Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

José Luis Escalona Franco

Catedrático de Universidad
Área de conocimiento: Ingeniería Mecánica
Departamento: Ingeniería Mecánica y Fabricación
Grupo: INGENIERIA MECANICA - TEP-111 (Universidad de Sevilla)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Estimation of the trajectory and attitude of railway vehicles using inertial sensors with application to track geometry measurement Vehicle System Dynamics
Artículo2024 Predicting Rail Corrugation Based on Convolutional Neural Networks Using Vehicle’s Acceleration Measurements SENSORS
Artículo2024 Real-time explicit co-simulation of wire-rope systems for industrial mobile harbor cranes NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2024 Rope–sheave contact transient analysis in hoisting operations with a bristle model and an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian approach MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Artículo2023 An analytical solution of the rope-sheave contact in static conditions based on a bristle model MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY
Artículo2023 On the definition and effect of optimum gear microgeometry modifications for the gearbox of an offshore 10-MW wind turbine Wind Energy
Artículo2023 Real-Time Measurement of Track Irregularities Using an Instrumented Axle and Kalman Filtering Techniques JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2022 Advances in the modeling and dynamic simulation of reeving systems using the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian modal method NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2022 Comparison of numerical and computational aspects between two constraint-based contact methods in the description of wheel/rail contacts MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Artículo2022 Design and manufacture of a scaled railway track with mechanically variable geometry Scientific reports
Artículo2022 Experimental measurement of track irregularities using a scaled track recording vehicle and Kalman filtering techniques MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING
Artículo2022 Modeling viscous damping for transverse oscillations in reeving systems using the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian Modal approach JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION
Ponencia2022 On the combination of geometrically nonlinear models and substructuring for multibody simulation of wind turbine blades Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Editorial2022 Special issue: Selected papers from 2021 IDETC-CIE MSND conference JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2022 The explanation of two semi-recursive multibody methods for educational purpose MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY
Artículo2021 A track geometry measuring system based on multibody kinematics, inertial sensors and computer vision SENSORS
Ponencia2021 Dynamic simulation of reeving systems with the extension of the modal approach in the axial direction Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Artículo2021 Estimation of lateral track irregularity through Kalman filtering techniques IEEE ACCESS
Artículo2021 Estimation of lateral track irregularity using a Kalman filter. Experimental validation JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION
Artículo2021 Measurement of railroad track irregularities using an automated recording vehicle MEASUREMENT
Editorial2021 MSNDC: 17th international conference on multibody systems, nonlinear dynamics, and control Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Ponencia2021 Multibody models for tower vibrations with an unbalanced rotor Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Artículo2021 Track frame approach for heading and attitude estimation in operating railways using on-board MEMS sensor and encoder MEASUREMENT
Artículo2021 Wheel–rail contact simulation with lookup tables and KEC profiles: a comparative study MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Artículo2020 Analysis of the two-point wheel-rail contact scenario using the knife-edge-equivalent contact constraint method MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY
Artículo2020 Application and experimental validation of a multibody model with weakly coupled lateral and vertical dynamics to a scaled railway vehicle SENSORS
Artículo2020 Artificial neural networks applied to the measurement of lateral wheel-rail contact force: A comparison with a harmonic cancellation method MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY
Ponencia2020 On the double-point wheel-rail contact situation using simplified constraints. A preliminary study Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Artículo2020 Railway multibody simulation with the knife-edge-equivalent wheel-rail constraint equations MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Artículo2020 Wheel-rail contact force measurement using strain gauges and distance lasers on a scaled railway vehicle MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING
Artículo2019 An alternative procedure to measure railroad track irregularities. Application to a scaled track MEASUREMENT
Artículo2019 Multibody model of railway vehicles with weakly coupled vertical and lateral dynamics MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING
Ponencia2018 Co-simulation procedure for multibody reeving systems Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Ponencia2018 Efficient wheel-rail contact model for the on-line estimation of contact forces ICRT 2017: Railway Development, Operations, and Maintenance - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Rail Transportation 2017
Artículo2018 Flexible multibody modeling of reeving systems including transverse vibrations MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Artículo2018 Multibody simulation of railway vehicles with contact lookup tables INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2018 Validation of multibody modeling and simulation using an instrumented bicycle: from the computer to the road MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Artículo2017 A touchdown bearing with surface waviness: A dynamic model using a multibody approach PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS
Artículo2017 A touchdown bearing with surface waviness: Friction loss analysis MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY
Artículo2017 An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian discretization method for modeling and simulation of reeving systems in multibody dynamics MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY
Artículo2017 Models for dynamic analysis of backup ball bearings of an AMB-system MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING
Artículo2017 On the design of a scaled railroad vehicle for the validation of computational models MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY
Artículo2016 A nonlinear approach for modeling rail flexibility using the absolute nodal coordinate formulation NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2016 Analytical and Numerical Validation of a Moving Modes Method for Traveling Interaction on Long Structures JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Ponencia2016 Development of a novel wheel-rail contact model for real-time applications Civil-Comp Proceedings
Ponencia2016 Multibody modeling of wire rope reeving systems with the aleancf method Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Ponencia2016 Real time modelling of a railway multibody vehicle: Application and validation on a scaled railway vehicle Civil-Comp Proceedings
Capítulo2016 Transmisiones por engranajes Teoria de máquinas y mecanismos
Ponencia2016 Validation of a scaled railway vehicle computational model with experimental results Civil-Comp Proceedings
Ponencia2016 Vertical track geometry monitoring using inertial sensors and complementary filters Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Ponencia2015 A Kaiman filter-based algorithm for IMU signals fusion applied to track geometry estimation Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015, Multibody Dynamics 2015
Ponencia2015 Modeling wheel-rail contact with pre-calculated lookup tables in arbitrary-geometry tracks with irregularities Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Ponencia2015 Partially-linearized multibody equations of railroad vehicles on arbitrary tracks for on-board applications Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015, Multibody Dynamics 2015
Artículo2014 Dynamics of the coupled railway vehicle-flexible track system with irregularities using a multibody approach with moving modes Vehicle System Dynamics
Artículo2014 Stability Analysis of Multibody Systems With Long Flexible Bodies Using the Moving Modes Method and Its Application to Railroad Dynamics JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2013 A Trajectory Frame-Based Dynamic Formulation for Railroad Vehicle Simulation International Journal of Railway Technology
Artículo2013 Application of the trajectory coordinate system and the moving modes method approach to railroad dynamics using Krylov subspaces JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION
Ponencia2013 Modeling infinitely long flexible railroad tracks using moving modes and Krylov subspaces techniques Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Artículo2013 Modelling of structural flexiblity in multibody railroad vehicle systems Vehicle System Dynamics
Artículo2012 A bicycle model for education in multibody dynamics and real-time interactive simulation MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Artículo2012 A dynamic formulation for railroad vehicles using trajectory coordinates Civil-Comp Proceedings
Artículo2012 Description of Methods for the Eigenvalue Analysis of Railroad Vehicles Including Track Flexibility JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Capítulo2012 Diseño de unas nuevas prácticas de Ampliación de cinemática y dinámica de máquinas adaptadas al Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y la educación por competencias
Artículo2012 Eigenvalue analysis of railroad vehicles including track flexibility Civil-Comp Proceedings
Editorial2012 Railroad vehicle dynamics - A roadmap to high speed trains JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2012 Use of Finite Element and Finite Segment Methods in Modeling Rail Flexibility: A Comparative Study JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2011 An approach for modeling long flexible bodies with application to railroad dynamics MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Artículo2011 Efficient and accurate simulation of the rope-sheave interaction in weight-lifting machines PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS
Ponencia2011 Eigenvalue analysis of multibody models of railroad vehicles including track flexibility Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Artículo2011 Finite-element analysis of unsupported sleepers using three-dimensional wheel-rail contact formulation PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS
Ponencia2011 Modeling rail flexibility using finite element and finite segment methods 2011 Joint Rail Conference, JRC 2011
Artículo2010 Aplicación del método de las deformadas móviles a vías ferroviarias curvas Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica
Ponencia2010 Application of the moving shape functions method to curved railroad tracks Civil-Comp Proceedings
Ponencia2010 Dynamics of railroad vehicles on deformable curved tracks using the moving shape functions method 5th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2010, ACMD 2010
Ponencia2009 Modelling a flexible track in multibody railroad dynamic simulations Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Artículo2009 Validation of three-dimensional multi-body system approach for modelling track flexibility PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS
Artículo2008 Análisis de estabilidad de vehículos ferroviarios usando dinámica de sistemas multicuerpo Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica
Artículo2008 Estudio de fuerzas elasticas en elementos finitos formulados en coordenadas nodales absolutas Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica
Artículo2008 Stability analysis of vehicles on circular motions using multibody dynamics NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2008 Three-dimensional formulation of rigid-flexible multibody systems with flexible beam elements MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Artículo2007 A new locking-free shear deformable finite element based on absolute nodal coordinates NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2006 Stability and bifurcation analysis of a spinning space tether JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCE
Ponencia2005 Bifurcation analysis of a non-radial tethered system Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Vol 6, Pts A-C
Artículo2005 Stability and bifurcation analysis of a modified geometrically nonlinear orthotropic Jeffcott model with internal damping NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Ponencia2004 A new algorithm for the evaluation of the elastic forces in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation ECCOMAS 2004 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Ponencia2004 Description of rigid-flexible multibody system with large deformations ELEVENTH WORLD CONGRESS IN MECHANISM AND MACHINE SCIENCE, VOLS 1-5, PROCEEDINGS
Artículo2004 Development of elastic force model for wheel/rail contact problems JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION
Artículo2004 Efficient evaluation of the elastic forces and the Jacobian in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2004 Formulación espacial de sistemas multicuerpo con sólidos rígidos y flexibles mediante coordenadas absolutas Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica
Ponencia2003 A technique for validating a multibody wheel/rail contact algorithm Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Artículo2003 Describing rigid-flexible multibody systems using absolute coordinates NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Ponencia2003 Describing rigid-flexible multibody systems using natural and absolute nodal coordinates Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Artículo2003 Dynamic analysis of a light structure in outer space: short electrodynamic tether MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Artículo2003 Formulación de sistemas multicuerpo 2D compuestos por elementos rígidos y flexibles usando coordenadas absolutas Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica
Artículo2003 Formulation of three-dimensional joint constraints using the absolute nodal coordinates NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Artículo2003 Reference motion in deformable bodies under rigid body motion and vibration. Part I: theory JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION
Artículo2003 Reference motion in deformable bodies under rigid body motion and vibration. Part II: evaluation of the coefficient of restitution for impacts JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION
Ponencia2003 Spatial joint constraints in flexible multibody systems using the absolute nodal coordinate formulation Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Ponencia2003 Stability and dynamic analysys of the SET (Short Electrodynamic Tether) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Ponencia2002 Análisis del movimiento y estabilidad de una estructura ligera en el espacio: short electrodynamic tether Métodos numéricos en ingeniería V
Artículo2002 Influence of reference conditions on the analysis of impact-induced elastic waves MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS
Ponencia2002 Modeling two-point wheel/rail contacts using constraint and elastic-force approaches American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rail Transportation Division (Publication) RTD
Artículo2002 On the use of the restitution condition in flexible body dynamics NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Ponencia2001 Influence of reference conditions in the analysis of the impact of flexible bodies Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Artículo1999 A new numerical method for the dynamic analysis of impact loads in flexible beams MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY
Ponencia1999 Defining the coefficient of restitution for the impact between free and constrained bodies Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Ponencia1999 Formulación de elementos finitos con coordenadas nodales absolutas. Aplicación a mecanismos flexibles Métodos numéricos en ingeniería : Comunicaciones presentadas al IV Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, celebrado en Sevilla, durante los días 7-10 de Junio de 1999
Artículo1998 A critical study of the use of the generalized impulse-momentum balance equations in flexible multibody systems JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION
Artículo1998 Application of the absolute nodal co-ordinate formulation to multibody system dynamics JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION
Artículo1998 Application of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation to large rotation and large deformation problems Journal of Mechanical Design
Artículo1998 Formulación dinámica de mecanismos flexibles en coordenadas nodales absolutas Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica
Ponencia1997 A new numerical method for the dynamic analysis of impact loads in flexible beams Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Ponencia1997 Absolute nodal coordinate formulation Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/01/2020 31/03/2023 Responsable Desarrollo de una metodología experimental basada en modelo para la medición del desgaste ondulatorio de carriles ferroviarios (P18-RT-1772) Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento) (Autonómico)
01/10/2007 30/09/2010 Responsable Desarrollo de nuevos métodos para el análisis de estabilidad de vehículos ferroviarios (TRA2007-66808) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
01/01/2011 31/12/2014 Responsable Método de las Deformadas Móviles para el Análisis Dinámico Computacional de Ferrocarriles en Vías Deformables (TRA2010-16715) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
26/03/2013 31/03/2018 Responsable Desarrollo de Nuevas Tecnologías de Auscultación de Vías Ferroviarias Basadas en la Simulación Dinámica en Tiempo Real (P11-TEP-7280) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico)
01/01/2015 31/12/2017 Responsable Estimación de Fuerzas de Contacto Rueda/Carril en Vehículos Instrumentados con Sensores Inerciales y Ópticos Mediante Modelos Computacionales Avanzados (TRA2014-57609-R) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/01/2018 30/09/2021 Responsable Desarrollo de Observadores en Sistemas Embarcados para la Estimación de la Respuesta Dinámica de Vehículos Ferroviarios (TRA2017-86355-C2-1-R) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/02/2020 31/01/2022 Responsable Desarrollo de un Sistema Embarcado para la Monotorización de Parámentros de Seguridad y Confort de la Marcha de Vehículos Ferroviarios (US-1257665) Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento) (Autonómico)
01/01/2022 31/05/2023 Investigador/a GEMINHI. GEmelo digital para el Mantenimiento INteligente basado en modelos de prognosis HÍbridos (data-driven & simulación). Desarrollo y prueba de concepto aplicada al mantenimiento predictivo en ferrocarril de alta velocidad (US-1381456) Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Autonómico)
01/10/2006 30/04/2010 Investigador/a Aplicación de las técnicas de sistemas multicuerpo al aparato locomotor humano (DPI2006-15613-C03-03) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
13/04/2007 12/04/2010 Investigador/a Comportamiento a fatiga por fretting de sistemas con contacto conforme (P06-TEP-02240) Junta de Andalucía (Plan Andaluz de Investigación) (Autonómico)
01/10/2019 31/03/2024 Responsable Join Training on Numerical Modelling of Highly Flexible Structures for Industrial Applications - THREAD (H2020-860124) Comisión Europea (Europeo)
01/01/2021 30/06/2024 Responsable Desarrollo de un gemelo digital para la dinámica de vehículos ferroviarios (PID2020-117614RB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
15/11/2003 15/11/2006 Investigador/a Herramientas de colaboración en dinámica de sistemas multicuerpo (DPI2003-05547-C02-02) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
28/12/2001 27/12/2004 Investigador/a Determinación de la vida a fatiga en sistemas mecánicos bajo condiciones de fretting (DPI2001-2400-C02-01) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
13/12/2004 13/12/2007 Responsable Simulación dinámica del movimiento de vehículos ferroviarios (TRA2004-04528) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional)
01/09/2024 31/08/2027 Responsable Monitorización de ejes para estimación de estado y parámetros de vehículos ferroviarios (PID2023-152786OB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/12/2013 31/03/2015 Responsable Simulación embarcada para auscultación de vías mediante la observación de estado de vehículos ferroviarios (SIMUVIA) (PI-1228/2013) Sando, S.A. (Desconocido)
02/02/2014 31/03/2015 Responsable Desarrollo de herramientas de simulación dinámica aplicada al diseño de sistemas de tracción. Proyecto CARMAX (PI-1303/2014) Mac Puar, S.A. (Sevilla) (Desconocido)
15/10/2013 31/12/2014 Investigador/a SEA-PEM (PI-1233/2013) SP consultores y servivios S.L. (Desconocido)
01/09/2007 31/12/2008 Investigador/a Modelado dinámico mediante software de simulación y elementos finitos (PI-0076/2007) MacPuarsa, S.A. (Desconocido)
18/11/2020 31/01/2021 Responsable Estudio de Viabilidad de un Sistema de Mantenimiento Predictivo de Puertas de Ascensor basado en Medida de Vibraciones (ES-2043/09/2020) Mac Puar, S.A. (Sevilla) (Desconocido)


Nº Solicitud Fecha Solicitud Fecha Concesión Nombre
P202030484 25/05/2020 19/07/2022 Sistema y método de medida de geometría de vías
P200402372 30/09/2004 29/07/2008 Dispositivo para medir diferencia de espesores de chapas.