Hadef, AJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1006Hadzic, SMax Planck Society (Germany)
1007Hagan, AILancaster University Department of Physics (England)
1008Hahn, JJUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
1009Haines, EHUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1010Haleem, MUniversity of Wurzburg Faculty of Physics and Astronomy (Germany)
1011Haley, JOklahoma State University Department of Physics (USA)
1012Hall, JJThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1013Hallewell, GDAix-Marseille Universite (France)
1014Halser, LUniversity of Bern; University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics (Switzerland)
1015Hamano, KUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
1016Hamer, MRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1017Hamity, GNThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1018Hampshire, EJRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
1019Han, JShandong University; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
1020Han, KUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1021Han, LUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics; Nanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1022Han, SLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1023Han, YFUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1024Hanagaki, KHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
1025Hance, MUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
1026Hangal, DAColumbia University; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA)
1027Hanif, HSimon Fraser University (Canada)
1028Hank, MDUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1029Hankache, RThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1030Hansen, JBNiels Bohr Institute (Denmark)
1031Hansen, JDNiels Bohr Institute (Denmark)
1032Hansen, PHNiels Bohr Institute (Denmark)
1033Hara, KUniversity of Tsukuba; University of Tsukuba Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe (Japan)
1034Harada, DUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
1035Harenberg, TUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
1036Harkusha, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1037Harris, MLUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
1038Harris, YTUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1039Harrison, JInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1040Harrison, NMOhio State University (USA)
1041Harrison, PFUniversity of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
1042Hartman, NMMax Planck Society (Germany)
1043Hartmann, NMLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1044Hasegawa, YShinshu University (Japan)
1045Hauser, RMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1046Hawkes, CMUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1047Hawkings, RJEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1048Hayashi, YThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1049Hayashida, SNagoya University; Nagoya University School of Science Graduate School of Science (Japan)
1050Hayden, DMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1051Hayes, CUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
1052Hayes, RLUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
1053Hays, CPUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1054Hays, JMQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
1055Hayward, HSUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1056He, FUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1057He, MUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
1058He, YDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY); Tokyo Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Japan)
1059Heatley, NBQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
1060Hedberg, VLund University (Sweden)
1061Heggelund, ALUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
1062Hehir, NDQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
1063Heidegger, CUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1064Heidegger, KKUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1065Heidorn, WDIowa State University (USA)
1066Heilman, JCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
1067Heim, SDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1068Heim, TLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1069Heinlein, JGUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1070Heinrich, JJUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
1071Heinrich, LTechnical University of Munich; Max Planck Society (Germany)
1072Hejbal, JInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
1073Helary, LDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1074Held, AUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
1075Hellesund, SUniversity of Bergen (Norway)
1076Helling, CMThe University of British Columbia Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
1077Hellman, SStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
1078Henderson, RCWLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
1079Henkelmann, LUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
1080Correia, AMHEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1081Herde, HLund University (Sweden)
1082Jiménez, YHState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
1083Herrmann, LMRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1084Herrmann, TTU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
1085Herten, GUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1086Hertenberger, RLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1087Hervas, LEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1088Hesping, MEJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1089Hessey, NPUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
1090Hibi, HKobe University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
1091Hill, EUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1092Hillier, SJUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1093Hinds, JRMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1094Hinterkeuser, FRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1095Hirose, MOsaka University School of Science Graduate School of Science (Japan)
1096Hirose, SUniversity of Tsukuba; University of Tsukuba Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe (Japan)
1097Hirschbuehl, DUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
1098Hitchings, TGThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1099Hiti, BJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
1100Hobbs, JState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
1101Hobincu, RNational University of Science & Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest (Romania)
1102Hod, NWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1103Hodgkinson, MCThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1104Hodkinson, BHUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
1105Hoecker, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1106Hofer, JDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1107Holm, TRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1108Holzbock, MMax Planck Society (Germany)
1109Hommels, LBAHUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
1110Honan, BPThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1111Hong, JShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
1112Hong, TMUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1113Hooberman, BHUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
1114Hopkins, WHArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
1115Horii, YNagoya University; Nagoya University School of Science Graduate School of Science (Japan)
1116Hou, SAcademia Sinica - Taiwan (Taiwan)
1117Howard, ASJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
1118Howarth, JUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1119Hoya, JArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
1120Hrabovsky, MPalacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)
1121Hrynevich, ADeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1122Hryn'ova, TUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
1123Hsu, PJNational Tsing-Hua University Department of Physics (Taiwan)
1124Hsu, SCUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
1125Hu, QUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1126Hu, YFUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
1127Huang, SThe University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1128Huang, XUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS; Nanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1129Huang, YInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS; The University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
1130Huang, ZThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1131Hubacek, ZCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
1132Huebner, MRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1133Huegging, FRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1134Huffman, TBUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1135Hugli, CADeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1136Huhtinen, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1137Huiberts, SKUniversity of Bergen (Norway)
1138Hulsken, RMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
1139Huseynov, NInstitute of Physics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (Azerbaijan)
1140Huston, JMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1141Huth, JHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
1142Hyneman, RSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
1143Iacobucci, GUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
1144Iakovidis, GBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1145Ibragimov, IUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
1146Iconomidou-Fayard, LUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
1147Iengo, PIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
1148Iguchi, RThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1149Iizawa, TUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1150Ikegami, YHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
1151Ilic, NUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1152Imam, HUniversity of Hassan II Casablanca Faculty of Science Ain Chock (Morocco)
1153Lezki, MIUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
1154Carlson, TIStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
1155Introzzi, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pavia (Italy)
1156Iodice, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1157Ippolito, VIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
1158Irwin, RKUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1159Ishino, MThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1160Islam, WUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
1161Issever, CDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY); Humboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
1162Istin, SBogazici University; Yeditepe University (Turkiye)
1163Ito, HWaseda University (Japan)
1164Ponce, JMIThe Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1165Iuppa, RIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Trento (Italy)
1166Ivina, AWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1167Izen, JMUniversity of Texas Dallas (USA)
1168Izzo, VIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1169Jacka, PInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences; Czech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
1170Jackson, PThe University of Adelaide School of Physical Sciences (Australia)
1171Jacobs, RMDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1172Jaeger, BPSimon Fraser University (Canada)
1173Jagfeld, CSLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1174Jain, GUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
1175Jain, PUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1176Jakobs, KUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1177Jakoubek, TWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1178Jamieson, JUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1179Janas, KWAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
1180Javurkova, MUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
1181Jeanneau, FCEA (France)
1182Jeanty, LUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
1183Jejelava, JIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Elevter Andronikashvili Institute of Physics; Ilia State University (Georgia)
1184Jenni, PEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); University of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Switzerland)
1185Jessiman, CECarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
1186Jézéquel, SUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
1187Jia, CShandong University; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
1188Jia, JState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
1189Jia, XUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS; Harvard University Department of Physics (USA)
1190Jia, ZNanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1191Jiggins, SDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1192Pena, JJInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1193Jin, SNanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1194Jinaru, AHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
1195Jinnouchi, OTokyo Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Japan)
1196Johansson, PThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1197Johns, KAThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
1198Johnson, JWUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
1199Jones, DMUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
1200Jones, EDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1201Jones, PUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
1202Jones, RWLLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
1203Jones, TJUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1204Joos, HLEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); University of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Switzerland)
1205Joshi, ROhio State University (USA)
1206Jovicevic, JINSTITUTE PHYSICS (Serbia)
1207Ju, XLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1208Junggeburth, JJUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
1209Junkermann, THeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
1210Rozas, AJICREA; Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1211Juzek, MKInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
1212Kabana, SUniversidad de Tarapaca (Chile)
1213Kaczmarska, AInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
1214Kado, MMax Planck Society (Germany)
1215Kagan, HOhio State University (USA)
1216Kagan, MSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
1217Kahn, AColumbia University; University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1218Kahra, CJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1219Kaji, TThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1220Kajomovitz, ETechnion Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Physics (Israel)
1221Kakati, NWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1222Kalaitzidou, IUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1223Kalderon, CWBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1224Kamenshchikov, AUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1225Kang, NJUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
1226Kar, DUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
1227Karava, KUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1228Kareem, MJYork University - Canada (Canada)
1229Karentzos, EUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1230Karkanias, IAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics (Greece)
1231Karkout, OUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
1232Karpov, SNEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1233Karpova, ZMEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1234Kartvelishvili, VLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
1235Karyukhin, ANEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1236Kasimi, EAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics (Greece)
1237Katzy, JDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1238Kaur, SCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
1239Kawade, KShinshu University (Japan)
1240Kawale, MPUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
1241Kawamoto, CKyoto University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
1242Kawamoto, TCEA (France)
1243Kay, EFEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1244Kaya, FITufts University (USA)
1245Kazakos, SMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1246Kazanin, VFEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1247Ke, YState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
1248Keaveney, JMUniversity of Cape Town (South Africa)
1249Keeler, RUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
1250Kehris, GVHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
1251Keller, JSCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
1252Kelly, ASUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1253Kempster, JJUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1254Kennedy, KEColumbia University (USA)
1255Kennedy, PDJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1256Kepka, OInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
1257Kerridge, BPUniversity of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
1258Kersten, SUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
1259Kersevan, BPJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
1260Keshri, SUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
1261Keszeghova, LComenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics (Slovakia)
1262Haghighat, SKUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1263Khan, RAUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1264Khandoga, MSorbonne Universite (France)
1265Khanov, AOklahoma State University Department of Physics (USA)
1266Kharlamov, AGEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1267Kharlamova, TEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1268Khoda, EEUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
1269Kholodenko, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1270Khoo, TJHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
1271Khoriauli, GUniversity of Wurzburg Faculty of Physics and Astronomy (Germany)
1272Khubua, JIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
1273Khwaira, YARUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
1274Kilgallon, AUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
1275Kim, DWStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
1276Kim, YKEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
1277Kimura, NUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1278Kingston, MKUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
1279Kirchhoff, AUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
1280Kirfel, CRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1281Kirfel, FRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1282Kirk, JSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
1283Kiryunin, AEMax Planck Society (Germany)
1284Kitsaki, CNational Technical University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
1285Kivernyk, ORheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1286Klassen, MHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
1287Klein, CCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
1288Klein, LUniversity of Wurzburg Faculty of Physics and Astronomy (Germany)
1289Klein, MHUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
1290Klein, MSin datos ()
1291Klein, SBUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
1292Klein, UUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1293Klimek, PEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1294Klimentov, ABrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1295Klioutchnikova, TEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1296Kluit, PUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
1297Kluth, SMax Planck Society (Germany)
1298Kneringer, EUniversity of Innsbruck Institute of Astro and Particle Physics (Austria)
1299Knight, TMUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1300Knue, ATU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1301Kobayashi, RKyoto University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
1302Kobylianskii, DWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1303Koch, SFUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1304Kocian, MSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
1305Kodys, PCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
1306Koeck, DMUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
1307Koenig, PTRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1308Koffas, TCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
1309Kolay, OTU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
1310Kolb, MCEA (France)
1311Koletsou, IUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
1312Komarek, TPalacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)
1313Köneke, KUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1314Kong, AXYThe University of Adelaide School of Physical Sciences (Australia)
1315Kono, TOchanomizu University (Japan)
1316Konstantinidis, NUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1317Kontaxakis, PUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
1318Konya, BLund University (Sweden)
1319Kopeliansky, RIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
1320Koperny, SAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
1321Korcyl, KInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
1322Kordas, KAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Ctr Interdisciplinary Res & Innovat CIRI AUTH (Greece)
1323Koren, GTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
1324Korn, AUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1325Korn, SUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
1326Korolkov, IInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1327Korotkova, NEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1328Kortman, BUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
1329Kortner, OMax Planck Society (Germany)
1330Kortner, SMax Planck Society (Germany)
1331Kostecka, WHNorthern Illinois University (USA)
1332Kostyukhin, VVUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
1333Kotsokechagia, ACEA (France)
1334Kotwal, ADuke University Department of Physics (USA)
1335Koulouris, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1336Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pavia (Italy)
1337Kourkoumelis, CNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
1338Kourlitis, ETechnical University of Munich; Max Planck Society (Germany)
1339Kovanda, OUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1340Kowalewski, RUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
1341Kozanecki, WCEA (France)
1342Kozhin, ASEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1343Kramarenko, VAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1344Kramberger, GJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
1345Kramer, PJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1346Krasny, MWSorbonne Universite (France)
1347Krasznahorkay, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1348Kraus, JWUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
1349Kremer, JADeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1350Kresse, TTU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
1351Kretzschmar, JUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1352Kreul, KHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
1353Krieger, PUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1354Krishnamurthy, SUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
1355Krivos, MCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
1356Krizka, KUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1357Kroeninger, KTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1358Kroha, HMax Planck Society (Germany)
1359Kroll, JInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
1360Kroll, JUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1361Krowpman, KSMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1362Kruchonak, UEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1363Krüger, HRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1364Krumnack, NIowa State University (USA)
1365Kruse, MCDuke University Department of Physics (USA)
1366Krzysiak, JAInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
1367Kuchinskaia, OEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1368Kuday, SAnkara University (Turkiye)
1369Kuehn, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1370Kuesters, RUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1371Kuhl, TDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1372Kukhtin, VEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1373Kulchitsky, YEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1374Kuleshov, SUniversidad Andrés Bello; Millennium Inst Subatom Phys High Energy Frontier (Chile)
1375Kumar, MUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
1376Kumari, NDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1377Kupco, AInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
1378Kupfer, TTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1379Kupich, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1380Kuprash, OUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1381Kurashige, HKobe University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
1382Kurchaninov, LLUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
1383Kurdysh, OUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
1384Kurochkin, YAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1385Kurova, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1386Kuze, MTokyo Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Japan)
1387Kvam, AKUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
1388Kvita, JPalacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)
1389Kwan, TMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
1390Kyriacou, NGUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
1391Laatu, LAOAix-Marseille Universite (France)
1392Lacasta, CCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
1393Lacava, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
1394Lacker, HHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
1395Lacour, DSorbonne Universite (France)
1396Lad, NNUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1397Ladygin, EEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1398Laforge, BSorbonne Universite (France)
1399Lagouri, TUniversidad de Tarapaca (Chile)
1400Lahbabi, FZUniversity of Hassan II Casablanca Faculty of Science Ain Chock (Morocco)
1401Lai, SUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
1402Lakomiec, IKAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
1403Lalloue, NCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
1404Lambert, JEUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
1405Lammers, SIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
1406Lampl, WThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
1407Lampoudis, CAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Ctr Interdisciplinary Res & Innovat CIRI AUTH (Greece)
1408Lancaster, ANNorthern Illinois University (USA)
1409Lançon, EBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1410Landgraf, UUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1411Landon, MPJQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
1412Lang, VSUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1413Langenberg, RJUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
1414Langrekken, OKBUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
1415Lankford, AJUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1416Lanni, FEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1417Lantzsch, KRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1418Lanza, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1419Lapertosa, AUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
1420Laporte, JFCEA (France)
1421Lari, TIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1422Manghi, FLIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1423Lassnig, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1424Latonova, VInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
1425Laudrain, AJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1426Laurier, ATechnion Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Physics (Israel)
1427Lawlor, SDThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1428Lawrence, ZThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1429Lazzaroni, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
1430Le, BThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1431Le Boulicaut, EMDuke University Department of Physics (USA)
1432Leban, BJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
1433Lebedev, AIowa State University (USA)
1434LeBlanc, MThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1435Ledroit-Guillon, FCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
1436Lee, ACAUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1437Lee, SCAcademia Sinica - Taiwan (Taiwan)
1438Lee, SStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
1439Lee, TFUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1440Leeuw, LLUniversity of Johannesburg Department of Mechanical Engineering Science (South Africa)
1441Lefebvre, HPRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
1442Lefebvre, MUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
1443Leggett, CLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1444Miotto, GLEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1445Leigh, MUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
1446Leight, WAUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
1447Leinonen, WRadboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Netherlands)
1448Leisos, AAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Hellenic Open University (Greece)
1449Leite, MALUniversidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil)
1450Leitgeb, CEDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1451Leitner, RCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
1452Leney, KJCSouthern Methodist University (USA)
1453Lenz, TRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1454Leone, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1455Leonidopoulos, CThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1456Leopold, AKTH Royal Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Sweden)
1457Leroy, CUniversité de Montréal (Canada)
1458Les, RMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1459Lester, CGUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
1460Levchenko, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1461Levêque, JUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
1462Levin, DUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
1463Levinson, LJWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1464Lewicki, MPInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
1465Lewis, DJUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
1466Li, AUniversite Paris Cite (France)
1467Li, BShandong University; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
1468Li, CUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1469Li, CQShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
1470Li, HShandong University; University of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics; Nanjing University Department of Physics; Tsinghua University Department of Physics; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
1471Li, JShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
1472Li, KUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
1473Li, LShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
1474Li, MUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
1475Li, QYUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1476Li, SShanghai Jiao Tong University; Peking University; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
1477Li, TUniversite Paris Cite (France)
1478Li, XMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
1479Li, ZUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS; McGill University Department of Physics; University of Liverpool Department of Physics; University of Oxford Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1480Liang, SUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
1481Liang, ZInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
1482Liberatore, MCEA; Universite Paris Saclay (France)
1483Liberti, BUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy)
1484Lie, KThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Physics; Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (Peoples R China)
1485Marin, JLFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
1486Lien, HIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
1487Lin, KMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1488Lindley, REThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
1489Lindon, JHUniversity of Alberta Department of Physics (Canada)
1490Lipeles, EUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1491Lipniacka, AUniversity of Bergen (Norway)
1492Lister, AThe University of British Columbia Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
1493Little, JDUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
1494Liu, BInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
1495Liu, BXSimon Fraser University (Canada)
1496Liu, DShanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
1497Liu, JBUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1498Liu, JKKUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
1499Liu, KShanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
1500Liu, MUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1501Liu, MYUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1502Liu, PInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
1503Liu, QShanghai Jiao Tong University; University of Washington Department of Physics; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1504Liu, XUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1505Liu, YUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Shenzhen Campus Sun Yat Sen Univ (Peoples R China)
1506Liu, YLShandong University; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
1507Liu, YWUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1508Merino, JLSimon Fraser University (Canada)
1509Lloyd, SLQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
1510Lobodzinska, EMDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1511Loch, PThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
1512Lohse, THumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
1513Lohwasser, KThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1514Loiacono, EDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1515Lokajicek, MInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
1516Lomas, JDUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1517Long, JDUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
1518Longarini, IUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1519Longo, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Salento Department of Mathematics and Physics Ennio de Giorgi (Italy)
1520Longo, RUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
1521Paz, ILCSIC - Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM) (Spain)
1522Solis, ALDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1523Lorenz, JLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1524Martinez, NLUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
1525Lory, AMLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1526Loseva, OEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1527Lou, XUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS; Stockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
1528Lounis, AUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
1529Love, JArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
1530Love, PALancaster University Department of Physics (England)
1531Lu, GUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
1532Lu, MUniversity of Iowa (USA)
1533Lu, SUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1534Lu, YJNational Tsing-Hua University Department of Physics (Taiwan)
1535Lubatti, HJUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
1536Luci, CIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
1537Alves, FLLNanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1538Lucotte, ACNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
1539Luehring, FIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
1540Luise, IState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
1541Lukianchuk, OUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
1542Lundberg, OKTH Royal Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Sweden)
1543Lund-Jensen, BKTH Royal Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Sweden)
1544Luongo, NAUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
1545Lutz, MSTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
1546Lux, ABBoston University Department of Physics (USA)
1547Lynn, DBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1548Lyons, HUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1549Lysak, RInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
1550Lytken, ELund University (Sweden)
1551Lyubushkin, VEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1552Lyubushkina, TEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1553Lyukova, MMState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
1554Ma, HBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1555Ma, KUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1556Ma, LLShandong University; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
1557Ma, YOklahoma State University Department of Physics (USA)
1558Mac Donell, DMUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
1559Maccarrone, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
1560MacDonald, JCJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1561Farias, PCMDFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
1562Madar, RUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
1563Mader, WFTU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
1564Madula, TUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1565Maeda, JKobe University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
1566Maeno, TBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1567Maguire, HThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1568Maiboroda, VCEA (France)
1569Maio, AUniversidade de Lisboa; Laboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas; University of Lisbon Department of Physics (Portugal)
1570Maj, KAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
1571Majersky, ODeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1572Majewski, SUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
1573Makovec, NUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
1574Maksimovic, VINSTITUTE PHYSICS (Serbia)
1575Malaescu, BSorbonne Universite (France)
1576Malecki, PInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
1577Maleev, VPEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1578Malek, FCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
1579Mali, MJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
1580Malito, DRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
1581Mallik, UUniversity of Iowa (USA)
1582Maltezos, SNational Technical University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
1583Malyukov, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1584Mamuzic, JInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1585Mancini, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
1586Manco, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pavia (Italy)
1587Mandalia, JPQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
1588Mandic, IJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
1589de Andrade, LMUniversidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brazil)
1590Maniatis, IMWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1591Ramos, JMAix-Marseille Universite; CNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
1592Mankad, DCWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1593Mann, ALudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1594Mansoulie, BCEA (France)
1595Manzoni, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1596Mapekula, XUniversity of Johannesburg Department of Mechanical Engineering Science (South Africa)
1597Marantis, AAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Hellenic Open University (Greece)
1598Marchiori, GUniversite Paris Cite (France)
1599Marcisovsky, MInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
1600Marcon, CIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
1601Marinescu, MUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1602Marjanovic, MUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
1603Marshall, EJLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
1604Marshall, ZLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1605Marti-Garcia, SCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
1606Martin, TAUniversity of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
1607Martin, VJThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1608Latour, BMDUniversity of Bergen (Norway)
1609Martinelli, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
1610Martinez, MICREA; Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1611Agullo, PMCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
1612Outschoorn, VIMUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
1613Suarez, PMInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1614Martin-Haugh, SSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
1615Martoiu, VSHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
1616Martyniuk, ACUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1617Marzin, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1618Mascione, DIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Trento (Italy)
1619Masetti, LJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1620Mashimo, TThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1621Masik, JThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1622Maslennikov, ALEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1623Massa, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1624Massarotti, PIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
1625Mastrandrea, PIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pisa Department of Physics (Italy)
1626Mastroberardino, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Calabria Department of Physics (Italy)
1627Masubuchi, TThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1628Mathisen, TUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
1629Matousek, JCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
1630Matsuzawa, NThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1631Maurer, JHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
1632Macek, BJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
1633Maximov, DAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1634Mazini, RAcademia Sinica - Taiwan (Taiwan)
1635Maznas, IAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics (Greece)
1636Mazza, MMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1637Mazza, SMUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
1638Mazzeo, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
1639Mc Ginn, CBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1640Mc Gowan, JPMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
1641Mc Kee, SPUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
1642McDonald, EFUniversity of Melbourne School of Physics (Australia)
1643McDougall, AEUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
1644Mcfayden, JAUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1645McGovern, RPUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1646Mchedlidze, GIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
1647Mckenzie, RPUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
1648Mclachlan, TCDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1649Mclaughlin, DJUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1650McMahon, SJSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
1651Mcpartland, CMUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1652McPherson, RAUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy; Inst Particle Phys IPP (Canada)
1653Mehlhase, SLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1654Mehta, AUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1655Melini, DTechnion Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Physics (Israel)
1656Garcia, BRMUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
1657Melo, AHUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
1658Meloni, FDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1659Da Costa, AMMJThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1660Meng, HYUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1661Meng, LLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
1662Menke, SMax Planck Society (Germany)
1663Mentink, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1664Meoni, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Calabria Department of Physics (Italy)
1665Merlassino, CUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1666Merola, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini (Italy)
1667Meroni, CIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
1668Merz, GUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
1669Meshkov, OEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1670Metcalfe, JArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
1671Mete, ASArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
1672Meyer, CIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
1673Meyer, JPCEA (France)
1674Middleton, RPSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
1675Mijovic, LThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1676Mikenberg, GWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1677Mikestikova, MInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
1678Mikuz, MJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
1679Mildner, HJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1680Milic, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1681Milke, CDSouthern Methodist University (USA)
1682Miller, DWEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
1683Miller, LSCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
1684Milov, AWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1685Milstead, DAStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
1686Min, TNanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1687Minaenko, AAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1688Minashvili, IAIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
1689Mince, LUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1690Mincer, AINew York University (USA)
1691Mindur, BAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
1692Mineev, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1693Mino, YKyoto University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
1694Mir, LMInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1695Lopez, MMCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
1696Mironova, MLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1697Mishima, AThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1698Missio, MCRadboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Netherlands)
1699Mitra, AUniversity of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
1700Mitsou, VACSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
1701Mitsumori, YNagoya University; Nagoya University School of Science Graduate School of Science (Japan)
1702Miu, OUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1703Miyagawa, PSQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
1704Mkrtchyan, THeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
1705Mlinarevic, MUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1706Mlinarevic, TUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1707Mlynarikova, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1708Mobius, SUniversity of Bern; University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics (Switzerland)
1709Moder, PDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1710Mogg, PLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1711Mohammed, AFUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
1712Mohapatra, SColumbia University (USA)
1713Mokgatitswane, GUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
1714Moleri, LWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
1715Mondal, BUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
1716Mondal, SCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
1717Monig, GUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1718Mönig, KDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1719Monnier, EAix-Marseille Universite (France)
1720Romero, LMCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
1721Berlingen, JMInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1722Montella, MOhio State University (USA)
1723Montereali, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Roma Tre University Department of Mathematics and Physics (Italy)
1724Monticelli, FConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); La Plata Institute of Physics (Argentina)
1725Monzani, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Udine Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (Italy)
1726Morange, NUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
1727De Carvalho, ALMLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
1728Llacer, MMCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
1729Martinez, CMUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
1730Morettini, PINFN Sez (Italy)
1731Morgenstern, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1732Morii, MHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
1733Morinaga, MThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1734Morley, AKEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1735Morodei, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
1736Morvaj, LEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1737Moschovakos, PEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1738Moser, BEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1739Mosidze, MIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
1740Moskalets, TUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1741Moskvitina, PRadboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Netherlands)
1742Moss, JCalifornia State University Sacramento; California State University Fresno (USA)
1743Moyse, EJWUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
1744Mtintsilana, OUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
1745Muanza, SAix-Marseille Universite (France)
1746Mueller, JUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1747Muenstermann, DLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
1748Müller, RUniversity of Bern; University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics (Switzerland)
1749Mullier, GAUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
1750Mullin, AJUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
1751Mullin, JJUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1752Mungo, DPUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1753Perez, DMCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
1754Sanchez, FJMThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1755Murin, MThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1756Murray, WJSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; University of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
1757Murrone, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
1758Muskinja, MLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1759Mwewa, CBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1760Myagkov, AGEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1761Myers, AJUniversity of Texas Arlington (USA)
1762Myers, GIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
1763Myska, MCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
1764Nachman, BPLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1765Nackenhorst, OTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1766Nag, ATU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
1767Nagai, KUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1768Nagano, KHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
1769Nagle, JLBrookhaven National Laboratory; University of Colorado Boulder Department of Physics (USA)
1770Nagy, EAix-Marseille Universite (France)
1771Nairz, AMEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1772Nakahama, YHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
1773Nakamura, KHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
1774Nakkalil, KUniversite Paris Cite (France)
1775Nanjo, HOsaka University School of Science Graduate School of Science (Japan)
1776Narayan, RSouthern Methodist University (USA)
1777Narayanan, EAUniversity of New Mexcio Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1778Naryshkin, IEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1779Naseri, MCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
1780Nasri, SUnited Arab Emirates University (U Arab Emirates)
1781Nass, CRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
1782Navarro, GUniversidad Antonio Narino (Colombia)
1783Navarro-Gonzalez, JCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
1784Nayak, RTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
1785Nayaz, AHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
1786Nechaeva, PYEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1787Nechansky, FDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1788Nedic, LUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1789Neep, TJUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1790Negri, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pavia (Italy)
1791Negrini, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1792Nellist, CUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
1793Nelson, CMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
1794Nelson, KUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
1795Nemecek, SInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
1796Nessi, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1797Neubauer, MSUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
1798Neuhaus, FJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1799Neundorf, JDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1800Newhouse, RThe University of British Columbia Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
1801Newman, PRUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1802Ng, CWUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1803Ng, YWYDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1804Ngair, BMohammed V University of Rabat Faculty of Sciences (Morocco)
1805Nguyen, HDNUniversité de Montréal (Canada)
1806Nickerson, RBUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1807Nicolaidou, RCEA (France)
1808Nielsen, JUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
1809Niemeyer, MUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
1810Niermann, JEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); University of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Switzerland)
1811Nikiforou, NEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1812Nikolaenko, VEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1813Nikolic-Audit, ISorbonne Universite (France)
1814Nikolopoulos, KUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1815Nilsson, PBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1816Ninca, IDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1817Nindhito, HRUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
1818Ninio, GTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
1819Nisati, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1820Nishu, NUniversity of Alberta Department of Physics (Canada)
1821Nisius, RMax Planck Society (Germany)
1822Nitschke, JETU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
1823Nkadimeng, EKUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
1824Nobe, TThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1825Noel, DLUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
1826Nommensen, TThe University of Sydney School of Physics (Australia)
1827Norfolk, MBThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1828Norisam, RRBUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1829Norman, BJCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
1830Novak, JJozef Stefan Institute; University of Ljubljana Department of Physics (Slovenia)
1831Novak, TDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1832Novotny, LCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
1833Novotny, RUniversity of New Mexcio Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1834Nozka, LPalacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)
1835Ntekas, KUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1836De Moura, NMJN JrFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
1837Nurse, EUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1838Ocariz, JSorbonne Universite (France)
1839Ochi, AKobe University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
1840Ochoa, ILaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
1841Oerdek, SDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1842Offermann, JTEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
1843Ogrodnik, ACharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
1844Oh, AThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1845Ohm, CCKTH Royal Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Sweden)
1846Oide, HHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
1847Oishi, RThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1848Ojeda, MLDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1849O'Keefe, MWUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
1850Okumura, YThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
1851Seabra, LFOLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
1852Pino, SAOUniversidad Andrés Bello (Chile)
1853Damazio, DOBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1854Goncalves, DOUniversidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brazil)
1855Oliver, JLUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1856Öncel, ÖOUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1857O'Neill, APUniversity of Bern; University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics (Switzerland)
1858Onofre, ALaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas; University of Minho Department of Physics (Portugal)
1859Onyisi, PUEThe University of Texas at Austin Department of Physics (USA)
1860Oreglia, MJEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
1861Orellana, GEConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); La Plata Institute of Physics (Argentina)
1862Orestano, DIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Roma Tre University Department of Mathematics and Physics (Italy)
1863Orlando, NInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1864Orr, RSUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1865O'Shea, VUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1866Osojnak, LMUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
1867Ospanov, RUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
1868Garzon, GOYConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); University of Buenos Aires Department of Physics (Argentina)
1869Otono, HKyushu University Research Center for Advanced Particle Physics; Kyushu University Faculty of Sciences Graduate School of Sciences Department of Physics (Japan)
1870Ott, PSHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
1871Ottino, GJLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1872Ouchrif, MMohammed First University of Oujda (Morocco)
1873Ouellette, JBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1874Ould-Saada, FUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
1875Owen, MUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1876Owen, RESTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
1877Oyulmaz, KYBogazici University (Turkiye)
1878Ozcan, VEBogazici University (Turkiye)
1879Ozturk, FInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
1880Ozturk, NUniversity of Texas Arlington (USA)
1881Ozturk, SIstinye University (Turkiye)
1882Pacey, HAUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
1883Pages, APInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1884Aranda, CPInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
1885Padovano, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
1886Griso, SPLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1887Palacino, GIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
1888Palazzo, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Salento Department of Mathematics and Physics Ennio de Giorgi (Italy)
1889Palestini, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1890Pan, JYale University Department of Physics (USA)
1891Pan, TThe Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1892Panchal, DKThe University of Texas at Austin Department of Physics (USA)
1893Pandini, CEUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
1894Vazquez, JGPRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
1895Pandya, HDThe University of Adelaide School of Physical Sciences (Australia)
1896Pang, HTsinghua University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1897Pani, PDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1898Panizzo, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Udine Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (Italy)
1899Paolozzi, LUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
1900Papadatos, CUniversité de Montréal (Canada)
1901Parajuli, SSouthern Methodist University (USA)
1902Paramonov, AArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
1903Paraskevopoulos, CNational Technical University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
1904Hernandez, DPThe University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1905Park, KRColumbia University (USA)
1906Park, THUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
1907Parker, MAUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
1908Parodi, FUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
1909Parrish, EWNorthern Illinois University (USA)
1910Parrish, VAThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1911Parsons, JAColumbia University (USA)
1912Parzefall, UUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1913Dias, BPUniversité de Montréal (Canada)
1914Dominguez, LPTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
1915Pasqualucci, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1916Passaggio, SINFN Sez (Italy)
1917Pastore, FRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
1918Pasuwan, PStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
1919Patel, PInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
1920Patel, UMDuke University Department of Physics (USA)
1921Pater, JRThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1922Pauly, TEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1923Pearkes, JSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
1924Pedersen, MUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
1925Pedro, RLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
1926Peleganchuk, SVEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1927Penc, OEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1928Pender, EAThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
1929Penski, KELudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
1930Penzin, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1931Peralva, BSUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
1932Peixoto, APPCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
1933Sanchez, LPStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
1934Perepelitsa, DVBrookhaven National Laboratory; University of Colorado Boulder Department of Physics (USA)
1935Codina, EPUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
1936Perganti, MNational Technical University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
1937Perini, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
1938Pernegger, HEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1939Perrin, OUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
1940Peters, KDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
1941Peters, RFYThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1942Petersen, BAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1943Petersen, TCNiels Bohr Institute (Denmark)
1944Petit, EAix-Marseille Universite (France)
1945Petousis, VCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
1946Petridou, CAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Ctr Interdisciplinary Res & Innovat CIRI AUTH (Greece)
1947Petrukhin, AUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
1948Pettee, MLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1949Pettersson, NEEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1950Petukhov, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1951Petukhova, KCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
1952Pezoa, RFederico Santa Maria Technical University Physics Department (Chile)
1953Pezzotti, LEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1954Pezzullo, GYale University Department of Physics (USA)
1955Pham, TMUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
1956Pham, TUniversity of Melbourne School of Physics (Australia)
1957Phillips, PWSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
1958Piacquadio, GState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
1959Pianori, ELawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
1960Piazza, FUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
1961Piegaia, RConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); University of Buenos Aires Department of Physics (Argentina)
1962Pietreanu, DHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
1963Pilkington, ADThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1964Pinamonti, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Udine Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (Italy)
1965Pinfold, JLUniversity of Alberta Department of Physics (Canada)
1966Pereira, BCPLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
1967Pinoargote, AEPCEA; Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
1968Pintucci, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Udine Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (Italy)
1969Piper, KMUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1970Pirttikoski, AUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
1971Pizzi, DACarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
1972Pizzimento, LThe University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
1973Pizzini, AUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
1974Pleier, MABrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1975Plesanovs, VUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
1976Pleskot, VCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
1977Plotnikova, EEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1978Poddar, GUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
1979Poettgen, RLund University (Sweden)
1980Poggioli, LSorbonne Universite (France)
1981Pokharel, IUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
1982Polacek, SCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
1983Polesello, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1984Poley, ASimon Fraser University; University of British Columbia (Canada)
1985Polifka, RCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
1986Polini, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
1987Pollard, CSUniversity of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
1988Pollock, ZBOhio State University (USA)
1989Polychronakos, VBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
1990Pacchi, EPIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
1991Ponomarenko, DRadboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics (Netherlands)
1992Pontecorvo, LEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1993Popa, STransylvania University of Brasov (Romania)
1994Popeneciu, GANational Institute for Research & Development of Isotopic & Molecular Technologies Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
1995Poreba, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
1996Quintero, DMPUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
1997Pospisil, SCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
1998Postill, MAThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
1999Postolache, PAlexandru Ioan Cuza University Faculty of Physics (Romania)
2000Potamianos, KUniversity of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
2001Potepa, PAAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
2002Potrap, INEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2003Potter, CJUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
2004Potti, HThe University of Adelaide School of Physical Sciences (Australia)
2005Poulsen, TDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2006Poveda, JCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2007Astigarraga, MEPEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2008Ibanez, APCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2009Pretel, JUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2010Price, DThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2011Primavera, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2012Martin, MAPAutonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
2013Privara, RPalacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)
2014Procter, TUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2015Proffitt, MLUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
2016Proklova, NUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2017Prokofiev, KThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Physics; Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (Peoples R China)
2018Proto, GMax Planck Society (Germany)
2019Protopopescu, SBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2020Proudfoot, JArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
2021Przybycien, MAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
2022Przygoda, WWJagiellonian University in Kraków Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics (Poland)
2023Puddefoot, JEThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2024Pudzha, DEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2025Pyatiizbyantseva, DEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2026Qian, JUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
2027Qichen, DThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2028Qin, YThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2029Qiu, TThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2030Quadt, AUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
2031Queitsch-Maitland, MThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2032Quetant, GUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2033Quinn, RPThe University of British Columbia Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
2034Bolanos, GRHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
2035Rafanoharana, DUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2036Raffaeli, FUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Physics (Italy)
2037Ragusa, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
2038Rainbolt, JLEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
2039Raine, JAUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2040Rajagopalan, SBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2041Ramakoti, EEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2042Ramirez-Berend, IACarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
2043Ran, KDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY); Nanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2044Rapheeha, NPUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
2045Rasheed, HHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
2046Raskina, VSorbonne Universite (France)
2047Rassloff, DFHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
2048Rave, SJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2049Ravina, BUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
2050Ravinovich, IWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
2051Raymond, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2052Read, ALUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
2053Readioff, NPThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2054Rebuzzi, DMIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pavia (Italy)
2055Redlinger, GBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2056Reed, ASMax Planck Society (Germany)
2057Reeves, KBrandeis University (USA)
2058Reidelsturz, JAUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2059Reikher, DTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
2060Rej, ATU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
2061Rembser, CEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2062Renardi, ADeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2063Renda, MHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
2064Rendel, MBMax Planck Society (Germany)
2065Renner, FDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2066Rennie, AGUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2067Rescia, ALDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2068Resconi, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2069Ressegotti, MUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
2070Rettie, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2071Rivera, JGRMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2072Reynolds, ELawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2073Rezanova, OLEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2074Reznicek, PCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
2075Ribaric, NLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
2076Ricci, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Trento (Italy)
2077Richter, RMax Planck Society (Germany)
2078Richter, SStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
2079Richter-Was, EJagiellonian University in Kraków Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics (Poland)
2080Ridel, MSorbonne Universite (France)
2081Ridouani, SMohammed First University of Oujda (Morocco)
2082Rieck, PNew York University (USA)
2083Riedler, PEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2084Riefel, EMStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
2085Rieger, JOUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2086Rijssenbeek, MState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
2087Rimoldi, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pavia (Italy)
2088Rimoldi, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2089Rinaldi, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
2090Rinn, TTBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2091Rinnagel, MPLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
2092Ripellino, GUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
2093Riu, IInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
2094Rivadeneira, PDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2095Vergara, JCRUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
2096Rizatdinova, FOklahoma State University Department of Physics (USA)
2097Rizvi, EQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
2098Roberts, BAUniversity of Warwick Department of Physics (England)
2099Roberts, BRLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2100Robertson, SHMcGill University Department of Physics; Inst Particle Phys IPP (Canada)
2101Robinson, DUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
2102Gajardo, CMRFederico Santa Maria Technical University Physics Department (Chile)
2103Manzano, MRJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2104Robson, AUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2105Rocchi, AUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata; University of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Physics (Italy)
2106Roda, CIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pisa Department of Physics (Italy)
2107Bosca, SRHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
2108Garcia, YRUniversidad Antonio Narino (Colombia)
2109Rodriguez, ARUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2110Vera, AMRYork University - Canada (Canada)
2111Roe, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2112Roemer, JTUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2113Roepe-Gier, ARUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
2114Roggel, JUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2115Rohne, OUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
2116Rojas, RAUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
2117Roland, CPASorbonne Universite (France)
2118Roloff, JBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2119Romaniouk, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2120Romano, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pavia (Italy)
2121Romano, MBrandeis University (USA)
2122Hernandez, ACRUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
2123Rompotis, NUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
2124Roos, LSorbonne Universite (France)
2125Rosati, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2126Rosser, BJEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
2127Rossi, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Naples Federico II Department of Physics Ettore Pancini; University of Oxford Department of Physics (Italy)
2128Rossi, LPINFN Sez (Italy)
2129Rossini, LUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2130Rosten, ROhio State University (USA)
2131Rotaru, MSin datos ()
2132Rottler, BUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2133Rougier, CAix-Marseille Universite; CNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
2134Rousseau, DUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
2135Rousso, DUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
2136Roy, AUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
2137Roy-Garand, SUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
2138Rozanov, AAix-Marseille Universite (France)
2139Rozario, ZMAUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2140Rozen, YTechnion Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Physics (Israel)
2141Ruan, XUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
2142Jimenez, ARCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2143Ruby, AJUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
2144Rivera, VHRHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
2145Ruggeri, TAThe University of Adelaide School of Physical Sciences (Australia)
2146Ruggiero, AUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
2147Ruiz-Martinez, ACSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2148Rummler, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2149Rurikova, ZUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2150Rusakovich, NAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2151Russell, HLUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
2152Russo, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
2153Rutherfoord, JPThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
2154Colmenares, SRUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
2155Rybacki, KLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
2156Rybar, MCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
2157Rye, EBUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
2158Ryzhov, ASouthern Methodist University (USA)
2159Iglesias, JASUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2160Sabatini, PCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2161Sabetta, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
2162Sadrozinski, HFWUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
2163Tehrani, FSIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2164Samani, BSSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
2165Safdari, MSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
2166Saha, SUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
2167Sahinsoy, MMax Planck Society (Germany)
2168Saimpert, MCEA (France)
2169Saito, MThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2170Saito, TThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2171Salamani, DEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2172Salnikov, ASLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
2173Salt, JCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2174Salas, ASTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
2175Salvatore, DIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Calabria Department of Physics (Italy)
2176Salvatore, FUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2177Salzburger, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2178Sammel, DUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2179Sampsonidis, DAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Ctr Interdisciplinary Res & Innovat CIRI AUTH (Greece)
2180Sampsonidou, DUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
2181Sánchez, JCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2182Pineda, ASUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
2183Sebastian, VSCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2184Sandaker, HUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
2185Sander, CODeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2186Sandesara, JAUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
2187Sandhoff, MUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2188Sandoval, CUniversidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
2189Sankey, DPCSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
2190Sano, TKyoto University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
2191Sansoni, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
2192Santi, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Rome La Sapienza Department of Physics (Italy)
2193Santoni, CUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
2194Santos, HLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas; University of Lisbon Department of Physics (Portugal)
2195Santpur, SNLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2196Santra, AWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
2197Saoucha, KAUniversity of Sharjah (U Arab Emirates)
2198Saraiva, JGUniversidade de Lisboa; Laboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
2199Sardain, JThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
2200Sasaki, OHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
2201Sato, KUniversity of Tsukuba; University of Tsukuba Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe (Japan)
2202Sauer, CHeidelberg University Institute of Physics (Germany)
2203Sauerburger, FUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2204Sauvan, EUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
2205Savard, PUniversity of British Columbia; University of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
2206Sawada, RThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2207Sawyer, CSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
2208Sawyer, LLouisiana Technical University (USA)
2209Galvan, ISCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2210Sbarra, CIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2211Sbrizzi, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
2212Scanlon, TUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2213Schaarschmidt, JUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
2214Schacht, PMax Planck Society (Germany)
2215Schäfer, UJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2216Schaffer, ACUniversite Paris Saclay; Southern Methodist University (USA)
2217Schaile, DLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
2218Schamberger, RDState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
2219Scharf, CHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
2220Schefer, MMUniversity of Bern; University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics (Switzerland)
2221Schegelsky, VAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2222Scheirich, DCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
2223Schenck, FHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
2224Schernau, MUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2225Scheulen, CUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
2226Schiavi, CUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
2227Schioppa, EJIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Salento Department of Mathematics and Physics Ennio de Giorgi (Italy)
2228Schioppa, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Calabria Department of Physics (Italy)
2229Schlag, BSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; Stanford University Physics Department (USA)
2230Schleicher, KEUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2231Schlenker, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2232Schmeing, JUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2233Schmidt, MAUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2234Schmieden, KJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2235Schmitt, CJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2236Schmitt, NJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2237Schmitt, SDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2238Schoeffel, LCEA (France)
2239Schoening, AHeidelberg University Institute of Physics (Germany)
2240Scholer, PGUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2241Schopf, EUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
2242Schott, MJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2243Schovancova, JEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2244Schramm, SUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2245Schroeder, FUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2246Schroer, TUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2247Schultz-Coulon, HCHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
2248Schumacher, MUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2249Schumm, BAUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
2250Schune, PCEA (France)
2251Schuy, AJUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
2252Schwartz, HRUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
2253Schwartzman, ASLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
2254Schwarz, TAUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
2255Schwemling, PCEA (France)
2256Schwienhorst, RMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2257Sciandra, AUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
2258Sciolla, GBrandeis University (USA)
2259Scuri, FIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2260Sebastiani, CDUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
2261Sedlaczek, KNorthern Illinois University (USA)
2262Seema, PHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
2263Seidel, SCUniversity of New Mexcio Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2264Seiden, AUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
2265Seidlitz, BDColumbia University (USA)
2266Seitz, CDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2267Seixas, JMFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
2268Sekhniaidze, GIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2269Sekula, SJSouthern Methodist University (USA)
2270Selem, LCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
2271Semprini-Cesari, NIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
2272Sengupta, DUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2273Senthilkumar, VCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2274Serin, LUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
2275Serkin, LIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) (Italy)
2276Sessa, MUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata; University of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Physics (Italy)
2277Severini, HUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
2278Sforza, FUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
2279Sfyrla, AUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2280Shabalina, EUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
2281Shaheen, RKTH Royal Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Sweden)
2282Shahinian, JDUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2283Renous, DSWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
2284Shan, LYInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2285Shapiro, MLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2286Sharma, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2287Sharma, ASThe University of British Columbia Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
2288Sharma, PUniversity of Iowa (USA)
2289Sharma, SDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2290Shatalov, PBEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2291Shaw, KUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2292Shaw, SMThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2293Shcherbakova, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2294Shen, QUniversite Paris Cite; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
2295Sherwood, PUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2296Shi, LUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2297Shi, XInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2298Shimmin, COYale University Department of Physics (USA)
2299Shinner, JDRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
2300Shipsey, IPJUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
2301Shirabe, SUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2302Shiyakova, MBulgarian Academy of Sciences; European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2303Shlomi, JWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
2304Shochet, MJEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
2305Shojaii, JUniversity of Melbourne School of Physics (Australia)
2306Shope, DRUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
2307Shrestha, BUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
2308Shrestha, SOhio State University; Washington College (USA)
2309Shrif, EMUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
2310Shroff, MJUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
2311Sicho, PInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
2312Sickles, AMUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
2313Haddad, ESUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
2314Sidoti, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2315Siegert, FTU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
2316Sijacki, DINSTITUTE PHYSICS (Serbia)
2317Sikora, RAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
2318Sili, FConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); La Plata Institute of Physics (Argentina)
2319Silva, JMUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2320Oliveira, MVSBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2321Silverstein, SBStockholm University Department of Physics (Sweden)
2322Simion, SUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
2323Simoniello, REuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2324Simpson, ELUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2325Simpson, HUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2326Simpson, LRUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
2327Simpson, NDLund University (Sweden)
2328Simsek, SIstinye University (Turkiye)
2329Sindhu, SUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
2330Sinervo, PUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
2331Singh, SUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
2332Sinha, SDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY); The University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (Germany)
2333Sioli, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
2334Siral, IEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2335Sitnikova, EDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2336Sivoklokov, SYEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2337Sjölin, JStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
2338Skaf, AUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
2339Skorda, EUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2340Skubic, PUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
2341Slawinska, MInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
2342Smakhtin, VWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
2343Smart, BHSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
2344Smiesko, JEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2345Smirnov, SYEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2346Smirnov, YEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2347Smirnova, LNEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2348Smirnova, OLund University (Sweden)
2349Smith, ACColumbia University (USA)
2350Smith, EAEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
2351Smith, HAUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
2352Smith, JLUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
2353Smith, RSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
2354Smizanska, MLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
2355Smolek, KCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
2356Snesarev, AAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2357Snider, SRUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
2358Snoek, HLUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2359Snyder, SBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2360Sobie, RUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy; Inst Particle Phys IPP (Canada)
2361Soffer, ATel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
2362Sanchez, CASEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2363Soldatov, EYEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2364Soldevila, UCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2365Solodkov, AAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2366Solomon, SBrandeis University (USA)
2367Soloshenko, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2368Solovieva, KUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2369Solovyanov, OVUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
2370Solovyev, VEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2371Sommer, PEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2372Sonay, AInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
2373Song, WYYork University - Canada (Canada)
2374Sonneveld, JMUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2375Sopczak, ACzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
2376Sopio, ALUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2377Sopkova, FSlovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia)
2378Alvarez, IRSTokyo Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Japan)
2379Sothilingam, VHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
2380Sottocornola, SIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
2381Soualah, RUniversity of Sharjah (U Arab Emirates)
2382Soumaimi, ZMohammed V University of Rabat Faculty of Sciences (Morocco)
2383South, DDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2384Soybelman, NWeizmann Institute of Science Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Israel)
2385Spagnolo, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Salento Department of Mathematics and Physics Ennio de Giorgi (Italy)
2386Spalla, MMax Planck Society (Germany)
2387Sperlich, DUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2388Spigo, GEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2389Spinali, SLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
2390Spiteri, DPUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2391Spousta, MCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
2392Staats, EJCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
2393Stabile, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Milan Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli (Italy)
2394Stamen, RHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
2395Stampekis, AUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2396Standke, MRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
2397Stanecka, EInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
2398Stange, MVTU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
2399Stanislaus, BLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2400Stanitzki, MMDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2401Stapf, BDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2402Starchenko, EAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2403Stark, GHUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
2404Stark, JAix-Marseille Universite; Universite Paris Saclay (France)
2405Starko, DMYork University - Canada (Canada)
2406Staroba, PInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
2407Starovoitov, PHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
2408Stärz, SMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
2409Staszewski, RInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
2410Stavropoulos, GNational Centre of Scientific Research "Demokritos" (Greece)
2411Steentoft, JUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
2412Steinberg, PBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2413Stelzer, BSimon Fraser University; University of British Columbia (Canada)
2414Stelzer, HJUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2415Stelzer-Chilton, OUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
2416Stenzel, HJustus Liebig University Giessen Department of Physics II (Germany)
2417Stevenson, TJUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2418Stewart, GAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2419Stewart, JROklahoma State University Department of Physics (USA)
2420Stockton, MCEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2421Stoicea, GHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
2422Stolarski, MLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas (Portugal)
2423Stonjek, SMax Planck Society (Germany)
2424Straessner, ATU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
2425Strandberg, JKTH Royal Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Sweden)
2426Strandberg, SStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
2427Stratmann, MUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2428Strauss, MUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
2429Strebler, TAix-Marseille Universite (France)
2430Strizenec, PSlovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia)
2431Ströhmer, RUniversity of Wurzburg Faculty of Physics and Astronomy (Germany)
2432Strom, DMUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
2433Strom, LRDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2434Stroynowski, RSouthern Methodist University (USA)
2435Strubig, AStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
2436Stucci, SABrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2437Stugu, BUniversity of Bergen (Norway)
2438Stupak, JUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
2439Styles, NADeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2440Su, DSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
2441Su, SUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2442Su, WShanghai Jiao Tong University (Peoples R China)
2443Su, XUniversite Paris Saclay; University of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2444Sugizaki, KThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2445Sulin, VVEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2446Sullivan, MJUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
2447Sultan, DMSIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Trento (Italy)
2448Sultanaliyeva, LEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2449Sultansoy, STOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji University (Turkiye)
2450Sumida, TKyoto University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
2451Sun, SUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics; University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
2452Gudnadottir, OSUppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy (Sweden)
2453Sur, NAix-Marseille Universite (France)
2454Sutton, MRUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2455Suzuki, HUniversity of Tsukuba; University of Tsukuba Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe (Japan)
2456Svatos, MInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
2457Swiatlowski, MUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
2458Swirski, TUniversity of Wurzburg Faculty of Physics and Astronomy (Germany)
2459Sykora, IComenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics (Slovakia)
2460Sykora, MCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
2461Sykora, TCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
2462Ta, DJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2463Tackmann, KDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY); University of Hamburg (Germany)
2464Taffard, AUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2465Tafirout, RUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
2466Vargas, JSTUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
2467Takeva, EPThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2468Takubo, YHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
2469Talby, MAix-Marseille Universite (France)
2470Talyshev, AAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2471Tam, KCThe University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2472Tamir, NMTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
2473Tanaka, AThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2474Tanaka, JThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2475Tanaka, RUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
2476Tanasini, MUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
2477Tao, ZThe University of British Columbia Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
2478Araya, STFederico Santa Maria Technical University Physics Department (Chile)
2479Tapprogge, SJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2480Mohamed, ATAMichigan State University Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2481Tarem, STechnion Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Physics (Israel)
2482Tariq, KInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2483Tarna, GAix-Marseille Universite; Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
2484Tartarelli, GFIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2485Tas, PCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
2486Tasevsky, MInstitute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
2487Tassi, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Calabria Department of Physics (Italy)
2488Tate, ACUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
2489Tateno, GThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2490Tayalati, YMohammed VI Polytechnic University; Mohammed V University of Rabat Faculty of Sciences (Morocco)
2491Taylor, GNUniversity of Melbourne School of Physics (Australia)
2492Taylor, WYork University - Canada (Canada)
2493Tee, ASUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
2494De Lima, RTSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
2495Teixeira-Dias, PRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
2496Teoh, JJUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
2497Terashi, KThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2498Terron, JAutonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
2499Terzo, SInstitute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) (Spain)
2500Testa, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
2501Teuscher, RJUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics; Inst Particle Phys IPP (Canada)
2502Thaler, AUniversity of Innsbruck Institute of Astro and Particle Physics (Austria)
2503Theiner, OUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2504Themistokleous, NThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2505Theveneaux-Pelzer, TAix-Marseille Universite (France)
2506Thielmann, OUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2507Thomas, DWRoyal Holloway University of London Department of Physics (England)
2508Thomas, JPUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2509Thompson, EALawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2510Thompson, PDUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2511Thomson, EUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2512Tian, YUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
2513Tikhomirov, VEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2514Tikhonov, YAEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2515Timoshenko, SEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2516Timoshyn, DCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
2517Ting, EXLThe University of Adelaide School of Physical Sciences (Australia)
2518Tipton, PYale University Department of Physics (USA)
2519Tlou, SHUniversity of Witwatersrand (South Africa)
2520Tnourji, AUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
2521Todome, KTokyo Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Japan)
2522Todorova-Nova, SCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
2523Todt, STU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
2524Togawa, MHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
2525Tojo, JKyushu University Research Center for Advanced Particle Physics; Kyushu University Faculty of Sciences Graduate School of Sciences Department of Physics (Japan)
2526Tokár, SComenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics (Slovakia)
2527Tokushuku, KHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
2528Toldaiev, OIndiana University Bloomington Department of Physics (USA)
2529Tombs, RUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
2530Tomoto, MNagoya University; High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK); Nagoya University School of Science Graduate School of Science (Japan)
2531Tompkins, LSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; Stanford University Physics Department (USA)
2532Topolnicki, KWJagiellonian University in Kraków Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics (Poland)
2533Torrence, EUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
2534Torres, HAix-Marseille Universite; Universite Paris Saclay (France)
2535Pastor, ETCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2536Toscani, MConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); University of Buenos Aires Department of Physics (Argentina)
2537Tosciri, CEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
2538Tost, MThe University of Texas at Austin Department of Physics (USA)
2539Tovey, DRThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2540Traeet, AUniversity of Bergen (Norway)
2541Trandafir, ISHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
2542Trefzger, TUniversity of Wurzburg Faculty of Physics and Astronomy (Germany)
2543Tricoli, ABrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2544Trigger, IMUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
2545Trincaz-Duvoid, SSorbonne Universite (France)
2546Trischuk, DABrandeis University (USA)
2547Trocmé, BCNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
2548Troncon, CIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2549Truong, LUniversity of Johannesburg Department of Mechanical Engineering Science (South Africa)
2550Trzebinski, MInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
2551Trzupek, AInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
2552Tsai, FState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
2553Tsai, MUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
2554Tsiamis, AAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Ctr Interdisciplinary Res & Innovat CIRI AUTH (Greece)
2555Tsiareshka, PVEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2556Tsigaridas, SUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
2557Tsirigotis, AAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Hellenic Open University (Greece)
2558Tsiskaridze, VUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
2559Tskhadadze, EGIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Elevter Andronikashvili Institute of Physics (Georgia)
2560Tsopoulou, MAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Ctr Interdisciplinary Res & Innovat CIRI AUTH (Greece)
2561Tsujikawa, YKyoto University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
2562Tsukerman, IIEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2563Tsulaia, VLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2564Tsuno, SHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
2565Tsur, OTechnion Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Physics (Israel)
2566Tsuri, KOchanomizu University (Japan)
2567Tsybychev, DState University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook (USA)
2568Tu, YThe University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2569Tudorache, AHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
2570Tudorache, VHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
2571Tuna, ANEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2572Turchikhin, SUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
2573Cakir, ITAnkara University (Turkiye)
2574Turra, RIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2575Turtuvshin, TEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); Mongolian Academy of Sciences (Switzerland)
2576Tuts, PMColumbia University (USA)
2577Tzamarias, SAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Ctr Interdisciplinary Res & Innovat CIRI AUTH (Greece)
2578Tzanis, PNational Technical University of Athens Department of Physics (Greece)
2579Tzovara, EJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2580Ukegawa, FUniversity of Tsukuba; University of Tsukuba Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe (Japan)
2581Poblete, PAUUniversidad de La Serena; Millennium Inst Subatom Phys High Energy Frontier (Chile)
2582Umaka, ENBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2583Unal, GEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2584Unal, MThe University of Texas at Austin Department of Physics (USA)
2585Undrus, ABrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2586Unel, GUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2587Urban, JSlovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia)
2588Urquijo, PUniversity of Melbourne School of Physics (Australia)
2589Urrejola, PPontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)
2590Usai, GUniversity of Texas Arlington (USA)
2591Ushioda, RTokyo Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Japan)
2592Usman, MUniversité de Montréal (Canada)
2593Uysal, ZGaziantep University (Turkiye)
2594Vacek, VCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
2595Vachon, BMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
2596Vadla, KOHUniversity of Oslo Department of Physics (Norway)
2597Vafeiadis, TEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2598Vaitkus, AUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2599Valderanis, CLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
2600Santurio, EVStockholm University Department of Physics; Oskar Klein Centre (Sweden)
2601Valente, MUniversity of British Columbia (Canada)
2602Valentinetti, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
2603Valero, ACSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2604Moreno, EVCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2605Vallier, AAix-Marseille Universite; CNRS - National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3) (France)
2606Ferrer, JAVCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2607Van Arneman, DRUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2608Van Daalen, TRUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
2609Van der Graaf, ATU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
2610Van Gemmeren, PArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
2611Van Rijnbach, MEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); University of Oslo Department of Physics (Switzerland)
2612Van Stroud, SUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2613Van Vulpen, IUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2614Vanadia, MUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata; University of Rome Tor Vergata Department of Physics (Italy)
2615Vandelli, WEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2616Vandenbroucke, MCEA (France)
2617Vandewall, EROklahoma State University Department of Physics (USA)
2618Vannicola, DTel Aviv University School of Physics and Astronomy (Israel)
2619Vannoli, LUniversity of Genoa Department of Physics; INFN Sez (Italy)
2620Vari, RIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2621Varnes, EWThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
2622Varni, CUniversity of California Berkeley (USA)
2623Varol, TAcademia Sinica - Taiwan (Taiwan)
2624Varouchas, DUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
2625Varriale, LCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2626Varvell, KEThe University of Sydney School of Physics (Australia)
2627Vasile, MEHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
2628Vaslin, LHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan)
2629Vasquez, GAUniversity of Victoria Department of Physics & Astronomy (Canada)
2630Vasyukov, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2631Vazeille, FUniversite Clermont Auvergne (UCA) (France)
2632Schroeder, TVEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2633Veatch, JCalifornia State University Fresno (USA)
2634Vecchio, VThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2635Veen, MJUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
2636Veliscek, IUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
2637Veloce, LMUniversity of Toronto Department of Physics (Canada)
2638Veloso, FLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas; University of Coimbra Department of Physics (Portugal)
2639Veneziano, SIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (Italy)
2640Ventura, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Salento Department of Mathematics and Physics Ennio de Giorgi (Italy)
2641Gonzalez, SVCEA (France)
2642Verbytskyi, AMax Planck Society (Germany)
2643Verducci, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Pisa Department of Physics (Italy)
2644Vergis, CRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
2645De Araujo, MVFederal University of Rio de Janeiro Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (Brazil)
2646Verkerke, WUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2647Vermeulen, JCUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2648Vernieri, CSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
2649Vessella, MUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
2650Vetterli, MCSimon Fraser University; University of British Columbia (Canada)
2651Vgenopoulos, AAristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Physics; Ctr Interdisciplinary Res & Innovat CIRI AUTH (Greece)
2652Maira, NVFederico Santa Maria Technical University Physics Department (Chile)
2653Vickey, TThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2654Boeriu, OEVThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2655Viehhauser, GHAUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
2656Vigani, LHeidelberg University Institute of Physics (Germany)
2657Villa, MIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
2658Perez, MVCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2659Villhauer, EMThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2660Vilucchi, EIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Lab Nazl Frascati (Italy)
2661Vincter, MGCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
2662Virdee, GSUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2663Vishwakarma, AThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2664Visibile, AUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2665Vittori, CEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2666Vivarelli, IUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2667Voevodina, EMax Planck Society (Germany)
2668Vogel, FLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
2669Voigt, JCTU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
2670Vokac, PCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
2671Volkotrub, YAGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science (Poland)
2672Von Ahnen, JDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2673Von Toerne, ERheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
2674Vormwald, BEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2675Vorobel, VCharles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Czech Republic)
2676Vorobev, KEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2677Vos, MCSIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) (Spain)
2678Voss, KUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
2679Vossebeld, JHUniversity of Liverpool Department of Physics (England)
2680Vozak, MUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2681Vozdecky, LQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
2682Vranjes, NINSTITUTE PHYSICS (Serbia)
2683Milosavljevic, MVINSTITUTE PHYSICS (Serbia)
2684Vreeswijk, MUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2685Vuillermet, REuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2686Vujinovic, OJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2687Vukotic, IEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
2688Wada, SUniversity of Tsukuba; University of Tsukuba Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe (Japan)
2689Wagner, CUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
2690Wagner, JMLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2691Wagner, WUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2692Wahdan, SUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2693Wahlberg, HConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); La Plata Institute of Physics (Argentina)
2694Wakida, MNagoya University; Nagoya University School of Science Graduate School of Science (Japan)
2695Walder, JSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
2696Walker, RLudwig-Maximilians University Munich Faculty of Physics (Germany)
2697Walkowiak, WUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
2698Wall, AUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2699Wamorkar, TArgonne National Laboratory (USA)
2700Wang, AZUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
2701Wang, CJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
2702Wang, HLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2703Wang, JThe Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2704Wang, RJJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2705Wang, RArgonne National Laboratory; Harvard University Department of Physics (USA)
2706Wang, SMAcademia Sinica - Taiwan (Taiwan)
2707Wang, SShandong University; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
2708Wang, TUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2709Wang, WTUniversity of Iowa (USA)
2710Wang, WInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2711Wang, XUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Nanjing University Department of Physics; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2712Wang, YShanghai Jiao Tong University; Nanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2713Wang, ZShanghai Jiao Tong University; University of Michigan Department of Physics; Duke University Department of Physics; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2714Warburton, AMcGill University Department of Physics (Canada)
2715Ward, RJUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2716Warrack, NUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2717Watson, ATUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2718Watson, HUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2719Watson, MFUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2720Watton, ESTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; University of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2721Watts, GUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
2722Waugh, BMUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2723Weber, CBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2724Weber, HAHumboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics (Germany)
2725Weber, MSUniversity of Bern; University of Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics (Switzerland)
2726Weber, SMHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
2727Wei, CUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2728Wei, YUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
2729Weidberg, ARUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
2730Weik, EJNew York University (USA)
2731Weingarten, JTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
2732Weirich, MJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Physics (Germany)
2733Weiser, CUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2734Wells, CJDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2735Wenaus, TBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2736Wendland, BTU Dortmund University Faculty of Physics (Germany)
2737Wengler, TEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2738Wenke, NSMax Planck Society (Germany)
2739Wermes, NRheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn Institute of Physics (Germany)
2740Wessels, MHeidelberg University Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (Germany)
2741Wharton, AMLancaster University Department of Physics (England)
2742White, ASHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
2743White, AUniversity of Texas Arlington (USA)
2744White, MJThe University of Adelaide School of Physical Sciences (Australia)
2745Whiteson, DUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2746Wickremasinghe, LOsaka University School of Science Graduate School of Science (Japan)
2747Wiedenmann, WUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
2748Wiel, CTU Dresden Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Germany)
2749Wielers, MSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (England)
2750Wiglesworth, CNiels Bohr Institute (Denmark)
2751Wilbern, DJUniversity of Oklahoma - Norman (USA)
2752Wilkens, HGEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2753Williams, DMColumbia University (USA)
2754Williams, HHUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2755Williams, SUniversity of Cambridge Department of Physics (England)
2756Willocq, SUniversity of Massachusetts Department of Physics (USA)
2757Wilson, BJThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2758Windischhofer, PJEnrico Fermi Institute (USA)
2759Winkel, FIConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET); University of Buenos Aires Department of Physics (Argentina)
2760Winklmeier, FUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
2761Winter, BTUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2762Winter, JKThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2763Wittgen, MSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
2764Wobisch, MLouisiana Technical University (USA)
2765Wolffs, ZUniversity of Amsterdam; FOM National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Netherlands)
2766Wollrath, JUniversity of California Irvine Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2767Wolter, MWInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
2768Wolters, HLaboratório de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas; University of Coimbra Department of Physics (Portugal)
2769Wongel, AFDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2770Woodward, ELColumbia University (USA)
2771Worm, SDDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2772Wosiek, BKInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
2773Wozniak, KWInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
2774Wozniewski, SUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics (Germany)
2775Wraight, KUniversity of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2776Wu, CUniversity of Birmingham School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2777Wu, JInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2778Wu, MRadboud University Research Institute for Mathematics Astrophysics and Particle Physics; The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2779Wu, SLUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
2780Wu, XUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2781Wu, YUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2782Wu, ZCEA (France)
2783Wuerzinger, JTechnical University of Munich; Max Planck Society (Germany)
2784Wyatt, TRThe University of Manchester School of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2785Wynne, BMThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2786Xella, SNiels Bohr Institute (Denmark)
2787Xia, LNanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2788Xia, MTsinghua University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2789Xiang, JThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Physics; Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (Peoples R China)
2790Xie, MUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2791Xie, XUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2792Xin, SUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2793Xiong, AUniversity of Oregon Institute for Fundamental Science (USA)
2794Xiong, JLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2795Xiotidis, IUniversity of Sussex Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2796Xu, DInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2797Xu, HUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2798Xu, LUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2799Xu, RUniversity of Pennsylvania Department of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
2800Xu, TUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
2801Xu, YTsinghua University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2802Xu, ZThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2803Yabsley, BThe University of Sydney School of Physics (Australia)
2804Yacoob, SUniversity of Cape Town (South Africa)
2805Yamaguchi, YTokyo Institute of Technology Department of Physics (Japan)
2806Yamashita, EThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2807Yamauchi, HUniversity of Tsukuba; University of Tsukuba Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe (Japan)
2808Yamazaki, TLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2809Yamazaki, YKobe University Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science (Japan)
2810Yan, JShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
2811Yan, SUniversity of Oxford Department of Physics (England)
2812Yan, ZBoston University Department of Physics (USA)
2813Yang, HJShanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
2814Yang, HTUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2815Yang, SUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2816Yang, TThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Physics; Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (Peoples R China)
2817Yang, XEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Switzerland)
2818Yang, YSouthern Methodist University; University of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (USA)
2819Yang, ZUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2820Yao, WMLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2821Yap, YCDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) (Germany)
2822Ye, HUniversity of Göttingen II Institute of Physics; Nanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2823Ye, JInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2824Ye, SBrookhaven National Laboratory (USA)
2825Ye, XUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2826Yeh, YUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2827Yeletskikh, IEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2828Yeo, BKUniversity of California Berkeley (USA)
2829Yexley, MRUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2830Yin, PColumbia University (USA)
2831Yorita, KWaseda University (Japan)
2832Younas, SHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics & Nuclear Engineering (Romania)
2833Young, CJSEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2834Young, CSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
2835Yu, CUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2836Yu, YUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2837Yuan, MUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
2838Yuan, RShandong University; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
2839Yue, LUniversity College London Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2840Zaazoua, MUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2841Zabinski, BInstitute of Nuclear Physics - Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
2842Zaid, EThe University of Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy (Scotland)
2843Zakareishvili, TIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
2844Zakharchuk, NCarleton University Department of Physics (Canada)
2845Zambito, SUniversity of Geneva (Switzerland)
2846Saa, JAZUniversidad Andrés Bello; Millennium Inst Subatom Phys High Energy Frontier (Chile)
2847Zang, JThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2848Zanzi, DUniversity of Freiburg Institute of Physics (Germany)
2849Zaplatilek, OCzech Technical University Prague (Czech Republic)
2850Zeitnitz, CUniversity of Wuppertal (Germany)
2851Zeng, HInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2852Zeng, JCUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
2853Zenger, DTBrandeis University (USA)
2854Zenin, OEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2855Zenis, TComenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informatics (Slovakia)
2856Zenz, SQueen Mary University of London School of Physics and Chemistry (England)
2857Zerradi, SUniversity of Hassan II Casablanca Faculty of Science Ain Chock (Morocco)
2858Zerwas, DUniversite Paris Saclay (France)
2859Zhai, MUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2860Zhang, BNanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2861Zhang, DFThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2862Zhang, JShandong University; Argonne National Laboratory; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (USA)
2863Zhang, KUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2864Zhang, LNanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2865Zhang, PUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS; Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2866Zhang, RUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Physics (USA)
2867Zhang, SSouthern Methodist University; University of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
2868Zhang, TThe University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics; The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Faculty of Science Department of Physics (Japan)
2869Zhang, XShandong University; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
2870Zhang, YUniversite Paris Cite; University College London Department of Physics and Astronomy; Nanjing University Department of Physics; Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
2871Zhang, ZUniversite Paris Saclay; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
2872Zhao, HUniversity of Washington Department of Physics (USA)
2873Zhao, PDuke University Department of Physics (USA)
2874Zhao, TShandong University; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
2875Zhao, YUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (USA)
2876Zhao, ZUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2877Zhemchugov, AEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2878Zheng, JNanjing University Department of Physics (Peoples R China)
2879Zheng, KUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
2880Zheng, XUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2881Zheng, ZSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
2882Zhong, DUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA)
2883Zhou, BUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
2884Zhou, HThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
2885Zhou, NShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
2886Zhou, YThe University of Arizona Department of Physics (USA)
2887Zhu, CGShandong University; Shandong University Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science (Peoples R China)
2888Zhu, JUniversity of Michigan Department of Physics (USA)
2889Zhu, YShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Physics and Astronomy (Peoples R China)
2890Zhu, YUniversity of Science and Technology of China Department of Modern Physics; State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics (Peoples R China)
2891Zhuang, XInstitute of High Energy Physics, CAS (Peoples R China)
2892Zhukov, KEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2893Zhulanov, VEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2894Zimine, NIEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
2895Zinsser, JHeidelberg University Institute of Physics (Germany)
2896Ziolkowski, MUniversity of Siegen Department of Physics (Germany)
2897Zivkovic, LINSTITUTE PHYSICS (Serbia)
2898Zoccoli, AIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); University of Bologna (Italy)
2899Zoch, KHarvard University Department of Physics (USA)
2900Zorbas, TGThe University of Sheffield Department of Physics and Astronomy (England)
2901Zormpa, ONational Centre of Scientific Research "Demokritos" (Greece)
2902Zou, WColumbia University (USA)
2903Zwalinski, LEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (Switzerland)
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