Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones en la fuente EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024High-resolution cross section measurements for neutron interactions on 89 Y with incident neutron energies up to 95 keVEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2024Measurement and analysis of the 246Cm and 248Cm neutron capture cross-sections at the EAR2 of the n_TOF facility at CERNEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2024Measurement of the prompt fission γ-rays from slow neutron-induced fission of 235U with STEFFEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2024Production and measurement of a stellar neutron spectrum at 30 keVEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2024Shape phase transition in the Xe and Ba isotope chains with the sextic oscillator potentialEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2023Advances and new ideas for neutron-capture astrophysics experiments at CERN n_TOFEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2023One-neutron stripping from 8 Li projectiles to 9 Be target nucleiEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2023Three- α configurations of the second Jπ= 2 + state in 12 CEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo202274 Ge(n, γ) cross section below 70 keV measured at n_TOF CERNEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2022High accuracy, high resolution 235U(n,f) cross section from n_TOF (CERN) from 18 meV to 10 keVEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2022PUMA, antiProton unstable matter annihilation: PUMA collaborationEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Revisión2022Reaction mechanisms of the weakly bound nuclei 6 , 7 Li and 7 , 9 Be on light targets at near barrier energiesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2021Alpha-induced inelastic scattering and alpha-transfer reactions in 12 C and 16 O within the Algebraic Cluster ModelEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2021An impact of Jacques Raynal on nuclear data evaluationEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2021Breakup reactions and their ambiguitiesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Corrección2021Erratum to: Unexpected transitional paths in the prolate to oblate shape phase transitions for Bose–Fermi systemsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2021Imaging neutron capture cross sections: i-TED proof-of-concept and future prospects based on Machine-Learning techniquesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2021The Hussein–McVoy formula for inclusive breakup revisited: a tribute to Mahir HusseinEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2021Unexpected transitional paths in the prolate to oblate shape phase transitions for Bose–Fermi systemsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Revisión2020An overview of the scientific contribution of Andrea Vitturi to nuclear physics: Being an account of the recent TNP19 meeting held in PadovaEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2020Microscopic description of fission in superheavy nuclei with the parametrization D1M*of the Gogny energy density functionalEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2019Characterization of vorticity in pygmy resonances and soft-dipole modes with two-nucleon transfer reactionsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Corrección2019Cross section measurements of Gd-155,Gd- 157(n, gamma) induced by thermal and epithermal neutrons (vol 55, 1, 9, 2019)EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2019Cross section measurements of Gd-155,Gd-157(n, gamma) induced by thermal and epithermal neutronsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2019Improved Pu-242(n,) thermal cross section combining activation and prompt gamma analysisEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2019Low-lying dipole and quadrupole states. Are they new excitation modes?EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2019Measurement of the U-235(n, f) cross section relative to the Li-6(n, t) and B-10(n,alpha) standards from thermal to 170 keV neutron energy range at n_TOFEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2019Radioactive beams and inverse kinematics: Probing the quantal texture of the nuclear vacuumEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Revisión2018The NUMEN project: NUclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless double beta decayEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2017High-accuracy determination of the neutron flux in the new experimental area n_TOF-EAR2 at CERNEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2017Microscopic description of fission in odd-mass uranium and plutonium nuclei with the Gogny energy density functionalEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2017On the role of secondary pions in spallation targetsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Letter2017Prospects for direct neutron capture measurements on s-process branching point isotopesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2017Toward a complete theory for predicting inclusive deuteron breakup away from stabilityEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2016Geant4 simulation of the n_TOF-EAR2 neutron beam: Characteristics and prospectsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2016Integral measurement of the C-12(n, p)B-12 reaction up to 10 GeVEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2016Microscopic description of fission in neutron-rich radium isotopes with the Gogny energy density functionalEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2016Microscopic description of fission in nobelium isotopes with the Gogny-D1M energy density functionalEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2015GEANT4 simulations of the n TOF spallation source and their benchmarkingEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2015Microscopic description of quadrupole collectivity in neutron-rich nuclei across the N=126 shell closureEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2015Study of the 6Li + p → 3He + 4He reaction in inverse kinematicsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2014Microscopic description of fission in neutron-rich plutonium isotopes with the Gogny-D1M energy density functionalEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2013High-accuracy determination of the neutron flux at n_TOFEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2013Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross-section of Am-241 at the time-of-flight facility n_TOFEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2013Performance of the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERNEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2012Simultaneous measurement of neutron-induced capture and fission reactions at CERNEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2011Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross-section of Am-243 relative to U-235 from 0.5 to 20 MeVEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2011Neutron-induced fission cross-section of U-233 in the energy range 0.5 < E-n < 20 MeVEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2011Precision mass measurements of neutron-rich Y, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, and Pd isotopesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2010Three-body structure of low-lying Ne-18 statesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2009One-neutron knockout reaction of halo nucleiEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Corrección2009Signature of a strong coupling with the continuum in (11)Be + (120)Sn scattering at the Coulomb barrier (vol 42, pg 461, 2009)EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2009Signature of a strong coupling with the continuum in Be-11+Sn-120 scattering at the Coulomb barrierEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2009Two-body scattering without angular-momentum decomposition: Fully off-shell T-matricesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2005Progress on reactions with exotic nucleiEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2004Many-body effects in nuclear structureEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2004Pairing in exotic and in stable nucleiEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2004Spherical Hartree-Fock calculations with linear-momentum projection before the variation - Part I: Energies, form factors, charge densities and mathematical sum rulesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2004Spherical Hartree-Fock calculations with linear-momentum projection before the variation - Part II: Spectral functions and spectroscopic factorsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2004Superfluidity in the inner crust of neutron starsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2003Quadrupole collectivity of neutron-rich neon isotopesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2002Momentum distribution of relativistic nuclei with Hartree-Fock mesonic correlationsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2001The halo of the exotic nucleus Li-11: a single Cooper pairEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2000Break-up of neutron-halo nuclei by diffraction dissociation and shakeoffEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo2000Level structure of Cs-123 observed from Ba-123 decay and described using the IBFM and CQPC modelsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo1999Study of very neutron deficient nuclei Pt-178 and Au-181EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo1998G-factor of the first 2+ state in 180PtEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A
Artículo1992Excited states populated via nucleon transfer in the reaction32S +208PbEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A