Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024Controlling Copper Location on Exchanged MOR-Type Aluminosilicate Zeolites for Methanol Carbonylation: In Situ/Operando IR Spectroscopic StudiesMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2023Effect of zeolite topological structure in bifunctional catalyst on direct conversion of syngas to light olefinsMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2023Impact of topology framework of microporous solids on methanol carbonylation: an operando DRIFTS-MS studyMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2021Assessing the impact of textural properties in Ni-Fe catalysts for CO2 methanation performanceMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2021How a small modification in the imidazolium-based SDA can determine the zeolite structure? MFI vs. TONMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2020A DFT-based simulated annealing method for the optimization of global energy in zeolite framework systems: application to natrolite, chabazite and clinoptiloliteMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2020Effect of lattice shrinking on the migration of water within zeolite LTAMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2020Photo-induced generation of size controlled Au nanoparticles on pure siliceous ordered mesoporous silica for catalytic applicationsMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2020Positron annihilation analysis of nanopores and growth mechanism of oblique angle evaporated TiO2 and SiO2 thin films and multilayersMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2020Time-resolved operando DRIFTS-MS study of the moisture tolerance of small-pore SAPO-34 molecular sieves during CH4/CO2 separationMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2018Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene over CMK-1 and CMK-3 carbon replicas with various mesopore architecturesMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2016Synthesis of tungsten carbide on Al-SBA-15 mesoporous materials by carburizationMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2015Ceramic composites from mesoporous silica coated multi-wall carbon nanotubesMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2015Synthesis temperature effect on Na-Mica-4 crystallinity and heteroatom distributionMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2014A new route of synthesis of Na-Mica-4 from sodaliteMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2014Characterization of thermally stable gamma alumina fibres biomimicking sisalMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2012Critical thickness and nanoporosity of TiO2 optical thin filmsMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2012Magnetron sputtered a-SiOxNy thin films: a closed porous nanostructure with controlled optical and mechanical propertiesMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2012Surprising role of the BDC organic ligand in the adsorption of CO2 by MOF-5MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2010Influence of synthesis temperature on morphology of SBA-16 mesoporous materials with a three-dimensional pore systemMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2010The effects on pore size and particle morphology of heptane additions to the synthesis of mesoporous silica SBA-15MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2009Gold nanoparticles on silica monospheres modified by amino groupsMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2009Influence of dealumination and treatments on the chromium speciation in zeolite CrBEAMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2009Porosity and microstructure of plasma deposited TiO2 thin filmsMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2008Stabilization of Cu+ ions in BEA zeolite: Study by FTIR spectroscopy of adsorbed CO and TPRMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS
Artículo2006Synthesis and characterization of gallium containing kanemiteMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS