Año: 2022
Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 5.60
Categoría | Edición | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
Año: 2022
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 0,390
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil | Percentil |
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES | 252/334 | Q4 | T3 | D8 | 24,70 |
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
Environmental Science (all) | 27/227 | Q1 | T1 | D2 |
SJR año:
Factor de Impacto:
Categoría | Posición | Cuartil | Tercil | Decil |
Environmental Science (miscellaneous) | 57/421 | Q1 | T1 | D2 |
# | Autor | Afiliación |
1 | McGill University (Canada) | |
2 | Iacarella, Josephine C. | Institute of Ocean Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Canada) |
3 | Aldridge, David C. | University of Cambridge; St. Catharine's College (United Kingdom) |
4 | Blackburn, Tim M. | University College London; Zoological Society of London Institute of Zoology (United Kingdom) |
5 | Carlton, James T. | Williams-Mystic (United States) |
6 | Catford, Jane A. | King's College London (United Kingdom) |
7 | Dick, Jaimie T.A. | Queen's University Belfast (United Kingdom) |
8 | Hulme, Philip E. | Lincoln University, New Zealand (New Zealand) |
9 | Jeschke, Jonathan M. | Freie Universität Berlin; Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries; Berlin-Brandenburgisches Institut für Biodiversitätsforschung (Germany) |
10 | Liebhold, Andrew M. | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague; USDA Forest Service Northeastern Research Station Morgantown (United States) |
11 | Lockwood, Julie L. | Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources (United States) |
12 | Macisaac, Hugh J. | Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (Canada) |
13 | Meyerson, Laura A. | University of Rhode Island (United States) |
14 | Pyšek, Petr | Charles University; Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) |
15 | Richardson, David M. | Stellenbosch University (South Africa) |
16 | Ruiz, Gregory M. | Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (United States) |
17 | Simberloff, Daniel | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (United States) |
18 | Vilà, Montserrat | CSIC- Estación Biológica de Doñana EBD (Spain) |
19 | Wardle, David A. | Asian School of the Environment (Singapore) |