Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones en la fuente MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024Is the invasive Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836 displacing its resident congener Caprella equilibra Say, 1818 in marinas of the South Iberian Peninsula? A long-term spatio-temporal approachMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2024Plasticlusters: A marine litter microhabitat in a marina of Tunisia, N AfricaMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2024Surface integrity could limit the potential of concrete as a bio-enhanced material in the marine environmentMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023Accumulation and metabolization of the antidepressant venlafaxine and its main metabolite o-desmethylvenlafaxine in non-target marine organisms Holothuria tubulosa, Anemonia sulcata and Actinia equinaMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023Analysis of metals and metalloid in commercial fish species from the Galapagos Marine Reserve: Toxicological and nutritional assessmentMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023Assessment of elemental composition in commercial fish of the Bay of Cádiz, Southern Iberian PeninsulaMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023Biovectoring of plastic by white storks from a landfill to a complex of salt ponds and marshesMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023Estuarine versus coastal marinas: Influence of the habitat on the settlement of non-indigenous peracarids on the polychaete Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin, 1791)MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023Impact of natural degradation of the invasive alga Rugulopteryx okamurae on anaerobic digestion: heavy metal pollution and kinetic performanceMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023Location and building material determine fouling assemblages within marinas: A case study in Madeira Island (NE Atlantic, Portugal)MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Revisión2023On the use of dated sediments to investigate historical nuclear dischargesMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023Predation facilitates the abundance of biofouling non-indigenous species in estuarine marinas in NE Atlantic PortugalMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023Rare earth elements as statistical sentinels of pollution and paleoenvironments? Application to a highly polluted estuary in southwestern SpainMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2023Sediments as sinks and sources of marine radionuclides: implications for their use as ocean tracersMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2022Exploring biocontamination in associated macrofaunal assemblages in marinas: soft bottoms vs artificial hard substrate. Where and what to look for?MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2022Metal effects on germination and seedling development in closely-related halophyte species inhabiting different elevations along the intertidal gradientMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2022Severe, rapid and widespread impacts of an Atlantic blue crab invasionMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2021Correlation of phytoplankton satellite observations and radiological doses in molluscs.MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2021Environmental stress responses in sympatric congeneric crustaceans: explaining and predicting the context-dependencies of invader impactsMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2021Metal and metalloids concentration in Galapagos fish liver and gonad tissuesMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2021Opening Fukushima floodgates: modelling 137Cs impact in marine biotaMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2021The transport, effective half-lives and age distributions of radioactive releases in the northern Indian OceanMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2021Trace element bioaccumulation in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa from a polluted coastal lagoon: Biomonitoring implicationsMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2021Transport and dispersion of tritium from the radioactive water of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plantMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2020Effects of heavy metal pollution on germination and early seedling growth in native and invasive Spartina cordgrassesMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2020Environmental consequences of dredged-material disposal in a recurrent marine dumping area near to Guadalquivir estuary, SpainMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2020From radiometry to chronology of a marine sediment core: a 210Pb dating interlaboratory comparison exercise organised by the IAEAMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2020Silver and copper as pollution tracers in Neogene to Holocene estuarine sediments from southwestern SpainMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2020Understanding the effects of coastal defence structures on marine biota: The role of substrate composition and roughness in structuring sessile, macro- and meiofaunal communitiesMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2019CO2 leakage simulation: Effects of the decreasing pH to the survival and reproduction of two crustacean speciesMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2019Holocene background concentrations and actual enrichment factors of metals in sediments from Ria Formosa, PortugalMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2019Is recreational boating a potential vector for non-indigenous peracarid crustaceans in the Mediterranean Sea? A combined biological and social approachMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2019Levels of radionuclide concentrations in benthic invertebrate species from the Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean, during 2012–2018MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2019Marinas: An overlooked habitat for exploring the relation among polychaete assemblages and environmental factorsMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2018Baseline activity concentration of Po-210 and Pb-210 and dose assessment in bivalve molluscs at the Andalusian coastMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2017Bioaugmentation with bacteria selected from the microbiome enhances Arthrocnemum macrostachyum metal accumulation and toleranceMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2017Modulation of Spartina densiflora plant growth and metal accumulation upon selective inoculation treatments: A comparison of gram negative and gram positive rhizobacteriaMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2016Ability of 3 extraction methods (BCR, Tessier and protease K) to estimate bioavailable metals in sediments from Huelva estuary (Southwestern Spain)MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2016Bacterial inoculants for enhanced seed germination of Spartina densiflora: Implications for restoration of metal polluted areasMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2016Environmental quality in sediments of Cadiz and Algeciras Bays based on a weight of evidence approach (southern Spanish coast)MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2016Isolation of plant-growth-promoting and metal-resistant cultivable bacteria from Arthrocnemum macrostachyum in the Odiel marshes with potential use in phytoremediationMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2016Subcellular evidences of redox imbalance in well-established populations of an endangered limpet. Reasons for alarm?MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2016The behaviour of Cs-137 in the North Atlantic Ocean assessed from numerical modelling: Releases from nuclear fuel reprocessing factories, redissolution from contaminated sediments and leakage from dumped nuclear wastesMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2015Alterations in the macrobenthic fauna from Guadarranque River (Southern Spain) associated with sediment-seawater acidification deriving from CO2 leakageMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2015Application of a new integrated sediment quality assessment method to Huelva estuary and its littoral of influence (Southwestern Spain)MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2015Effects of light pollution on the emergent fauna of shallow marine ecosystems: Amphipods as a case studyMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2015Environmental factors modulating the extent of impact in coastal invasions: the case of a widespread invasive caprellid (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the Iberian PeninsulaMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2015Scouting contaminated estuaries: Heavy metal resistant and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in the native metal rhizoaccumulator Spartina maritimaMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2015The behaviour of I-129 released from nuclear fuel reprocessing factories in the North Atlantic Ocean and transport to the Arctic assessed from numerical modellingMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2014Assessment in marine environment for a hypothetic nuclear accident based on the database of tidal harmonic constantsMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2014Growth, nutrient status, and photosynthetic response to diesel-contaminated soil of a cordgrass, Spartina argentinensisMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2014New insights on the role of sea ice in intercepting atmospheric pollutants using I-129MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2013Growth and survival of Halimione portulacoides stem cuttings in heavy metal contaminated soilsMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2013Marine dispersion assessment of Cs-137 released from the Fukushima nuclear accidentMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2013Restriction of sponges to an atoll lagoon as a result of reduced environmental qualityMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Letter2012Comment on "A set of rapid-response models for pollutant dispersion assessments in southern Spain coastal waters" by R. Perianez and F. Caravaca, Marine Pollution Bulletin 60 (2010) 1412-1422 ReplyMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2012Enrichment of rare earth elements as environmental tracers of contamination by acid mine drainage in salt marshes: A new perspectiveMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2012Local scale marine modelling of Fukushima releases. Assessment of water and sediment contamination and sensitivity to water circulation descriptionMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2012Modelling the environmental behaviour of pollutants in Algeciras Bay (south Spain)MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2012Tolerance and accumulation of copper in the salt-marsh shrub Halimione portulacoidesMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2011Persistence profile of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in shallow and deep Gulf waters and sediments: Effect of water temperature and sediment-water partitioning characteristicsMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2011Spartina densiflora demonstrates high tolerance to phenanthrene in soil and reduces it concentrationMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2011Uranium pollution in an estuary affected by pyrite acid mine drainage and releases of naturally occurring radioactive materialsMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2010A set of rapid-response models for pollutant dispersion assessments in southern Spain coastal watersMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2010Crustacean assemblages in a polluted estuary from South-Western SpainMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2010Germination and establishment of the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora in acidic and metal polluted sediments of the Tinto RiverMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2010Multi-source water pollution in a highly anthropized wetland system associated with the estuary of Huelva (SW Spain)MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2009The amphipods Caprella penantis and Hyale schmidtii as biomonitors of trace metal contamination in intertidal ecosystems of Algeciras Bay, Southern SpainMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2008A general integrated ecotoxicological method for marine sediment quality assessment: Application to sediments from littoral ecosystems on Southern Spain's Atlantic coastMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2008Comparison of the role of two Spartina species in terms of phytostabilization and bioaccumulation of metals in the estuarine sedimentMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2004A particle-tracking model for simulating pollutant dispersion in the Strait of GibraltarMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2004Sediment quality in the Guadalquivir estuary: lethal effects associated with the Aznalcollar mining spillMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2002Environmental assessment of a large industrial marine complex based on a community of benthic filter-feedersMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo1999Metals in halophytes of a contaminated estuary (Odiel Saltmarshes, SW Spain)MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo1997Ecological analysis in a polluted area of Algeciras Bay (southern Spain): External (versus' internal outfalls and environmental implicationsMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo1997Speciation of heavy metals in sediments from salt marshes on the Southern Atlantic coast of SpainMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo1996Trace metals in the bivalve mollusc Chamelea gallina from the Atlantic coast of southern SpainMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN