Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Gina Patricia Suárez Cáceres

Profesor Sustituto

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Evaluation of rooting and growth of pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) cuttings in soilless production: comparison of hydroponic vs. aquaponic systems COGENT FOOD & AGRICULTURE
Capítulo2023 Adaptability of pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) to aquaponic production in the first stages of growth XII Congreso ibérico de agroingeniería.: Libro de actas
Artículo2023 Contribution of household aquaponic production to a low price healthy Mediterranean diet in an economically depressed community Agronomy
Artículo2023 Establishment and development of ornamental grasses on green roofs and living walls LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING
Artículo2023 Improving the water quality of a pond coupled with a vertical garden. Case study: ornamental symbiosis Acta Horticulturae
Artículo2023 Nutrients' distribution during fertigation of a felt-based living wall LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING
Ponencia2022 Advances in urban horticulture by means of family-sized aquaponic systems: technical and social aspects Acta Horticulturae
Artículo2022 Characterisation of aquaponic producers and small-scale facilities in Spain and Latin America Aquaculture International
Artículo2021 Consumers’ knowledge, attitudes and willingness to pay for aquaponic products in Spain and Latin America International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
Artículo2021 Polyculture production of vegetables and red hybrid tilapia for self-consumption by means of micro-scale aquaponic systems AQUACULTURAL ENGINEERING
Artículo2021 Removal of volatile organic compounds by means of a felt-based living wall using different plant species SUSTAINABILITY
Artículo2021 Susceptibility to water-borne plant diseases of hydroponic vs. aquaponics systems AQUACULTURE
Artículo2021 Volatile organic compounds removal by means of a felt-based living wall to improve indoor air quality Atmospheric Pollution Research
Artículo2020 Does having children or a dog influence visits to urban green spaces? LANDSCAPE RESEARCH
Artículo2020 Is a view of green spaces from home associated with a lower risk of anxiety and depression? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Capítulo2019 Inserción de la mujer en el mercado laboral como factor de desarrollo local. El caso de Carmona (Sevilla) Hélices y anclas para el desarrollo local
Resumen congreso2019 Relations between frequency of visits to urban green spaces and mental health JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT & HEALTH
Artículo2016 Staying in touch with nature and well-being in different income groups: The experience of urban parks in Bogota LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING
Artículo2014 Relation between visitors' behaviour and characteristics of green spaces in the city of Granada, south-eastern Spain URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/01/2018 30/06/2019 Investigador/a Influencia de la Dispersión Urbana y las Zonas Verdes en la Actividad Física y el Sobrepreso/Obesidad en países Euro-Mediterráneos (EUIN2017-87667) Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Nacional)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado