Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Maria Del Carmen Gallego Lopez

Predoctoral PIF VI Plan Propio
Área de conocimiento: Fisiología
Departamento: Fisiología

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Folic acid antioxidant supplementation to binge drinking adolescent rats improves hydric-saline balance and blood pressure, but fails to increase renal NO availability and glomerular filtration rate. FASEB JOURNAL
Resumen congreso2024 P6-21 Folic acid, a protective antioxidant against binge drinking-induced energetic imbalance in skeletal muscle of adolescent rats JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Resumen congreso2024 P6-25 Selenite supplementation mitigates binge drinking-induced lipid peroxidation and stimulates adiponectin levels in adolescent rats JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Resumen congreso2024 P6-50 Folic acid supplementation improves lipid dysregulation caused by binge drinking in adolescent rats JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Artículo2024 Selenium supplementation via modulation of selenoproteins ameliorates binge drinking-induced oxidative, energetic, metabolic, and endocrine imbalance in adolescent rats' skeletal muscle. FOOD & FUNCTION
Artículo2023 Adipose tissue homeostasis orchestrates the oxidative, energetic, metabolic and endocrine disruption induced by binge drinking in adolescent rats. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
Artículo2023 Binge drinking leads to an oxidative and metabolic imbalance in skeletal muscle during adolescence in rats: endocrine repercussion JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Ponencia2023 Folic acid homeostasis and its pathways related to hepatic oxidation inadolescent rats exposed to binge drinking Compass Conference: Transferable Skills for Research & Innovation
Artículo2023 Microbiota-liver-bile salts axis, a novel mechanism involved in the contrasting effects of sodium selenite and selenium-nanoparticle supplementation on adipose tissue development in adolescent rats ANTIOXIDANTS
Resumen congreso2023 P02-7 Binge drinking disrupts skeletal muscle oxidative and energetic balance during adolescence in rats 50th European Muscle Conference. Book of abstracts
Ponencia2023 Skeletal muscle oxidative and energetic balance during adolescence in rats is disturbed by binge drinking Compass Conference: Transferable Skills for Research & Innovation
Revisión2022 Binge drinking during the adolescence period causes oxidative damage-induced cardiometabolic disorders: a possible ameliorative approach with selenium supplementation LIFE SCIENCES
Resumen congreso2022 Binge drinking reduces adolescent Wistar rats’ adipose tissue mass contributing to insulin resistance JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Artículo2022 Different effects of low selenite and selenium-nanoparticle supplementation on adipose tissue function and insulin secretion in adolescent male rats NUTRIENTS
Resumen congreso2022 Folic acid by modulating antioxidant enzyme balance avoids binge drinking-oxidative damage in liver, kidney and heart of adolescent rats JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Artículo2022 Folic acid homeostasis and its pathways related to hepatic oxidation in adolescent rats exposed to binge drinking ANTIOXIDANTS
Resumen congreso2022 Selenium nanoparticles and selenite supplementation impact white adipose tissue insulin receptor expression and adipogenesis diferently during adolescence JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Resumen congreso2022 SIRT-1 increases beta-cell function in adolescent binge drinking rats despite the fact that oxidative damage occurs JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Resumen congreso2021 CO 071. Acción antioxidante del ácido fólico a través de la eNOS en ratas adolescentes sometidas a Binge Drinking Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición
Resumen congreso2021 El estado de selenio maternal afecta a la programación hematológica de las crías Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición
Artículo2021 Selenium, a dietary-antioxidant with cardioprotective effects, prevents the impairments in heart rate and systolic blood pressure in adolescent rats exposed to binge drinking treatment American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Resumen congreso2020 Folic acid, an antioxidant against the renal damage generated by binge drinking consumption during adolescence in rats ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM
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