Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones de la editorial Emerald

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2025Absolute emissions targets and voluntary carbon disclosure: an international empirical surveySustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal
Artículo2025Fit-intrapreneurship in the emerging economy of health and fitness industryJournal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
Artículo2025Social influence or religiosity? New factors determining the adoption of Paytech services in Islamic countriesInternational Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
Artículo2025Strategic-hybrid orientations and perceived business performance in medium/high-tech SMEsEUROPEAN BUSINESS REVIEW
Artículo2025The influence of corporate entrepreneurship strategy on SMEs’ internationalization: proposing and testing a modelJournal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
Artículo2024Gender-modulated relationships among depression, light household tasks and physical activity: population-based moderation analysisJournal of Public Mental Health
Artículo2024Predicting the intention to use Paytech services by Islamic banking usersInternational Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management
Artículo2024Responding to the imprecisions of social enterprise identity: considering the role of participatory governanceEUROPEAN BUSINESS REVIEW
Artículo2024Thrive or dive: navigating the waves of mandatory digital transformationEUROPEAN BUSINESS REVIEW
Artículo2023From affective polarization to fruitful politics: a new public leadership inspired by the UN's 2030 AgendaInternational Journal of Public Leadership
Artículo2023International alliance networks, expansion modes and coopetitionMultinational Business Review
Artículo2020Countries’ regulatory context and voluntary carbon disclosuresSustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal
Artículo2014Model of the international competitiveness of SMNEs for Latin American developing countriesEUROPEAN BUSINESS REVIEW
Artículo2014Positions on Regulations Affecting Auditing and Nonauditing ActivitiesJournal of CENTRUM Cathedra (JCC): The Business and Economics Research Journal