Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Ricardo Marques Sillero

Investigador Honorario
Área de conocimiento: Electromagnetismo
Departamento: Electrónica y Electromagnetismo
Grupo: MICROONDAS - TIC-112 (Universidad de Sevilla)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2023 Application of a capacitively-loaded split-ring metamaterial lens in a 0.3 T magnetic resonance imaging system Results in Physics
Artículo2023 Magnetoinductive metasurface of capacitively-loaded split rings for local field homogenization in a 7 T MRI birdcage: A simulation study JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE
Ponencia2022 Guiding line plasmons between complementary plasmonic metasurfaces 2022 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2022
Ponencia2022 Metasurface of Capacitively Loaded Rings for Local Enhancement of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Surface Coils in Magnetic Resonance Imaging International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics
Ponencia2022 Plasmonic self-complementary metasurfaces 2022 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2022
Ponencia2022 Recovery of Babinet's principle for plasmonic metasurfaces 2022 16th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2022
Artículo2021 Babinet's principle and saturation of the resonance frequency of scaled-down complementary metasurfaces APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2021 Extension of Babinet's principle for plasmonic metasurfaces APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Capítulo2021 Implementation of pro-bike policies in Portland and Seville Cycling for sustainable cities
Libro2020 An Analysis of the Role of Cycling in Sustainable Urban Mobility: The Importance of the Bicycle An Analysis of the Role of Cycling in Sustainable Urban Mobility: The Importance of the Bicycle
Artículo2020 Contribución al análisis del impacto de la creación de una red de vías ciclistas en la economía local y en la imagen turística de las ciudades. El caso de Sevilla Hábitat y Sociedad
Editorial2020 La emergencia de la movilidad ciclista en las ciudades Hábitat y Sociedad
Capítulo2018 Seville, Spain: Improving cycling mobility in a city with no previous cycling culture Global Planning Innovations for Urban Sustainability
Artículo2017 El impacto del “carril-bici” de Sevilla sobre el espacio urbano de la ciudad: un análisis preliminar Hábitat y Sociedad
Libro2017 La importancia de la bicicleta: un análisis del papel de la bicicleta en la transición hacia una movilidad urbana más sostenible La importancia de la bicicleta: un análisis del papel de la bicicleta en la transición hacia una movilidad urbana más sostenible
Artículo2017 On the effect of networks of cycle-tracks on the risk of cycling. The case of Seville ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION
Libro2016 Ciudades y bicicletas: el papel de las ordenanzas municipales Ciudades y bicicletas: el papel de las ordenanzas municipales
Capítulo2016 El embalse de Los Melonares, ejemplo de obra superflua: datos para un debate pendiente Los megaproyectos en Andalucía: Relaciones de poder y apropiación de riqueza
Artículo2015 How infrastructure can promote cycling in cities: Lessons from Seville RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION ECONOMICS
Ponencia2015 When cycle paths are not enough: Seville’s bicycle-PT project WIT Transactions on the Built Environment
Artículo2014 Sevilla: A successful experience of bicycle promotion in a mediterranean context WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment
Artículo2013 A Broadside-Split-Ring Resonator-Based Coil for MRI at 7 T IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING
Artículo2013 Coupled-Wave Surface-Impedance Analysis of Extraordinary Transmission Through Single and Stacked Metallic Screens IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION
Ponencia2013 New results on Extraordinary Optical Transmission and Fishnet Metamaterials 2013 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETIC MATERIALS IN MICROWAVES AND OPTICS (METAMATERIALS 2013)
Ponencia2013 Reduction of Noise Correlation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Coil Arrays with Metamaterials 2013 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETIC MATERIALS IN MICROWAVES AND OPTICS (METAMATERIALS 2013)
Artículo2013 Self-Complementary Metasurface for Designing Narrow Band Pass/Stop Filters IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS
Ponencia2013 The duality relation for 2d complementary optical nanocircuits 2013 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2013 - Proceedings
Artículo2012 Image acceleration in parallel magnetic resonance imaging by means of metamaterial magnetoinductive lenses AIP ADVANCES
Artículo2012 Surface mesoscopic effects in finite metamaterials OPTICS EXPRESS
Ponencia2011 A band-pass/stop filter made of SRRs and C-SRRs 2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION (APSURSI)
Artículo2011 Analysis of the resolution of split-ring metamaterial lenses with application in parallel magnetic resonance imaging APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2011 Bulk Metamaterials Made of Resonant Rings PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE
Artículo2011 Comparative analysis of the transfer function of closed and open split-ring metamaterial slab lenses Metamaterials
Artículo2011 Demonstration of negative refraction of microwaves AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
Artículo2011 Extraordinary transmission through dielectric screens with 1D sub-wavelength metallic inclusions OPTICS EXPRESS
Artículo2011 Metallo-dielectric core-shell nanospheres as building blocks for optical three-dimensional isotropic negative-index metamaterials NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
Ponencia2011 Metamaterial applicator for microwave hyperthermia 2011 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, URSIGASS 2011
Artículo2011 Metamaterial focusing device for microwave hyperthermia MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2011 Metamaterial-inspired perfect tunnelling in semiconductor heterostructures NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
Artículo2011 Nonlinear split-ring metamaterial slabs for magnetic resonance imaging APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2011 Sevilla: una experiencia exitosa de promoción de la movilidad en bicicleta en el Sur de Europa Hábitat y Sociedad
Artículo2011 Signal-to-noise ratio evaluation in resonant ring metamaterial lenses for MRI applications NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
Artículo2011 Super-resolution for a point source better than lambda/500 using positive refraction NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
Artículo2011 Surface impedance model for extraordinary transmission in 1D metallic and dielectric screens OPTICS EXPRESS
Ponencia2010 Ab initio experimental analysis of realistic resonant ring metamaterial lenses 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC-USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting - Leading the Wave, AP-S/URSI 2010
Ponencia2010 Advances on circuit modeling of extraordinary transmission Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, MMET, Conference Proceedings
Ponencia2010 Analytical theory and equivalent circuit for extraordinary transmission through arrays of slits perforated in realistic metallic screens Symposium Digest - 20th URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, EMTS 2010
Artículo2010 Analytical theory of extraordinary optical transmission through realistic metallic screens OPTICS EXPRESS
Artículo2010 Artificial magnetism and left-handed media from dielectric rings and rods JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER
Artículo2010 Exact modelling method for discrete finite metamaterial lens IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION
Artículo2010 Fishnet Metamaterials - Rules for Refraction and Limits of Homogenization OPTICS EXPRESS
Artículo2010 On the applications of mu(r) =-1 metamaterial lenses for magnetic resonance imaging JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE
Artículo2010 Realistic metamaterial lenses: Limitations imposed by discrete structure PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Artículo2009 Accurate modeling of split ring metamaterial lenses for magnetic resonance imaging applications JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Artículo2009 Analytical circuit model for split ring resonators in the far infrared and optical frequency range Metamaterials
Artículo2009 Analytical theory of extraordinary transmission through metallic diffraction screens perforated by small holes OPTICS EXPRESS
Ponencia2009 Analytical theory of stacked fish-net structures Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA '09
Artículo2009 Analytical theory of wave propagation through stacked fishnet metamaterials OPTICS EXPRESS
Artículo2009 Correct denition of the Poynting vector in electrically and magnetically polarizable medium reveals that negative refraction is impossible: comment OPTICS EXPRESS
Artículo2009 Experimental verification of extraordinary transmission without surface plasmons APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2009 Nonlocal homogenization of an array of cubic particles made of resonant rings Metamaterials
Artículo2009 Structural tunability in metamaterials APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2008 Characterization of miniaturized metamaterial resonators coupled to planar transmission lines through parameter extraction JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Ponencia2008 Equivalent Circuit Model to Explain Extraordinary Transmission 2008 IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE SYMPOSIUM DIGEST, VOLS 1-4
Artículo2008 Experimental demonstration of a mu=-1 metamaterial lens for magnetic resonance imaging APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Ponencia2008 Extraordinary optical transmission phenomena to the light of microwave field theory 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY
Artículo2008 Extraordinary Transmission Through Arrays of Electrically Small Holes From a Circuit Theory Perspective IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Ponencia2008 Miniaturization and characterization of metamaterial resonant particles Proceedings of the 38th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2008
Artículo2008 Optimizing the magnetoinductive lens: Improvement, limits, and possible applications JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Artículo2008 Periodic arrangements of chiral scatterers providing negative refractive index bi-isotropic media PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Artículo2008 Unified homogenization theory for magnetoinductive and electromagnetic waves in split-ring metamaterials PHYSICAL REVIEW A
Artículo2007 Design of wide-band semi-lumped bandpass filters using open split ring resonators IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS
Artículo2007 Enhanced backward wave propagation in evanescent waveguides loaded with split ring resonators JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Artículo2007 Forward and backward leaky wave radiation in split-ring-resonator-based metamaterials IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION
Artículo2007 Isotropic frequency selective surfaces made of cubic resonators APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Libro2007 Metamaterials with Negative Parameters: Theory, Design, and Microwave Applications Metamaterials with Negative Parameters: Theory, Design, and Microwave Applications
Artículo2007 Negative refraction from balanced quasi-planar chiral inclusions MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2007 Towards a systematic design of isotropic bulk magnetic metamaterials using the cubic point groups of symmetry PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Artículo2006 Accurate circuit analysis of resonant-type left handed transmission lines with inter-resonator coupling JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Ponencia2006 Coaxial probe excitation of evanescent waveguides loaded with split ring resonators Proceedings of the 36th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2006
Ponencia2006 Direct polarisability extraction method Proceedings of the 36th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2006
Artículo2006 Electrically small isotropic three-dimensional magnetic resonators for metamaterial design APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2006 Electroinductive waves in chains of complementary metamaterial elements APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Ponencia2006 Modelling complementary-split-rings-resonator (CSRR) left-handed lines with inter-resonator's coupling CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING , INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES, AND POWER SOURCES AND SYSTEMS, VOL 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS
Artículo2006 Near-field imaging in the megahertz range by strongly coupled magnetoinductive surfaces: Experiment and ab initio analysis JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Artículo2006 Novel microstrip backward coupler with metamaterial cells for fully planar fabrication techniques MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Ponencia2006 On the usefulness of split ring resonators for magnetic metamaterial design at infrared and optical frequencies CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING , INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES, AND POWER SOURCES AND SYSTEMS, VOL 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS
Artículo2006 Quasi-TEM MoL/MoM approach for computing the transmission-line parameters of lossy lines IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo2006 Resonance and cross-polarization effects in conventional and complementary split ring resonator periodic screens ELECTROMAGNETICS
Artículo2006 Theory of three-dimensional subdiffraction imaging APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2005 ¿Otra crisis energética? Ide@Sostenible
Artículo2005 Ab initio analysis of frequency selective surfaces based on conventional and complementary split ring resonators Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics
Ponencia2005 Analysis of 2D- and 3D-isotropic split ring resonators 2005 18th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, ICECom 2005
Artículo2005 Application of complementary split-ring resonators to the design of compact narrow band-pass structures in microstrip technology MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Ponencia2005 Band pass filters for ultra wideband systems 2005 IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM (APSURSI)
Artículo2005 Compact coplanar waveguide band-pass filter at the S-BAND MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2005 Comparison of electromagnetic band gap and split-ring resonator microstrip lines as stop band structures MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2005 Complementary split-ring resonator for compact waveguide filter design MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2005 Equivalent-circuit models for split-ring resonators and complementary split-ring resonators coupled to planar transmission lines IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Ponencia2005 Image formation and detection in metamaterial super-lenses 2005 18th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, ICECom 2005
Artículo2005 Microstrip bandpass filters with wide bandwidth and compact dimensions MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2005 Microwave filters with improved stopband based on sub-wavelength resonators IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo2005 Near-field enhanced imaging by a magnetized ferrite slab APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2005 Near-perfect tunneling and amplification of evanescent electromagnetic waves in a waveguide filled by a metamaterial: Theory and experiments PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Artículo2005 On the resonances and polarizabilities of split ring resonators JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Artículo2005 Planar magnetoinductive lens for three-dimensional subwavelength imaging APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2005 Reducing losses and dispersion effects in multilayer metamaterial tunnelling devices NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
Ponencia2005 Resonance and cross-polarization effects in conventional and complementary split ring resonators periodic screens 2005 IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM (APSURSI)
Artículo2005 Respuesta a la Sequía: garantizar las funciones prioritarias del agua Ide@Sostenible
Ponencia2005 Split rings resonators: key particles for microwave device design 2005 Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, Proceedings
Ponencia2005 Three dimensional sub-diffraction imaging by a planar metamaterial lens 35TH EUROPEAN MICROWAVE CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS
Artículo2005 Three-dimensional superresolution in metamaterial slab lenses: Experiment and theory PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Ponencia2005 Tunable split rings resonators for reconfigurable metamaterial transmission lines 35TH EUROPEAN MICROWAVE CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS
Artículo2005 Ultra wide band pass filters (UWBPF) based on complementary split rings resonators MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2004 A new LC series element for compact bandpass filter design IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS
Artículo2004 Artificial magnetic metamaterial design by using spiral resonators PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Artículo2004 Babinet principle applied to the design of metasurfaces and metamaterials PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Editorial2004 Comment on "Electrodynamics of metallic photonic crystals and the problem of left-handed materials" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Letter2004 Comment on "Electrodynamics of Metallic Photonic Crystals and the Problem of Left-Handed Materials" [1] PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo2004 Coplanar waveguide structures loaded with split-ring resonators MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2004 Effect of losses and dispersion on the focusing properties of left-handed media MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2004 Effective negative-epsilon stopband microstrip lines based on complementary split ring resonators IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS
Artículo2004 Left handed coplanar waveguide band pass filters based on bi-layer split ring resonators IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS
Ponencia2004 Metamaterial configurations in coplanar waveguide technology IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM, VOLS 1-4 2004, DIGEST
Ponencia2004 Periodic rejection band structures in sub-wavelength regime PIERS 2004 - Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Extended Papers Proceedings
Artículo2004 Planar magnetoinductive wave transducers: Theory and applications APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2004 Quasi-TEM model of magneto static-surface wave excitation in microstrip lines IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS
Ponencia2004 Spurious pass band suppression in microwave filters by means of sub-wavelength resonant structures 34TH EUROPEAN MICROWAVE CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS
Artículo2004 Spurious passband suppression in microstrip coupled line band pass filters by means of split ring resonators IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS
Artículo2004 Stepped-impedance lowpass filters with spurious passband suppression ELECTRONICS LETTERS
Artículo2004 Stop-band and band-pass characteristics in coplanar waveguides coupled to spiral resonators MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Ponencia2004 Subwavelength hole arrays, and split ring resonators based metasurfaces for frequency selective surfaces CONFERENCE DIGEST OF THE 2004 JOINT 29TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES AND 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TERAHERTZ ELECTRONICS
Ponencia2004 Super compact split ring resonators CPW band pass filters IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
Artículo2004 Varactor-loaded split ring resonators for tunable notch filters at microwave frequencies ELECTRONICS LETTERS
Ponencia2003 A new method for the computation of the insertion loss of magnetostatic-surface wave transducers Conference Proceedings - 33rd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2003
Artículo2003 Applying the method of lines and discrete mode-matching method to non-planar structures MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Editorial2003 Comment on "Electromagnetic resonances in individual and coupled split-ring resonators" [J. Appl. Phys. 92, 2929 (2002)] JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Editorial2003 Comment on "Left-Handed-Media simulation and transmission of EM waves in subwavelength split-ring-resonator-loaded metallic waveguides" - Reply PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Letter2003 Comment on "left-handed-media simulation and transmission of EM waves in subwavelength split-ring-resonator-loaded metallic waveguides" (multiple letters) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Artículo2003 Comparative analysis of edge- and broadside-coupled split ring resonators for metamaterial design - Theory and experiments IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION
Ponencia2003 Experimental results on metamaterial simulation using SRR-loaded waveguides IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest)
Artículo2003 Full-wave analysis of the excitation of magnetostatic-surface waves by a semi-infinite microstrip transducer - Theory and experiment IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Ponencia2003 Implementation of negative mu medium in coplanar waveguide technology MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY 2003
Artículo2003 Insertion loss of magnetostatic-surface wave transducers - Transmission-line model and experiment IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo2003 Miniaturized coplanar waveguide stop band filters based on multiple tuned split ring resonators IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS
Ponencia2003 Novel small resonant electromagnetic particles for metamaterial and filter design ICEAA 2003 - International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications
Artículo2003 Split ring resonator-based left-handed coplanar waveguide APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Artículo2003 Strong spatial dispersion in wire media in the very large wavelength limit PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Artículo2003 Theory of magnetoelectric multiconductor transmission lines with application to chiral and gyrotropic lines MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2002 A new 2D isotropic left-handed metamaterial design: Theory and experiment MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2002 Analysis of the propagation of leaky magnetostatic modes in normally magnetized microstrip and slot lines IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo2002 Left-handed-media simulation and transmission of EM waves in subwavelength split-ring-resonator-loaded metallic waveguides PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Ponencia2002 On the electromagnetic modelling of left-handed metamaterials ADVANCES IN ELECTROMAGNETICS OF COMPLEX MEDIA AND METAMATERIALS
Artículo2002 Role of bianisotropy in negative permeability and left-handed metamaterials PHYSICAL REVIEW B
Ponencia2002 Simulación de un medio “zurdo” mediante una guía de ondas al corte periódicamente cargada con anillos abiertos acoplados(SRRs) XVII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio: libro de abstracts URSI 2002, del 11 al 13 de septiembre de 2002, Universidad de Alcalá-Escuela Politécnica, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Letter2001 Comments on "Internal impedance of conductors of rectangular cross section" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Editorial2001 Comments on "Onsager-Casimir principle and reciprocity relations for bianisotropic media" MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2001 Comprehensive analysis of strip- and slot-line guided forward, backward, and complex magnetostatic waves IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo2001 Efficient analysis of magnetostatic surface waves in printed and suspended ferrite loaded strip lines IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS
Corrección2001 Generalized quasi-TEM approximation and telegrapher equations for nonreciprocal ferrite-loaded transmission lines (vol 10, pg 225, 2000) IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS
Artículo2000 Generalized quasi-TEM approximation and telegrapher equations for nonreciprocal ferrite-loaded transmission lines IEEE MICROWAVE AND GUIDED WAVE LETTERS
Artículo1999 Improved quasi-static spectral domain analysis of microstrip lines on high-conductivity insulator-semiconductor substrates IEEE MICROWAVE AND GUIDED WAVE LETTERS
Ponencia1998 Nuevo método para la evaluación de las pérdidas longitudinales en el substrato en una estructura MIS XIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio: Pamplona, 16, 17 y 18 de septiembre de 1998 : libro de actas
Artículo1998 On the computation of the complete spectral Green's dyadic for layered bianisotropic structures IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo1997 Closed-form evaluation of low-frequency leakage losses in layered striplines ELECTRONICS LETTERS
Artículo1997 Spectral domain analysis of higher order leaky modes in microstrip lines: A new spectral-gap effect JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS
Artículo1997 Termoeconomía solar: Apuntes metodológicos para el análisis termoeconómico del sistema industrial en su relación con la biosfera Ecología política
Artículo1996 Low frequency leaky regime in covered multilayered striplines IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo1996 Power based considerations on the spectral domain analysis of leaky waves in covered strip-like transmission lines IEE PROCEEDINGS-MICROWAVES ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION
Letter1995 Criterion of leakage from printed-circuit transmission-lines - comment IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo1995 Integral-representation of spatial greens-function and spectral-domain analysis of leaky covered strip-like lines IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo1995 Las energías renovables, factor de desarrollo en Andalucía Ecología política
Artículo1995 Quasi-TEM surface impedance approaches for the analysis of MIC and MMIC transmission-lines, including both conductor and substrate losses IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo1994 Aplicación de los modelos Quasi-TEM de impedancia superficial a líneas de transmisión Quasi-Planares IX Simposium Nacional : Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 21-23 de septiembre de 1994
Ponencia1994 Radiación de fuga en líneas MIC y MMIC no coplanares y/o multicapa IX Simposium Nacional : Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 21-23 de septiembre de 1994
Artículo1993 Nonreciprocal and reciprocal complex and backward waves in parallel-plate wave-guides loaded with a ferrite slab arbitrarily magnetized IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Ponencia1993 On the correct expansion of leaky modes of planar transmission lines in surface-wave waveguide modes 1993 23rd European Microwave Conference, EuMA 1993
Artículo1993 On the use of the surface impedance approach in the quasi-tem analysis of lossy and superconducting strip lines MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo1992 An efficient numerical spectral domain method to analyze a large class of nonreciprocal planar transmission-lines IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo1992 On the Complex Nature of Higher Order Modes in Lossless Nonreciprocal Transversely Magnetized Waveguides IEEE MICROWAVE AND GUIDED WAVE LETTERS
Artículo1992 On the quasi-tem and full-wave approaches applied to coplanar multistrip on lossy dielectric layered media IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo1991 A general algorithm for computing the bidimensional spectral green dyad in multilayered complex bianisotropic media - the equivalent boundary method IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Ponencia1991 Rigurous Analysis of Non-Reciprocal Slow-Wave Planar Transmission Lines 1991 21st European Microwave Conference
Artículo1990 Quasi-TEM analysis of multilayered, multiconductor coplanar structures with dielectric and magnetic-anisotropy including substrate losses IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo1989 A simple-model of thick strips in anisotropic multilayered dielectric media MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo1989 An exact method for analyzing boxed microstrips on lossy substrates MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Nota1987 Nonsymmetrical broadside-coupled microstrips in multilayered anisotropic media IEE PROCEEDINGS-H MICROWAVES ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION
Artículo1987 On the spectral dyadic green-function for stratified linear media - application to multilayer mic lines with anisotropic dielectrics IEE PROCEEDINGS-H MICROWAVES ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION
Artículo1986 Correction to “A New Recurrence Method for Determining the Green's Function of Planar Structures with Arbitrary Anisotropic Layers” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo1986 Corrections to “Propagation of Quasi-Static Modes in Anisotropic Transmission Lines Application to MIC Lines” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Artículo1986 Dyadic greens-function for microstrip-like transmission-lines on a large class of anisotropic substrates IEE PROCEEDINGS-H MICROWAVES ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION
Nota1985 A new recurrence method for determining the green-function of planar structures with arbitrary anisotropic layers IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Ponencia1985 Broadside-coupled and broadside edge-coupled transmission lines embedded in multilayered anisotropic dielectrics
Artículo1985 Propagation of quasi-static modes in anisotropic transmission-lines - application to mic lines IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES
Nota1984 Coupled microstrips on double anisotropic layers IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
13/12/2004 13/12/2007 Responsable Diseño y caracterización de Metamateriales con aplicación a filtros y componentes pasivos de Microondas (TEC2004-04249-C02-02) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
01/10/2007 30/09/2010 Responsable Tecnologías basadas en metamateriales y su aplicación a la innovación en componentes y sub-sistemas de RF, microondas y milimétricas (TEC2007-68013-C02-01) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
13/04/2007 12/04/2010 Responsable Metamateriales electromagnéticos: de las radiofrecuencias a las frecuencias ópticas (P06-TIC-01368) Junta de Andalucía (Plan Andaluz de Investigación) (Autonómico)
28/12/2001 27/12/2004 Investigador/a Líneas de transmisión, circuitos pasivos, estructuras periódicas y estructuras radiantes en tecnología plana (TIC2001-3163) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
15/12/2008 15/06/2014 Responsable Engineering Metamaterials (CSD2008-00066) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Nacional)
15/03/2011 31/12/2014 Investigador/a Metamateriales Electromagnéticos para Aplicaciones Médicas en Imagen por Resonancia Magnética (Metamed) (P10-TIC-6238) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico)
01/01/2011 30/06/2014 Investigador/a Sistemas Electromagnéticos Avanzados para Comunicaciones y Aplicaciones Médicas (TEC2010-16948) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/09/2021 31/08/2024 Investigador/a Metamateriales Avanzados para Imagen Médica por Resonancia Magnética de Ultra Alto, Alto y Bajo Campo (PID2020-116226RB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/01/2014 31/12/2017 Investigador/a Modelado y Aplicaciones de Estructuras Electromagnéticas Periódicas para Tecnologías Emergentes (TEC2013-41913-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/01/2018 30/09/2021 Investigador/a Modelado y Diseño de Nuevos Dispositivos en Tecnología Plana para Controlar y Radiar Microondas (TEC2017-84724-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
16/03/2004 16/05/2004 Responsable Asesoramiento técnico para el diseño de filtros de microondas en el marco del proyecto EUREKA TELEMAC (OG-045/04) Universidad Pública de Navarra (Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica) (Desconocido)
01/01/2004 31/12/2004 Responsable Apoyo científico y realización de medidas conforme al proyecto Telemac 2895 (OG-050/04) Omicron Circuits, S.L. (Desconocido)
02/11/2004 02/01/2005 Responsable Asesoramiento técnico para el diseño de resonadores sub-lambda en el marco del proyecto Eureka Telemac (OG-153/04) Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Desconocido)
02/01/2008 02/12/2008 Responsable Caracterización de anillos de pendy para proyecto TSI-020100-2008-12-Plan AVANZA (0274/0166) Conatel (Desconocido)
01/09/2009 30/10/2009 Responsable Seguimiento, asesoramiento y dinamización del Plan Integral de la Bicicleta de la Universidad de Sevilla (PIBUS) (0441/0166) Universidad de Sevilla (Desconocido)
01/10/2010 30/09/2011 Responsable Seguimiento, asesoramiento y dinamización del Servicio Integral de la Bicicleta de la Universidad de Sevilla (SIBUS). (0844/0166) Universidad de Sevilla (Desconocido)
01/10/2011 30/09/2012 Responsable Seguimiento del Sistema de Préstamo de Bicecletas, gestión de la página web y otras gestiones relacionadas con la participación de la Universidad de Sevilla en programas de movilidad. (1289/0166) Universidad de Sevilla (Desconocido)
01/08/2012 31/12/2012 Responsable Análisis de las Infraestructuras de Movilidad y uso de la Bicicleta en la Universidad de Sevilla. (1620/0166) Universidad de Sevilla (Desconocido)
13/11/2013 31/12/2014 Responsable Metodología para la evaluación, análisis ydesarrollo de la intermodalidad bicicleta - transporte público en aglomeraciones urbanas: Aplicación al área metropolitana de Sevilla (Bicicleta-TP) (2032/0166) AGENCIA DE OBRA PUBLICA DE LA JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA (Desconocido)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
07/12/2001 06/12/2002 Responsable II Encuentro de Electromagnetismo Computacional (TIC2000-3248-E) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
01/01/2005 31/12/2005 Responsable Red española de metamateriales (TEC2004-21322-E) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
01/01/2006 01/12/2006 Responsable Estudio y control de la propagación de microondas y de ondas milimétricas por metamateriales (TEC2004-22322-E) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)