Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2019Extraction of phenolic compounds and production of biomethane from strawberry and raspberry extrudatesBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2016Creep-recovery-creep tests to determine the yield stress of fluid gels containing gellan gum and Na+BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2014Valorization of olive stones for xylitol and ethanol production from dilute acid pretreatment via enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation by Pachysolen tannophilusBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2011Influence of gellan gum concentration on the dynamic viscoelasticity and transient flow of fluid gelsBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2011Production of structured triacylglycerols rich in palmitic acid at sn-2 position and oleic acid at sn-1,3 positions as human milk fat substitutes by enzymatic acidolysisBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2010Influence of zinc on ferrous iron bio-oxidation: Biological or physical nature?BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2010Production of triacylglycerols rich in palmitic acid at sn-2 position by lipase-catalyzed acidolysisBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2009Production of structured triacylglycerols by acidolysis catalyzed by lipases immobilized in a packed bed reactorBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2009Synthesis of 2-monoacylglycerols (2-MAG) by enzymatic alcoholysis of fish oils using different reactor typesBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2008Influence of organic loading rate and hydraulic retention time on the performance, stability and microbial communities of one-stage anaerobic digestion of two-phase olive mill solid residueBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2006Mathematical modelling of the aerobic degradation of two-phase olive mill effluents in a batch reactorBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2006Support material selection for anaerobic fluidized bed reactors by phospholipid analysisBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2005Aerobic purification of dairy wastewater in continuous regime Part II: Kinetic study of the organic matter removal in two reactor configurationsBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2005Rheology and processing of gluten based bioplasticsBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2004Aerobic purification of dairy wastewater in continuous regime Part I: Analysis of the biodegradation process in two reactor configurationsBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2004Anaerobic degradation of p-coumaric acid and pre-ozonated synthetic water containing this compoundBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2003Kinetics of mesophilic anaerobic digestion of the two-phase olive mill solid wasteBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL