Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones de la editorial Palgrave Macmillan Ltd

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024Deepening big data sustainable value creation: insights using IPMA, NCA, and cIPMAJournal of Marketing Analytics
Artículo2024Quest for financial inclusion via digital financial services (Fintech) during COVID-19 pandemic: case study of women in IndonesiaJournal of Financial Services Marketing
Artículo2024The moderating role of perceived brand globalness on the effects of consumers’ attitude during periods of political controversies: three interconnected studies following marketing analytics’ best practicesJournal of Marketing Analytics
Artículo2024The organizational impact in Kibs companies of certain digital marketing factors: digital capabilities and internet technologiesJournal of Marketing Analytics
Artículo2024The riddle: Queer brown intimacies in the gentrifying barrioLATINO STUDIES
Artículo2022Stereotype and stigma in the school (re)insertion of "children of deported parents" from the United States: An analysis in Oaxaca, MexicoLATINO STUDIES
Artículo2022The impact of the Web Summit on hotel performance, the case of LisbonJournal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Capítulo2021Currency Constraints, Risk Spreading Regulation, and the Corporate Demand for Reinsurance: A National Reinsurance Market in the Spanish Autarky (1940-1959)Role of Reinsurance in the World: Case studies of Eight Countries
Capítulo2021Political SocialisationPoliticians in Hard Times: Spanish and South European MPs Facing Citizens after the Great Recession
Artículo2020Generating customer value through the boosting of relationships and organisational innovativenessKNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT RESEARCH & PRACTICE
Libro2020The importance of connectedness in student-teacher relationships: insights from the teacher connectedness projectThe importance of connectedness in student-teacher relationships: insights from the teacher connectedness project
Artículo2019Brand equity and firm performance: the complementary role of corporate social responsibilityJOURNAL OF BRAND MANAGEMENT
Capítulo2019Reloading the price revolution in Seville: four stages of high inflation with different causesMining, money and markets in the early modern Atlantic: digital approaches and new perspectives
Artículo2019Uncontrolled counter-knowledge: its effects on knowledge management corridorsKNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT RESEARCH & PRACTICE
Artículo2018Does board diversity matter in the disclosure process? An analysis of the association between diversity and the disclosure of information on risksINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISCLOSURE AND GOVERNANCE
Artículo2018Steps to improve gender diversity in coastal geoscience and engineeringPALGRAVE COMMUNICATIONS
Capítulo2018Technological Encounters: Locating Experts in the History of GlobalisationTechnology and Globalisation: Networks of Experts in World History
Libro2018Technology and Globalisation: Networks of Experts in World HistoryTechnology and Globalisation: Networks of Experts in World History
Artículo2017Journal segmentation and competitive position based on revenue management research publicationsJournal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Capítulo2016Fair pay and pay determinationChoice and Public Policy: The Limits to Welfare Markets
Artículo2016How knowledge management processes can create and capture value for firms?KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT RESEARCH & PRACTICE
Libro2016International migration, transnational politics and conflict: the gendered experiences of Colombian migrants in EuropeInternational migration, transnational politics and conflict: the gendered experiences of Colombian migrants in Europe
Artículo2015The presence of large Spanish companies in online social networksJournal of Marketing Analytics
Artículo2014Evaluating efficiency of international container shipping lines: A bootstrap DEA approachMARITIME ECONOMICS & LOGISTICS
Artículo2014Open innovation and internationalization behavior: the case of Spanish firmsOpen innovation through strategic alliances: approaches for product, tecnhology, and business model creation
Artículo2014Speed of the internationalization process: The role of diversity and depth in experiential learningJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES
Artículo2013Alvar Aalto and michelangelo: The emergence of synthesis in urban designUrban Design International
Editorial2012Some considerations for articles introducing new and/or novel quantitative methods to IS researchersEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS
Capítulo2011'Vaya, ¡qué chungo!' Rapport-Building Talk in Service Encounters: the Case of Bars in Seville at Breakfast TimeSpanish at Work: Analysing Institutional Discourse Across the Spanish-Speaking World
Capítulo2010Vaya, ¡ chungo! rapport-building talk in service encounters: The case of bars in seville at breakfast timeSpanish at Work: Analysing Institutional Discourse Across the Spanish-Speaking World
Artículo2009Parking revenue managementJournal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Artículo2007Taxing on the streets: Understanding the methods and process of street robberyCRIME PREVENTION & COMMUNITY SAFETY
Artículo2005The impact of marketing communication and price promotion on brand equityJOURNAL OF BRAND MANAGEMENT
Artículo1998Information systems investment decisions in business practice: the Spanish caseEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS