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Convenio específico de colaboración para la realización de la actividad investigadora del programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (Csd2007-00042). Ref.: Cpan08-Ts11

Referencia: CSD2007-00042

Tipo: Proyecto de investigación
Programa financiador: OPN - Consolider
Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Ámbito: Nacional
Convocatoria competitiva:
Fecha de inicio: 01/01/2009
Fecha de fin: 31/12/2011
Participantes en la financiación
Nombre Rol
Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José Responsable
Garzón Camacho, Alejandro Investigador/a
Ovejero Mayoral, María del Carmen Investigador/a
Garzón Camacho, Alejandro Contratado
de Diego Martínez, Raúl Contratado
Publicaciones relacionadas
Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo 2020 Analysis of quasielastic (e,e′) electromagnetic responses and scaling for nuclear matter in the relativistic mean field model Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo 2017 In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich platinum isotope 200Pt toward the N=126 shell gap PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia 2017 Scattering of halo nuclei on heavy targets at energies around the Coulomb barrier FUSION17
Ponencia 2016 Charged-current inclusive neutrino cross sections in the SuperScaling model XXI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, NEUTRON PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS & INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EXOTIC NUCLEI (ISEN-2015)
Artículo 2016 Charged-current inclusive neutrino cross sections in the superscaling model including quasielastic, pion production and meson-exchange contributions JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS
Artículo 2016 Continuum discretised BCS approach for weakly bound nuclei JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS
Ponencia 2016 Evaluation of inclusive breakup cross sections in reactions induced by weakly-bound nuclei within a three-body model 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEUS-NUCLEUS COLLISIONS 2015
Artículo 2016 Evidence of strong dynamic core excitation in C-19 resonant break-up PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia 2016 Importance of the single-particle continuum in BCS pairing with a pseudostate basis 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEUS-NUCLEUS COLLISIONS 2015
Artículo 2016 Inclusive electron scattering within the SuSAv2 meson-exchange current approach PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo 2016 Recent Advances in Nuclear Reaction Theories for Weakly Bound Nuclei: Reexamining the Problem of Inclusive Breakup FEW-BODY SYSTEMS
Artículo 2016 Recent developments for the calculation of elastic and non-elastic breakup of weakly-bound nuclei ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B
Artículo 2015 A Fast Readout Electronic System for Accurate Spatial Detection in Ion Beam Tracking for the Next Generation of Particle Accelerators IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT
Artículo 2015 Effects of coupling to breakup in the Li-6,Li-7+Zn-64 systems at near-barrier energies PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2015 Numerical assessment of post-prior equivalence for inclusive breakup reactions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2015 Reexamining closed-form formulae for inclusive breakup: Application to deuteron-and Li-6-induced reactions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2015 Simultaneous analysis of the elastic scattering and breakup channel for the reaction Li-11+Pb-208 at energies near the Coulomb barrier PHYSICAL REVIEW C
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Artículo 2015 Transfer induced by core excitation within an extended distorted-wave Born approximation method PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2014 Astrophysical reaction rate for Be-9 formation within a three-body approach PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2014 Charged-current quasielastic neutrino scattering cross sections on C-12 with realistic spectral and scaling functions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2014 Continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations with core excitation PHYSICAL REVIEW C
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Ponencia 2014 Readout electronic system for particle tracking in secondary electron detectors 2014 IEEE 57TH INTERNATIONAL MIDWEST SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS (MWSCAS)
Ponencia 2014 Scattering of light halo nuclei on heavy target at energies around the Coulomb barrier INPC 2013 - INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS CONFERENCE, VOL. 1
Artículo 2014 Semi-microscopic folding model for the description of two-body halo nuclei PHYSICAL REVIEW C
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Artículo 2014 The one nucleon transfer operator in the microscopic IBM without NOA PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo 2013 Analytical transformed harmonic oscillator basis for three-body nuclei of astrophysical interest: Application to He-6 PHYSICAL REVIEW C
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Artículo 2013 Large-amplitude pairing fluctuations in atomic nuclei PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2013 Li-11 Breakup on Pb-208 at Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo 2013 Neutral current (anti)neutrino scattering: Relativistic mean field and superscaling predictions PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo 2013 Off-shell effects in the relativistic mean field model and their role in CC (anti)neutrino scattering at MiniBooNE kinematics PHYSICS LETTERS B
Revisión 2013 Parity violation in elastic electron-nucleon scattering: Strangeness content in the nucleon PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo 2013 Relativistic description of final-state interactions in neutral-current neutrino and antineutrino cross sections PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2013 Shape and Pairing Fluctuation Effects on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Nuclear Matrix Elements PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Ponencia 2012 Core Excitation Effects in the Breakup of Halo Nuclei NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '12
Artículo 2012 Core excitation effects in the breakup of the one-neutron halo nucleus Be-11 on a proton target PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia 2012 Decoherence and quantum quench: their relationship with excited state quantum phase transitions BEAUTY IN PHYSICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT: IN HONOR OF FRANCESCO LACHELLO ON THE OCCASION OF HIS 70TH BIRTHDAY
Artículo 2012 Do Halo Nuclei Follow Rutherford Elastic Scattering at Energies Below the Barrier? The Case of Li-11 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo 2012 Interplay Between Valence and Core Excitation Mechanisms in the Breakup of Halo Nuclei PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo 2012 Meson-Exchange Currents and Quasielastic Antineutrino Cross Sections in the Superscaling Approximation PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Ponencia 2012 Nuclear shape transitions in neutron-rich medium-mass nuclei NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '12
Artículo 2012 Octupole deformation properties of actinide isotopes within a mean-field approach JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS
Artículo 2012 Output factor determination for dose measurements in axial and perpendicular planes using a silicon strip detector PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS
Artículo 2012 Particle motion in a deformed potential using a transformed oscillator basis PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia 2012 Scaling ideas in neutrino scattering reactions: application to the MiniBooNE experiment XIX INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, NEUTRON PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS (VARNA 2011)
Artículo 2012 Shape coexistence in lead isotopes in the interacting boson model with a Gogny energy density functional PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2012 Superscaling predictions for neutrino-induced charged-current charged pion production at MiniBooNE PHYSICS LETTERS B
Ponencia 2011 Collective motion in complex nuclei INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS CONFERENCE 2010 (INPC): NUCLEAR STRUCTURE
Artículo 2011 Collective structural evolution in neutron-rich Yb, Hf, W, Os, and Pt isotopes PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2011 Elastic scattering and alpha-particle production in He-6+Pb-208 collisions at 22 MeV PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2011 Excitations of pygmy dipole resonances in exotic and stable nuclei via Coulomb and nuclear fields PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2011 Experimental study of He-6 + Be-9 elastic scattering at low energies PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2011 Extragalactic background light inferred from AEGIS galaxy-SED-type fractions MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY
Artículo 2011 Finite-size corrections in the bosonic algebraic approach to two-dimensional systems PHYSICAL REVIEW A
Artículo 2011 Meson-exchange currents and quasielastic neutrino cross sections in the superscaling approximation model PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo 2011 On the impact of large amplitude pairing fluctuations on nuclear spectra PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo 2011 Phase diagram for a cubic-Q interacting boson model Hamiltonian: Signs of triaxiality PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2011 Relativistic analyses of quasielastic neutrino cross sections at MiniBooNE kinematics PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Artículo 2011 Relativistic Descriptions of Final-State Interactions in Charged-Current Quasielastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering at MiniBooNE Kinematics PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo 2011 Relativistic descriptions of quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus scattering: Application to scaling and superscaling ideas PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2011 Scaling function, spectral function, and nucleon momentum distribution in nuclei PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia 2011 Signatures of structural changes in neutron-rich Sr, Zr and Mo isotopes FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS (FINUSTAR 3)
Artículo 2011 Spectroscopic calculations of the low-lying structure in exotic Os and W isotopes PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2010 alpha-particle production in He-6+Sn-120 collisions PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2010 Charge radii and structural evolution in Sr, Zr, and Mo isotopes PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo 2010 Elastic scattering and total reaction cross section of He-6+Sn-120 PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2010 Exploring continuum structures with a pseudo-state basis PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2010 Improved deuteron elastic breakup energy dependence via the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2010 Long range effects on the optical model of He-6 around the Coulomb barrier Nuclear Physics, Section A: nuclear and hadronic physics
Artículo 2010 Mean field study of structural changes in Pt isotopes with the Gogny interaction PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2010 Meson-exchange currents and final-state interactions in quasielastic electron scattering at high momentum transfers PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2010 Pionic correlations and meson-exchange currents in two-particle emission induced by electron scattering PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2010 Scaling function and nucleon momentum distribution PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2010 Signatures of shape transitions in odd-A neutron-rich rubidium isotopes PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2010 Simultaneous analysis of elastic scattering and transfer/breakup channels for the He-6+Pb-208 reaction at energies near the Coulomb barrier PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo 2010 Superscaling analysis of the Coulomb sum rule in quasielastic electron-nucleus scattering PHYSICS LETTERS B
Artículo 2010 Triaxial angular momentum projection and configuration mixing calculations with the Gogny force PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia 2009 Analysis of the elastic scattering measured with a 23.7 MeV 7Be beam on a 9Be target NUCLEAR PHYSICS 2008
Artículo 2009 Analytical transformed harmonic oscillator basis for continuum discretized coupled channels calculations PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2009 Astrophysical S-17(0) factor extraction from breakup of B-8 on Ni-58 at energies near the Coulomb barrier PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2009 Four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2009 Longitudinal and transverse scaling functions within the coherent density fluctuation model PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2009 Multiphonon excitations and pygmy resonances in tin isotopes PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2009 Neutrino interactions importance for nuclear physics SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION
Ponencia 2009 Overview of neutrino-nucleus quasielastic scattering SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION
Artículo 2009 Role of triaxiality in the ground-state shape of neutron-rich Yb, Hf, W, Os and Pt isotopes JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS
Artículo 2009 Shape Coexistence Near Neutron Number N=20: First Identification of the E0 Decay from the Deformed First Excited Jπ=0+ State in 30Mg PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo 2009 Theory of (d,p) and (p,d) reactions including breakup: Comparison of methods PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Artículo 2009 U-BF (5) to SUBF (3) shape phase transition in odd nuclei for j=1/2, 3/2, and 5/2 orbits: The role of the odd particle at the critical point PHYSICAL REVIEW C
Ponencia 2009 Understanding He-6 induced reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier NUCLEAR PHYSICS 2008
Artículo 2008 On the origin of the anomalous behaviour of 2+ excitation energies in the neutron-rich Cd isotopes PHYSICS LETTERS B
Nota: la fuente de financiación de las publicaciones se ha obtenido de WOS