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Miriam Muñoz Rojas

Investigadora Contratada (Ramón y Cajal)
Área de conocimiento: Ecología
Departamento: Biología Vegetal y Ecología
Grupo: ECOLOGÍA FUNCIONAL APLICADA - RNM-035 (Universidad de Sevilla)
Prog. doctorado: Programa de Doctorado en Biología Integrada (RD. 99/2011)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Letter2024 Australian fairy circles and termite linyji are not caused by the same mechanism NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION
Artículo2024 Exploring the potential of topsoil pellets to improve native seedling establishment on degraded agricultural land PLANT AND SOIL
Artículo2024 Inoculating native microorganisms improved soil function and altered the microbial composition of a degraded soil Restoration Ecology
Nota2024 Restoring soil biodiversity CURRENT BIOLOGY
Capítulo2023 Agricultural soil degradation in Australia Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
Revisión2023 Opportunities and challenges for microbiomics in ecosystem restoration TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION
Editorial2023 Preface Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
Editorial2023 Preface Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
Editorial2023 Preface Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
Artículo2023 Seed biopriming at different concentrations to assess the effects of Cyanobacteria on germination and seedling performance of keystone arid species Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
Artículo2023 Soil microbial community composition and functions are disrupted by fire and land use in a Mediterranean woodland SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2023 Unpacking the recruitment potential of seeds in reconstructed soils and varying rainfall patterns AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY
Artículo2022 Afforestation with Pinus nigra Arn ssp salzmannii along an elevation gradient: controlling factors and implications for climate change adaptation TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
Artículo2022 Biocrust amendments to topsoils facilitate biocrust restoration in a post-mining arid environment FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2022 Biocrust cyanobacteria inoculants biomineralize gypsum and preserve indigenous bacterial communities in dryland topsoil GEODERMA
Editorial2022 Editorial: Eurosoil 2021: Sustainable management of soil functions as a basis to avoid, halt, and reverse land degradation Frontiers in Environmental Science
Editorial2022 Editorial: Restoration of Degraded Terrestrial Ecosystems FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
Artículo2022 Fire and land use impact soil properties in a Mediterranean dry sclerophyll woodland JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
Revisión2022 Global maps of soil temperature GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
Artículo2022 Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover SCIENCE
Artículo2022 High-resolution images and drone-based LiDAR reveal striking patterns of vegetation gaps in a wooded spinifex grassland of Western Australia LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY
Artículo2022 Native bacteria and cyanobacteria can influence seedling emergence and growth of native plants used in dryland restoration JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY
Artículo2021 Biocrust cyanobacterial composition, diversity, and environmental drivers in two contrasting climatic regions in Brazil GEODERMA
Artículo2021 Bridging ecology and physics: Australian fairy circles regenerate following model assumptions on ecohydrological feedbacks JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY
Artículo2021 Changes in ecosystem properties after post-fire management strategies in wildfire-affected Mediterranean forests JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY
Artículo2021 Native plant diversity is a stronger driver for soil quality than inorganic amendments in semi-arid post-mining rehabilitation GEODERMA
Artículo2021 Post-fire restoration with contour-felled log debris increases early recruitment of Spanish black pine (Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmannii) in Mediterranean forests Restoration Ecology
Editorial2021 Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded land in arid and semi arid environments: Editorial LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
Revisión2021 Restoring post-fire ecosystems with biocrusts: Living, photosynthetic soil surfaces Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health
Artículo2021 Soil biodiversity and organic carbon are essential to reverse desertification ECOSISTEMAS
Artículo2020 Assessing the viability of cyanobacteria pellets for application in arid land restoration JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
Artículo2020 Bio-priming seeds with cyanobacteria: effects on native plant growth and soil properties Restoration Ecology
Artículo2020 Climate change impacts on agricultural suitability and yield reduction in a Mediterranean region GEODERMA
Artículo2020 Cyanobacteria as a Nature-Based Biotechnological Tool for Restoring Salt-Affected Soils Agronomy
Editorial2020 Editorial: Fire in the environment JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
Artículo2020 Field-Deployed Extruded Seed Pellets Show Promise for Perennial Grass Establishment in Arid Zone Mine Rehabilitation FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
Artículo2020 Plant species and season influence soil physicochemical properties and microbial function in a semi-arid woodland ecosystem PLANT AND SOIL
Artículo2020 Soil, Site, and Management Factors Affecting Cadmium Concentrations in Cacao-Growing Soils Agronomy
Ponencia2019 A case study of seed-use technology development for Pilbara mine site rehabilitation Proceedings of the International Conference on Mine Closure
Artículo2019 A multi-scale study of Australian fairy circles using soil excavations and drone-based image analysis ECOSPHERE
Artículo2019 Assessment of Soil Suitability for Improvement of Soil Factors and Agricultural Management SUSTAINABILITY
Artículo2019 Inorganic soil amendments alter seedling performance of native plant species in post-mining arid zone rehabilitation JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
Artículo2019 Natural and Regenerated Saltmarshes Exhibit Similar Soil and Belowground Organic Carbon Stocks, Root Production and Soil Respiration ECOSYSTEMS
Artículo2019 Reconditioning Degraded Mine Site Soils With Exogenous Soil Microbes: Plant Fitness and Soil Microbiome Outcomes FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2019 To whom the burden of soil degradation and management concerns SOIL DEGRADATION, RESTORATION AND MANAGEMENT IN A GLOBAL CHANGE CONTEXT
Artículo2019 Water availability drives the effectiveness of inorganic amendments to increase plant growth and substrate quality CATENA
Artículo2018 Cyanobacteria inoculation enhances carbon sequestration in soil substrates used in dryland restoration SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2018 Ecophysiological Indicators to Assess Drought Responses of Arid Zone Native Seedlings in Reconstructed Soils LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2018 Effects of indigenous soil cyanobacteria on seed germination and seedling growth of arid species used in restoration PLANT AND SOIL
Artículo2018 Native-plant amendments and topsoil addition enhance soil function in post-mining arid grasslands SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Revisión2018 Soil ecosystem services, sustainability, valuation and management Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health
Revisión2018 Soil quality indicators: critical tools in ecosystem restoration Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health
Revisión2018 The role of organic amendments in drylands restoration Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health
Artículo2017 Benefits of adopting seed-based technologies for rehabilitation in the mining sector: a Pilbara perspective AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY
Artículo2017 Climate and land use changes effects on soil organic carbon stocks in a Mediterranean semi-natural area SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2017 Climate change impacts on soil organic carbon stocks of Mediterranean agricultural areas: A case study in Northern Egypt AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT
Capítulo2017 Historical Perspectives on Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management
Capítulo2017 Modeling Agricultural Suitability Along Soil Transects Under Current Conditions and Improved Scenario of Soil Factors Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management
Ponencia2017 Photodegradation eefects on decomposition of organic amendments. Aplication indryland restoration 1st World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation under Global Change - CONSOWA
Editorial2017 Preface Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management
Libro2017 Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management
Capítulo2017 Soil Mapping and Processes Modeling for Sustainable Land Management Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management
Capítulo2017 Soil Mapping and Processes Models for Sustainable Land Management Applied to Modern Challenges Soil Mapping and Process Modeling for Sustainable Land Use Management
Artículo2017 Spatial Gradients of Intensity and Persistence of Soil Water Repellency Under Different Forest Types in Central Mexico LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2016 Climate and soil factors influencing seedling recruitment of plant species used for dryland restoration SOIL
Artículo2016 Environmental Factors Controlling Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Two Contrasting Mediterranean Climatic Areas of Southern Spain LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2016 Evaluation of forest ecosystem services in Mediterranean areas. A regional case study in South Spain Ecosystem Services
Artículo2016 Soil physicochemical and microbiological indicators of short, medium and long term post-fire recovery in semi-arid ecosystems ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
Artículo2016 Soil quality indicators to assess functionality of restored soils in degraded semiarid ecosystems Restoration Ecology
Artículo2016 Soil respiration dynamics in fire affected semi-arid ecosystems: Effects of vegetation type and environmental factors SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2015 Application of CarboSOIL model to predict the effects of climate change on soil organic carbon stocks in agro-silvo-pastoral Mediterranean management systems AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2015 Evaluating Soil Threats Under Climate Change Scenarios in the Andalusia Region, Southern Spain LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2015 Impact of land use and land cover changes on organic carbon stocks in mediterranean soils (1956-2007) LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2013 Modelling soil organic carbon stocks in global change scenarios: a CarboSOIL application BIOGEOSCIENCES
Artículo2012 Organic carbon stocks in Mediterranean soil types under different land uses (Southern Spain) SOLID EARTH
Artículo2011 Analysis of soil capability versus land use change by using CORINE land cover and MicroLEIS International Agrophysics
Artículo2011 Changes in land cover and vegetation carbon stocks in Andalusia, Southern Spain (1956-2007) SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Ponencia2011 Effects of land use / land cover changes in vegetation carbon stocks in Southern Spain between 1956 and 2007 Control de la degradación y uso sostenible del suelo: V Simposio Nacional sobre control de la degradación y uso sostenible del suelo
Ponencia2011 Impact of land use changes and management in soil organic carbon stocks in Andalusia (Southern Spain) Control de la degradación y uso sostenible del suelo: V Simposio Nacional sobre control de la degradación y uso sostenible del suelo
Otros2011 Mulching, effects on soil physical properties Encyclopedia of Agrophysics
Artículo2011 Short-term effects of experimental fire for a soil under eucalyptus forest (SE Australia) GEODERMA
Este investigador no ha dirigido/tutorizado tesis

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/09/2022 31/08/2025 Responsable Restauración de ecosistemas mediterraneos y adaptación al cambio climático mediante estrategias emergentes de manejo del microbioma del suelo (PID2021-123097OA-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/12/2022 30/09/2025 Responsable Combinación sinérgica de consorcios microbianos y residuos ricos en C apoyada en tecnologías VANT para restaurar zonas áridas con semillas: interacciones bióticas (TED2021-132332A-C22) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
09/10/2009 09/10/2009 Investigador/a Obtención de Indicadores a partir de la Base de Perfiles de Suelo para su aplicación a la Modelización Climática (0501/0268) Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Medio Ambiente) (Desconocido)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado