Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Maria Luisa De La Hoz Torres

Investigador Contratado (Juan dl Cierva)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 An investigation of indoor thermal environments and thermal comfort in naturally ventilated educational buildings JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING
Artículo2024 Artificial neural network-based model for assessing the whole-body vibration of vehicle drivers BUILDINGS
Dataset2024 Development of Artificial Neural Network Based Model for Assessing the Whole-Body Vibration exposure [Dataset]
Capítulo2024 Mapping the Energy Performance of Existing Residential Building Stock: The Case of Seville Green Energy and Technology
Artículo2024 Occupational risk prevention in the European Union construction sector: 30 Years since the publication of the Directive SAFETY SCIENCE
Capítulo2024 Proyecto de innovación docente REFOR_CA_Refuerzo de competencias digitales y docentes del profesorado del Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas de la Universidad de Granada EDIFICATE 2023: proceedings books: II National and International Congress of advanced schools building engineering and technical archit
Artículo2024 Seasonal field study on thermal comfort in university classrooms in Mediterranean climate INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2024 Study on the perception of architecture and building engineering students about the usefulness of quiz games International Journal of Construction Education and Research
Libro2024 Teaching Innovation in Architecture and Building Engineering: challenges of the 21st century Teaching Innovation in Architecture and Building Engineering
Capítulo2023 Comparison of Methods for the Assessment of Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration Studies in systems, decision and control
Artículo2023 Holistic overview of natural ventilation and mixed mode in built environment of warm climate zones and hot seasons BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2023 Indoor acoustic quality of educational buildings in South West Europe: Influence of current ventilation strategies JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING
Capítulo2023 Indoor Environment in Educational Buildings: Assessing Natural Ventilation Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
Artículo2023 Predictive model of clothing insulation in naturally ventilated educational buildings BUILDINGS
Capítulo2022 Analysis of Whole-Body Vibration Transmitted in Ready Mix Concrete Delivery Operations Studies in systems, decision and control
Artículo2022 Assessment of ventilation rates inside educational buildings in Southwestern Europe: Analysis of implemented strategic measures JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING
Artículo2022 Development of a BIM-based Framework Using Reverberation Time (BFRT) as a tool for assessing and improving building acoustic environment BUILDINGS
Artículo2022 Impact of COVID-19 protocols on IEQ and students' perception within educational buildings in Southern Spain BUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2022 Modelling and visualization for the analysis and comprehension of the acoustic performance of buildings through the implementation of a building information modelling-based methodologya) JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA
Artículo2022 Monitoring and Assessment of Indoor Environmental Conditions in Educational Building Using Building Information Modelling Methodology INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2022 Proposal of Combined Noise and Hand-Arm Vibration Index for Occupational Exposure: Application to a Study Case in the Olive Sector INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2022 Reopening higher education buildings in post-epidemic COVID-19 scenario: monitoring and assessment of indoor environmental quality after implementing ventilation protocols in Spain and Portugal INDOOR AIR
Artículo2022 Thermal perception in naturally ventilated university buildings in Spain during the cold season BUILDINGS
Artículo2022 Whole body vibration exposure transmitted to drivers of heavy equipment vehicles: a comparative case according to the short- and long-term exposure assessment methodologies defined in ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2021 A methodology for assessment of long-term exposure to whole-body vibrations in vehicle drivers to propose preventive safety measures JOURNAL OF SAFETY RESEARCH
Artículo2021 Analysis of impact of natural ventilation strategies in ventilation rates and indoor environmental acoustics using sensor measurement data in educational buildings SENSORS
Artículo2021 GIS-based framework to manage Whole-Body Vibration exposure AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION
Artículo2021 Monitoring and assessment of indoor environmental conditions after the implementation of COVID-19-based ventilation strategies in an educational building in southern Spain SENSORS
Ponencia2020 A Study on Exposure of Workers to the Risks Arising from Physical Agents in the Olive Sector in Andalusia (South Spain) ADVANCES IN SAFETY MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN FACTORS
Ponencia2020 Management of Acoustic Comfort in Learning Spaces Using Building Information Modelling (BIM) Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health II
Ponencia2020 Noise Management in the Construction Industry Using Building Information Modelling Methodology (BIM): A Tool for Noise Mapping Simulation Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health II
Ponencia2020 Practical Use of Noise Mapping to Reduce Noise Exposure in the Construction Industry Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health II
Capítulo2019 A comparison of ISO 2631-5:2004 and ISO 2631-5:2018 standards for whole-body vibrations exposure: A case study Studies in systems, decision and control
Ponencia2019 Assessment of whole-body vibration exposure using ISO2631-1:2008 and ISO2631-5:2018 standards. INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering
Ponencia2019 BIM-based framework for indoor acoustic conditioning in early stages of design INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering
Ponencia2018 Whole body vibration and acoustic exposure in construction and demolition waste management OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE VI
Ponencia2017 Analysis of whole-body vibrations transmitted by earth moving machinery Occupational Safety and Hygiene V - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, SHO 2017
Este investigador no ha dirigido/tutorizado tesis

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/09/2022 31/08/2025 Investigador/a Potencial de los Edificios de Energía Positiva para la Adaptación al Cambio Climático y la Mitigación de la Pobreza Energética (PID2021-122437OA-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado