Artículo | 2024 | A baseline of natural radionuclides in water and sediment of a pristine coastal ecosystem: The Xcalak and Mahahual coral reef lagoons in the western Caribbean | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2024 | A new certified reference material IAEA-465 for radionuclides in Baltic Sea sediment | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2024 | Optimization of a new liquid scintillation spectrometer for the measurement of environmental levels of 3H in water samples | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2024 | Presence of 236U,237Np and 239,240Pu in shells from the coast of the south of China | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2024 | Reaching environmental levels of 244Pu by accelerator mass spectrometry at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2023 | 210Pb-based dating of recent sediments with the χ-mapping version of the Constant Sediment Accumulation Rate (CSAR) model | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2023 | 210Pb-dating of recent sediments with the χ-mapping CF and CSAR models. On the attractors | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2023 | 210Pb-dating of sediments with models assuming a constant flux: CFCS, CRS, PLUM, and the novel χ-mapping. Review, performance tests, and guidelines | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2023 | Some considerations on the dependence to numerical schemes of Lagrangian radionuclide transport models for the aquatic environment | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2023 | Transfer of 129I to freshwater fish species within Fukushima and Chernobyl exclusion zones | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2022 | Comment on "Distribution of dissolved Cs137, I131 and Pu238 at Eastern Mediterranean Sea in case | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2022 | Depth-distributions and migration of fallout radionuclides in mountain soils from Chréa National Park (Algeria): The role of rhizospheres | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2022 | Modelling the kinetic reactive transport of pollutants at the sediment-water interface. Applications with atmospheric fallout radionuclides | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2022 | On the use of 210Pb-based records of sedimentation rates and activity concentrations for tracking past environmental changes | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2021 | Development of a dynamic food chain model for assessment of the radiological impact from radioactive releases to the aquatic environment | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2021 | Optimisation of a batch thermal combustion method using a tube furnace oxidation system (pyrolyser) and LSC for carbon-14 determination in environmental matrices | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2020 | 210Po levels and distribution in different environmental compartments from a coastal lagoon. The case of Briozzo lagoon, Uruguay | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2020 | 226Ra, 210Po and lead isotopes in a pit lake water profile in Sweden | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Letter | 2020 | Elis Holm, In Memoriam | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2020 | Environmental radioactivity and trace metals in surficial sediments from estuarine systems in Ghana (Equatorial Africa), impacted by artisanal gold-mining | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2020 | Impact of Saharan dust events on radionuclides in the atmosphere, seawater, and sediments of the northwest Mediterranean Sea | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2020 | Models for predicting the transport of radionuclides in the Red Sea | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2019 | Experimental study on the use of granulometric speciation for the radiometric dating of recent sediments | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2019 | Fukushima Cs-137 releases dispersion modelling over the Pacific Ocean. Comparisons of models with water, sediment and biota data | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2019 | Meteoric Be-10 in aerosol filters in the city of Seville | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Revisión | 2019 | Radiological evaluation of the transuranic remaining contamination in Palomares (Spain): A historical review | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2018 | Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) in Radioecology | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2018 | Challenges associated with the behaviour of radioactive particles in the environment | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2018 | Determination of denudation rates by the measurement of meteoric Be-10 in Guadiana river sediment samples (Spain) by low-energy AMS | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Editorial | 2018 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity special issue: II International Conference on Radioecological Concentration Processes. (50 years later) | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2018 | Natural and artificial radionuclides in a marine core. First results of U-236 in North Atlantic Ocean sediments | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2018 | The marine kd and water/sediment interaction problem | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2017 | Estimating the impact from Fukushima in Southern Spain by I-131 and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry detection of I-129 | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2017 | Impact of Saharan dust events on radionuclide levels in Monaco air and in the water column of the northwest Mediterranean Sea | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2017 | Natural radionuclides in lichens, mosses and ferns in a thermal power plant and in an adjacent coal mine area in southern Brazil | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2017 | Natural radionuclides in plants, soils and sediments affected by U-rich coal mining activities in Brazil | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2017 | On the presence of plutonium in Madagascar following the SNAP-9A satellite failure | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2017 | Radioecological assessment and radiometric dating of sediment cores from dynamic sedimentary systems of Pra and Volta estuaries (Ghana) along the Equatorial Atlantic | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2016 | A Pb-210-based chronological model for recent sediments with random entries of mass and activities: Model development | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2016 | Inter-comparison of dynamic models for radionuclide transfer to marine biota in a Fukushima accident scenario | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2016 | Mid-range atmospheric dispersion modelling. Intercomparison of simple models in EMRAS-2 project | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2016 | Radiochemical characterization of produced water from two production offshore oilfields in Ghana | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2015 | A comparison of marine radionuclide dispersion models for the Baltic Sea in the frame of IAEA MODARIA program | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2015 | A new comparison of marine dispersion model performances for Fukushima Dai-ichi releases in the frame of IAEA MODARIA program | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2015 | Why would we use the Sediment Isotope Tomography (SIT) model to establish a Pb-210-based chronology in recent-sediment cores? | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2014 | Radioactive characterization of leachates and efflorescences in the neighbouring areas of a phosphogypsum disposal site as a preliminary step before its restoration | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2013 | Pre- and post-Chernobyl accident levels of I-129 and Cs-137 in the Southern Baltic Sea by brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2013 | Radioactive characterization of the main materials involved in the titanium dioxide production process and their environmental radiological impact | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2012 | Caesium-137 and Strontium-90 temporal series in the Tagus River: experimental results and a modelling study | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2012 | Influence of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident on Spanish environmental radioactivity levels | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Editorial | 2011 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity special issue: international topical conference on Po and radioactive Pb isotopes | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2011 | Level and origin of I-129 and Cs-137 in lichen samples (Cladonia alpestris) in central Sweden | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2009 | Occupational dosimetric assessment (inhalation pathway) from the application of phosphogypsum in agriculture in South West Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2009 | Radiological and multi-element analysis of sediments from the Proserpina reservoir (Spain) dating from Roman times | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Revisión | 2009 | The role of physical processes controlling the behaviour of radionuclide contaminants in the aquatic environment: a review of state-of-the-art modelling approaches | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2008 | A modelling study on Cs-137 and Pu-239,Pu-240 behaviour in the Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2008 | Kinetic box models for the uptake of radionuclides and heavy metals by suspended particulate matter: equivalence between models and its implications | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2006 | Assessment of state-of-the-art models for predicting the remobilisation of radionuclides following the flooding of heavily contaminated areas: the case of Pripyat River floodplain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2006 | Modelling surface radioactive spill dispersion in the Alboran Sea | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2006 | Modelling the spatio-temporal evolution of H-3 in the waters of the River Tagus | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2005 | An operative lagrangian model for simulating radioactivity dispersion in the Strait of Gibraltar | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2005 | Determination of I-129/I-127 in aerosol samples in Seville (Spain) | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2004 | On the sensitivity of a marine dispersion model to parameters describing the transfers of radionuclides between the liquid and solid phases | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2004 | Sequential extraction of Ra-226 in sediments from an estuary affected historically by anthropogenic inputs of natural radionuclides | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2004 | Testing the behaviour of different kinetic models for uptake/release of radionuclides between water and sediments when implemented in a marine dispersion model | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2004 | The dispersion of 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the Rhone River plume: a numerical model | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2004 | The importance of recording physical and chemical variables simultaneously with remote radiological surveillance of aquatic systems: a perspective for environmental modelling | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2004 | Uranium-238 and thorium-232 series concentrations in soil, radon-222 indoor and drinking water concentrations and dose assessment in the city of Aldama, Chihuahua, Mexico | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2002 | A particle-tracking method for simulating the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in coastal waters | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2002 | Cs-137 and Po-210 dose assessment from marine food in Cienfuegos Bay (Cuba) | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2002 | Modelling the physico-chemical speciation of plutonium in the eastern Irish Sea: a further development | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2001 | Radioactive discharges from an alkaline pulp mill located in the South of Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2001 | The presence of some artificial and natural radionuclides in a Eucalyptus forest in the south of Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2001 | Wet and dry deposition of I-129 in Seville (Spain) measured by accelerator mass spectrometry | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2000 | Marine radioactivity studies in the Suez Canal. A modelling study on radionuclide dispersion | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2000 | Modelling the physico-chemical speciation of plutonium in the eastern Irish Sea | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 2000 | Modelling the tidal dispersion of Cs-137 and Pu-239,Pu-240 in the English Channel | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1999 | A numerical model to simulate the tidal dispersion of radionuclides in the English Channel | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1999 | A theoretical technique to predict the distribution of radionuclides bound to particles in surface sediments | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1999 | Distribution of natural radionuclides in sequentially extracted fractions of sediments from a marsh area in Southwest Spain: U isotopes | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1999 | Sr-90 in an alkaline pulp mill located in the South of Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1998 | Basic microscopic theory of the distribution, transfer and uptake kinetics of dissolved radionuclides by suspended particulate matter - Part I: Theory development | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1998 | Basic microscopic theory of the distribution, transfer and uptake kinetics of dissolved radionuclides by suspended particulate matter - Part II: Applications | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Letter | 1998 | Comment on Modelling the distribution of radionuclides in deep ocean water columns. Application to 3H, 137CS and 239,240Pu by R. Perianez, J. Environ. Radioactivity, Vol. 38(2), pp. 173-194 (multiple letters) [1] | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Letter | 1998 | Comment on modelling the distribution of radionuclides in deep ocean water columns. Application to H-3, Cs-137 and Pu-239,Pu-240 by R. Perianez, J. Environ. Radioactivity. Vol. 38(2), pp. 173-194. Reply | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1998 | Modelling the distribution of radionuclides in deep ocean water columns. Application to H-3, Cs-137 and Pu-239,Pu-240 | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1998 | Soil to plant transfer of Ra-226 in a marsh area: Modelling application | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1998 | Three-dimensional modelling of the tide-induced dispersion of radionuclides in the sea | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1997 | A six-phase model to simulate the contamination by non-conservative radionuclides of sediments, soils and plants in a marsh area. Application to the Odiel marsh in southwest Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1997 | Radioactive impact of phosphate ore processing in a wet marshland in southwestern Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1997 | Transfer of natural radionuclides from soils to plants in a marsh enhanced by the operation of non-nuclear industries | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1997 | Uranium and thorium concentrations in an estuary affected by phosphate fertilizer processing: Experimental results and a modelling study | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1996 | Modelling the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters .1. Conceptual and mathematical model | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1996 | Modelling the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters .2. Application to Ra-226 dispersion in an estuarine system | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1996 | Some physical and chemical features of the variability of k(d) distribution coefficients for radionuclides | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1995 | The presence of man-made radionuclides in the marine-environment in the south of Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1994 | A modeling study of Ra-226 dispersion in an estuarine system in south-west Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1994 | Identification and effects of anthropogenic emissions of U and Th on the composition of sediments in a river estuarine system in Southern Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1994 | The distribution of U, Th and Ra-226 derived from the phosphate fertilizer industries on an estuarine system in southwest Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1994 | The integrated atmospheric flux effect in a radiogeochronological model | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1993 | 99tc/137cs activity ratios in rainwater samples collected in the south of Spain | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1993 | A 2D 4-phases marine dispersion model for nonconservative radionuclides .1. Conceptual and computational model | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1993 | A 2d 4-phases marine dispersion model for nonconservative radionuclides .2. 2 Applications | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1992 | A marine dispersion model for radionuclides and its calibration from non-radiological information | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1992 | Dating of marine-sediments by an incomplete mixing model | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |
Artículo | 1991 | A mathematical approach for modeling radionuclide dispersion in the marine-environment | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY |