Fuente | Nº Citas | Fecha Actualización |
scopus | 3230 | 25-01-2025 |
wos | 3143 | 25-01-2025 |
Año: 2013
Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 29.6480
Categoría | Edición | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
GENETICS & HEREDITY | SCIE | 2/165 | Q1 | T1 | D1 |
Año: 2017
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 8,070
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil | Percentil |
GENETICS & HEREDITY | 1/179 | Q1 | T1 | D1 | 99,72 |
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
General Medicine | 8/3233 | Q1 | T1 | D1 |
Genetics | 2/291 | Q1 | T1 | D1 |
SJR año:
Factor de Impacto:
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
Genetics | 2/326 | Q1 | T1 | D1 |
Agencia | Código de Proyecto |
Alzheimer\'s Association (Chicago, Illinois) | - |
Alzheimer\'s Research UK (ARUK) | - |
Alzheimer\'s Society | 164 |
Alzheimers Research UK | ARUK-NCG2012B-1; ART-RF2007-3; ARUK-PG2014-1 |
DISTALZ grant (Development of Innovative Strategies for a Transdisciplinary Approach to Alzheimer\'s Disease) | - |
Erasmus Medical Center | - |
Erasmus University | - |
FRC (Fondation pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau) | - |
French National Foundation on Alzheimer\'s Disease and Related Disorders | - |
INSERM | - |
Institut Pasteur de Lille | - |
LABEX (Laboratory of Excellence Program Investment for the Future) | - |
Medical Research Council | MC_G1000734; MC_PC_14095; G0902227; MC_U123160657; MC_U105292687; MC_U123160651; MC_U137686857; MR/K013041/1; G0601846; G0801306 |
MRC | - |
National Institute for Health Research | NF-SI-0611-10084; NF-SI-0508-10123 |
Rotary | - |
US National Institutes of Health | - |
US National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging (NIH-NIA) | U01 AG032984; R01 AG033193 |
Wellcome Trust | - |
Welsh government | - |
# | Autor | Afiliación |
1 | Lambert, Jean Charles | Inserm; Université de Lille; Institut Pasteur Lille (France) |
2 | Ibrahim-Verbaas, Carla A. | Erasmus MC (Netherlands) |
3 | Harold, Denise | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
4 | Naj, Adam C. | University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine (United States) |
5 | Sims, Rebecca | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
6 | Bellenguez, Céline | Inserm; Université de Lille; Institut Pasteur Lille (France) |
7 | Jun, Gyungah | Boston University School of Medicine; School of Public Health (United States) |
8 | DeStefano, Anita L. | School of Public Health (United States) |
9 | Bis, Joshua C. | University of Washington School of Medicine (United States) |
10 | Beecham, Gary W. | University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine (United States) |
11 | Grenier-Boley, Benjamin | Inserm; Université de Lille; Institut Pasteur Lille (France) |
12 | Russo, Giancarlo | University of Zurich (Switzerland) |
13 | Thornton-Wells, Tricia A. | Vanderbilt University (United States) |
14 | Jones, Nicola | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
15 | Smith, Albert V. | Haskoli Islands; Icelandic Heart Association (Iceland) |
16 | Chouraki, Vincent | Inserm; Université de Lille; Institut Pasteur Lille (France) |
17 | Thomas, Charlene | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
18 | Ikram, M. Arfan | Erasmus MC; Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Ageing (Netherlands) |
19 | Zelenika, Diana | Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine (France) |
20 | Vardarajan, Badri N. | School of Public Health (United States) |
21 | Kamatani, Yoichiro | Fondation Jean Dausset - CEPH (France) |
22 | Lin, Chiao Feng | University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine (United States) |
23 | Gerrish, Amy | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
24 | Schmidt, Helena | Medizinische Universität Graz (Austria) |
25 | Kunkle, Brian | University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine (United States) |
26 | Fiévet, Nathalie | Inserm; Institut Pasteur Lille (France) |
27 | Amouyel, Philippe | Inserm; Université de Lille; Institut Pasteur Lille; CHU Lille (France) |
28 | Pasquier, Florence | Université de Lille; CHU Lille (France) |
29 | Deramecourt, Vincent | Université de Lille; CHU Lille (France) |
30 | De Bruijn, Renee F.A.G. | Erasmus MC; Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Ageing (Netherlands) |
31 | Amin, Najaf | Erasmus MC (Netherlands) |
32 | Hofman, Albert | Erasmus MC; Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Ageing (Netherlands) |
33 | Van Duijn, Cornelia M. | Erasmus MC; Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Ageing; Center for Medical Systems Biology (Netherlands) |
34 | Dunstan, Melanie L. | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
35 | Hollingworth, Paul | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
36 | Owen, Michael J. | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
37 | O'Donovan, Michael C. | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
38 | Jones, Lesley | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
39 | Holmans, Peter A. | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
40 | Moskvina, Valentina | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
41 | Williams, Julie | Cardiff University (United Kingdom) |
42 | Baldwin, Clinton | School of Public Health (United States) |
43 | Farrer, Lindsay A. | Boston University School of Medicine; School of Public Health (United States) |
44 | Choi, Seung Hoan | School of Public Health (United States) |
45 | Lunetta, Kathryn L. | School of Public Health (United States) |
46 | Fitzpatrick, Annette L. | University of Washington, Seattle; University of Washington School of Medicine (United States) |
47 | Harris, Tamara B. | University of Washington School of Medicine (United States) |
48 | Psaty, Bruce M. | University of Washington, Seattle; University of Washington School of Medicine; Group Health Research Institute (United States) |
49 | Gilbert, John R. | University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine (United States) |
50 | Hamilton-Nelson, Kara L. | University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine (United States) |
51 | Martin, Eden R. | University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine (United States) |
52 | Pericak-Vance, Margaret A. | University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine (United States) |
53 | Haines, Jonathan L. | Vanderbilt University; Vanderbilt University Medical Center (United States) |
54 | Gudnason, Vilmundur | Haskoli Islands; Icelandic Heart Association (Iceland) |
55 | Jonsson, Palmi V. | Haskoli Islands; Landspitali University Hospital (Iceland) |
56 | Eiriksdottir, Gudny | Icelandic Heart Association (Iceland) |
57 | Bihoreau, Marie Thérèse | Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine (France) |
58 | Lathrop, Mark | McGill University; Fondation Jean Dausset - CEPH; Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine (France) |
59 | Valladares, Otto | University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine (United States) |
60 | Cantwell, Laura B. | University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine (United States) |
61 | Wang, Li San | University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine (United States) |
62 | Schellenberg, Gerard D. | University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine (United States) |
63 | Ruiz, Agustin | Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades (Spain) |
64 | Boada, Mercè | Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca; Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades (Spain) |
65 | Reitz, Christiane | Columbia University in the City of New York; Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center (United States) |
66 | Mayeux, Richard | Columbia University in the City of New York; Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center (United States) |
67 | Ramirez, Alfredo | Universität Bonn; Universitäts-Klinikum Bonn und Medizinische Fakultät (Germany) |
68 | Maier, Wolfgang | Universität Bonn; Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V. (Germany) |
69 | Hanon, Olivier | Université de Paris (France) |
70 | Kukull, Walter A. | University of Washington, Seattle (United States) |
71 | Buxbaum, Joseph D. | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (United States) |
72 | Campion, Dominique | CHU Hopitaux de Rouen (France) |
73 | Wallon, David | CHU Hopitaux de Rouen (France) |
74 | Hannequin, Didier | CHU Hopitaux de Rouen (France) |
75 | Crane, Paul K. | University of Washington, Seattle (United States) |
76 | Larson, Eric B. | University of Washington, Seattle; Group Health Research Institute (United States) |
77 | Becker, Tim | Universität Bonn; Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V. (Germany) |
78 | Cruchaga, Carlos | Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (United States) |
79 | Goate, Alison M. | Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (United States) |
80 | Craig, David | School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences (United Kingdom) |
81 | Johnston, Janet A. | School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences (United Kingdom) |
82 | Mc-Guinness, Bernadette | School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences (United Kingdom) |
83 | Todd, Stephen | School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences (United Kingdom) |
84 | Passmore, Peter | School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences (United Kingdom) |
85 | Berr, Claudine | Hopital La Colombiere (France) |
86 | Ritchie, Karen | St Mary's Hospital London; Hopital La Colombiere (United Kingdom) |
87 | Lopez, Oscar L. | University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (United States) |
88 | De Jager, Philip L. | Massachusetts General Hospital; Broad Institute (United States) |
89 | Evans, Denis | Rush Institute for Healthy Aging (United States) |
90 | Lovestone, Simon | King's College London (United Kingdom) |
91 | Proitsi, Petroula | King's College London (United Kingdom) |
92 | Powell, John F. | King's College London (United Kingdom) |
93 | Letenneur, Luc | Inserm (France) |
94 | Barberger-Gateau, Pascale | Inserm (France) |
95 | Dufouil, Carole | Inserm (France) |
96 | Dartigues, Jean François | Inserm; CHU Hôpitaux de Bordeaux (France) |
97 | Morón, Francisco J. | Departamento de Genómica Estructural (Spain) |
98 | Rubinsztein, David C. | Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (United Kingdom) |
99 | St. George-Hyslop, Peter | University of Cambridge; University of Toronto; Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (United Kingdom) |
100 | Sleegers, Kristel | Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology; Instituut Born-Bunge (Belgium) |
# | Autoría grupal | Afiliación |
1 | European Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (EADI) | Sin datos () |
2 | Genetic and Environmental Risk in Alzheimer's Disease (GERAD) | Sin datos () |
3 | Alzheimer's Disease Genetic Consortium (ADGC) | Sin datos () |
4 | Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) | Sin datos () |
5 | Ramírez-Lorca, R. (Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE)) | Sin datos () |