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Santiago Jose Hurtado Bermudez

Catedrático de Universidad
Área de conocimiento: Física Aplicada
Departamento: Física Aplicada II
Grupo: FISICA NUCLEAR APLICADA - RNM-138 (Universidad de Sevilla)

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 A benchmark for Monte Carlo simulations in gamma-ray spectrometry Part II: True coincidence summing correction factors APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2024 Assessment of soil redistribution rates in a Mediterranean olive orchard in South Spain using two approaches: 239+240Pu and soil erosion modelling CATENA
Artículo2023 A comparison of 210Pbxs, 137Cs, and Pu isotopes as proxies of soil redistribution in South Spain under severe erosion conditions JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Artículo2023 Motivation and feelings of competence among university students in introductory physics RESEARCH IN SCIENCE EDUCATION
Artículo2023 Recycling bio-based wastes into road-base binder: mechanical, leaching, and radiological implications APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
Artículo2023 The effects of combining virtual laboratory and advanced technology research laboratory on university students' conceptual understanding of electron microscopy INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS
Artículo2022 Characterization and radioactive evaluation of the concrete from a radiotherapy bunker Structural Concrete
Artículo2021 Assessment of natural radioactivity levels and radiation exposure in new building materials in Spain RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY
Artículo2021 Correlation of phytoplankton satellite observations and radiological doses in molluscs. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2021 Gender equality in five- to six-year-old preschoolers' early competences in science do not protect schoolgirls from gender stereotypes European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
Artículo2021 Optimization of AlphaGUARD AquaKIT set-up for analysis of radon in water using stainless-steel bottles and its validation through IAEA standard samples RADIATION MEASUREMENTS
Artículo2020 Consistency test of coincidence-summing calculation methods for extended sources APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2020 Determination of 210Po in low-level wild bilberries reference material for quality control assurance in environmental analysis using extraction chromatography and α-particle spectroscopy RADIOCHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2020 Determining the probability of locating peaks using computerized peak-location methods in gamma-ray spectra as a function of the relative peak-area uncertainty APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2020 Environmental impact of phosphogypsum-derived building materials INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2020 Identification of humid periods in the Atacama Desert through hillslope activity established by infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE
Artículo2019 A benchmark for Monte Carlo simulation in gamma-ray spectrometry APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2019 Comparison and validation of methods for the determination of Sr-90 by Cerenkov counting in biological and sediment samples, including green chemistry metrics JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo2019 Geographical origin of bivalve molluscs in coastal areas using natural radioactivity fingerprinting and multivariate statistical analyses: Andalusian coast as case of study JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
Artículo2019 Levels of radionuclide concentrations in benthic invertebrate species from the Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean, during 2012–2018 MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2018 Baseline activity concentration of Po-210 and Pb-210 and dose assessment in bivalve molluscs at the Andalusian coast MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Artículo2018 Comparison of solvent extraction and extraction chromatography resin techniques for uranium isotopic characterization in high-level radioactive waste and barrier materials APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2018 Isolation of U-236 and Pu-239,Pu-240 from seawater samples and its determination by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry TALANTA
Artículo2018 Natural and artificial radionuclides in a marine core. First results of U-236 in North Atlantic Ocean sediments JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY
Artículo2017 A sequential determination of Sr-90 and Po-210 in food samples FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2017 GEANT4 simulation of the response of a liquid scintillation counter JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION
Artículo2016 Equivalence of computer codes for calculation of coincidence summing correction factors - Part II APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2016 Rapid determination of Pb-210 and Po-210 in water and application to marine samples TALANTA
Artículo2015 Application of gamma-ray spectrometry in a NORM industry for its radiometrical characterization RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY
Artículo2015 Uranium immobilization by FEBEX bentonite and steel barriers in hydrothermal conditions CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2014 Competitive effect of the metallic canister and clay barrier on the sorption of Eu3+ under subcritical conditions APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY
Artículo2014 Effect of clays and metal containers in retaining Sm3+ and ZrO2+ and the process of reversibility AMERICAN MINERALOGIST
Artículo2014 Equivalence of computer codes for calculation of coincidence summing correction factors APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2014 Quantification and comparison of the reaction properties of FEBEX and MX-80 clays with saponite: Europium immobilisers under subcritical conditions APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE
Artículo2013 Radionuclide activities and metal concentrations in sediments of the Sebou Estuary, NW Morocco, following a flooding event ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT
Artículo2012 Determination of trace element concentrations and stable lead, uranium and thorium isotope ratios by quadrupole-ICP-MS in NORM and NORM-polluted sample leachates JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
Artículo2012 Intercomparison of methods for coincidence summing corrections in gamma-ray spectrometry-part II (volume sources) APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Capítulo2012 Uranium pollution in an estuary affected by two different contamination sources Springer Geology
Artículo2011 Interaction of Eu-isotopes with saponite as a component of the engineered barrier APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE
Artículo2011 Radiological impact of cement, concrete and admixtures in Spain RADIATION MEASUREMENTS
Artículo2011 Uranium pollution in an estuary affected by pyrite acid mine drainage and releases of naturally occurring radioactive materials MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN
Capítulo2011 Uranium pollution in an estuary affected by two different contamination sources The New Uranium Mining Boom: Challenge and Lessons Learned
Artículo2010 239PU, 240PU, and 241AM Determination in Hot Particles by Low Level Gamma-Spectrometry ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2010 An intercomparison of Monte Carlo codes used for in-situ gamma-ray spectrometry RADIATION MEASUREMENTS
Ponencia2010 Geochronology of recent sediments from the Cariaco Trench (Venezuela) by Alpha Spectrometry of Pb-210 ((210)po). VIII LATIN AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS
Artículo2010 Intercomparison of methods for coincidence summing corrections in gamma-ray spectrometry APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2010 Radioanalytical determination of actinoids in refractory matrices by alkali fusion JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo2009 Coincidence summing corrections in gamma-ray spectrometry using GEANT4 code IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE
Artículo2009 Contamination and restoration of an estuary affected by phosphogypsum releases SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2009 Radioactivity contents in dicalcium phosphate and the potential radiological risk to human populations JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
Artículo2008 A fitting algorithm based on simulated annealing techniques for efficiency calibration of HPGe detectors using different mathematical functions NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT
Artículo2008 An intercomparison of Monte Carlo codes used in gamma-ray spectrometry APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Ponencia2008 Measurement of 210Pb and its application to evaluate contamination in an area affected by NORM releases NATURAL RADIATION ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2008 Numerical analysis of alpha spectra using two different codes APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Ponencia2008 Time evolution of activity concentration of natural emitters in a scenario affected by previous phosphogypsum contamination NATURAL RADIATION ENVIRONMENT
Artículo2007 A self-sufficient and general method for self-absorption correction in gamma-ray spectrometry using GEANT4 NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT
Artículo2007 Calibration and measurement of Pb-210 using two independent techniques RADIATION MEASUREMENTS
Artículo2006 Optimized background reduction in low-level gamma-ray spectrometry at a surface laboratory APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2004 GEANT4 code for simulation of a germanium gamma-ray detector and its application to efficiency calibration NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT
Artículo2004 Monte Carlo simulation of the response of a germanium detector for low-level spectrometry measurements using GEANT4 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES
Artículo2003 Pb-210 determination in lead shields for low-level gamma-spectrometry applying two independent radiometric techniques NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/03/2006 28/02/2009 Investigador/a Técnicas ultrasensibles para la determinación de radionucleidos en materiales ambientales (EXC/2005/RNM-419) Junta de Andalucía (Plan Andaluz de Investigación) (Autonómico)
31/01/2008 31/12/2012 Investigador/a Aplicación de Técnicas de Datación por Isótopos Radiactivos en Ecosistemas Naturales Andaluces (P07-RNM-02567) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico)
01/01/2022 31/05/2023 Investigador/a Desarrollo del Laboratorio de Estudios Avanzados de DEtectores de Radiación. Acrónimo: LEADER (US-1380791) Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Autonómico)
01/01/2011 30/09/2014 Investigador/a Centro para Ensayos de Irradiación en Dispositivos para Espacio (TEC2010-22095-C03-02) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
05/10/2021 30/06/2023 Investigador/a Radioactive TRACErs and novel modelling techniques for an accurate quantification of the biological pump and ocean CARBON storage. TRACECARBON (P20_01217) Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Autonómico)
01/01/2016 30/04/2019 Investigador/a Resolución de Problemas Ambientales Marinos y Terrestres Clave Mediante Nuevos Desarrollos en Espectrometría de Masas con Acelerador de Baja Energía (Leams) en el CNA (FIS2015-69673-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/01/2013 31/12/2015 Investigador/a Espectrometría de Masas con Aceleradores de Baja Energías (Leams) en el Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA): Datación y Aplicaciones Ambientales (FIS2012-31853) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional)
01/10/2007 31/12/2010 Investigador/a Materiales compuestos de matriz cerámica y fases de baja dimensionalidad orientados a la gestión de residuos (CTQ2007-63297) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
01/10/2007 30/09/2010 Investigador/a Centro para ensayos de irradiación de circuitos integrados (ESP2007-65914-C03-02) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional)
23/01/2023 30/09/2025 Responsable DEveloping rePOsitories for CARBON export quantification in the ocean (DEPOCARBON) (PCM_00063) Junta de Andalucía: Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación (Autonómico)
01/09/2024 31/08/2027 Responsable Hacia una mejor cuantificación del hundimiento del carbono orgánico particulado en el océano (PID2023-149513NB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
30/12/1998 31/12/1999 Investigador/a PROGRAMA DE VIGILANCIA RADIOLÓGICA AMBIENTAL (OG-024/99)
01/01/2000 31/12/2000 Investigador/a Plan de vigilancia radiactiva ambiental de el Cabril y la FUA de Andújar (OG-074/00) Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Desconocido)
01/01/2020 31/12/2027 Investigador/a Convenio entre el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear y la Universidad de Sevilla, sobre un programa de vigilancia radiológica ambiental (red de estaciones de muestreo) (3848/0367) Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Desconocido)
02/03/2021 01/03/2023 Investigador/a Convenio entre el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear y la Universidad de Sevilla para la ejecución de proyecto de I+D sobre "Desarrollo de procedimientos de actuación de los laboratorios de la red de vigilancia radiológica ambiental del CSN en situaciones especiales". (4083/0691) Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Desconocido)
01/01/2020 31/12/2027 Investigador/a Convenio entre el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear y la Universidad de Sevilla, sobre el programa de vigilancia radiológica ambiental independiente en el entorno de la fábrica de concentrados de uranio de Andújar (FUA) y la instalación nuclear de almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos sólidos de Sierra Albarrana. Centro de Almacenamiento El Cabril (CA El Cabril) (3849/0367) Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Desconocido)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado