Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024Antisocial behaviors at school: Analysis of normative and at-risk groupsCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2024Laziness and competence: The discursive social construction of resilient learner identityCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2024Mapping key actors in family support. A European perspectiveCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2024Resilience among children in foster care: Variability in adaptive functioning and associated factorsCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2023Couple partnership and divorce in domestic and non-European international adoptees. A Swedish national cohort study with follow up until 36 to 45 yearsCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2023From current to possible selves: Self-descriptions of resilient post-compulsory secondary education Spanish students at risk of social exclusionCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2023Giving voice to young adopted women of Chinese origin: Searching for origins and identityCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2022Effect of parental competences on anxious-depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in adolescents: Exploring the mediating role of mindfulnessCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2022Special needs of internationally adopted adolescents in 4 European receiving countries: Relation to mothers’ adoption satisfactionCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2021Building up secure relationships: analysis of adult-child interactions in foster and adoptive familiesCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2020Executive function and early adversity in internationally adopted childrenCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2020Factors associated with life satisfaction of adolescents living with employed and unemployed parents in Spain and Portugal: A person focused approachCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2020Psychological adjustment, attachment difficulties, and perceptions of family relationships in adopted and institution-reared children: The case of ChileCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2019Caregiver ratings of executive functions among foster children in middle childhood: Associations with early adversity and school adjustmentCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2019Do more severe incidents lead to more drastic decisions? A study of professional child protection decision making in SpainCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2019The sources of support and their relation on the global health of adopted and non-adopted adolescentsCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2018Parental sense of competence among non-kin foster carers from SpainCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2018Parenting adoptive children: Reflective functioning and parent-child interactions. A comparative, relational and predictive studyCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2018The effectiveness of a child day-care program in child welfare servicesCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2017Being adopted in the school context: Individual and interpersonal predictorsCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2014Family feedback in Child Welfare Services: A systematic review of measuresCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2012Stress in adoptive parents of adolescentsCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2010Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: A Spanish proposal of therapeutic managementCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW
Artículo2009Adjustment of school-aged children and adolescents growing up in at-risk families: Relationships between family variables and individual, relational and school adjustmentCHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW