Fuente | Nº Citas | Fecha Actualización |
scopus | 0 | 18-01-2025 |
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) | 38/66 | Q3 | T2 | D6 |
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | 199/335 | Q3 | T2 | D6 |
Computational Mechanics | 47/68 | Q3 | T3 | D7 |
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes | 56/83 | Q3 | T3 | D7 |
Numerical Analysis | 41/54 | Q3 | T3 | D8 |
Applied Mathematics | 363/482 | Q4 | T3 | D8 |
Computational Mathematics | 116/150 | Q4 | T3 | D8 |
Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) | 39/49 | Q4 | T3 | D8 |
SJR año:
Factor de Impacto:
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) | 97/299 | Q2 | T1 | D4 |
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | 124/378 | Q2 | T1 | D4 |
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes | 33/88 | Q2 | T2 | D4 |
Computational Mechanics | 33/73 | Q3 | T2 | D5 |
Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) | 133/279 | Q3 | T2 | D5 |
Applied Mathematics | 273/534 | Q3 | T2 | D6 |
Computational Mathematics | 85/162 | Q3 | T2 | D6 |
Numerical Analysis | 34/65 | Q3 | T2 | D6 |
# | Autor |
1 | Fernández-Cara, Enrique |