Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024A new FILDSIM model for improved velocity-space sensitivity modelling and reconstructionsPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2024Commissioning of the imaging neutral particle analyser for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2024Experiments and gyrokinetic simulations of TCV plasmas with negative triangularity in view of DTT operationsPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2024First measurements with a Coherence Imaging Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CICERS) diagnostic at Wendelstein 7-XPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2024NBI optimization on SMART and implications for scenario developmentPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2024Physical insights from the aspect ratio dependence of turbulence in negative triangularity plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2024The radial localization of the transition from low to high confinement mode in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2024Tomographic reconstructions of the fast-ion phase space using imaging neutral particle analyser measurementsPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2023Determination of MHD mode structures using soft x-ray diagnostics in TCVPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2023On gyrokinetic-fluid model for electromagnetic fluctuations in magnetized plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2022In-out charge exchange measurements and 3D modelling of diagnostic thermal neutrals to study edge poloidal impurity asymmetriesPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2022Modelling and theoretical understanding of the isotope effect from JET experiments in view of reliable predictions for deuterium-tritium plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2022Plasma physics and control studies planned in JT-60SA for ITER and DEMO operations and risk mitigationPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2022Understanding JET-C quiescent phases with edge harmonic magnetohydrodynamic activity and comparison with behaviour under ITER-like wall conditioningPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2020Advances in the physics studies for the JT-60SA tokamak exploitation and research planPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2020Dynamics of the pedestal transport during edge localized mode cycles at ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2020Neural network approximated Bayesian inference of edge electron density profiles at JETPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2020Observation of Alfvén Eigenmodes driven by off-axis neutral beam injection in the TCV tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2020Progress in modelling fast-ion D-alpha spectra and neutral particle analyzer fluxes using FIDASIMPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019A new mechanism for increasing density peaking in tokamaks: improvement of the inward particle pinch with edge E x B shearingPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Active control of Alfven eigenmodes in magnetically confined toroidal plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Approximate analytic expressions using Stokes model for tokamak polarimetry and their range of validityPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Characterisation of the fast-ion edge resonant transport layer induced by 3D perturbative fields in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak through full orbit simulationsPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Dynamics of ideal modes and subsequent ELM crashes in 3D tokamak geometry from external magnetic perturbationsPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of the influence of isotope effects and anomalous transport coefficients on near scrape-off layer radial electric fieldPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019ELM-induced cold pulse propagation in ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Energetic ion losses 'channeling' mechanism and strategy for mitigationPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Geodesic acoustic mode evolution in L-mode approaching the L-H transition on JETPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Impact of fast ions on density peaking in JET: fluid and gyrokinetic modelingPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Interpretative and predictive modelling of Joint European Torus collisionality scansPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Measuring fast ions in fusion plasmas with neutron diagnostics at JETPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Pedestal structure and energy confinement studies on TCVPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Runaway electron beam controlPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2019Runaway electron experiments at COMPASS in support of the EUROfusion ITER physics researchPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018A forward model for the helium plume effect and the interpretation of helium charge exchange measurements at ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Analysis of ELM stability with extended MHD models in JET, JT-60U and future JT-60SA tokamak plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Assessment of the strength of kinetic effects of parallel electron transport in the SOL and divertor of JET high radiative H-mode plasmas using EDGE2D-EIRENE and KIPP codesPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Density control by pellets in plasmas with ELM mitigation by RMPs in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Divertor, scrape-off layer and pedestal particle dynamics in the ELM cycle on ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Effects of density gradients and fluctuations at the plasma edge on ECEI measurements at ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Evaluation of impurity densities from charge exchange recombination spectroscopy measurements at ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Integrated modelling of H-mode pedestal and confinement in JET-ILWPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Inter-ELM evolution of the edge current density in JET-ILW type I ELMy H-mode plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Isotope effects on L-H threshold and confinement in tokamak plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Nonlinear dynamic analysis of D-alpha signals for type I edge localized modes characterization on JET with a carbon wallPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018On the universality of power laws for tokamak plasma predictionsPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Propagating transport-code input parameter uncertainties with deterministic samplingPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Qualification and implementation of line ratio spectroscopy on helium as plasma edge diagnostic at ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Scaling of the geodesic acoustic mode amplitude on JETPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018The effects of electron cyclotron heating and current drive on toroidal Alfven eigenmodes in tokamak plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018Velocity-space sensitivity and tomography of scintillator-based fast-ion loss detectorsPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2018W transport and accumulation control in the termination phase of JET H-mode discharges and implications for ITERPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Assessment of SOLPS5.0 divertor solutions with drifts and currents against L-mode experiments in ASDEX Upgrade and JETPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Challenges in the extrapolation from DD to DT plasmas: experimental analysis and theory based predictions for JET-DTPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Dimensionless scalings of confinement, heat transport and pedestal stability in JET-ILW and comparison with JET-CPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Dynamics and stability of divertor detachment in H-mode plasmas on JETPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Experimental studies of high-confinement mode plasma response to non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations in ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017First absolute measurements of fast-ion losses in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Global performance enhancements via pedestal optimisation on ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Gyrokinetic simulations of particle transport in pellet fuelled JET dischargesPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Ion cyclotron resonance heating for tungsten control in various JET H-mode scenariosPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Pedestal and e r profile evolution during an edge localized mode cycle at ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Progress in understanding disruptions triggered by massive gas injection via 3D non-linear MHD modelling with JOREKPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Real-time control of divertor detachment in H-mode with impurity seeding using Langmuir probe feedback in JET-ITER-like wallPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017The I-mode confinement regime at ASDEX Upgrade: Global properties and characterization of strongly intermittent density fluctuationsPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017The role of the density profile in the ASDEX-Upgrade pedestal structurePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Towards self-consistent plasma modelisation in presence of neoclassical tearing mode and sawteeth: effects on transport coefficientsPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2017Tractable flux-driven temperature, density, and rotation profile evolution with the quasilinear gyrokinetic transport model QuaLiKizPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Advances in understanding and utilising ELM control in JETPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Benchmarking the GENE and GYRO codes through the relative roles of electromagnetic and E x B stabilization in JET high-performance dischargesPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Comparative gyrokinetic analysis of JET baseline H-mode core plasmas with carbon wall and ITER-like wallPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Core turbulent transport in tokamak plasmas: bridging theory and experiment with QuaLiKizPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Gyrokinetic study of turbulence suppression in a JET-ILW power scanPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016High frequency magnetic fluctuations correlated with the inter-ELM pedestal evolution in ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Impact of divertor geometry on radiative divertor performance in JET H-mode plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Multi-machine scaling of the main SOL parallel heat flux width in tokamak limiter plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Non-linear MHD simulations of ELMs in JET and quantitative comparisons to experimentsPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Numerical calculations of non-inductive current driven by microwaves in JETPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016On the role of the edge density profile for the L-H transition power threshold in ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Plasma response measurements of external magnetic perturbations using electron cyclotron emission and comparisons to 3D ideal MHD equilibriumPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Scaling of the frequencies of the type one edge localized modes and their effect on the tungsten source in JET ITER-like wallPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Revisión2016Sparse representation of signals: from astrophysics to real-time data analysis for fusion plasmas and system optimization analysis for ITER and TCVPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2016Toroidal mode number determination of ELM associated phenomena on ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2015Comparative analysis of core heat transport of JET high density H-mode plasmas in carbon wall and ITER-like wallPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2015Impact of magnetic perturbation coils on the edge radial electric field and turbulence in ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2015Influence of the E X B drift in high recycling divertors on target asymmetriesPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2015Ion target impact energy during Type I edge localized modes in JET ITER-like WallPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2015L-H transition physics in hydrogen and deuterium: Key role of the edge radial electric field and ion heat fluxPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2015Quantification of the impact of large and small-scale instabilities on the fast-ion confinement in ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2015Studies of the non-axisymmetric plasma boundary displacement in JET in presence of externally applied magnetic fieldPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2015The H-mode density limit in the full tungsten ASDEX Upgrade tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2015Toroidal modelling of resonant magnetic perturbations response in ASDEX-Upgrade: coupling between field pitch aligned response and kink amplificationPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2015Turbulent transport analysis of JET H-mode and hybrid plasmas using QuaLiKiz and Trapped Gyro Landau FluidPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2014Modulation of prompt fast-ion loss by applied n=2 fields in the DIII-D tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2014Parameter dependence of the radial electric field in the edge pedestal of hydrogen, deuterium and helium plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2013Fast-ion losses induced by ELMs and externally applied magnetic perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2013Impurity seeding for tokamak power exhaust: From present devices via ITER to DEMOPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2013Novel free-boundary equilibrium and transport solver with theory-based models and its validation against ASDEX Upgrade current ramp scenariosPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2013Rotation and density asymmetries in the presence of large poloidal impurity flows in the edge pedestalPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2013The effect of a metal wall on confinement in JET and ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2012Characterization of Alfven eigenmodes using NBI during current ramp-up in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2012Recent progress in understanding the L-H transition physics from ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2011Characterization of off-axis fishbonesPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2011Convective beam ion losses due to Alfven eigenmodes in DIII-D reversed-shear plasmasPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2011Core momentum and particle transport studies in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2011Fast-ion D-alpha measurements at ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2011Identification of geodesic chirping Alfven modes and q-factor estimation in hot core tokamak plasmas in ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2011Investigation of fast particle driven instabilities by 2D electron cyclotron emission imaging on ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2011Investigation of passive edge emission in charge exchange spectra at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2011Studies of edge localized mode mitigation with new active in-vessel saddle coils in ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2009Kinetic Alfven eigenmodes at ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2009Stability of toroidicity induced shear Alfven eigenmodes in ASDEX UpgradePLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION
Artículo2007Plasma wall interaction and its implication in an all tungsten divertor tokamakPLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION