Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Vicente Gonzalez-Prida Diaz

Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Área de conocimiento: Organización de Empresas
Departamento: Organización Industrial y Gestión de Empresas I
Grupo: ORGANIZACION INDUSTRIAL - TEP-134 (Universidad de Sevilla)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2025 Exploring the Effects of Financial Knowledge on Better Decision-Making in SMEs ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES
Ponencia2024 Application of Degradation and Optimization Models for digitization of Maintenance Management in Railway Infrastructures IFAC PAPERSONLINE
Ponencia2024 Designing Smart Product-Service Systems: The SEEM-Smart Methodology and Its Application in the Electrical Industrial Sector IFAC PAPERSONLINE
Artículo2024 Digital Competencies as Predictors of Academic Self-Efficacy: Correlations and Implications for Educational Development SOCIETIES
Artículo2024 Digitalization and Dynamic Criticality Analysis for Railway Asset Management APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
Artículo2024 Enhancing Prescriptive Capabilities in Electrical Substations: A Systemic Impact Factor Approach for Failure Impact Analysis ENERGIES
Ponencia2024 Exploring MBSE for asset digitalisation in the energy sector. A Battery Energy Storage System design study IFAC PAPERSONLINE
Artículo2024 Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindsets: Factors Shaping Student Intentions in a Challenging Economic Landscape SOCIETIES
Artículo2024 Implementation of the Asset Management, Operational Reliability and Maintenance Survey in Recycled Beverage Container Manufacturing Lines Information (Switzerland)
Artículo2024 Integrating Change Management with a Knowledge Management Framework: A Methodological Proposal Information (Switzerland)
Artículo2024 Integrating Digitalization and Asset Health Index for Strategic Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Power Converters Information (Switzerland)
Capítulo2024 RQCM: Risk Qualitative Criticality Matrix. Case study: ophthalmic lens production systems in Costa Rica Advances in asset management: strategies, technologies, and industry applications
Artículo2024 Sustainable Economic Growth and Land Management: A Case Study on the Role of Tax Legislation in Emerging Markets Land
Libro2023 16th WCEAM Proceedings : 16th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, WCEAM 2022, Seville 5 - 7 October 2022 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Ponencia2023 Methods for the criticality assessment of intangible assets in a knowledge management process Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Editorial2023 Preface Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Ponencia2023 RQCM: Risk Qualitative Criticality Matrix. Case study: ophthalmic lens production systems in Costa Rica Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Capítulo2022 A Literature Review on Lean Manufacturing in the Industry 4.0: From Integrated Systems to IoT and Smart Factories EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing
Ponencia2022 An Intangible Asset Management Proposal Based on ISO 55001 and ISO 30401 for Knowledge Management Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Capítulo2022 Calculating the Optimal Frequency of Maintenance for the Improvement of Risk Management: Plausible Models for the Integration of Cloud and IoT EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing
Capítulo2022 Case study based on optimal inspection timing for a motor-fan assembly: a view on performance and reliability in cloud IoT Cloud IoT: Concepts, Paradigms, and Applications
Artículo2022 MGM: Modelo de gestión del mantenimiento alineado con la gestión de activos: caso de estudio: mina de hierro Industria Química
Ponencia2022 Overview for Leasing or Buying Decisions in Industrial Asset Management Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Capítulo2022 Practical implementation of an asset management system according to ISO 55001: a future direction in the cloud and IoT paradigm Cloud IoT: Concepts, Paradigms, and Applications
Editorial2022 Preface EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing
Nota2021 Audit and diagnosis in asset management and maintenance applied in the electrical industry DYNA
Libro2021 Cases on Optimizing the Asset Management Process Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science
Capítulo2021 Integration of a Maintenance Management Model (MMM) Into an Asset Management Process Cases on Optimizing the Asset Management Process
Ponencia2021 Integration of asset management standard ISO 55000 with a maintenance management model 14th WCEAM proceedings
Artículo2021 Metodología básica de análisis de riesgo para evaluar la criticidad de activos industriales ligeros Industria Química
Capítulo2021 Reliability Engineering Techniques Applied to the Human Failure Analysis Process Cases on Optimizing the Asset Management Process
Ponencia2020 A graphical method for diagnosing the effectiveness of a maintenance plan Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019
Ponencia2020 A risk indicator in asset management to optimize maintenance periods Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Ponencia2020 Fleet sizing based on reliability modelling under a life cycle cost scope Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference
Artículo2020 Iniciativas para un mantenimiento 4.0 en plataformas terrestres Ejército de tierra español
Artículo2020 Modelos de auditoría para la gestión de activos, mantenimiento y procesos de confiabilidad. Caso de estudio: Sector de transmisión de electricidad Dyna Management
Ponencia2020 Topology-Based Model of Survivability in Network Utilities Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Ponencia2020 Understanding the new context of uncertainty and risk under the 4th industry revolution Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019
Ponencia2020 Wind farms reliability modelling for life cycle cost analysis Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019
Capítulo2019 An approach to quantify value provided by an engineered asset according to the ISO 5500x series of standards Asset intelligence through integration and interoperability and contemporary vibration engineering technologies: proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management and the 13th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery
Ponencia2019 Implementing Intelligent Asset Management Systems (IAMS) within an Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Environment IFAC PAPERSONLINE
Artículo2019 Priorización de Activos Físicos centrado en el Rendimiento Global (Throughput) en una Planta de Chancado Información Tecnológica
Ponencia2018 Advanced Techniques for Assets Maintenance Management IFAC PAPERSONLINE
Ponencia2018 An overview on the obsolescence of physical assets for the defence facing the challenges of industry 4.0 and the new operating environments Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World - Proceedings of the 28th International European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018
Artículo2018 Criterios de decisión para seleccionar adecuadamente la herramienta de análisis de criticidad DYNA
Ponencia2018 Criticality Analysis for improving maintenance, felling and pruning cycles in power lines IFAC PAPERSONLINE
Ponencia2018 Cyber physical systems implementation for asset management improvement: A framework for the transition Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World - Proceedings of the 28th International European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018
Artículo2018 Decision criteria to select a suitable criticality assessment technique DYNA
Artículo2018 Object-oriented Bayesian network for complex system risk assessment PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART O-JOURNAL OF RISK AND RELIABILITY
Ponencia2018 Strategic view of an assets health index for making long-term decisions in different industries Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World - Proceedings of the 28th International European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018
Artículo2017 A Reliability Test Installation for Water Heating Solar Systems: Requirements and Design According to the European Norm 12976 RENEWABLE AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY: CONCEPTS, METHODOLOGIES, TOOLS, AND APPLICATIONS
Libro2017 Advanced Maintenance Modelling for Asset Management: Techniques and Methods for Complex Industrial Systems Advanced Maintenance Modelling for Asset Management: Techniques and Methods for Complex Industrial Systems
Capítulo2017 AHP method according to a changing environment Advanced Maintenance Modelling for Asset Management: Techniques and Methods for Complex Industrial Systems
Artículo2017 An Overview to Thermal Solar Systems for Low Temperature: Outlining the European Norm 12976 RENEWABLE AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY: CONCEPTS, METHODOLOGIES, TOOLS, AND APPLICATIONS
Capítulo2017 Asset management for buildings within the framework of building information modeling development Decision Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Ponencia2017 Audit proposal for maintenance, reliability and warranty management process Safety and Reliability - Theory and Applications - Proceedings of the 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2017
Capítulo2017 Economic impact of a failure using life-cycle cost analysis Advanced Maintenance Modelling for Asset Management: Techniques and Methods for Complex Industrial Systems
Nota2017 Enchancing the decision-making process: Integration of OTSM-TRIZ and AHP proposal DYNA
Ponencia2017 Enhancing maintenance scheduling and control process by using SMED and TRIZ theory Safety and Reliability - Theory and Applications - Proceedings of the 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2017
Ponencia2017 General framework methodology to increase organizational learning in the field of asset management Risk, Reliability and Safety: Innovating Theory and Practice - Proceedings of the 26th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2016
Capítulo2017 Influence of the input load on the reliability of the grinding line Advanced Maintenance Modelling for Asset Management: Techniques and Methods for Complex Industrial Systems
Ponencia2017 Maintenance 4.0. review of maintenance role in the industry 4.0 revolution Safety and Reliability - Theory and Applications - Proceedings of the 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2017
Editorial2017 Methodological proposal to increase the understanding of a complex system to improve the decision-making process DYNA
Artículo2017 Propuesta de auditoría para los procesos de gestión del mantenimiento, la fiabilidad y las garantías Industria Química
Nota2017 Propuesta de mejoramiento en la toma de decisiones: Integracion de OTSM-TRIZ Y AHP DYNA
Nota2017 Propuesta metodológica para aumentar el grado de comprensión de un sistema complejo mejorando el proceso de toma de decisión DYNA
Artículo2017 Reference framework for selecting criticality analysis techniques in industrial environments. A case study in the mining industry Dyna Management
Capítulo2017 Reliability stochastic modeling for repairable physical assets Advanced Maintenance Modelling for Asset Management: Techniques and Methods for Complex Industrial Systems
Artículo2017 Sobre la modernización de los vehículos blindados y su relación con el coste de ciclo de vida Revista de Pensamiento Estratégico y Seguridad CISDE
Capítulo2017 Summary of results and conclusions Advanced Maintenance Modelling for Asset Management: Techniques and Methods for Complex Industrial Systems
Ponencia2017 Throughput-centered physical assets priorization technique Safety and Reliability - Theory and Applications - Proceedings of the 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2017
Ponencia2016 An Approach to Risk Quantification Based on Pseudo-Random Failure Rates IFAC PAPERSONLINE
Capítulo2016 Asset management for buildings within the framework of building information modeling development Optimum Decision Making in Asset Management
Ponencia2016 Availability Simulation Based on Pseudo-random Failure Rates: A Case Study on Industrial Process PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH WORLD CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING ASSET MANAGEMENT (WCEAM 2015)
Ponencia2016 Building Information Modeling as Assest Management Tool IFAC PAPERSONLINE
Ponencia2016 Case Study based on Inequality Indices for the Assessments of Industrial Fleets IFAC PAPERSONLINE
Capítulo2016 Case study on a maintenance and reliability management model proposal: A third set of locks project in the panama canal Optimum Decision Making in Asset Management
Artículo2016 Estado del arte sobre la evaluación y caracterización de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos IndustriAmbiente: gestión medioambiental y energética
Artículo2016 Estado del arte sobre la evaluación y caracterización de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos Industria Química
Artículo2016 Evaluación de soluciones conceptuales basado en la integración de OTSM-TRIZ y AHP Dyna Management
Ponencia2016 Inequality Indices Based on the Notion of Shannon-Entropy for the Assessments of Industrial Fleets PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH WORLD CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING ASSET MANAGEMENT (WCEAM 2015)
Capítulo2016 Model of a performance measurement system for maintenance management Optimum Decision Making in Asset Management
Artículo2016 Modelado estocástico de confiabilidad para activos físicos reparables. Caso de estudio aplicado a la minería chilena. DYNA
Artículo2016 Propuesta metodológica para aumentar el aprendizaje organizacional en base al conocimiento de expertos y a los sistemas de información en la gestión de activos y mantenimiento Dyna Management
Artículo2016 Reliability stochastic modeling for repairable physical assets. Case study applied to the Chilean mining DYNA
Capítulo2016 Sensor-based decision making in uncertain context Optimum Decision Making in Asset Management
Artículo2016 Sobre el servicio postventa en la gestión de activos industriales complejos: un marco de referencia Mantenimiento (Barcelona)
Ponencia2016 Standards as Reference to Build a PHM-Based Solution PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH WORLD CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING ASSET MANAGEMENT (WCEAM 2015)
Ponencia2016 Systemic Assessment of Human-Factor-Based Security Impact ADVANCES IN ERGONOMICS IN DESIGN
Ponencia2016 Towards Dynamic Criticality-Based Maintenance Strategy for Industrial Assets IFAC PAPERSONLINE
Capítulo2015 An overview to thermal solar systems for low temperature: Outlining the European norm 12976 Promoting Sustainable Practices through Energy Engineering and Asset Management
Capítulo2015 Mathematical and stochastic models for reliability in repairable industrial physical assets Promoting Sustainable Practices through Energy Engineering and Asset Management
Artículo2015 Modelling the repair warranty of an industrial asset using a non-homogeneous Poisson process and a general renewal process IMA JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT MATHEMATICS
Editorial2015 Preface Promoting Sustainable Practices through Energy Engineering and Asset Management
Capítulo2015 Reliability assessment of a multi-redundant repairable mechatronic system Numerical Methods for Reliability and Safety Assessment: Multiscale and Multiphysics Systems
Libro2014 After-sales service of engineering industrial assets: A reference framework for warranty management After-Sales Service of Engineering Industrial Assets: A Reference Framework for Warranty Management
Artículo2014 Dynamic analytic hierarchy process: AHP method adapted to a changing environment JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT
Artículo2014 Influence of the input load on the reliability of the grinding line a case study applied to the mining industry DYNA
Artículo2014 Influencia de la carga de alimentación en la fiabilidad de líneas de molienda.: Caso de estudio DYNA
Ponencia2014 Probabilistic performance assessment for crushing system. A case study for a mining process PSAM 2014 - Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management
Artículo2014 Root-cause analysis in the aftersales management Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia
Ponencia2013 State of the Art of Maintenance Applied to Wind Turbines 2013 PROGNOSTICS AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE (PHM)
Artículo2012 A framework for warranty management in industrial assets COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY
Artículo2012 A practical method for the maintainability assessment in industrial devices using indicators and specific attributes RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY
Artículo2012 Cálculo del período de garantía tras la reparación de un activo industrial complejo aplicando procesos de Poisson no homogéneos DYNA
Artículo2012 Contractual and quality aspects on warranty: Best practices for the warranty management and its maturity assessment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITY & RELIABILITY MANAGEMENT
Ponencia2012 Dynamic analytic hierarchy process: AHP method adapted to a changing environment IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Ponencia2012 Framework to assess RCM software tools 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, PSAM11 ESREL 2012
Ponencia2012 Functional and economic obsolescence of assets in network utilities according to different environmental factors ADVANCES IN SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND RISK MANAGEMENT
Ponencia2012 Functional stockpile analysis in complex productive systems IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Ponencia2012 ICT application on the warranty management process: The "e-Warranty" concept ADVANCES IN SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND RISK MANAGEMENT
Capítulo2012 Life cycle cost analysis Asset Management: The State of the Art in Europe from a Life Cycle Perspective
Ponencia2012 NHPP applied to the repair warranty of an industrial asset IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Ponencia2012 On the use of quality function deployment (QFD) for the identification of risks associated to warranty programs 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, PSAM11 ESREL 2012
Ponencia2012 The customer relationship in the warranty management of distribution network service providers 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, PSAM11 ESREL 2012
Artículo2012 Warranty period calculation after the repair of a complex industrial asset applying non-homogeneous poisson processes DYNA
Ponencia2011 Integration of warranty as a decision variable in the process of recertification of parts resulting from end-of-life system dismantling 2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability, ICQR 2011
Artículo2011 Methodology and theory: Practical application of an Analytic Hierarchy Process for the improvement of the warranty management Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Artículo2011 Norma de mantenibilidad: propuesta para la evaluación de la mantenibilidad en activos industriales Ingeniería y Gestión de Mantenimiento
Artículo2011 On the risks and costs methodologies applied for the improvement of the warranty management JOURNAL OF SERVICE SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
Ponencia2010 A new maintenance management model expressed in UML RELIABILITY, RISK AND SAFETY: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS VOLS 1-3
Ponencia2010 Practical application of a RAMS analysis for the improvement of the warranty management IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Revisión2010 Reliability engineering. Warranty management and product manufacture PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL
Ponencia2010 Reliability stochastic model applied to evaluate the economic impact of the failure in the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). Case of study in the oil industry Reliability, Risk and Safety: Back to the Future
Ponencia2010 System dynamics modeling for product-service systems a case study in the agri-machine industry Proceedings of APMS 2010 - International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems
Ponencia2010 Warranty cost models state-of-art: A practical review to the framework of warranty cost management RELIABILITY, RISK AND SAFETY: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS VOLS 1-3
Ponencia2009 Availability and reliability assessment of industrial complex systems: A practical view applied on a bioethanol plant simulation SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND RISK ANALYSIS: THEORY, METHODS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-4
Ponencia2009 Case study: Warranty costs estimation according to a defined lifetime distribution of deliverables Engineering Asset Lifecycle Management - Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, WCEAM 2009
Ponencia2009 Condition monitoring for the improvement of data center management orientated to the green ict Engineering Asset Lifecycle Management - Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, WCEAM 2009
Artículo2009 Estado del arte en modelos de garantía: una revisión práctica al marco de la gestión de los costes en garantía Ingeniería y Gestión de Mantenimiento
Ponencia2009 Non-homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP), stochastic model applied to evaluate the economic impact of the failure in the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND RISK ANALYSIS: THEORY, METHODS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-4
Ponencia2009 Outsourcing maintenance in services providers SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND RISK ANALYSIS: THEORY, METHODS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-4
Artículo2009 Poisson's Ratio Measurement Using a Pair of PVDF Ultrasonic Transducer JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING
Artículo2009 Sistema de soporte a la gestión y toma de decisiones en el mantenimiento de empresas distribuidoras de servicios Ingeniería y Gestión de Mantenimiento
Ponencia2009 The maintenance management framework: A practical view to maintenance management SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND RISK ANALYSIS: THEORY, METHODS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-4

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
26/03/2013 25/09/2016 Investigador/a Confiabilidad y Ecoeficiencia en Sistemas de Generación Eólica (Coneol) (P11-TEP-7303) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico)
01/01/2016 31/12/2018 Investigador/a Desarrollo de Procesos Avanzados de Operación y Mantenimiento Sobre Sistemas Cibero Fïsicos (Cps) en el Ámbito de la Industria 4.0 (DPI2015-70842-R) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/01/2012 31/12/2014 Investigador/a Sistemas Inteligentes de Mantenimiento. Procesos Emergentes de e-Maintenance para la Sostenibilidad de los Sistemas de Producción (DPI2011-22806) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/01/2009 31/12/2011 Investigador/a Modelado de estrategias e-maintenance para la mejora de la seguridad de funcionamiento y la eco-eficiencia en sistemas de producción (DPI2008-01012) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/01/2015 31/12/2018 Investigador/a Sustanaible design and management of industrial assets through total value and cost of ownership (SUSTAIN-OWNER) (645733) Comisión Europea (Europeo)
01/01/2022 31/05/2023 Investigador/a GEMINHI. GEmelo digital para el Mantenimiento INteligente basado en modelos de prognosis HÍbridos (data-driven & simulación). Desarrollo y prueba de concepto aplicada al mantenimiento predictivo en ferrocarril de alta velocidad (US-1381456) Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Autonómico)
01/09/2023 31/08/2027 Investigador/a Gestión de activos en el nuevo entorno de los Gemelos Digitales (PID2022-137748OB-C32) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/12/2015 31/12/2017 Investigador/a Optimización de la conservación de infraestructura ferroviaria para transporte urbano (OPTIRAIL) (PI-1496/06/2015) Soltel IT Software, S.L.U. (Desconocido)
01/11/2015 31/12/2017 Investigador/a Optimización de la conservación de infraestructura ferroviaria para transporte urbano (OPTIRAIL) (PI-1495/06/2015) Azvi, S.A. (Desconocido)
28/04/2018 31/08/2018 Investigador/a RAMS Analysis: Electrical System of the Bus Recharging Station-H16 Line in Barcelona (ES-1852/44/2018) EVIM3 MOBILITY SERVICES A.I.E. (Desconocido)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado