IBOSAM - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo de colectivo: Grupo de investigación
Estado: Grupo definitivo
Ámbito: Andalucía
Instituciones: Universidad de Sevilla
Fecha de creación: 01/01/1995

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Folic acid antioxidant supplementation to binge drinking adolescent rats improves hydric-saline balance and blood pressure, but fails to increase renal NO availability and glomerular filtration rate. FASEB JOURNAL
Resumen congreso2024 P6-21 Folic acid, a protective antioxidant against binge drinking-induced energetic imbalance in skeletal muscle of adolescent rats JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Resumen congreso2024 P6-25 Selenite supplementation mitigates binge drinking-induced lipid peroxidation and stimulates adiponectin levels in adolescent rats JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Resumen congreso2024 P6-50 Folic acid supplementation improves lipid dysregulation caused by binge drinking in adolescent rats JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Artículo2024 Selenium supplementation via modulation of selenoproteins ameliorates binge drinking-induced oxidative, energetic, metabolic, and endocrine imbalance in adolescent rats' skeletal muscle. FOOD & FUNCTION
Artículo2024 Uncovering the Role of Selenite and Selenium Nanoparticles (SeNPs) in Adolescent Rat Adipose Tissue beyond Oxidative Balance: Transcriptomic Analysis ANTIOXIDANTS
Capítulo2024 Uso de la herramienta wooclap como mecanismo para favorecer y evaluar la asistencia en clases presenciales de educación universitaria de grado Enseñanza e innovación educativa en el ámbito universitario
Artículo2023 Adipose tissue homeostasis orchestrates the oxidative, energetic, metabolic and endocrine disruption induced by binge drinking in adolescent rats. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
Artículo2023 Binge drinking leads to an oxidative and metabolic imbalance in skeletal muscle during adolescence in rats: endocrine repercussion JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Divulgación2023 El alcohol, ‘tu amante bandido’ The Conversation
Ponencia2023 Folic acid homeostasis and its pathways related to hepatic oxidation inadolescent rats exposed to binge drinking Compass Conference: Transferable Skills for Research & Innovation
Artículo2023 Instagram como herramienta de aprendizaje en Fisiología: @fisiofarma_us RESCIFAR Revista Española de Ciencias Farmacéuticas
Artículo2023 Microbiota-liver-bile salts axis, a novel mechanism involved in the contrasting effects of sodium selenite and selenium-nanoparticle supplementation on adipose tissue development in adolescent rats ANTIOXIDANTS
Resumen congreso2023 P02-7 Binge drinking disrupts skeletal muscle oxidative and energetic balance during adolescence in rats 50th European Muscle Conference. Book of abstracts
Revisión2023 Selenium, selenoproteins and cancer of the thyroid Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
Ponencia2023 Skeletal muscle oxidative and energetic balance during adolescence in rats is disturbed by binge drinking Compass Conference: Transferable Skills for Research & Innovation
Resumen congreso2022 @Fisiofarma_us outreach activity: a novel way to learn physiology at the University of Seville EDULEARN22 Proceedings: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies : July 4th-6th, 2022
Revisión2022 Binge drinking during the adolescence period causes oxidative damage-induced cardiometabolic disorders: a possible ameliorative approach with selenium supplementation LIFE SCIENCES
Resumen congreso2022 Binge drinking reduces adolescent Wistar rats’ adipose tissue mass contributing to insulin resistance JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Resumen congreso2022 Could ‘"Instagram stories" improve physiology skills?: An experience in Pharmacy and Optics degree EDULEARN22 Proceedings: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies : July 4th-6th, 2022
Editorial2022 Dietary selenium and its antioxidant properties related to growth, lipid and energy metabolism ANTIOXIDANTS
Artículo2022 Different effects of low selenite and selenium-nanoparticle supplementation on adipose tissue function and insulin secretion in adolescent male rats NUTRIENTS
Editorial2022 Editorial: Infant and child nutrition, physical activity, oxidative stress and inflammatory signaling Frontiers in Nutrition
Resumen congreso2022 Folic acid by modulating antioxidant enzyme balance avoids binge drinking-oxidative damage in liver, kidney and heart of adolescent rats JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Artículo2022 Folic acid homeostasis and its pathways related to hepatic oxidation in adolescent rats exposed to binge drinking ANTIOXIDANTS
Revisión2022 Inflammation and oxidative stress, the links between obesity and COVID-19: a narrative review JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Resumen congreso2022 Outreach activities on instagram improve educational and physiology competencies: relationship with the course of the enrolled degree ICERI 2022: 15TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION
Resumen congreso2022 Selenium nanoparticles and selenite supplementation impact white adipose tissue insulin receptor expression and adipogenesis diferently during adolescence JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Resumen congreso2022 SIRT-1 increases beta-cell function in adolescent binge drinking rats despite the fact that oxidative damage occurs JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Revisión2022 The role of selenoprotein tissue homeostasis in MetS programming: energy balance and cardiometabolic implications ANTIOXIDANTS
Resumen congreso2022 Using instagram to increase university educational skills. The professors’ point of view ICERI 2022: 15TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION
Resumen congreso2021 CO 071. Acción antioxidante del ácido fólico a través de la eNOS en ratas adolescentes sometidas a Binge Drinking Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición
Resumen congreso2021 El estado de selenio maternal afecta a la programación hematológica de las crías Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición
Revisión2021 Fetal programming is deeply related to maternal selenium status and oxidative balance; experimental offspring health repercussions NUTRIENTS
Artículo2021 Metabolic syndrome during gestation and lactation: an important renal problem in dams. selenium renal clearance Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
Artículo2021 Selenite supplementation modulates the hepatic metabolic sensors AMPK and SIRT1 in binge drinking exposed adolescent rats by avoiding oxidative stress. FOOD & FUNCTION
Artículo2021 Selenium, a dietary-antioxidant with cardioprotective effects, prevents the impairments in heart rate and systolic blood pressure in adolescent rats exposed to binge drinking treatment American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Capítulo2020 Elaboración de un folleto-tríptico sobre aspectos relevantes de cada una de las asignaturas impartidas por el departamento de fisiología Evaluación e innovación en educación superior e investigación
Resumen congreso2020 Folic acid, an antioxidant against the renal damage generated by binge drinking consumption during adolescence in rats ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM
Resumen congreso2020 Selenium in the kidney of lactating dams with metabolic sindrome ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM
Artículo2020 Selenoproteins and renal programming in metabolic syndrome-exposed rat offspring FOOD & FUNCTION
Artículo2019 Binge drinking affects kidney function, osmotic balance, aldosterone levels, and arterial pressure in adolescent rats: the potential hypotensive effect of selenium mediated by improvements in oxidative balance HYPERTENSION RESEARCH
Resumen congreso2019 Elaboración de un tríptico sobre aspectos relevantes de las asignaturas impartidas por el departamento de fisiología de la Universidad de Sevilla Evaluación de la calidad de la investigación y de la educación superior: XVI FECIES. Libro de actas
Artículo2019 High- and low- selenium diets affect endocrine energy balance during early programming TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY
Artículo2019 Maternal metabolic syndrome and selenium: Endocrine energy balance during early programming LIFE SCIENCES
Artículo2019 Maternal selenium status is profoundly involved in metabolic fetal programming by modulating insulin resistance, oxidative balance and energy homeostasis EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2018 Fructose exposure during gestation and lactation altered hepatic selenoprotein expression, oxidative balance and metabolic profile in female rat pups JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS
Revisión2018 The role of folic acid and selenium against oxidative damage from ethanol in early life programming: a review BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY
Resumen congreso2017 ¿Se pueden soportar seis años de caída de financiación y no verse afectada la calidad investigadora de los centros? Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior: Libro de resúmenes XIV FECIES
Artículo2017 Biological implications of selenium in adolescent rats exposed to binge drinking: Oxidative, immunologic and apoptotic balance TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY
Resumen congreso2017 Kinetics of procalcitonin in neutropaenic rats afterbacterial and viral fevers JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
Artículo2017 Maternal ethanol consumption reduces Se antioxidant function in placenta and liver of embryos and breastfeeding pups LIFE SCIENCES
Artículo2017 Metabolic syndrome and selenium during gestation and lactation EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Resumen congreso2017 Opinión del alumnado respecto al uso de aplicaciones para teléfonos móviles para la realización de evaluaciones Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior: Libro de resúmenes XIV FECIES
Resumen congreso2017 Rendimiento académico del alumnado al utilizar nuevas tecnologías para evaluar las competencias en un laboratorio de prácticas Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior: Libro de resúmenes XIV FECIES
Resumen congreso2017 Role of macrophage inflammatory protein-2 in a rat modelof febrile neutropaenia JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
Artículo2016 Heart selenoproteins status of metabolic syndrome-exposed pups: A potential target for attenuating cardiac damage MOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH
Artículo2016 Metabolic syndrome and selenium in fetal programming: gender differences FOOD & FUNCTION
Capítulo2016 Selenium Dietary Supplementation and Oxidative Balance in Alcoholism Molecular Aspects of Alcohol and Nutrition: A Volume in the Molecular Nutrition Series
Artículo2016 The Benefits of Administering Folic Acid in Order to Combat the Oxidative Damage Caused by Binge Drinking in Adolescent Rats ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM
Resumen congreso2015 Actividades complementarias en el grado: buscando el equilibrio FECIES 2015
Artículo2015 Binge Drinking During Adolescence Disrupts Se Homeostasis and Its Main Hepatic Selenoprotein Expression ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH
Capítulo2015 Herramientas para mejorar la resiliencia de las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género: papel del control neuroendocrino Aportaciones a la investigación sobre mujeres y género: V Congreso Universitario Internacional
Ponencia2015 Innovation activities: a helpful tool to acquire transversal skills in master courses INTED2015: 9TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE
Artículo2014 "A concurso un congreso". Innovación docente en la asignatura "Fisiología de la digestión" ARS PHARMACEUTICA
Resumen congreso2014 Binge drinking and adolescence, selenium as a preventive antioxidant ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA
Resumen congreso2014 Fetal programming, metabolic syndrome and selenium in heart ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA
Artículo2014 Oral or Intraperitoneal Binge Drinking and Oxidative Balance in Adolescent Rats CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY
Artículo2014 Serum selenium levels and oxidative balance as differential markers in hepatic damage caused by alcohol LIFE SCIENCES
Artículo2014 Ventajas e inconvenientes de la asistencia obligatoria a “fisiología de la digestión”, una asignatura de posgrado. ARS PHARMACEUTICA
Resumen congreso2013 Implication of selenium in the metabolic syndrome programming ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM
Artículo2013 Role of selenium and glutathione peroxidase on development, growth, and oxidative balance in rat offspring REPRODUCTION
Artículo2013 Selenium dietary supplementation as a mechanism to restore hepatic selenoprotein regulation in rat pups exposed to alcohol ALCOHOL
Artículo2012 Influence of cow or goat milk consumption on antioxidant defence and lipid peroxidation during chronic iron repletion BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2012 Oxidative Effects of Chronic Ethanol Consumption on the Functions of Heart and Kidney: Folic Acid Supplementation ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM
Artículo2012 Selenium or Selenium Plus Folic Acid-Supplemented Diets Ameliorate Renal Oxidation in Ethanol-Exposed Pups ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2012 Severe nutritional iron-deficiency anaemia has a negative effect on some bone turnover biomarkers in rats EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2012 The effects of ethanol upon hydric balance and arterial pressure in rats: Folic acid as a possible hypotensor LIFE SCIENCES
Capítulo2011 Análisis del rendimiento académico de una nueva asignatura con un nuevo enfoque metodológico: la fisiología en la promoción de la salud VIII Foro sobre Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior: libro de capítulos
Artículo2011 Effect of dietary selenite on development and intestinal absorption in offspring rats LIFE SCIENCES
Artículo2011 Effects of Antioxidant Supplementation on Duodenal Se-Met Absorption in Ethanol-exposed Rat Offspring In Vivo JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2011 Incorporación de casos clínicos para la mejora de la enseñanza de Fisiopatología Revista de Enseñanza Universitaria
Artículo2011 Se bioavailability and glutathione peroxidase activity in iron deficient rats Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
Artículo2010 Different effects on zinc redistribution if ethanol is consumed before or immediately after birth Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
Artículo2010 Elaboración de los materiales didácticos necesarios para la adaptación de la enseñanza en Hematología al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior Revista de investigación educativa, RIE
Artículo2010 Folic Acid and Selenite during Reproduction, Gestation and Lactation Protect against Ethanol Changed Se Bioavailability ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM
Ponencia2010 Pathophysiology teaching through supervised work 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (ICERI2010)
Artículo2010 Selenium or selenium plus folic acid intake improves the detrimental effects of ethanol on pups' Selenium balance FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY
Artículo2010 Trabajos tutorizados en la enseñanza de hematología para estudiantes de farmacia de la Universidad de Sevilla ARS PHARMACEUTICA
Artículo2009 Alcohol, Gestation and Breastfeeding: Selenium as an Antioxidant Therapy ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM
Artículo2009 Beneficial Role of Dietary Folic Acid on Cholesterol and Bile Acid Metabolism in Ethanol-Fed Rats JOURNAL OF STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS
Artículo2009 Dietary Selenium plus Folic Acid as an Antioxidant Therapy for Ethanol-Exposed Pups BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH PART B-DEVELOPMENTAL AND REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY
Artículo2009 Ethanol Consumption by Wistar Rat Dams Affects Selenium Bioavailability and Antioxidant Balance in Their Progeny INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Artículo2009 Selenium tissue distribution changes after ethanol exposure during gestation and lactation: Selenite as a therapy FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY
Capítulo2008 Aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) como herramienta para la mejora de la enseñanza de hematología Experiencia de innovación universitaria: curso 2005/2006
Artículo2008 Lipid metabolism in ethanol-treated rat pups and adults: Effects of folic acid ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM
Artículo2008 The role of amino phospholipids in the removal of the cito- and geno-toxic aldehydes produced during lipid oxidation FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY
Artículo2007 A preliminary analysis of within-subject variation in human serum oxidative stress parameters as a function of time REJUVENATION RESEARCH
Artículo2007 Effect of maternal ethanol consumption during pregnancy and lactation on kinetic parameters of folic acid intestinal transport in suckling rats JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE BIOLOGY
Artículo2007 Effects of prenatal or postnatal ethanol consumption on zinc intestinal absorption and excretion in rats ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM
Capítulo2007 Enseñanza complementaria de Hematología por internet Experiencia de innovación universitaria: curso 2004-2005
Artículo2007 Response of the exocrine pancreas to the CCK on offspring rats of ethanol dams. Effects of folic acid ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM
Artículo2006 Identification and localization of procalcitonin-like immunoreactivity in the rat hypothalamus Neuroscience Letters
Artículo2005 Changes produced in the antioxidative activity of phospholipids as a consequence of their oxidation JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2005 Circulating inflammatory mediators during start of fever in differential diagnosis of gram-negative and gram-positive infections in leukopenic rats CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY IMMUNOLOGY
Artículo2005 Hepatic S-adenosylmethionine after maternal alcohol exposure on offspring rats ADDICTION BIOLOGY
Artículo2005 Nonenymatic Browning, Fluorescence Development, and Formation of Pyrrole Derivatives in Phosphatidylethanolamine/ Ribose/Lysine Model Systems JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE
Artículo2005 Phospholipid oxidation and nonenzymatic browning development in phosphatidylethanolamine/ribose/lysine model systems EUROPEAN FOOD RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2005 The effect of oxidation on the antioxidant activity of phospholipids ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
Artículo2004 Acción de la procalcitonina sobre la temperatura corporal Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (Ed. impresa)
Artículo2004 Determination of pyrrolized phospholipids in oxidized phospholipid vesicles and lipoproteins ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY
Artículo2004 Gender difference in the pancreatic trypsinogen response to ethanol withdrawal in rat pups ADDICTION BIOLOGY
Artículo2004 Neutralization of macrophage inflammatory protein-2 blocks the febrile response induced by lipopolysaccharide in rats Journal of Thermal Biology
Artículo2004 Prolonged ethanol ingestion increases renal AQP2 and AQP3 expression in adult rats and in their offspring JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE BIOLOGY
Artículo2004 Sex-related differences in effect of ethanol administration and folic acid supplementation on pancreatic amylase in rats INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR VITAMIN AND NUTRITION RESEARCH
Artículo2003 Algunas claves ocultas sobre la fiebre Farmacia Hispalense
Artículo2003 Effect of prenatal exposure to ethanol on hepatic elongation factor-2 and proteome in 21 D old rats: Protective effect of folic acid FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE
Artículo2003 Effect of the pyrrole polymerization mechanism on the antioxidative activity of nonenzymatic browning reactions JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2003 Effects of ethanol and folic acid consumption during pregnancy and lactation on basal enzymatic secretion in the duodenal juice of offspring rats NUTRITION
Artículo2003 Effects of maternal ethanol consumption during pregnancy or lactation on intestinal absorption of folic acid in suckling rats LIFE SCIENCES
Resumen congreso2003 Role of macrophage inflammatory protein-2 in a rat model of febrile neutropenia J PHYSIOL
Artículo2001 Brown and white adipose tissue lipid composition in three successive progenies of rats: Effects of ethanol exposure ARCHIVES OF ANIMAL NUTRITION-ARCHIV FUR TIERERNAHRUNG
Ponencia2001 Determinación de la composición química de piezas metálicas históricas: aplicación a un bronce romano III Congreso Nacional de Arqueometría
Artículo2001 Effects of chronic ethanol ingestion on nutritional status in three successive generations of rats NUTRITION RESEARCH
Artículo2001 Effects of maternal chronic alcohol administration in the rat: lactation performance and pup's growth EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2001 Protective effect of folic acid against oxidative stress produced in 21-day postpartum rats by maternal-ethanol chronic consumption during pregnancy and lactation period FREE RADICAL RESEARCH
Artículo2000 Effects of folic acid and amino acids supplementation on zinc intestinal absorption in the progeny of ethanol-treated rats JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Artículo2000 Intestinal absorption and biliary secretion of 5MTHF: Effect of ethanol JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY
Artículo1999 Effect of chronic ethanol consumption on fatty acid profile of heart tissue in rats ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo1999 Effect of long term intake of ethanol on nutritional status of rats NUTRITION RESEARCH
Artículo1999 Folic acid intestinal absorption in newborn rats at 21 day postpartum: Effects of maternal ethanol consumption LIFE SCIENCES
Capítulo1998 Alteraciones de las secreciones digestivas Fundamentos de fisiopatología
Ponencia1998 Comparative effects of zinc intestinal absorption through different intestinal segments in offspring rats: effects of ethanol JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
Ponencia1998 Effect of chronic ethanol ingestion on zinc duodenal absorption and zinc serum levels during pregnancy or lactation in rats JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
Ponencia1998 Effect of ethanol on exocrine pancreatic function in newborn rats at 21 days postpartum JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
Artículo1998 Intestinal absorption and enterohepatic circulation of folic acid: Effect of ethanol DIGESTION
Artículo1998 Zinc intestinal absorption in pup rats: effects of maternal ethanol consumption LIFE SCIENCES
Artículo1997 Chronic alcoholism decreases polyunsaturated fatty acid levels in human plasma, erythrocytes, and platelets influence of chronic liver disease THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS
Artículo1996 Changes in the ileal disaccharidase activities in rats after long-term ethanol feeding ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM
Ponencia1996 Effect of alcohol on the intestinal absorption and the enterohepatic circulation of folates JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
Artículo1996 Folate absorption in the caecum of chronic ethanol-fed rats: In vivo studies ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM
Artículo1996 Folate absorption in the jejunum of chronic ethanol-fed rats: In vivo studies ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM
Ponencia1996 Folic acid levels in serum and milk. Body weights, brain and liver weights, and intestinal length at the end of lactation period. Effects of ethanol and supplementation folic acid diets JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON
Artículo1995 Changes in the fatty-acid profile of plasma and adipose-tissue in rats after long-term ethanol feeding ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo1994 Comparative effects of intestinal-absorption of folic-acid and methyltetrahydrofolic acid in chronic ethanol-fed rats ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM
Artículo1993 The effect of ethanol on intestinal l-leucine absorption in rats ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES DE PHYSIOLOGIE DE BIOCHIMIE ET DE BIOPHYSIQUE
Artículo1992 Effect of chronic ethanol on d-galactose absorption by the rat whole intestinal surface ALCOHOL
Artículo1990 Changes in lipid parameters after intestinal resection or bypass in the rat ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES DE PHYSIOLOGIE DE BIOCHIMIE ET DE BIOPHYSIQUE
Artículo1990 Comparative effect of distal and proximal intestinal resection and bypass on the rat exocrine pancreas RESEARCH IN EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE
Artículo1990 Electrolyte transport in rat colon: Comparative effects of intestinal resections and bypass Clinical Physiology and Biochemistry
Artículo1989 D-galactose absorption for the whole intestinal surface after different types of resection and bypass SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY
Artículo1988 Disaccharidase activities after jejunoileal bypass in rat Revista Española de Fisiología
Artículo1988 Galactose absorption after jejunoileal bypass in rats NUTRITION REPORTS INTERNATIONAL
Artículo1988 Leucine absorption after jejunoileal bypass in rats. Revista Española de Fisiología
Artículo1988 Leucine absorption for the whole intestine in the rat: comparison between resection and bypass Medical Science Research
Artículo1987 The influence of jejunoileal bypass on villous and mucosal surface area in rats Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Gastroenterology
Artículo1985 Valoración comparativa de distintasfracciones lipídicas en humanos, ratas patrrones y ratas con resección Análisis Clínicos

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Denominación Agencia financiadora Importe concedido
03/02/2010 31/12/2014 Procesamiento Sensorio-Motor Durante el Sueño en el Sistema Oculomotor (P09-CVI-4712) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico) 258.667,68 €
01/01/2010 31/12/2013 El sistema oculomotor como modelo de procesamiento motor durante el sueño. Aplicaciones al diagnóstico de patologías del sueño (SAF2009-10560) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 121.000,00 €
01/01/2009 31/12/2009 Organización del sistema oculomotor durante el sueño. Implicaciones funcionales del sueño en el aprendizaje sensorio-motor. (BFU2008-04537) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 36.300,00 €
31/01/2008 31/12/2012 Los Movimientos Oculares Microsacádicos: Generación, Control y Valor Diagnóstico (P07-CVI-02717) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico) 196.000,16 €
17/10/2006 30/12/2009 Influencia del ácido fólico y del selenio sobre el daño oxidativo provocado por el alcohol y por los procesos tumorales (PI060335) Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) (Nacional) 53.240,00 €
31/12/2005 31/12/2008 Papel de la acetilcolina en la generación de los movimientos oculares durante el ciclo vigilia-sueño (BFU2005-01579) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional) 133.280,00 €
01/12/2002 01/12/2005 Papel del núcleo prespositus higoglossi en la integración y control de las señales vistibulares y su implicación en los procesos de compensación vestibular (BFI2002-01378) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional) 133.250,00 €