Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones de la editorial AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2021Metabolomics insights in early childhood cariesJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2013Microbial geography of the oral cavityJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Revisión2009Metabolic Syndrome and Periodontitis: Is Oxidative Stress a Common Link?JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2007Nifedipine and cyclosporin affect fibroblast calcium and gingivaJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia2003Periodontics course: Comparison between two educational methods in the learning experience of dental students.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia2002Education in periodontics: Evaluation of the importance of the reinforcement information in-the learning experienceJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia2002Evaluation of students' knowledge of dentistry for patients with special needsJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia2000Dental school periodontal patients: Their knowledge of oral hygiene and their oral hygiene status.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Resumen congreso2000Fourth year dental students: Oral hygiene knowledge and periodontal patients motivationJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998Calcium measurement in acute cultured cells from gingival tissueJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Resumen congreso1998Dental emergencies at the Puerto Rico Pediatric Hospital, 1992-1996JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998Effect of chlorhexidine digluconate on substrate adherence capacity of macrophages.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998Epidemiological study of malocclusion in patients with special needs: Preliminary dataJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998Malocclusions in puerto rican schoolchildren prevalence and orthodontic treatment need.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998Prevalence of gingival recession in children under orthodontic treatment pilot study.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Resumen congreso1998Protein expression of heterotrimeric G-protein subunits in normal human dental pulp.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998The antioxidant properties of mouthrinses depend on their ethanol contentJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998The bleaching agent Amosan (R) (sodium perborate) inhibits macrophage adhesion.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998The bleaching agent amosanr (sodium perborate) inhibits macrophage adhesionJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1997Periodontal health in Puerto Rican schoolchildren: Prevalence and treatment need.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1997Prevalence and pattern of dental caries in Puerto Rican schoolchildren.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1996Gingival recession: Computerized measurement of digitalized photographs compared to the conventional clinical method.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH