Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones en la fuente FORMA 13 : Complex Systems Workshop: Sevilla 23-26 Oct 2013

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Libro2014FORMA 13 : Complex Systems Workshop: Sevilla 23-26 Oct 2013FORMA 13 : Complex Systems Workshop: Sevilla 23-26 Oct 2013
Ponencia2013Changes in Personal Networks During Ecological TransitionsFORMA 13 : Complex Systems Workshop: Sevilla 23-26 Oct 2013
Ponencia2013Making City in the "Non-City": Integration Versus IsolationFORMA 13 : Complex Systems Workshop: Sevilla 23-26 Oct 2013
Ponencia2013Will the Frog Jump Out? Institution Faculty Relationships in the University of South ZemblaFORMA 13 : Complex Systems Workshop: Sevilla 23-26 Oct 2013