Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones de la editorial IGI GLOBAL

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Capítulo2024American Psycho universe: Capitalism, blood, and sequels Analyzing Ideology and Narratology in Film Series, Sequels, and Trilogies
Capítulo2024An Efficiency Regional Analysis in the Use of Reclaimed WaterAdvances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies
Capítulo2024Cinema and Secondary Education in SpainEducational Innovation to Address Complex Societal Challenges
Capítulo2024Impact of Social Responsibility Indicators on the Technical Efficiency of Banks Using Machine LearningAdvances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Artículo2024Machine learning-based academic result prediction systemInternational Journal of Software Innovation
Capítulo2023A system to promote a circular economy in the built environment through level(s): towards the digital and ecological transitionCircular Economy Implementation for Sustainability in the Built Environment
Capítulo2023Evolution and Tendency on the Feature Extraction Process for Diagnostic Aid in HealthcareRecent Advancements in Smart Remote Patient Monitoring, Wearable Devices, and Diagnostics Systems
Capítulo2023Promoting Co-Creation of Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship at the Polytechnic of TomarThe Impact of HEIs on Regional Development
Artículo2023The effect of coercive digitization on organizational performance: How information resource management consulting can play a supporting roleJournal of Global Information Management
Capítulo2022Achieving a Representative Democracy in Europe: The Politicization of the European PublicSphereContemporary Politics, Communication, and the Impact on Democracy
Capítulo2022Gamification for stakeholders in the product life cycle: holonic platform with Kansei EngineeringHandbook of Research on Gamification Dynamics and User Experience Design
Artículo2022Technique of classification, organization, creation, and use of collective knowledgeJOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH
Capítulo2022Technological tools for the intervention and computerized dynamic assessment of executive functionsHandbook of research on neurocognitive development of executive functions and implications for intervention
Capítulo2022Thinking Urban Heritage in Times of PandemicsHandbook of Research on Urban Tourism, Viral Society, and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Capítulo2021Are Foreign Subsidiaries Cooperating for Innovation With Local Partners?Advanced Perspectives on Global Industry Transitions and Business Opportunities
Libro2021Cases on Optimizing the Asset Management ProcessAdvances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science
Capítulo2021Eco-Holonic as a framework for the design of sustainable autopoietic cyberphysical systemsAdvances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development
Capítulo2021Forecasting energy impact in multifamily buildings through airtightness modelsAdvancements in sustainable architecture and energy efficiency
Capítulo2021Forecasting energy impact in multifamily buildings trough airtightness modelsAdvancements in sustainable architecture and energy efficiency
Capítulo2021Health and Well-Being: Considerations in the Design of Indoor Environments for the ElderlyAdvances in Civil and Industrial Engineering
Capítulo2021Integration of a Maintenance Management Model (MMM) Into an Asset Management ProcessCases on Optimizing the Asset Management Process
Capítulo2021Is Blockchain Technology Secure to Work On?Advances in Data Mining and Database Management
Capítulo2021Needs of the ‘Bilingual Schools' Program in Andalusia Regarding EFL Classrooms and Language AssistantsResearch Anthology on Bilingual and Multilingual Education
Capítulo2021Optimising the Preventive Maintenance Interval Using a Semi-Markov Process, Z-Transform, and Finite Planning HorizonCases on Optimizing the Asset Management Process
Capítulo2021Reliability Engineering Techniques Applied to the Human Failure Analysis ProcessCases on Optimizing the Asset Management Process
Capítulo2021The Outdoor Education Practices (OEP) in the Development of Sustainable Behaviours in Early Childhood EducationTeaching and Learning Practices That Promote Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship
Capítulo2021Virtual Reality With Horizons Architecture for Educational InnovationInformation Technology Trends for a Global and Interdisciplinary Research Community
Capítulo2020Cultivating Practitioners for Software Engineering Experiments in industryAdvances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing
Artículo2020Environmental disclosure as a tool for public sector legitimacy: a Twitter intelligence approachINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE
Capítulo2020Heritage education as a tool for creating critical citizens: analysis of conceptions of teachers in trainingHandbook of Research on Citizenship and Heritage Education
Capítulo2020Innovation in Foreign Language Literature Didactics in Higher EducationUsing Literature to Teach English as a Second Language
Capítulo2020Intelligent tourist destinations and their application to public policiesHandbook of Research on Smart Technology Applications in the Tourism Industry
Capítulo2020Needs of the ‘Bilingual Schools' Program in Andalusia Regarding EFL Classrooms and Language AssistantsAdvances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design
Capítulo2020Needs of the ‘Bilingual Schools’ Program in Andalusia Regarding EFL Classrooms and Language AssistantsHandbook of Research on Bilingual and Intercultural Education
Capítulo2020The Inductive Approach in the Didactics of Foreign Language Literature in Higher EducationUsing Literature to Teach English as a Second Language
Capítulo2020The Reading Experience for Children and Young AdultsUsing Literature to Teach English as a Second Language
Capítulo2019Are Teachers Preparede to Educate in Citizenship? Some Conclusions From Research in Andalusia, SpainHanbook of research on education for participative citizenship and global prosperity
Capítulo2019Digital Marketing Strategies Based on the E-Business Model: Literature Review and FutureDirectionsOrganizational Transformation and Managing Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Capítulo2019Education for Citizenship to Integrate the CurriculumHanbook of research on education for participative citizenship and global prosperity
Libro2019Hanbook of research on education for participative citizenship and global prosperityHanbook of research on education for participative citizenship and global prosperity
Capítulo2019The Construction of Citizenship Model Through the Teaching of HistoryHanbook of research on education for participative citizenship and global prosperity
Capítulo2018Brand journalism and personal branding in academiaBrand Culture and Identity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Capítulo2018Computational model for the study of fontan circulationAdvances in System Dynamics and Control
Capítulo2018Semantic framework for an efficient information retrieval in the E-government repositoriesInformation Retrieval and Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Capítulo2018Video and its incorporation into social networking sites for teacher trainingTeacher Training and Professional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Artículo2017A Reliability Test Installation for Water Heating Solar Systems: Requirements and Design According to the European Norm 12976RENEWABLE AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY: CONCEPTS, METHODOLOGIES, TOOLS, AND APPLICATIONS
Artículo2017An Overview to Thermal Solar Systems for Low Temperature: Outlining the European Norm 12976RENEWABLE AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY: CONCEPTS, METHODOLOGIES, TOOLS, AND APPLICATIONS
Capítulo2017Nascent entrepreneurship and sustainability on the beverage sectorNascent entrepreneurship and successful new venture creation
Capítulo2016New Trends in Leveraging Workforce Diversity through Human Resource Management InitiativesHandbook of Research on Race, Gender, and the Fight for Equality
Capítulo2016Rare Diseases Internet Information Retrieval and Knowledge DiscoveryEncyclopedia of E-Health and Telemedicine
Artículo2016The Future of EconometricsInternational Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy
Artículo2015EDMS Use in Local E-Government: An Analysis of the Path from Extent of Use to Overall PerformanceINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT RESEARCH
Capítulo2015Personal and firm drivers of export entrepreneurshipHandbook of Research on Global Competitive Advantage through Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Artículo2015Semantic Framework for an Efficient Information Retrieval in the E-Government RepositoriesHANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIES AND CITIZEN-CENTERED E-GOVERNMENT SERVICES
Artículo2014A New Approach for Schematics for Public Transport Spider MapsINFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
Artículo2014Computational Hemodynamic Modeling of the Cardiovascular SystemINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEM DYNAMICS APPLICATIONS
Capítulo2014Gender differences in the technology's classic models in social network sitesELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN E-COMMERCE
Artículo2014The Relationship Between E-WOM from SNS or Internet and PurchaseELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN E-COMMERCE
Artículo2011A Framework for the Quality Evaluation of MDWE Methodologies and Information Technology InfrastructuresINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN CAPITAL AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS
Artículo2011Forward and Backward Chaining with P SystemsInternational Journal of Natural Computing Research
Artículo2011Implementation on CUDA of the Smoothing Problem with Tissue-Like P SystemsInternational Journal of Natural Computing Research
Artículo2011Linear time solution to prime factorization by tissue P systems with cell divisionInternational Journal of Natural Computing Research
Artículo2011Local Search with P SystemsInternational Journal of Natural Computing Research
Artículo2011Simulating Spiking Neural P Systems Without Delays Using GPUsInternational Journal of Natural Computing Research
Artículo2010Erp Systems in Hospitals: A Case StudyJOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2010Facilitating decision Making and Maintenance for Power Systems operators through the use of Agents and distributed Embedded SystemsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES