Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Jesus Antonio Carrillo Castrillo

Profesor Interino Asimilado a Asociado

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2022 Driving cycle synthesis, aiming for realness, by extending real-world driving databases IEEE ACCESS
Artículo2021 Analysis of occupational accidents during the chainsaws use in Andalucía SAFETY SCIENCE
Artículo2021 Occupational accident analysis according to professionals of different construction phases using association rules SAFETY SCIENCE
Artículo2021 Perception of risk in construction. Exploring the factors that influence experts in occupational health and safety SAFETY SCIENCE
Capítulo2020 Emerging risks in contact center sector: a review Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health II
Artículo2020 The impact of enforcement capabilities on the effectiveness of public assessment on occupational safety INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2019 Analysis of Required Investigations of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Spain INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2019 Does europe need an EU product safety directive for access scaffolding? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Revisión2019 Methodologies for investigating occupational accidents and their use in occupational health and safety research. Literature review Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Artículo2019 Occupational accidents in municipal solid waste management (MSW) companies Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Artículo2018 A longitudinal study of noise exposure and its effects on the hearing of olive oil mill workers INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS
Ponencia2018 Ergonomic risk management of pruning with chainsaw in the olive sector OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE VI
Libro2018 Estudio sobre las condiciones ambientales de las almazaras de aceite de oliva: análisis del ruido en las almazaras y su impacto en la salud de los trabajadores expuestos Estudio sobre las condiciones ambientales de las almazaras de aceite de oliva: análisis del ruido en las almazaras y su impacto en la salud de los trabajadores expuestos
Artículo2018 Quality evaluation of official accident reports conducted by Labour Authorities in Andalusia (Spain) WORK-A JOURNAL OF PREVENTION ASSESSMENT & REHABILITATION
Ponencia2018 Tower crane safety: Organizational preventive measures vs. technical conditions OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE VI
Artículo2017 Construction accidents: identification of the main associations between causes, mechanisms and stages of the construction process INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS
Ponencia2017 Psychosocial risk management in the service industry: Linking motivation and performance Occupational Safety and Hygiene V - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2017
Ponencia2017 Safety culture in Andalusian construction sector Occupational Safety and Hygiene V - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2017
Ponencia2016 Analysis of registration and notification of circumstances in official investigation reports on occupational accidents OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE IV
Ponencia2016 Effectiveness of an intervention in small and medium enterprises by safety assessors with enforcement ability OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE IV
Artículo2016 Estimation of the relative risks of musculoskeletal injuries in the Andalusian manufacturing sector INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS
Ponencia2016 Evaluation of a public intervention in high injury rate enterprises OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE IV
Ponencia2016 Human development Index (HDI) and frequency rate of fatal occupational injuries. Are they related? SHO2016: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE
Artículo2016 Identification of areas of intervention for public safety policies using multiple correspondence analysis DYNA
Ponencia2016 Severity of occupational accidents in petrol stations SHO2016: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE
Artículo2016 Success variables in science and technology parks JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH
Artículo2016 The Causes of Severe Accidents in the Andalusian Manufacturing Sector: The Role of Human Factors in Official Accident Investigations HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS IN MANUFACTURING & SERVICE INDUSTRIES
Artículo2015 A decade of occupational accidents in Andalusian (Spain) public universities SAFETY SCIENCE
Ponencia2015 A method for accident analysis oriented to the identification of areas of intervention for public safety policies Occupational Safety and Hygiene III
Ponencia2015 Evaluation of a public safety program based in programme theory Occupational Safety and Hygiene III
Ponencia2015 Evaluation of interventions at company level: the role of regression to mean SHO2015: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE
Artículo2015 Prevention of falls to a lower level: evaluation of an occupational health and safety intervention via subsidies for the replacement of scaffolding INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INJURY CONTROL AND SAFETY PROMOTION
Artículo2015 Risk assessment of maintenance operations: the analysis of performing task and accident mechanism INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INJURY CONTROL AND SAFETY PROMOTION
Ponencia2015 Risk of occupational burns in automotive repair workshops SHO2015: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE
Artículo2015 Strategies for psychosocial risk management in manufacturing JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH
Ponencia2014 Analysis of the role of worker characteristics in three of the most frequent manufacturing accidents OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE II
Ponencia2014 Causes of musculoskeletal accidents identified in official investigations OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE II
Artículo2014 City logistics: Are sustainability policies really sustainable? DIRECCION Y ORGANIZACION
Artículo2014 Creación de Valor a través de la Innovación en el Sector Industrial Economía Industrial
Ponencia2014 Effectiveness of construction safety programme elements Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
Artículo2014 Framework for the use of official occupational accident investigations as a learning tool: Analysis of a public programme for accident investigation in the manufacturing sector International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management
Ponencia2014 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) courses at engineering under/degree studies OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE II
Capítulo2014 Neural Network Application for Risk Factors Estimation in Manufacturing Accidents Lecture notes in management and industrial engineering
Ponencia2014 Neural Network Application for Risk Factors Estimation in Manufacturing Accidents Managing Complexity: Challenges for Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Ponencia2014 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) at construction projects. A perspective from formworks & falseworks companies OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE II
Ponencia2014 Prevention through Design (PtD) concept at university. Engineering & Architecture students' perspective OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE II
Ponencia2014 Risk factors of the most frequent accident types in manufacturing OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE II
Artículo2013 Analysis of the safety conditions of scaffolding on construction sites SAFETY SCIENCE
Artículo2013 Causation of Severe and Fatal Accidents in the Manufacturing Sector INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS
Ponencia2013 Characterization of workers suffering serious electrical accidents in the construction industry OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE - SHO2013
Ponencia2013 Characterization of workers suffering serious electrical accidents in the construction industry OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE
Ponencia2013 How safe is the civil construction sector in spain? Contractor's perspective through an expert panel OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE - SHO2013
Ponencia2013 Injury rates based on The Continuous Sample of Working Lives. Who is really at risk of occupational accident in the Andalusian manufacturing sector? OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE - SHO2013
Ponencia2013 Relative risk of accident: Worker collectives in the manufacturing sector OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE
Ponencia2013 The role of worker individual characteristics in the severe injuries causation in the Andalusian manufacturing sector OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE - SHO2013
Ponencia2013 Working Conditions Surveys: a useful tool for detecting emerging risks and evaluating Occupational Safety Policies OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE - SHO2013
Ponencia2012 Crisis y accidentabilidad en el sector industrial XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización: Vigo, 18 a 20 de julio de 2012
Artículo2012 Evaluación de un programa de subvenciones para la mejora de la seguridad y salud laboral de las PYMES en Andalucía Archivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales
Ponencia2012 Modelo de negocio y riesgo de accidente: el caso del sector industrial andaluz XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización: Vigo, 18 a 20 de julio de 2012
Ponencia2012 Organizational causes of accidents in manufacturing sector XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización: Vigo, 18 a 20 de julio de 2012
Ponencia2012 Safety at work and worker profile: analysis of the manufacturing sector in Andalusia in 2008 SHO 2012: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE
Capítulo2012 Safety Management in Manufacturing and its Influence in Injury Rates: Evidences from Spanish National Safety Management Survey (2009) Industrial Engineering: Innovative Networks
Ponencia2012 Safety management models in manufacturing companies XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización: Vigo, 18 a 20 de julio de 2012
Ponencia2012 Severity Factors of Accidents: Analysis of the Manufacturing Sector in Andalusia SHO 2012: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE
Artículo2012 Soluciones para la monitorización de trabajadores en obra mediante Tecnologías Inalámbricas Seguridad y medio ambiente
Ponencia2012 Which companies have more accidents? Analysis of the companies of the manufacturing sector in Andalusia SHO 2012: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE
Artículo2011 Análisis sobre siniestralidad en tareas de mantenimiento en el sector industrial en la Comunidad de Andalucía: Factores de riesgo a considerar Mantenimiento (Barcelona)

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/12/2018 30/11/2021 Investigador/a "Smart glasses for multifacEted visual loss mitigation and chronic disEase prevention indicator for healthier, saFer, and more productive workplAce ageing population" (See Far) (3498/0319) Comisión Europea (Europeo)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
14/12/2018 13/08/2019 Investigador/a Identificación de buenas prácticas sobre riesgos emergentes ergonómicos y psicosociales en los Contac-Centers de Andalucía (3497/0314) Instituto Andaluz de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (Desconocido)
16/12/2019 15/06/2020 Responsable Indicador Sintético de Riesgo Psicosocial por Sectores y Países (SR-1983/05/2019) Instituto Andaluz de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (Desconocido)
17/12/2014 31/12/2015 Investigador/a Análisis de los PCT Andaluces (2401/0002) Cámara de Cuentas de Andalucía (Desconocido)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado