Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo Año Título Fuente
Revisión2025From a marsh that was once sea: The geological evolution of Europe's largest biological reserve as told by its benthic foraminifera-a reviewESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2024Morphometric variations of two patellid limpets between artificial breakwaters and natural reefsESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2024Recruitment niche segregation of halophytes along the tidal gradientESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2024Seawater spray as a significant nitrogen source across coastal dune vegetation gradientsESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2024The role of estuarine convergence on the salinity distribution and the estuary response to short river discharge pulsesESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2023Effects of freshet events on early life stages of fish and macroinvertebrates in a highly turbid estuary of Iberian PeninsulaESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2023Spatial and temporal variability of shorefaces: A morpho-hydrodynamic controlled systemESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2022Mechanisms for longitudinal transport on early life stages in benthic-pelagic fishes within a tide-dominated estuaryESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2021Alternative approaches to medium-long term sea level rise mapping in Southern Miami Beach (Florida, USA)ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2021Effects of pine plantations on coastal gradients and vegetation zonation in SW SpainESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2021Isolation of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria from spartina densiflora and sarcocornia perennis in San Antonio polluted salt marsh, Patagonian ArgentinaESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2021To the Mediterranean and beyond: an integrative approach to evaluate the spreading of Branchiomma luctuosum (Annelida: Sabellidae)ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2020Anti-herbivory protection by mutualism in marine ecosystems: The case of kelps and hydroidsESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2020Effects of removal of alien Spartina densiflora and restoration of native S. maritima on succession and zonation in European salt marshesESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2020From sessile to vagile: Understanding the importance of epifauna to assess the environmental impacts of coastal defence structuresESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2020Microbial strategies in non-target invasive Spartina densiflora for heavy metal clean up in polluted saltmarshesESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2019Facies analysis, foraminiferal record and chronostratigraphy of Holocene sequences from Saltes Island (Tinto-Odiel estuary, SW Spain): The origin of high-energy depositsESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2018Reintroduction of the highly endangered mollusk Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791 in an MPA: A novel approach to achieve high survival ratesESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2018Substratum type affects recruitment and development of marine assemblages over artificial substrata: A case study in the Alboran SeaESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2017Tidal and subtidal hydrodynamics and energetics in a constricted estuaryESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2016Advances in the use of Halimione portulacoides stem cuttings for phytoremediation of Zn-polluted soilsESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2016The microbial food web in the Doriana marshland: Influence of trophic state and hydrologyESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2015Hydrodynamics response to planned human interventions in a highly altered embayment: The example of the Bay of Cadiz (Spain)ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2014Exploring trophic strategies of exotic caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda): Comparison between habitat types and native vs introduced distribution rangesESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2014The role of wrack deposits for supralittoral arthropods: An example using Atlantic sandy beaches of Brazil and SpainESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2012Fast and low-cost method for VBES bathymetry generation in coastal areasESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2011Influence of of habitat structure and nature of substratum on limpet recruitment: Conservation implications for endangered speciesESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2011Remote sensing with SPOT-4 for mapping kelp forests in turbid waters on the south European Atlantic shelfESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2010Analysis of the spatial variation of heavy metals in the Guadiana Estuary sediments (SW Iberian Peninsula) based on GIS-mapping techniquesESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2009Recolonization of macrofauna in unpolluted sands placed in a polluted yachting harbour: A field approach using experimental traysESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2008Environmental limitations on recruitment from seed in invasive Spartina densiflora on a southern European salt marshESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2008Spatial and temporal variations in aboveground and belowground biomass of Spartina maritima (small cordgrass) in created and natural marshesESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2006Recolonization of defaunated sediments: Fine versus gross sand and dredging versus experimental traysESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2004Soft bottom mollusc assemblages and pollution in a harbour with two opposing entrancesESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2003Ecophysiology of tidal and non-tidal populations of the invading cordgrass Spartina densiflora: seasonal and diurnal patterns in a Mediterranean climateESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2003Redissolution and long-term transport of radionuclides released from a contaminated sediment: a numerical modelling studyESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2002The enhancement of Ra-226 in a tidal estuary due to the overation of fertilizer factories and redissolution from sediments: Experimental results and a modelling studyESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2001Field variability of invading populations of Spartina densiflora brong. in different habitats of the Odiel Marshes (SW spain)ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2000Marine radioactivity studies in the Suez Canal, Part I: Hydrodynamics and transit timesESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE
Artículo2000Marine radioactivity studies in the Suez Canal, Part II: Field experiments and a modelling study of dispersionESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE