CONDUCTA Y REGULACION - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo de colectivo: Grupo de investigación
Estado: Grupo definitivo
Ámbito: Andalucía
Instituciones: Universidad de Sevilla
Fecha de creación: 01/01/1969

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Corrección2024 Erratum: Correction: A Straightforward Access to New Families of Lipophilic Polyphenols by Using Lipolytic Bacteria (PloS one (2016) 11 11 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0166561) PLOS ONE
Revisión2024 Light reception of Phycomyces revisited: several white collar proteins confer blue- and red-light sensitivity and control dynamic range and adaptation PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2024 Symmetric and asymmetric DNA N6-adenine methylation regulates different biological responses in Mucorales NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
Artículo2024 The RNAi Machinery in the Fungus Fusarium fujikuroi Is Not Very Active in Synthetic Medium and Is Related to Transposable Elements. Non-Coding RNA
Artículo2024 Three Genes Involved in Different Signaling Pathways, carS, wcoA, and acyA, Participate in the Regulation of Fusarin Biosynthesis in Fusarium fujikuroi JOURNAL OF FUNGI
Artículo2023 Bioavailability and provitamin A activity of neurosporaxanthin in mice. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY
Revisión2023 Fusarium photoreceptors JOURNAL OF FUNGI
Artículo2023 HmbC, a Protein of the HMG Family, Participates in the Regulation of Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Fusarium fujikuroi . GENES
Corrección2022 Corrigendum to “Photobiology of the keystone genus Metarhizium” [Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology Volume 226 (2022), 112374] (Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology (2022) 226, (S1011134421002530), (10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2021.112374)) JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo2022 Identification of an acetyl esterase in the supernatant of the environmental strain Bacillus sp. HR21-6. BIOCHIMIE
Artículo2022 Light regulates the degradation of the regulatory protein VE-1 in the fungus Neurospora crassa BMC BIOLOGY
Revisión2022 Photobiology of the keystone genus Metarhizium JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo2022 Relation between CarS expression and activation of carotenogenesis by stress in Fusarium fujikuroi Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Artículo2022 The fungal protein Mes1 is required for morphogenesis and virulence in the dimorphic phytopathogen ustilago maydis JOURNAL OF FUNGI
Artículo2022 Transcriptional regulation by the velvet protein VE-1 during asexual development in the fungus neurospora crassa. MBIO
Artículo2021 An arsRB resistance operon confers tolerance to arsenite in the environmental isolate Terribacillus sp. AE2B 122 FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY
Artículo2021 Controlled transcription of regulator gene cars by tet-on or by a strong promoter confirms its role as a repressor of carotenoid biosynthesis in fusarium fujikuroi MICROORGANISMS
Editorial2021 Editorial SI FGB “Chromatin regulation and epigenetics” FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2021 Evidence for an arginine-dependent route for the synthesis of NO in the model filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2021 Fungal Secondary Metabolism Encyclopedia
Artículo2021 Impact of the White Collar Photoreceptor WcoA on the Fusarium fujikuroi Transcriptome FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2021 Strain improvement of Trichoderma spp. through two-step protoplast fusion for cellulase production enhancement CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2021 The carP lncRNA Is a carS-related regulatory element with broad effects on the Fusarium fujikuroi transcriptome Non-Coding RNA
Artículo2020 A novel lncRNA as a positive regulator of carotenoid biosynthesis in Fusarium Scientific reports
Corrección2020 Author Correction: High-throughput format for the phenotyping of fungi on solid substrates (Scientific Reports, (2017), 7, 1, (4289), 10.1038/s41598-017-03598-9) Scientific reports
Revisión2020 Conidiation in Neurospora crassa: vegetative reproduction by a model fungus INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY
Corrección2020 Erratum for Myers et al., "Survey of Early-Diverging Lineages of Fungi Reveals Abundant and Diverse Mycoviruses" MBIO
Artículo2020 Light regulates a Phycomyces blakesleeanus gene family similar to the carotenogenic repressor gene of Mucor circinelloides FUNGAL BIOLOGY
Artículo2020 Modulation of Activity of a Carotenoid Pathway Through the Use of the TeT-on Regulatory System: Application in the Fungus Fusarium fujikuroi Plant and Food Carotenoids: Methods and Protocols
Artículo2020 Neurosporaxanthin overproduction byfusarium fujikuroiand evaluation of its antioxidant properties ANTIOXIDANTS
Artículo2020 Nitric oxide homeostasis is required for light-dependent regulation of conidiation in Aspergillus FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2020 Osmotolerance as a determinant of microbial ecology: a study of phylogenetically diverse fungi FUNGAL BIOLOGY
Artículo2020 Outcome of blue, green, red, and white light on Metarhizium robertsii during mycelial growth on conidial stress tolerance and gene expression FUNGAL BIOLOGY
Artículo2020 Survey of early-diverging lineages of fungi reveals abundant and diverse mycoviruses MBIO
Artículo2020 The Cell Wall Integrity Pathway Contributes to the Early Stages of Aspergillus fumigatus Asexual Development APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2020 The DASH-type Cryptochrome from the Fungus Mucor circinelloides Is a Canonical CPD-Photolyase CURRENT BIOLOGY
Ponencia2020 The Third International Symposium on Fungal Stress – ISFUS FUNGAL BIOLOGY
Artículo2019 Comparative transcriptomic analysis unveils interactions between the regulatory CarS protein and light response in Fusarium BMC GENOMICS
Artículo2019 Control of Development, Secondary Metabolism and Light-Dependent Carotenoid Biosynthesis by the Velvet Complex of Neurospora crassa GENETICS
Artículo2019 Genome sequencing of evolved aspergilli populations reveals robust genomes, transversions in A. flavus, and sexual aberrancy in non-homologous end-joining mutants BMC BIOLOGY
Artículo2019 Hybrid in silico/in vitro target fishing to assign function to "orphan" compounds of food origin - The case of the fungal metabolite atromentin FOOD CHEMISTRY
Revisión2019 Light in the Fungal World: From Photoreception to Gene Transcription and beyond ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENETICS, VOL 53
Capítulo2019 Measurement of phototropism of the sporangiophore of phycomyces blakesleeanus HOST-PATHOGEN INTERACTIONS: METHODS AND PROTOCOLS
Revisión2018 A global perspective on carotenoids: Metabolism, biotechnology, and benefits for nutrition and health PROGRESS IN LIPID RESEARCH
Artículo2018 Evolution of asexual and sexual reproduction in the aspergilli STUDIES IN MYCOLOGY
Artículo2018 Glucose sensing and light regulation: A mutation in the glucose sensor RCO-3 modifies photoadaptation in Neurospora crassa FUNGAL BIOLOGY
Capítulo2018 HPLC Analysis of Carotenoids in Neurosporaxanthin-Producing Fungi Microbial Carotenoids: Methods and Protocols
Artículo2018 Protein Activity of the Fusarium fujikuroi Rhodopsins CarO and OpsA and Their Relation to Fungus-Plant Interaction INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
Revisión2018 The second International Symposium on Fungal Stress: ISFUS FUNGAL BIOLOGY
Artículo2018 Transcriptional basis of enhanced photoinduction of carotenoid biosynthesis at low temperature in the fungus Neurospora crassa Research in Microbiology
Artículo2018 Use of chitin and chitosan to produce new chitooligosaccharides by chitinase Chit42: enzymatic activity and structural basis of protein specificity MICROBIAL CELL FACTORIES
Artículo2017 A Ras GTPase associated protein is involved in the phototropic and circadian photobiology responses in fungi Scientific reports
Capítulo2017 Biosíntesis de carotenoides en hongos Carotenoides en agroalimentación y salud
Revisión2017 Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Fusarium JOURNAL OF FUNGI
Capítulo2017 Carotenoid production by filamentous fungi and yeasts Biotechnology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi
Artículo2017 Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus GENOME BIOLOGY
Artículo2017 High-throughput format for the phenotyping of fungi on solid substrates Scientific reports
Artículo2017 Strigolactone biosynthesis is evolutionarily conserved, regulated by phosphate starvation and contributes to resistance against phytopathogenic fungi in a moss, Physcomitrella patens NEW PHYTOLOGIST
Capítulo2017 The complexity of fungal vision The Fungal Kingdom
Artículo2016 A RALDH-like enzyme involved in Fusarium verticillioides development FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2016 A Straightforward Access to New Families of Lipophilic Polyphenols by Using Lipolytic Bacteria PLOS ONE
Revisión2016 Carotenoid Cleavage Oxygenases from Microbes and Photosynthetic Organisms: Features and Functions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
Artículo2016 Expansion of Signal Transduction Pathways in Fungi by Extensive Genome Duplication CURRENT BIOLOGY
Revisión2016 Nitric oxide in fungi: is there NO light at the end of the tunnel? CURRENT GENETICS
Artículo2016 Nitric oxide synthesis by nitrate reductase is regulated during development in Aspergillus MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2016 Photomorphogenesis and Gravitropism in Fungi GROWTH, DIFFERENTIATION AND SEXUALITY, 3RD EDITION
Artículo2016 The Complexity of Fungal Vision MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM
Artículo2015 Biochemical Characterization of the DASH-Type Cryptochrome CryD From Fusarium fujikuroi PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY
Artículo2015 Biological roles of fungal carotenoids CURRENT GENETICS
Artículo2015 Fungal cryptochrome with DNA repair activity reveals an early stage in cryptochrome evolution PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Editorial2015 Fungal stress biology: a preface to the Fungal Stress Responses special edition CURRENT GENETICS
Artículo2015 Green Light sensing in Fusarium fujikuroi: interdisciplinary analysis of the fungal rhodopsins CarO and OpsA MYCOSES
Artículo2015 The CarO rhodopsin of the fungus Fusarium fujikuroi is a light-driven proton pump that retards spore germination Scientific reports
Artículo2015 The Flavoproteins CryD and VvdA Cooperate with the White Collar Protein WcoA in the Control of Photocarotenogenesis in Fusarium fujikuroi PLOS ONE
Artículo2015 The International Symposium on Fungal Stress: ISFUS CURRENT GENETICS
Artículo2014 A global multilocus analysis of the model fungus Neurospora reveals a single recent origin of a novel genetic system MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION
Artículo2014 Alteration of Light-Dependent Gene Regulation by the Absence of the RCO-1/RCM-1 Repressor Complex in the Fungus Neurospora crassa PLOS ONE
Artículo2014 Flow Cytometry of Microencapsulated Colonies for Genetics Analysis of Filamentous Fungi G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS
Artículo2014 Light-mediated participation of the VIVID-like protein of Fusarium fujikuroi VvdA in pigmentation and development FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2014 Selection and Characterization of Biofuel-Producing Environmental Bacteria Isolated from Vegetable Oil-Rich Wastes PLOS ONE
Artículo2014 The gene cutA of Fusarium fujikuroi, encoding a protein of the haloacid dehalogenase family, is involved in osmotic stress and glycerol metabolism MICROBIOLOGY-SGM
Artículo2014 The Histone Acetyltransferase GcnE (GCN5) Plays a Central Role in the Regulation of Aspergillus Asexual Development GENETICS
Artículo2013 Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Neurospora NEUROSPORA: GENOMICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
Artículo2013 Cell-Type-Specific Transcriptional Profiles of the Dimorphic Pathogen Penicillium marneffei Reflect Distinct Reproductive, Morphological, and Environmental Demands G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS
Artículo2013 Functional analysis of the carS gene of Fusarium fujikuroi MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2013 Light-Dependent Functions of the Fusarium fujikuroi CryD DASH Cryptochrome in Development and Secondary Metabolism APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2013 Regulation of Gene Transcription by Light in Neurospora NEUROSPORA: GENOMICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
Revisión2013 Regulation of transcription by light in Neurospora crass a: A model for fungal photobiology? FUNGAL BIOLOGY REVIEWS
Artículo2013 The Oxygenase CAO-1 of Neurospora crassa Is a Resveratrol Cleavage Enzyme EUKARYOTIC CELL
Artículo2012 A gene for carotene cleavage required for pheromone biosynthesis and carotene regulation in the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2012 A Relationship between Carotenoid Accumulation and the Distribution of Species of the Fungus Neurospora in Spain PLOS ONE
Artículo2012 Adenylyl Cyclase Plays a Regulatory Role in Development, Stress Resistance and Secondary Metabolism in Fusarium fujikuroi PLOS ONE
Artículo2012 Genetic basis of carotenoid overproduction in Fusarium oxysporum FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Ponencia2012 Identification and expression of carS, a central gene in the regulation of carotenogenesis in Fusarium FEBS JOURNAL
Artículo2012 Identification and Regulation of fusA, the Polyketide Synthase Gene Responsible for Fusarin Production in Fusarium fujikuroi APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2012 Neurosporaxanthin production by neurospora and fusarium HOST-PATHOGEN INTERACTIONS: METHODS AND PROTOCOLS
Artículo2011 Analysis of al-2 Mutations in Neurospora PLOS ONE
Artículo2011 Cleavage of resveratrol in fungi: Characterization of the enzyme Rco1 from Ustilago maydis FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2011 Comparative genomics of citric-acid-producing Aspergillus niger ATCC 1015 versus enzyme-producing CBS 513.88 GENOME RESEARCH
Artículo2011 Fungal photobiology: a synopsis IMA FUNGUS
Artículo2011 Regulation of Conidiation by Light in Aspergillus nidulans GENETICS
Artículo2011 The effects of disruption of phosphoglucose isomerase gene on carbon utilisation and cellulase production in Trichoderma reesei Rut-C30 MICROBIAL CELL FACTORIES
Artículo2011 The Fungal Type II Myosin in Penicillium marneffei, MyoB, Is Essential for Chitin Deposition at Nascent Septation Sites but Not Actin Localization EUKARYOTIC CELL
Artículo2011 The gene carD encodes the aldehyde dehydrogenase responsible for neurosporaxanthin biosynthesis in Fusarium fujikuroi FEBS JOURNAL
Artículo2011 The MAT1-2-1 mating-type gene upregulates photo-inducible carotenoid biosynthesis in Fusarium verticillioides FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2010 A complex photoreceptor system mediates the regulation by light of the conidiation genes con-10 and con-6 in Neurospora crassa FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Revisión2010 A glimpse into the basis of vision in the kingdom Mycota FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Revisión2010 A role in the regulation of transcription by light for RCO-1 and RCM-1, the Neurospora homologs of the yeast Tup1-Ssn6 repressor FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Revisión2010 Bikaverin production and applications APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY
Revisión2010 Photobiology in the Zygomycota: Multiple photoreceptor genes for complex responses to light FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2010 Regulation by Blue Light of the fluffy Gene Encoding a Major Regulator of Conidiation in Neurospora crassa GENETICS
Revisión2010 Regulation by light in Fusarium FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2010 Stimulation of bikaverin production by sucrose and by salt starvation in Fusarium fujikuroi APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY
Artículo2009 Deviation of the neurosporaxanthin pathway towards beta-carotene biosynthesis in Fusarium fujikuroi by a point mutation in the phytoene desaturase gene FEBS JOURNAL
Artículo2009 Genomic Analysis of the Basal Lineage Fungus Rhizopus oryzae Reveals a Whole-Genome Duplication PLOS GENETICS
Artículo2009 Microbial responses to environmental arsenic BIOMETALS
Artículo2009 Phycomyces MADB interacts with MADA to form the primary photoreceptor complex for fungal phototropism PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Artículo2009 Regulation and Targeted Mutation of opsA, Coding for the NOP-1 Opsin Orthologue in Fusarium fujikuroi JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
Artículo2009 Regulation of Carotenogenesis and Secondary Metabolism by Nitrogen in Wild-Type Fusarium fujikuroi and Carotenoid-Overproducing Mutants APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2009 Sphingolipid biosynthesis is required for polar growth in the dimorphic phytopathogen Ustilago maydis FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2009 Ustilago maydis accumulates beta-carotene at levels determined by a retinal-forming carotenoid oxygenase FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2008 A genetic selection for Neurospora crassa mutants altered in their light regulation of transcription GENETICS
Artículo2008 Novel apocarotenoid intermediates in Neurospora crassa mutants imply a new biosynthetic reaction sequence leading to neurosporaxanthin formation FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2008 The White Collar protein WcoA of Fusarium fujikuroi is not essential for photocarotenogenesis, but is involved in the regulation of secondary metabolism and conidiation FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Corrección2008 The White Collar protein WcoA of Fusarium fujikuroi is not essential for photocarotenogenesis, but is involved in the regulation of secondary metabolism and conidiation (vol 45, pg 705, 2008) FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2008 The ylo-1 gene encodes an aldehyde dehydrogenase responsible for the last reaction in the Neurospora carotenoid pathway MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY
Resumen congreso2007 El gen madB de Phycomyces blakesleeanus peertenece a la familia White Collar 3 SEG 2007: libro de resúmenes
Capítulo2007 El genoma del hongo zigomiceto Phycomyces blakesleeanus SEG 2007: libro de resúmenes
Editorial2007 Fungal photoreceptors: sensory molecules for fungal development and behaviour PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2007 Genetic basis of the ovc phenotype of Neurospora: identification and analysis of a 77 kb deletion CURRENT GENETICS
Revisión2007 Gibberellins and other metabolites of Fusarium fujikuroi and related fungi CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2007 Identification and biochemical characterization of a novel carotenoid oxygenase: elucidation of the cleavage step in the Fusarium carotenoid pathway MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2007 Identification of the gene responsible for torulene cleavage in the Neurospora carotenoid pathway MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2007 Osmotic stress limits arsenic hypertolerance in Aspergillus sp P37 FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY
Resumen congreso2007 Oxigenasas de carotenoides en hongos: completando las rutas biosintéticas en Fusarium y Neurospora SEG 2007: libro de resúmenes
Artículo2007 Retinal biosynthesis in fungi: Characterization of the carotenoid oxygenase CarX from Fusarium fujikuroi EUKARYOTIC CELL
Capítulo2007 Spore formation in food-relevant fungi Food Mycology: A Multifaceted Approach to Fungi and Food
Capítulo2007 The biology of the thermally dimorphic fungal pathogen Penicillium marneffei New Insights in Medical Mycology
Artículo2006 Developmental regulation of the glyoxylate cycle in the human pathogen Penicillium marneffei MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2006 Light-dependent regulation of the gene cut-1 of Neurospora, involved in the osmotic stress response FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2006 New findings of Neurospora in Europe and comparisons of diversity in temperate climates on continental scales MYCOLOGIA
Artículo2006 Osmoprotection of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium by N-gamma-acetyldiaminobutyrate, the precursor of the compatible solute ectoine SYSTEMATIC AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2006 Regulation by blue light and heat shock of gene transcription in the fungus Phycomyces: proteins required for photoinduction and mechanism for adaptation to light MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2006 The Phycomyces madA gene encodes a blue-light photoreceptor for phototropism and other light responses PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Artículo2006 Uncoupling of choline-O-sulphate utilization from osmoprotection in Pseudomonas putida MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2005 Characterization of a gene in the car cluster of Fusarium fujikuroi that codes for a protein of the carotenoid oxygenase family MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2005 Contribution of chemical changes in membrane lipids to the osmoadaptation of the halophilic bacterium Chromohalobacter salexigens SYSTEMATIC AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2005 The Neurospora crassa gene responsible for the cut and ovc phenotypes encodes a protein of the haloacid dehalogenase family MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2004 A gene of the opsin family in the carotenoid gene cluster of Fusarium fujikuroi CURRENT GENETICS
Revisión2004 Biocontrol mechanisms of Trichoderma strains INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2004 Genetic damage following introduction of DNA in Phycomyces FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2004 Increased antifungal and chitinase specific activities of Trichoderma harzianum CECT 2413 by addition of a cellulose binding domain APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY
Artículo2004 Nucleotide composition in protein-coding and non-coding DNA in the zygomycete Phycomyces blakesleeanus MYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH
Artículo2004 The gene for the heat-shock protein HSP100 is induced by blue light and heat-shock in the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus CURRENT GENETICS
Artículo2004 The role of thiol species in the hypertolerance of Aspergillus sp P37 to arsenic JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2003 Arsenate transport and reduction in the hyper-tolerant fungus Aspergillus sp P37 ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2003 Heavy metal tolerance and metal homeostasis in Pseudomonas putida as revealed by complete genome analysis ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2003 Improved GA(1) production by Fusarium fujikuroi APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY
Artículo2003 New Saccharomyces cerevisiae baker's yeast displaying enhanced resistance to freezing JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2003 Testing the limits of biological tolerance to arsenic in a fungus isolated from the River Tinto ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2002 A carotenoid biosynthesis gene cluster in Fusarium fujikuroi: the genes carB and carRA MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Revisión2002 Funtion and regulation of fungal chitinases Recent Research Developments in Human Genetics
Artículo2002 Genes for mevalonate biosynthesis in Phycomyces MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2002 Mutants of the carotene cyclase domain of al-2 from Neurospora crassa MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2002 Photomorphogenesis in Phycomyces: differential display of gene expression by PCR with arbitrary primers MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2002 The polyketide synthase gene pks4 from Gibberella fujikuroi encodes a key enzyme in the blosynthesis of the red pigment bikaverin FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo2001 A single gene for lycopene cyclase, phytoene synthase, and regulation of carotene biosynthesis in Phycomyces PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Artículo2001 Addition of substrate-binding domains increases substrate-binding capacity and specific activity of a chitinase from Trichoderma harzianum FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo2001 Chapter 21 Genetics of Phycomyces and its responses to light Comprehensive Series in Photosciences
Artículo2001 Chromohalobacter salexigens sp nov., a moderately halophilic species that includes Halomonas elongata DSM 3043 and ATCC 33174 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo2001 Microbial transformation of ent-kaurenoic acid and its 15-hydroxy derivatives by the SG138 mutant of Gibberella fujikuroi JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS
Artículo2001 Regulation of chitinase 33 (chit33) gene expression in Trichoderma harzianum CURRENT GENETICS
Artículo2001 Role of trehalose in growth at high temperature of Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY
Artículo2000 ent-Kaurene and squalene synthesis in Fusarium fujikuroi cell-free extracts PHYTOCHEMISTRY
Artículo2000 Genes for the synthesis of the osmoprotectant glycine betaine from choline in the moderately halophilic bacterium Halomonas elongata DSM 3043 MICROBIOLOGY-SGM
Artículo2000 Homologous recombination and allele replacement in transformants of Fusarium fujikuroi MOLECULAR & GENERAL GENETICS
Ponencia2000 Mejora de cepas de trichoderma para su empleo como fungicidas. REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE MICOLOGIA
Artículo1999 Gibberellin biosynthesis in Gibberella ACTA BOTANICA GALLICA
Artículo1999 Increased antifungal activity of Trichoderma harzianum transformants that overexpress a 33-kDa chitinase PHYTOPATHOLOGY
Artículo1999 Lovastatin inhibits the production of gibberellins but not sterol or carotenoid biosynthesis in Gibberella fujikuroi MICROBIOLOGY-SGM
Artículo1999 Nitrogen availability and production of bikaverin and gibberellins in Gibberella fujikuroi FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo1999 Role of N gamma-acetyldiaminobutyrate as an enzyme stabilizer and an intermediate in the biosynthesis of hydroxyectoine APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo1998 Characterization of the genes for the biosynthesis of the compatible solute ectoine in the moderately halophilic bacterium Halomonas elongata DSM 3043 SYSTEMATIC AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY
Corrección1998 Isolation and characterization of salt-sensitive mutants of the moderate halophile Halomonas elongata and cloning of the ectoine synthesis genes (vol 272, pg 25794, 1997) JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1998 Mutants of Phycomyces with decreased gallic acid content FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY
Artículo1998 Separate sensory pathways for photomorphogenesis in Phycomyces PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY
Artículo1998 Synthesis of glycine betaine from exogenous choline in the moderately halophilic bacterium Halomonas elongata APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo1997 Genomic structure and sequence analysis of the valyl-tRNA synthetase gene of the Japanese pufferfish, Fugu rubripes DNA SEQUENCE
Artículo1997 Inhibition of gibberellin biosynthesis by nitrate in Gibberella fujikuroi FEBS LETTERS
Artículo1997 Isolation and characterization of salt-sensitive mutants of the moderate halophile Halomonas elongata and cloning of the ectoine synthesis genes JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997 Salt-sensitive and auxotrophic mutants of Halomonas elongata and H-meridiana by use of hydroxylamine mutagenesis CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo1996 Genomic organization of the fungus Phycomyces GENE
Artículo1996 Osmoprotectants in Halomonas elongata: High-affinity betaine transport system and choline-betaine pathway JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY
Ponencia1996 Photoregulation of fungal gene expression LIGHT AS AN ENERGY SOURCE AND INFORMATION CARRIER IN PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
Artículo1996 Separate compartments for the production of sterols, carotenoids and gibberellins in Gibberella fujikuroi European Journal of Biochemistry
Letter1996 Spanish practice NATURE
Artículo1996 Translocation events in the evolution of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Artículo1995 Detection and analysis of genetic-variation in Salicornieae (Chenopodiaceae) using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers TAXON
Artículo1995 Gibberellin biosynthesis in gib mutants of gibberella-fujikuroi JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1995 Isolation of cryptic plasmids from moderately halophilic eubacteria of the genus halomonas - characterization of a small plasmid from h-elongata and its use for shuttle vector construction MOLECULAR & GENERAL GENETICS
Artículo1995 Light and developmental regulation of the gene con-10 of neurospora-crassa DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY
Artículo1995 Primary structure and expression pattern of the 33-kda chitinase gene from the mycoparasitic fungus trichoderma-harzianum CURRENT GENETICS
Artículo1994 Genetics and gibberellin production in gibberella-fujikuroi ANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo1994 Oleaginous fungi - carotene-rich oil from phycomyces PROGRESS IN LIPID RESEARCH
Revisión1993 Photoinduction of carotenoid biosynthesis Methods in Enzymology
Nota1993 Sequence-analysis of thymidine kinase-defective mutants of equine herpesvirus-1 (ehv-1) GENE
Nota1992 Cloning a segment of the gene encoding 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme a reductase in phycomyces-blakesleeanus and gibberella-fujikuroi by the polymerase chain-reaction EXPERIMENTAL MYCOLOGY
Artículo1992 Differentiation of neuroblastoma-cells correlates with an altered splicing pattern of tau-rna FEBS LETTERS
Artículo1992 Regulation of gibberellin biosynthesis in gibberella-fujikuroi PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
Revisión1992 Sex, light and carotenes - the development of phycomyces TRENDS IN GENETICS
Artículo1991 A test of human cdna synthesis by the polymerase chain-reaction GENETIC ANALYSIS-BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING
Artículo1991 Correlation between invivo and invitro carotenogenesis in phycomyces PHYTOCHEMISTRY
Artículo1991 Cysteinyl-transfer RNA-synthetase is a direct descendant of the 1st aminoacyl-transfer rna-synthetase FEBS LETTERS
Artículo1991 Fusarin-c and 8z-fusarin-c from gibberella-fujikuroi PHYTOCHEMISTRY
Artículo1991 Gibberellins and carotenoids in the wild-type and mutants of gibberella-fujikuroi APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
Artículo1991 Organization and regulation of the Qa (quinic acid) genes in Neurospora crassa and other fungi JOURNAL OF HEREDITY
Artículo1991 Photoinduced accumulation of carotene in phycomyces PLANTA
Revisión1991 Photomorphogenesis in phycomyces and in other fungi PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY
Revisión1991 The Wilhelmine E. Key 1989 invitational lecture. Organization and regulation of the qa (quinic acid) genes in Neurospora crassa and other fungi. JOURNAL OF HEREDITY
Ponencia1990 Biosynthesis of terpenoids in Gibberella FROM GENES TO BIOPRODUCTS
Artículo1990 Isolation and molecular analysis of the orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase gene (pyrg) of phycomyces-blakesleeanus MOLECULAR & GENERAL GENETICS
Artículo1990 Photoinduction of carotenoid biosynthesis in Gibberella fujikuroi FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS
Artículo1990 Photomorphogenesis in behavioral and color mutants of phycomyces JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo1990 Photomorphogenesis in phycomyces - competence period and stimulus-response relationships JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Capítulo1989 Aspectos evolutivos de los pseudogenes Genética: Contribuciones de la Genética española en homenaje al Profesor Sañudo
Artículo1989 Bialaphos resistance as a dominant selectable marker in neurospora-crassa CURRENT GENETICS
Artículo1989 Subliminal light control of dark-adaptation kinetics in phycomyces phototropism PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY
Artículo1988 Photomorphogenesis in phycomyces - dependence on environmental-conditions PLANTA
Artículo1988 Photomorphogenesis in phycomyces - fluence-response curves and action spectra PLANTA
Artículo1988 Terpenoid biosynthesis in cell-extracts of wild-type and mutant strains of gibberella-fujikuroi BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA
Artículo1987 Carotenoid mutants of gibberella-fujikuroi CURRENT GENETICS
Artículo1987 Light effects on circadian locomotor activity of lacerta lepida under constant temperature Donana. Acta Vertebrata
Artículo1986 Chemical modification of carotenogenesis in gibberella-fujikuroi PHYTOCHEMISTRY
Artículo1985 Gibberella-fujikuroi mutants obtained with uv-radiation and n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Denominación Agencia financiadora Importe concedido
01/09/2023 31/08/2026 Diferentes niveles de regulación de la producción de carotenoides en Fusarium (PID2022-140414NB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 131.250,00 €
01/12/2022 30/11/2024 Nuevas estrategias basadas en la traducción para la optimización de una economía circular basada en hongos (TED2021-129601B-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 166.750,00 €
01/09/2022 31/08/2025 Regulación transcripcional del desarrollo sexual y la fertilidad por las proteínas velvet en el hongo Neurospora crassa (PID2021-128001OB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 169.400,00 €
05/10/2021 30/06/2023 Potencial biotecnológico de la neurosporaxantina: producción y efectos biológicos en modelos animales (P20_01243) Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Autonómico) 85.000,00 €
05/10/2021 31/03/2023 Regulación de la transcripción por la luz: el mecanismo de la fotoadaptación en hongos (P20_00622) Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Autonómico) 90.000,00 €
01/01/2019 30/09/2022 Regulación de la Degradación, Transporte al Núcleo y Formación de Complejos de Ve-1 Durante el Desarrollo y la Biosíntesis de Carotenoides en Neurospora Crassa (RTI2018-098636-B-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional) 157.300,00 €
01/01/2019 30/06/2022 Mecanismos Moleculares Responsables del Control de la Síntesis de Xantofilas y Apocarotenoides en Fusarium (RTI2018-101902-B-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional) 145.200,00 €
01/01/2016 30/06/2019 La Regulación del Regulador: Estabilidad y Localización de Velvet Durante la Conidiación y la Biosíntesis de Carotenoides en Neurospora (BIO2015-67148-R) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional) 229.900,00 €
01/01/2016 31/12/2018 Mecanismos Moleculares de Control de la Síntesis de Carotenoides en Fusarium (BIO2015-69613-R) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional) 211.750,00 €
01/09/2013 30/06/2014 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (FCT-13-7395) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional) 15.000,00 €
01/01/2013 31/12/2015 Interacción entre la Luz y el Desarrollo en la Regulación de los Genes de la Carotenogénesis del Hongo Neurospora Crassa (BIO2012-38520) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional) 134.550,00 €
01/01/2013 31/12/2015 Control de la Síntesis de Carotenoides en Fusarium: Mecanismo de Acción del Sistema Cars y Regulación por Microarn (BIO2012-39716) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional) 198.900,00 €
06/07/2011 30/04/2016 Producción de Neurosporaxantina en Hongos y Análisis de su Potencial Biotecnológico como Colorante Natural Beneficioso para la Salud (P10-CTS-6638) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico) 246.247,00 €
03/02/2010 31/12/2014 El Complejo Mad y la Regulación de la Transcripción por la Luz en el Hongo Phycomyces Blakesleeanus (P09-CVI-5027) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico) 261.167,68 €
01/01/2010 31/12/2012 Síntesis y función de xantofilas, apocarotenoides y giberelinas en hongos (BIO2009-11131) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 260.150,00 €
01/01/2010 31/12/2012 El complejo represor rco-1/RCM-1 y la regulacion por la luz de la transcripcion en el hongo neurospora crassa (BIO2009-12486) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 211.750,00 €
13/01/2009 31/12/2013 Desarrollo de Sistemas Biológicos para la Obtención de Energías Renovables (Biodiesel) (P08-RNM-03515) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico) 155.623,68 €
01/01/2009 31/05/2012 El aire como señal para la inducción de la esporulación en hongos filamentosos (BFU2008-04306) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 108.900,00 €
07/02/2008 31/05/2008 Desarrollo de modelos biológicos para procesos de bio-remediación (CNVCL08-003) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Nacional) 14.520,00 €
31/01/2008 31/12/2012 Producción de Giberelinas y Bikaverinas por el Hongo Fusarium Fujikuroi: Desarrollo de Nuevas Estirpes y Aplicaciones Biotecnológicas. (P07-CVI-02813) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico) 178.500,00 €
13/04/2007 30/09/2010 Análisis informático y molecular del genoma y del transcriptoma del hongo cigomiceto Phycomyces blakesleeanus (P06-CVI-01650) Junta de Andalucía (Plan Andaluz de Investigación) (Autonómico) 165.000,00 €
01/10/2006 30/09/2009 Regulación del metabolismo secundario en fusarium: producción de giberelinas, caratenoides y poliquétidos (BIO2006-01323) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional) 148.830,00 €
01/10/2006 30/09/2009 Bases moleculares de la activación por la luz de genes de hongos: una nueva herramienta para la industria biotecnológica (BIO2006-14897) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional) 108.900,00 €
23/11/2005 23/11/2008 Colección y caracterización de estirpes silvestres del hongo neurospora en España. Un hongo modelo para la industria agroalimentaria (RM2004-00007-00-00) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional) 65.004,00 €
01/12/2003 30/11/2006 Producción de terpenoides en Fusarium: regulación de la síntesis de carotenoides y giberelinas (BIO2003-01548) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional) 141.600,00 €
01/12/2002 01/12/2005 Fotoactivación génica en los hongos neurospora y phycomyces (BMC2002-01772) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional) 116.150,00 €
01/11/2001 31/01/2005 Production of fungal carotenoids for healthy nutrition (QLK1-CT-2001-00780) Commission of the European Communities (Europeo) 261.000,00 €
01/01/2001 31/12/2003 Conservación, caracterización y evaluación de hongos y de sus genes para la producción industrial de carotenoides (RM00-003) Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (Subdirección General de Investigación y Tecnología) (Nacional) 70.883,36 €


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Denominación Agencia financiadora Importe concedido
01/11/2019 30/11/2020 Development of consistent immunoassays based on chemiluminescence and fluorecence detecion for protein arrays (3723/0539) Rexgenero Biosciences, s.l. (Desconocido)
12/04/2018 11/07/2019 Puesta a punto de una estirpe productora de metabolitos con acción bioestimulante y productora de neurosparaxantina y bicaverina para la empresa Grupo Agrotecnología (3290/0929) Grupo Agrotecnología, S.L. (Desconocido)
01/07/2015 31/10/2015 Investigation of the impact of GR24 and carlactone-like compounds on the growth of different fungal species (2554/0289) Center for Desert Agriculture King Abdullah University of Science and Rechnology (Desconocido)
01/06/2014 31/05/2015 Modificación Genética de microorganismos para producción de Biofuel (2287/0721) ABENGOA RESEARCH S.L. (Desconocido)
24/11/2011 30/12/2014 Regulación de Genes Hidrolíticos en Myceliophthora termophyla. (1500/0539) Abengoa Bioenergía Nuevas Tecnologías (Desconocido)
15/11/2009 15/05/2011 "Producción industrial de giberelinas GA1 Y GA3 mediante fermentaciones de estirpes silvestres del hongo Gibberella fujikuroi" (0544/0289) Bioflow Sur, S.L. (Desconocido)
14/09/2004 14/02/2005 Aplicación del sistema de análisis de peligros y puntos críticos de control (APPCC) en el proceso de producción de tapones de corcho y la determinación analítica de cloroanisoles y sus precursores clorofenoles mediante CG-EM en el mismo (OG-106/04) Empresa S.A. Manufacturera Española del Corcho (Desconocido)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Denominación Agencia financiadora Importe concedido
23/03/2014 27/03/2014 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG12) (PP2012-01-041) Universidad de Sevilla (Local) 3.000,00 €
15/03/2011 20/03/2011 26th Fungal Genetics Conference. Lugar y fecha: Pacific Grove (EEUU), del 15 al 20 de Marzo de 2011 (PP2011-06-071) Universidad de Sevilla (Local) 1.050,00 €
05/07/2010 30/09/2010 Estancia. BOKU (Universität für Bodenkultur Wien) (PP2010-05-086) Universidad de Sevilla (Local) 1.794,00 €
01/01/2009 31/12/2010 Osmotic stress signalling and its role in secondary metabolism (polyketide toxin production) in fusarium species (HH2008-0004) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 11.590,00 €
30/08/2007 30/11/2007 Proyecto PROINGAS: producción industrial de giberelinas GA1 Y GA3 con hongo Gibberella fujikuroi (OTRI/06-PC19) Universidad de Sevilla(Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación) (Local) 3.000,00 €
08/03/2006 31/12/2007 Análisis genético y bioquímico de oxigenasas de carotenoides de hongos (HA2005-0068) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional) 11.040,00 €
01/03/2006 28/02/2007 Secuenciación del genoma del hongo phycoyces blakesleeanus: gestión del proyecto y anotación manual del genona (BIO2005-25029-E) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional) 72.000,00 €
01/01/2004 01/12/2005 Regulación de la activación de genes en el hongo Neurospora crassa por la luz y el ritmo circadiano (HA2003-0001) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional) 10.608,00 €
16/04/2003 01/11/2004 Ayuda complementaria al proyecto europeo 'Production of fungal carotenoids for healthy nutrition' (BIO2001-5320-E) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional) 15.167,00 €