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Regina Allande Cusso

Profesora Contratada Doctora (Plaza Vinc.)
Área de conocimiento: Enfermería
Departamento: Enfermería
Grupo: "Cuidados Complejos, Cronicidad y Resultados en Salud" - CTS-1050 (Universidad de Sevilla)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2025 Assessment of occupational risks in nurses in Spain: Preliminary psychometric analysis of the ISTAS_Enfermería scale MEDICINE
Artículo2025 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of Nursing students: A systematic review and meta-analysis MEDICINE
Artículo2025 Prevalence of NANDA‐I Nursing Diagnoses in patients with heart failure: A systematic review and meta‐analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING KNOWLEDGE
Artículo2025 Socio‐Healthcare for Older People in the Mediterranean Basin: An Integrative Review and Quality Appraisal PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
Artículo2024 A review of the injuries caused by occupational footwear OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE-OXFORD
Artículo2024 Care biography: A concept analysis. Nursing Philosophy
Corrección2024 Corrigendum: Social Determinants of Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic Context of the Migrant Population Living in Settlements in Spain INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2024 Enhancing nursing care through technology and standardized nursing language: The TEC‐MED multilingual platform INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING KNOWLEDGE
Artículo2024 Evaluation of the level of psychological distress in construction workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Southern Spain HEALTHCARE
Capítulo2024 Influence of the sources used to obtain information on COVID-19 and their impact on mental health Linking Neuroscience and Behavior in COVID-19
Artículo2024 Mental Health of Prison Inmates During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2024 Priorities and challenges in social and healthcare policies for older people living in the Mediterranean basin: A Delphi panel study BMC GERIATRICS
Artículo2024 Psychological distress among unemployed migrants settling in southwestern Spain: A cross-sectional study MEDICINE
Artículo2024 Psychological Distress and Work Engagement of Construction Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Differential Study by Sex BUILDINGS
Artículo2024 Sense of coherence in Spanish-speaking countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review MEDICINE
Artículo2024 Specialisation in emergency nursing: an essential driver for quality and safety in emergency care EMERGENCIAS
Artículo2024 Stress in novice nurses in new work environments: a systematic review Frontiers in Public Health
Artículo2024 The Caring Life Course Theory: Opening new frontiers in care—A cardiac rehabilitation example JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
Artículo2023 Adaptation and initial psychometric study of the anxiety and fear of COVID-19 scale in the United Kingdom population FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
Artículo2023 Adaptation and psychometric study of the scale for the measurement of fear and anxiety of COVID-19 disease in pregnant women (AMICO_Pregnant) Frontiers in Public Health
Artículo2023 Anxiety and fear of COVID-19 in the UK general population: a cross-sectional study MEDICINE
Artículo2023 Assessment of levels of anxiety and fear of COVID-19 in a population of pregnant women in Spain PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT
Artículo2023 Emotional health assessment related to COVID-19 in older people: a cross-sectional study. International journal of older people nursing
Revisión2023 Fear and anxiety in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2023 Fin del uso de la mascarilla en espacios públicos durante la pandemia por la COVID-19: impacto en la salud mental de las mujeres embarazadas REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SALUD PUBLICA
Artículo2023 Fuentes utilizadas para obtener información sobre la COVID-19 y su impacto en la salud mental REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SALUD PUBLICA
Artículo2023 Intervenciones de enfermería en niñas y niños con trastorno del espectro autista que precisan atención sanitaria: una revisión de la literatura Evidentia: Revista de enfermería basada en la evidencia
Artículo2023 Levels of anxiety and fear among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT
Letter2023 Limits and Perspectives for the Assessment of Anxiety and Fear of COVID-19 in Pregnant Women [Response To Letter] PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT
Capítulo2023 Primeros auxilios y Soporte Vital III Congreso Internacional de Salud Mental: “Salud Mental: Una Necesidad, un Derecho”
Artículo2023 Stress, fear, and anxiety among construction workers: a systematic review Frontiers in Public Health
Artículo2023 Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para el abordaje de los problemas de salud mental Revista ROL de Enfermería
Artículo2022 COVID-19 information received by the Peruvian population, during the first phase of the pandemic, and its association with developing psychological distress: information about COVID-19 and distress in Peru. MEDICINE
Artículo2022 Creating a learning scenario for cardiopulmonary resuscitation training during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Journal of continuing education in the health professions
Artículo2022 Defining and characterising the nurse-patient relationship: a concept analysis. Nursing ethics
Artículo2022 Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of rehabilitation area professionals: A systematic review Frontiers in Public Health
Capítulo2022 Improving learning outcomes in reflective thinking in undergraduate nursing students International Handbook of Innovation and Assessment of the Quality of Higher Education and Research. Vol. 1
Artículo2022 Initial psychometric development of the fear and anxiety to COVID-19 scale in nursing professionals: an occupational health assessment tool Risk Management and Healthcare Policy
Artículo2022 Measuring anxiety and fear of Covid-19 among older people: psychometric properties of anxiety and fear of Covid-19 scale (AMICO) in Spain BMC PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2022 Predictive validity of the INTEGRARE scale in identifying the risk of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers in acute care hospital settings JOURNAL OF TISSUE VIABILITY
Artículo2022 Psychometric properties of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) in a sample of active health care professionals in Spain PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT
Artículo2022 Salud mental y trastornos mentales en los lugares de trabajo REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SALUD PUBLICA
Artículo2022 Social determinants of health in the COVID-19 pandemic context of the migrant population living in settlements in Spain INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2022 Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review Frontiers in Public Health
Capítulo2022 Trabajo y salud mental Salud laboral: Conceptos y técnicas para la prevención de riesgos laborales
Artículo2022 Understanding the nurse-patient relationship: a predictive approach to caring interaction Collegian
Capítulo2022 Uso de la metodología de aprendizaje en entornos simulados para la adquisición de competencia en la valoración de enfermería Ciclos de mejora en el aula. Año 2021: experiencias de innovación docente de la Universidad de Sevilla
Artículo2022 Women, negative work-home interaction and stress: Impact of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on spanish general and healthcare workers. Science progress
Artículo2021 A new conceptualization of the nurse–patient relationship construct as caring interaction Nursing Philosophy
Artículo2021 Anxiety and fear related to coronavirus disease 2019 assessment in the Spanish population: a cross-sectional study Science progress
Artículo2021 Assessment of the nurse-patient interaction competence in undergraduate nursing students Nurse Education Today
Capítulo2021 Creación de contextos de aprendizaje crítico para estudiantes de grado en enfermería durante la pandemia por COVID-19 Versión electrónica en abierto
Artículo2021 Design of fear and anxiety of COVID-19 assessment tool in Spanish adult population Brain Sciences
Artículo2021 Development and criterion validity of the COVID-19 anxiety and fear assessment scale: a cross sectional study. Science progress
Artículo2021 El cuidado humanizado en la muerte por COVID-19: a propósito de un caso ENFERMERIA CLINICA
Artículo2021 Gender perspective of psychological discomfort during COVID-19 confinement among Spanish adult population: a cross-sectional study BMJ OPEN
Artículo2021 Health-related factors of psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic among non-health workers in Spain SAFETY SCIENCE
Artículo2021 History of contact with the SARS-COV-2 virus and the sense of coherence in the development of psychological distress in the occupational health professionals in Spain Science progress
Artículo2021 Impact on the mental and physical health of the portuguese population during the COVID-19 confinement JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
Artículo2021 Implementing holistic care in isolated patients during COVID-19 pandemic: a case study using nursing outcomes (NOC) and interventions (NIC) classifications. Holistic nursing practice
Artículo2021 Implications of lifestyle and occupational factors on the risk of breast cancer in shiftwork nurses HEALTHCARE
Capítulo2021 Improving learning outcomes in reflective thinking in undergraduate nursing students Avances en educación superior e investigación: Volumen I
Artículo2021 Night work and breast cancer risk in nurses: multifactorial risk analysis CANCERS
Capítulo2021 Proceso de Enfermería y competencias intelectuales: propuesta de entrenamiento específico mediante el uso de aprendizaje basado en problemas Ciclos de mejora en el aula. Año 2020 Experiencias de innovación docente de la Universidad de Sevilla
Artículo2021 Proyecto IMPACTCOVID-19: impacto en el bienestar emocional y ajuste psicológico en la población Revista Científica Estudios e Investigaciones
Artículo2021 Psychological distress among occupational health professionals during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Spain: description and effect of work engagement and work environment FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2021 Psychological distress during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador: cross-sectional study PLOS ONE
Artículo2021 Sense of coherence, engagement, and work environment as precursors of psychological distress among non-health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain SAFETY SCIENCE
Artículo2021 Trabajo, familia y percepción de la propia salud en las enfermeras: relación con el cáncer de mama y el trabajo a turnos REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SALUD PUBLICA
Artículo2021 Work engagement in nurses during the covid-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study HEALTHCARE
Artículo2020 Adaptación transcultural de la escala Caring Nurse-Patient Interactions para la evaluación de la competencia en la relación enfermera-paciente ENFERMERIA CLINICA
Capítulo2020 Creación de contextos de aprendizaje crítico para la mejora del aprendizaje del Proceso de Enfermería Ciclos de mejora en el aula, año 2019: experiencias de innovación docente de la Universidad de Sevilla
Artículo2020 Creating learning scenarios for final-year nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal of Nursing Education
Artículo2020 Development and external validity of a short-form version of the INICIARE scale to classify nursing care dependency level in acute hospitals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2020 El uso de la cachimba y su impacto sobre el estilo de vida y malestar psicológico en los estudiantes universitarios: un estudio de corte transversal REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SALUD PUBLICA
Artículo2020 La comunicación con las familias de pacientes ingresados en la unidad de observación de urgencias durante la pandemia por COVID-19 Revista ROL de Enfermería
Artículo2019 La relación enfermera-paciente: identidad histórica, metodológica y terapéutica en los cuidados de enfermería CULTURA DE LOS CUIDADOS

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
26/09/2019 25/03/2023 Investigador/a Development of a transcultural social-ethical care model for dependent population in Mediterranean basin (TEC MED) (A_A.3.2_0376) Comisión Europea (Europeo)
01/01/2023 31/12/2025 Responsable Evaluación y desarrollo de la HUMANización del CUIDAdo del sistema sanitario público de Andalucía: atención a la fragilidad, prevención de eventos adversos, e impacto de la relación enfermera-paciente en los resultados en salud (HUMANCUIDA) (PI22/00373) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) (Nacional)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado