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Pablo Enrique Stiefel García-Junco

Profesor Asociado CIS
Área de conocimiento: Medicina
Departamento: Medicina
Grupo: Sin grupo
Prog. doctorado: Prog.Doct.en Biología Molecular, Biomedicina e Investigac.Clínica (RD.2011)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2023 Pancreas fat content, insulin homeostasis and circulating endothelial microparticles in male essential hypertensive patients JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION
Letter2022 Blood pressure variability and cognitive dysfunction: what is the cause and what is the consequence? JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION
Artículo2022 PostCOVID effect on endothelial function in hypertensive patients: a new research opportunity JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION
Letter2021 Is the blood pressure variability the great forgotten parameter? HYPERTENSION RESEARCH
Letter2021 Treatment of supine hypertension in patients with sinucleinopathies AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo2020 Hepatitis C virus clearance by direct-acting antivirals agents improves endothelial dysfunction and subclinical atherosclerosis: HEPCAR study Clinical and translational gastroenterology
Letter2020 Response to letter to the editor by briana and malamitsi-puchner: Effects of pregnancy-induced insulin resistance on the fetus and the future development of metabolic diseases in adulthood CURRENT VASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY
Artículo2020 The peripheral nervous system and changes in blood pressure: lights and darkness AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Revisión2019 Insulin Therapy in Pregnancy Hypertensive Diseases and its Effect on the Offspring and Mother Later in Life CURRENT VASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY
Artículo2019 Relationship between the endothelial dysfunction and the expression of the β1-subunit of BK channels in a non-hypertensive sleep apnea group PLOS ONE
Revisión2018 Mobile health solutions for hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: scoping literature review JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH
Resumen congreso2018 Quantification by MRI of visceral fat and its correlation with the presence of criteria of metabolic syndrome ATHEROSCLEROSIS
Letter2017 Description of a strong relationship among total cell-free DNA levels, LDH values, AST values and platelet count in patients with HELLP syndrome HYPERTENSION RESEARCH
Artículo2017 Total and Fetal Circulating Cell-Free DNA, Angiogenic, and Antiangiogenic Factors in Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo2015 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome, Endothelial Function and Markers of Endothelialization. Changes after CPAP PLOS ONE
Resumen congreso2015 Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, endothelial function and markers of endothelialization. Changes after cpap ATHEROSCLEROSIS
Artículo2014 Decreased Level of Cord Blood Circulating Endothelial Colony-Forming Cells in Preeclampsia HYPERTENSION
Artículo2014 Maternal Body-Mass Index and Cord Blood Circulating Endothelial Colony-Forming Cells JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS
Letter2013 Coexistence of two causes of secondary hypertension in a single patient REVISTA CLINICA ESPANOLA
Letter2013 Genetic polymorphisms associated with thrombophilia and risk for developing HELLP syndrome MEDICINA CLINICA
Letter2013 Isolated abducens nerve palsy in preeclampsia and hypertension in pregnancy HYPERTENSION RESEARCH
Revisión2013 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, Vascular Pathology, Endothelial Function and Endothelial Cells and Circulating Microparticles ARCHIVES OF MEDICAL RESEARCH
Artículo2013 Role of Circulating Cell-free DNA Levels in Patients With Severe Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo2012 Abnormal levels of antioxidant defenses in a large sample of patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy HYPERTENSION RESEARCH
Revisión2012 Association between plasma glucose concentrations and myocardial hypertrophy Salud(i)Ciencia
Letter2012 Cure for a resistant hypertension case that required seven drugs for blood pressure control HYPERTENSION RESEARCH
Artículo2012 Masa ventricular izquierda, función diastólica y marcadores de metabolismo del colágeno en la hipertensión arterial refractaria MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo2012 Olive Oil Polyphenols Decrease Blood Pressure and Improve Endothelial Function in Young Women with Mild Hypertension AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo2012 Which parameter is better to define endothelial dysfunction in a test of postocclusive hyperemia measured by Laser-Doppler flowmetry? CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE
Artículo2011 Chronic Elevation of Liver Enzymes in Acute Intermittent Porphyria Initially Misdiagnosed as Autoimmune Hepatitis International Journal of Hepatology
Revisión2011 Role of the Renin-Angiotensin System and Aldosterone on Cardiometabolic Syndrome INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo2011 TGF-beta 1 y su relación con la hipertensión arterial esencial Revista del laboratorio clínico
Artículo2011 The HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets): Clinical characteristics and maternal-fetal outcome in 172 patients PREGNANCY HYPERTENSION-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WOMENS CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH
Artículo2011 The postprandial state and its influence on the development of atherosclerosis Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Artículo2010 Differences in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and levels of C-reactive protein after puerperium in women with hypertensive disorders during pregnancy HYPERTENSION RESEARCH
Resumen congreso2010 Study of a series of 172 cases of hellp syndrome as a severe complication of hypertension in pregnancy JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Resumen congreso2009 24-hour blood pressure monitoring and biochemical parameters in pregnant women with preeclampsia at diagnosis and after puerperium JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo2009 Genotype of the CYBA promoter-930A/G, polymorphism C677T of the MTHFR and APOE genotype in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: An observational study MEDICINA CLINICA
Revisión2008 Características clínicas, bases celulares y moleculares de la hipertensión arterial del anciano MEDICINA CLINICA
Letter2008 Increased carotid intima-media thickness in hypertensive patients with a high aldosterone/plasma renin activity ratio and elevated aldosterone plasma concentration JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Letter2006 [Alteraciones del metabolismo glucídico en la hipertensión arterial esencial. Papel de la sobrecarga oral con glucosa] - Respuesta de los autores MEDICINA CLINICA
Letter2006 Basedow-Graves' disease and Epstein-Barr virus infection: coincidence or cause? MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo2006 Plasma Glucose Concentrations and Cardiac Hypertrophy in Essential Hypertension CURRENT HYPERTENSION REVIEWS
Artículo2005 Alteraciones del metabolismo glucídico en la hipertensión arterial esencial. Papel de la sobrecarga oral con glucosa MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo2005 Effects of short-term supplementation with folic acid on different oxidative stress parameters in patients with hypertension BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS
Artículo2005 G-protein beta-3 subunit gene C825 T polymorphism: Influence on plasma sodium and potassium concentrations in essential hypertensive patients LIFE SCIENCES
Letter2005 Iron status and HFE mutations in first-degree relatives of patients with sporadic porphyria cutanea tarda, in a Mediterranean area Journal of Internal Medicine
Letter2005 Iron status and HFE mutations in first-degree relatives of patients with sporadic porphyria cutanea tarda, in a Mediterranean area - Response Journal of Internal Medicine
Artículo2004 Características clinicobiológicas de un grupo de 54 gestantes con síndrome HELLP MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo2004 Glucose effectiveness is strongly related to left ventricular mass in subjects with stage I hypertension or high-normal blood pressure AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Letter2004 The current epidemic of primary aldosteronism: causes and consequences JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo2003 Anomalías hemodinámicas cerebrales en gestantes con preeclampsia REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA
Artículo2003 Influence of polymorphism (RFLP-sstI) at the apolipoprotein C-III gene locus on the lipoprotein metabolism and insulin resistance in essential hypertensive patients. Interaction between gender and genetic polymorphism NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES
Resumen congreso2003 Is lipoprotein (A) associated with an increased cardiovascular risk in essential hypertensive patients? JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Resumen congreso2003 Relationship between insulin sensitivity and left ventricular mass in a group of non-obese hypertensive patients JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo2003 Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and G-protein beta-3 subunit gene polymorphisms in salt-sensitive essential hypertension JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION
Letter2002 Aseptic meningitis as a delayed neurologic complication of murine typhus CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION
Artículo2002 Efectividad de la glucosa y componentes del síndrome metabólico en pacientes con hipertensión arterial esencial de diagnóstico reciente MEDICINA CLINICA
Letter2002 Genotipos de la apo E en la hipercolesterolemia asociada a la hipertensión arterial MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo2002 Hipercolesterolemia familiar heterocigota en España. Estudio descriptivo de 819 casos no relacionados MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo2002 Polimorfismos genéticos del sistema renina-angiotensina e hipertensión arterial esencial MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo2002 Role of ketoconazole treatment in urinary-free cortisol-to-cortisone and tetrahydrocortisol-to-tetrahydrocortisone ratios in nonectopic Cushing's syndrome ENDOCRINE
Artículo2002 Simvastatin improves endothelial function in spontaneously hypertensive rats through a superoxide dismutase mediated antioxidant effect JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo2002 Useful parameters for the management of hypertensive patients MEDICINA CLINICA
Letter2001 Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism and sodium-lithium countertransport activity METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
Letter2001 Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism and sodium-lithium countertransport activity - Reply METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
Artículo2001 Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism is related to metabolic abnormalities, but does not influence erythrocyte membrane lipid composition or sodium-lithium countertransport activity in essential hypertension METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
Letter2001 Crisis hipertensiva y bloqueo transitorio de rama izquierda con prolongación del intervalo QT asociados a moxifloxacino MEDICINA CLINICA
Letter2001 Hepatitis aguda colostástica como forma de afectación extranodal primaria de un linfoma no Hodgkin REVISTA CLINICA ESPANOLA
Artículo2000 Decreased activity of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in patients with Cushing's syndrome MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo2000 Genetic variation in the beta-3-adrenergic receptor in essential hypertension LIFE SCIENCES
Letter2000 Gordon's syndrome, type II pseudohypoaldosteronism, Spitzer-Weinstein syndrome and choride-shunt syndrome, or the four names' disease MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo2000 Gordon's syndrome: Increased maximal rate of the Na-K-Cl cotransport and erythrocyte membrane replacement of sphingomyelin by phosphatidylethanolamine JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo2000 Non-invasive assessment of vascular function. Paradoxical vascular response to intravenous glucose in coronary heart disease EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
Artículo2000 Prevalence of dyslipidemia and its phenotypes in recently diagnosed essential arterial hypertension MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1999 Cryptococcal peritonitis: Report of a case and review of the literature HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY
Artículo1999 Estudio del gen de la hemocromatosis en familiares en primer grado de una paciente con porfiria cutánea tarda MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1999 Influencia de los polimorfismos M235T del angiotensinógeno e I/D de la enzima conversiva de la angiotensina sobre la hipertensión arterial y otros factores de riesgo MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1999 Influencia de los polimorfismos M235T del angiotensinógeno e I/D de la enzima conversiva de la angiotensina sobre la hipertensión arterial y otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1999 Large hepatomegaly of neoplastic appearance REVISTA CLINICA ESPANOLA
Artículo1999 Patient with antecedents of anxiety-depression syndrome REVISTA CLINICA ESPANOLA
Letter1999 Síndrome de Gordon: primer caso descrito en España MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1999 Sodium transport kinetics, cell membrane lipid composition, neural conduction and metabolic control in type 1 diabetic patients - Changes after a low-dose n-3 fatty acid dietary intervention ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM
Artículo1998 Psicosis tóxica como presentación inusual del síndrome de body packer MEDICINA CLINICA
Letter1998 Toxic psychosis as an unusual onset form of body packer syndrome MEDICINA CLINICA
Nota1998 Toxic psychosis as unusual presentation of body packer syndrome MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1997 Subpoblaciones de hipertensos definidas por la respuesta natriurética a la deambulación MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1996 Erythrocyte Na+-Li+ countertransport in essential hypertension: Correlation with membrane lipids levels JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
Artículo1996 Gran masa a nivel de vejiga urinaria asociada a trombosis venosa profunda REVISTA CLINICA ESPANOLA
Artículo1996 Modifications induced by -10° Trendelenburg's posture in sodium tubular handling in patients with essential hypertension Blood Pressure
Artículo1996 Opportunistic infections and CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia in the elderly: Evolution of peripheral T-lymphocytes after recovery of the symptoms EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE
Ponencia1996 The dispersion quotients: A new approach for evaluating the blood pressure profile in essential versus Cushing's syndrome hypertensive patients ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
Artículo1996 The rate of transbilayer movement of erythrocyte membrane cholesterol is correlated with sodium-lithium countertransport LIFE SCIENCES
Artículo1995 Cinética del transporte transmembranoso de Na+ en la hipertensión arterial: relación con los parámetros de riesgo vascular MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1995 Description of a new quotient that may differentiate blood pressure profiles in essential versus Cushing's syndrome-related hypertension Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
Artículo1995 Expertos españoles en hipertensión MEDICINA CLINICA
Letter1995 Spanish experts in hypertension MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1994 Influencias de la hiperinsulinemia en el perfil lipídico de los pacientes hipertensos MEDICINA CLINICA
Ponencia1994 Prenephropathic type-1 diabetes is associated with blurring of sexual differences in sodium-lithium countertransport and blood-pressure DIABETOLOGIA
Ponencia1994 The kinetic of Na+-K+ Pump, Na+-K+ permeability is not different in microalbuminuric form normoalbuminuric type-1 diabetic-patients DIABETOLOGIA
Artículo1993 Cell membrane fatty acid composition in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients: relationship with sodium transport abnormalities and metabolic control DIABETOLOGIA
Artículo1992 Influence of arterial pressure and plasma renin activity on tubular reabsorption of sodium MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1992 Influencia de la presión arterial y de la actividad de renina plasmática sobre la reabsorción tubular de sodio MEDICINA CLINICA
Artículo1991 Renovascular hypertension and Takayasu disease REVISTA CLINICA ESPANOLA
Revisión1990 Cervical actinomycosis starting as a monoparesis of the upper left extremity REVISTA CLINICA ESPANOLA
Letter1989 Acute pericarditis due to cytomegalovirus in the normal host Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiología clínica
Artículo1989 Pilomatrix carcinoma: role played by MR imaging NEURORADIOLOGY

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/01/2020 30/09/2023 Investigador/a Recuperación del Olivo Silvestre en la Dieta Mediterránea: Beneficios del Aceite de Acebuchina en la Patología Ocular Hipertensiva (PID2019-109002RB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado