Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones de la editorial Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group)

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Capítulo2024A clash with censorship: applying a grounded-theory approach to Arturo Barea’s "La llama"A qualitative approach to translation studies: spotlighting translation problems: Spotlighting Translation Problems
Artículo2024Did submission rules affect the submission sizes of the units to the UK’s Research Excellence Framework in 2014?Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education
Artículo2024E-motions and participation in technopopulist Movement-parties. Enthusiasm and technopolitical disillusionInnovation
Capítulo2024Folklore, narratives and metanarratives: the commodification of FC Barcelona's storytellingFC Barcelona: history, politics and identity
Artículo2024Journalistic Roles at the Local Press: Between Demographic Characteristics and the Commitment with the CommunityJournalism Practice
Artículo2024Loyalty in the newsroom. Employment relationships in public service broadcastingJournalism Practice
Capítulo2024The “epic of the anglo-saxons”: the many cultural streams of BeowulfThe epic world
Artículo2024The Methodology Used by Fact-Checkers. An In-Depth Analysis of Commonly Used StrategiesJournalism Practice
Capítulo2024Translations problems in superhero and western graphic narrativesA qualitative approach to translation studies: spotlighting translation problems: Spotlighting Translation Problems
Libro2023Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femeninoComunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Capítulo2023Conclusiones y perspectivas de futuroComunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Capítulo2023Digitalization and the impact on the labour relationsThe European Digital Economy: Drivers of Digital Transition and Economic Recovery
Capítulo2023Healthy universities: the case of Nebrija University and its program of physical activity and sport Sport management in the Ibero-American world: product and service innovations
Capítulo2023Ibero-American sport management: challenges and opportunitiesSport management in the Ibero-American world: product and service innovations
Capítulo2023Innovation in sport centres: accessibility and adapted sports programmes Sport management in the Ibero-American world: product and service innovations
Capítulo2023Islands and their marvels as structural principle in the so-called historiographical section of the De mirabilibus auscultationibus*Historiography and Mythography in the Aristotelian Mirabilia
Capítulo2023Las intervenciones institucionales de rectoras universitariasComunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Capítulo2023Lenguaje inclusivo y género no binario en español. Análisis de propuestas y usos de los hablantes1Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Capítulo2023Managing employee's health while they are teleworking: a corporate well-being model in times of COVID-19Sport management in the Ibero-American world: product and service innovations
Capítulo2023Mujeres entrevistadoras y entrevistadasComunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Capítulo2023Sport in the Iberian Peninsula An introductionSport in the Iberian Peninsula
Libro2023Sport management in the Ibero-American world: product and service innovations Sport management in the Ibero-American world: product and service innovations
Capítulo2023Sports entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in the Iberian PeninsulaSport in the Iberian Peninsula
Capítulo2023The Iberian fitness industry Experiences from Portugal and SpainSport in the Iberian Peninsula
Capítulo2023Traditional games and sports of the Iberian Peninsula as tourist attractionsSport in the Iberian Peninsula
Capítulo2023Translation problems in superhero and western graphic narrativesA qualitative approach to translation studies: spotlighting translation problems: Spotlighting Translation Problems
Capítulo2022Challenges in Sport MarketingMarketing Analysis in Sport Business
Capítulo2022Christian freedom and natural freedom: An introduction to an archaeology of Catholic controversies over slaveryRethinking Catholicism in Renaissance Spain
Capítulo2022Dialectos del español y escrituraDialectología hispánica / The Routledge handbook of Spanish dialectology
Capítulo2022Gay athletes at the 2017 World OutgamesSport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe
Artículo2022Gender and women in the governance of silvopastoral systemsGovernance for Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: lessons from the Iberian dehesas and montados
Editorial2022IntroductionGovernance for Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: lessons from the Iberian dehesas and montados
Artículo2022LandownersGovernance for Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: lessons from the Iberian dehesas and montados
Capítulo2022Lenguaje inclusivo y género no binario en español. Análisis de propuestas y usos de los hablantesComunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Editorial2022Lessons learnt and ways forwardGovernance for Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: lessons from the Iberian dehesas and montados
Capítulo2022Medioambiente y estudios del discursoEstudios del discurso
Artículo2022Portrait of an inclusive lecturer: professional and personal attributesInnovation
Capítulo2022Professions and local usersGovernance for Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: lessons from the Iberian dehesas and montados
Capítulo2022Property rights and rights of useGovernance for Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: lessons from the Iberian dehesas and montados
Capítulo2022The marine reserve of fishing interest at Cape Roche (Conil, Spain)Transdisciplinary Marine Research
Capítulo2021"The reader's information" and Norte de la contratación: the translation and circulation of commercial information between Seville and London around 1700American globalization, 1492-1850: trans-cultural consumption in Spanish Latin America
Capítulo2021“That in the reducciones had been noise of weapons …”: the introduction of firearms in the seventeenth-century Jesuit missions of ParaguayAmerican globalization, 1492-1850: trans-cultural consumption in Spanish Latin America
Capítulo2021Acquisition of idiomatic language in L2 SpanishSpanish Vocabulary Learning in Meaning-Oriented Instruction
Libro2021American globalization, 1492-1850: trans-cultural consumption in Spanish Latin AmericaAmerican globalization, 1492-1850: trans-cultural consumption in Spanish Latin America
Capítulo2021Anti-immigrant hate speech as propaganda. A comparison between Donald Trump and Santiago Abascal on TwitterHate Speech and Polarization in Participatory Society
Artículo2021Challenges to inclusive education at the university: the perspective of students and disability support service staffInnovation
Capítulo2021Community-based tourism, heritage conservation and improved urban design - Santa Maria del Tule, Oaxaca, MexicoRoutledge handbook of community based tourism management: concepts, issues & implications
Capítulo2021European imperialism, war, strategic commodities and ecological limits: the diffusion of Hemp in Spanish South America and its ghost fibersAmerican globalization, 1492-1850: trans-cultural consumption in Spanish Latin America
Artículo2021Gender equality in five- to six-year-old preschoolers' early competences in science do not protect schoolgirls from gender stereotypesEuropean Early Childhood Education Research Journal
Libro2021Governance for Mediterranean Silvopastoral SystemsGovernance for Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: lessons from the Iberian dehesas and montados
Artículo2021Improving the academic experience of students with disabilities in higher education: faculty members of Social Sciences and Law speak outInnovation
Otros2021IntroductionGovernance for Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: lessons from the Iberian dehesas and montados
Capítulo2021LandownersGovernance for Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: lessons from the Iberian dehesas and montados
Capítulo2021Lesson learnt and ways forwardGovernance for Mediterranean silvopastoral systems: lessons from the Iberian dehesas and montados
Capítulo2021Mapping ethical dilemmas for sports journalism: an overview of the Spanish landscapeThe Routledge companion to journalism ethics
Capítulo2021Meaning and vocabulary: two key elements in Spanish language teachingSpanish Vocabulary Learning in Meaning-Oriented Instruction
Capítulo2021Orientalism and the mass media—a study of the representation of Muslims in Southern European TV fction Hate Speech and Polarization in Participatory Society
Capítulo2021Orientalism and the mass media—a study of the representation of Muslims in Southern European TV fiction: The case of Spanish prime-time TV seriesHate Speech and Polarization in Participatory Society
Libro2021Spanish vocabulary learning in meaning-oriented instructionSpanish Vocabulary Learning in Meaning-Oriented Instruction
Capítulo2021The coins of al-Andalus: ideological evolution and historicalcontextThe Routledge Handbook Of Muslim Iberia
Capítulo2021The mediterranean as the EU human rights boundaryThe pluriverse of human rights: the diversity of struggles for dignity: the diversity of struggles for dignity
Capítulo2020(Re)constructing identity after aphasia: A preliminary study about how people with aphasia describe their selvesIdentity construction and illness narratives in persons with disabilities
Artículo2020A Mirage of Change: Visibility of Politicians on TVE during the 2015 and 2016 General ElectionsJournalism Practice
Capítulo2020An epistemological proposal for the Anthropology of Disasters The Venezuelan schoolANTHROPOLOGY OF DISASTERS IN LATIN AMERICA: STATE OF THE ART
Capítulo2020Conclusion and future perspectivesIdentity construction and illness narratives in persons with disabilities
Capítulo2020Decreasing the fear of falling in older adults: The use of Adapted Utilitarian JudoSport Coaching with Diverse Populations: Theory and Practice
Artículo2020Exploring pre-service primary teachers’ progression towards inquiry-based science learningEDUCATIONAL RESEARCH
Capítulo2020Iconic architecture or theme park? Seville's cinematographic reinvention for tourism purposes (1914-1930)TOURISM FICTIONS, SIMULACRA AND VIRTUALITIES
Artículo2020Media accountability and journalists: to whom do Spanish professionals feel responsible?Journalism Practice
Capítulo2020Narrative identity is social contextIdentity construction and illness narratives in persons with disabilities
Capítulo2020Narrative inquiry in disability researchIdentity construction and illness narratives in persons with disabilities
Capítulo2020Pragmatics and argumentationThe routledge handbook of Spanish pragmatics: foundations and interfaces
Capítulo2020Self-access language centresAutonomy in Language Education
Artículo2020Social capital, personal values and economic development: effect on innovation. An international analysisInnovation
Capítulo2020The Olympic Games as a global media event. A political and social analysis of Rio 2016 through the media. Sport, Globalisation and Identity
Artículo2019Branding cultural events using external reference points: Cervantes and the Festival Internacional Cervantino, MexicoROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF FESTIVALS
Artículo2019Learning from experience: training for faculty members on disabilityPerspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education
Artículo2019Pornography Influence Among Young Students: Adaptation and Validation of Pornography Consumption Inventory into SpanishJournal of Sex and Marital Therapy
Capítulo2019Taiye Selasi and the Afropolitan daughters of the diasporaWomen on the Move: Body, Memory and Femininity in Present-Day Transnational Diasporic Writing
Capítulo2019The hispanic ballad of the death of the Duke of Gandía: propaganda against or sympathy for the Borgias?The Borgia Family
Artículo2019The real happiness in education: the inclusive curriculumThe Routledge handbook of positive communication: contributions of an emerging community of research on communication for happiness and social change
Capítulo2019Tourism pressure as a cultural change factor: the case of the Guelaguetza festival, Oaxaca, MexicoROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF FESTIVALS
Capítulo2019Translation of Hispanic comics and graphic novelsROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF SPANISH TRANSLATION STUDIES
Capítulo2019Verbal humor and age in cafés and bars in Seville, SpainPragmatic Variation in Service Encounter Interactions across the Spanish-Speaking World
Capítulo2018Methodological lessons for the integration of philosophy of science and aesthetics: The case of representationTHINKING ABOUT SCIENCE, REFLECTING ON ART: BRINGING AESTHETICS AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE TOGETHER
Capítulo2018Non-academic multiple source use on the internetHANDBOOK OF MULTIPLE SOURCE USE
Capítulo2018Under the skin of british history bodies in transit in andrea levy’s small island (2004)Women on the Move: Body, Memory and Femininity in Present-Day Transnational Diasporic Writing
Capítulo20177 Nations? What nations? Business in the shapping og international trade networks: Seville in the eighteenth centuryMERCHANTS AND TRADE NETWORKS IN THE ATLANTIC AND THE MEDITERRANEAN, 1550-1800: CONNECTORS OF COMMERCIAL MARITIME SYSTEMS
Artículo2017International Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Peru, a Latin-American Emerging MarketEmerging Markets Finance & Trade
Artículo2017Nations? What nations? Business in the shaping of international trade networks Seville in the eighteenth centuryMERCHANTS AND TRADE NETWORKS IN THE ATLANTIC AND THE MEDITERRANEAN, 1550-1800: CONNECTORS OF COMMERCIAL MARITIME SYSTEMS
Artículo2017The nation of Naturales del Reino de Granada Transforming identities in the Morisco Castilian diaspora, 1502-1614CONNECTING WORLDS AND PEOPLE: EARLY MODERN DIASPORAS
Capítulo2016Nations? What nations? Business in the shaping of international trade networks: Seville in the eighteenth centuryMERCHANTS AND TRADE NETWORKS IN THE ATLANTIC AND THE MEDITERRANEAN, 1550-1800: CONNECTORS OF COMMERCIAL MARITIME SYSTEMS
Artículo2015Measuring human development in the MENA regionEmerging Markets Finance & Trade
Capítulo2015Tears of the Black Tiger: The western and thai cinemaThe Western in the Global South
Artículo2014Learning to be a girl: gender, risks and legal drugs amongst Spanish teenagersGENDERED DRUGS AND MEDICINE: HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES
Artículo2014The Influence of Domestic Economic Agents on the International Competitiveness of Latin American Firms: Evidence from Peruvian Small and Medium Multinational EnterprisesEmerging Markets Finance & Trade
Capítulo2012Constitutional change in SpainEngineering constitutional change: a comparative perspective on Europe, Canada and the USA
Artículo2011Collateral damage Territory and policing in an English gang cityYOUTH IN CRISIS: GANGS, TERRITORIALITY AND VIOLENCE
Artículo2006Film also ages: time and images in Chris Marker'sSans soleilStudies in French Cinema
Capítulo1998A holistic approach to the Mediterranean patio: extending the new method of configuration factors to semi-open spacesEnvironmentally Friendly Cities: Proceedings of Plea 1998, Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 1998, Lisbon, Portugal, June 1998
Capítulo1998Scientific design of classrooms in the new Faculty of Engineering: simulation, construction and monitoringEnvironmentally Friendly Cities: Proceedings of Plea 1998, Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 1998, Lisbon, Portugal, June 1998
Capítulo1998Simulation of Baroque Religious Buildings: the Church of Saint Louis of the FrechmenEnvironmentally Friendly Cities: Proceedings of Plea 1998, Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 1998, Lisbon, Portugal, June 1998
Capítulo1998Two urban projects within Mancomunidad Beturia (Sur-Andevalo, Huelva): strategic plan for sustainable development.Environmentally Friendly Cities: Proceedings of Plea 1998, Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 1998, Lisbon, Portugal, June 1998
Artículo1997Using the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS) to evaluate quality of nursery provision in England: Some data concerning reliabilityEDUCATIONAL RESEARCH
Artículo1996Quality of educational settings for four-year-old children in EnglandEuropean Early Childhood Education Research Journal