Año: 2018
Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 4.0260
Categoría | Edición | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM | SCIE | 17/63 | Q2 | T1 | D3 |
Año: 2018
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 1,130
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil | Percentil |
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM | 17/92 | Q1 | T1 | D2 | 82,07 |
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine | 20/134 | Q1 | T1 | D2 |
SJR año:
Factor de Impacto:
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine | 13/159 | Q1 | T1 | D1 |
# | Autor | Afiliación |
1 | University of Zurich (Switzerland) | |
2 | Hebestreit, Helge | Universitätsklinikum Würzburg (Germany) |
3 | Gallati, Sabina | University of Bern (Switzerland) |
4 | Schneiderman, Jane E. | University of Toronto; Hospital for Sick Children University of Toronto (Canada) |
5 | Braun, Julia | University of Zurich (Switzerland) |
6 | Stevens, Daniel | Dalhousie University (Canada) |
7 | Hulzebos, Erik H.J. | Wilhelmina Children's Hospital (Netherlands) |
8 | Takken, Tim | Wilhelmina Children's Hospital (Netherlands) |
9 | Boas, Steven R. | Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (United States) |
10 | Urquhart, Don S. | Royal Hospital for Sick Children (United Kingdom) |
11 | Lands, Larry C. | Centre universitaire de santé McGill, Hôpital de Montreal Pour Enfants (Canada) |
12 | Tejero, Sergio | Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) |
13 | Sovtic, Aleksandar | Belgrade University School of Medicine (Serbia) |
14 | Dwyer, Tiffany | The University of Sydney; Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (Australia) |
15 | Petrovic, Milos | Hospital Hietzing (Austria) |
16 | Harris, Ryan A. | Medical College of Georgia (United States) |
17 | Karila, Chantal | Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades (France) |
18 | Savi, Daniela | Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza; IRCCS Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù (Italy) |
19 | Usemann, Jakob | Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (Switzerland) |
20 | Mei-Zahav, Meir | Tel Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine (Israel) |
21 | Hatziagorou, Elpis | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) |
22 | Ratjen, Felix | Hospital for Sick Children University of Toronto (Canada) |
23 | Kriemler, Susi | University of Zurich (Switzerland) |