CARBOHIDRATOS Y POLIMEROS - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo de colectivo: Grupo de investigación
Estado: Grupo definitivo
Ámbito: Andalucía
Instituciones: Universidad de Sevilla
Fecha de creación: 01/01/1995

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 Advanced interpenetrating polymer networks for innovative gastroretentive formulations targeting Helicobacter pylori gastric colonization EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2024 Simultaneous Formation of Polyhydroxyurethanes and Multicomponent Semi-IPN Hydrogels POLYMERS
Artículo2023 A novel biocompatible polymer derived from D-mannitol used as a vector in the field of genetic engineering of eukaryotic cells COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES
Capítulo2023 Aplicación de un ABP en carreras científicas Mejorando la enseñanza a través de la innovación educativa
Artículo2023 Biodegradable guar-gum-based super-porous matrices for gastroretentive controlled drug release in the treatment of helicobacter pylori: a proof of concept INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
Artículo2023 Chitosan-based hydrogels obtained via photoinitiated click polymer IPN reaction JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS
Corrección2023 Chitosan-based hydrogels obtained via photoinitiated click polymer IPN reaction (vol 379, 121735, 2023) JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS
Capítulo2023 El uso de las tecnologías móviles para promover hábitos saludables en estudiantes universitarios: estrategias para la innovación docente Mejorando la enseñanza a través de la innovación educativa
Artículo2023 Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of aminoalkyl resveratrol derivatives inspired by cationic peptides JOURNAL OF ENZYME INHIBITION AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2022 Chemically tuning resveratrol for the effective killing of gram-positive pathogens. JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS
Revisión2022 Scope and limitations of current antibiotic therapies against helicobacter pylori: reviewing amoxicillin gastroretentive formulations PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo2022 Tackling Antibiotic Resistance: Influence of Aliphatic Branches on Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial Polytriazoles against ESKAPE Group Pathogens PHARMACEUTICS
Capítulo2021 Chapter 11: redox polymers for drug delivery RSC Polymer Chemistry Series
Artículo2021 Novel poly(azoamide triazole)s containing twin azobenzene units in the backbone. Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro degradation studies POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY
Artículo2021 Properties of polyplexes formed between a cationic polymer derived from l-arabinitol and nucleic acids NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY
Capítulo2021 Redox polymers for drug delivery REDOX POLYMERS FOR ENERGY AND NANOMEDICINE
Artículo2021 Regiospecific vs. non regiospecific click azide-alkyne polymerization: in vitro study of water-soluble antibacterial poly(amide aminotriazole)s MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS
Artículo2021 Thermogravimetry applicability in compost and composting research: a review APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
Revisión2021 Thiolated-polymer-based nanoparticles as an avant-garde approach for anticancer therapies—Reviewing thiomers from chitosan and hyaluronic acid PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo2020 Altered paracellular permeability in intestinal cell monolayer challenged with lipopolysaccharide: Modulatory effects of pterostilbene metabolites FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY
Artículo2020 Biodegradable double cross-linked chitosan hydrogels for drug delivery: impact of chemistry on rheological and pharmacological performance INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES
Revisión2020 In-depth study into polymeric materials in low-density gastroretentive formulations PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo2020 Neuroprotective and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Pterostilbene Metabolites in Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y and RAW 264.7 Macrophage Cells JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020 Structurally simple redox polymersomes for doxorubicin delivery EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL
Artículo2020 Structure-property relationships of D-mannitol-based cationic poly(amide triazoles) and their self-assembling complexes with DNA EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL
Artículo2019 Experimental model design: exploration and optimization of customized polymerization conditions for the preparation of targeted smart materials by the Diels Alder click reaction Polymer Chemistry
Ponencia2019 Hidrogeles de quitosano sensibles al PH: influencia de la composición en sus propiedades reológicas y en la liberación controlada de fármacos Polímeros para el siglo XXI: X Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores en Polímeros (JIP 2019). Universidad de Burgos, 20-23 mayo de 2019 (Burgos, España)
Ponencia2019 Medium sensitive polymers for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications Polímeros para el siglo XXI: X Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores en Polímeros (JIP 2019). Universidad de Burgos, 20-23 mayo de 2019 (Burgos, España)
Artículo2019 Nanostructured Chitosan-based biomaterials for sustained and colon-specific resveratrol release INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
Artículo2019 Preparation of water-soluble glycopolymers derived from five-membered iminosugars EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL
Artículo2019 Synthesis of degradable linear cationic poly(amide triazole)s with DNA-condensation capability EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL
Artículo2019 Synthesis of novel (bio) degradable linear azo polymers conjugated with olsalazine POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY
Artículo2019 The Resveratrol Prodrug JC19 Delays Retinal Degeneration in rd10 Mice Advances in experimental medicine and biology
Ponencia2018 Balance between professional and personal life for women at university ICERI2018 Proceedings
Ponencia2018 Bilingualism: the importance of speaking languages EDULEARN18 Proceedings
Artículo2018 Glucose-nucleobase pairs within DNA: impact of hydrophobicity, alternative linking unit and DNA polymerase nucleotide insertion studies CHEMICAL SCIENCE
Artículo2018 Hydrolytic degradation of D-mannitol-based polyurethanes POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY
Artículo2018 Loading studies of the anticancer drug camptothecin into dual stimuli-sensitive nanoparticles. Stability scrutiny INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo2018 Metal-free catalyzed ring-opening polymerization and block copolymerization of omega-pentadecalactone using amino-ended initiators EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL
Artículo2018 Nanocomposites of Microbial Polyglutamic Acid and Nanoclays Compatibilized by Organophosphonium Surfactants MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2018 Reversible pH-Sensitive Chitosan-Based Hydrogels. Influence of Dispersion Composition on Rheological Properties and Sustained Drug Delivery POLYMERS
Artículo2018 Structures of DPAGT1 Explain Glycosylation Disease Mechanisms and Advance TB Antibiotic Design CELL
Ponencia2018 The mystery of labels: fake nutritional information? EDULEARN18 Proceedings
Ponencia2018 Tools for teachers to improve productivity ICERI2018 Proceedings
Artículo2018 Validation of Smart Nanoparticles as Controlled Drug Delivery Systems: Loading and pH-Dependent Release of Pilocarpine ACS OMEGA
Capítulo2017 Bio‐based polyurethanes from carbohydrate monomers Aspects of Polyurethanes
Ponencia2017 Computer assisted drug design by using problem based learning methodologies ICERI2017: 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION
Artículo2017 Core cross-linked nanoparticles from self-assembling polyfma-based micelles. Encapsulation of lipophilic molecules EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL
Artículo2017 Development and characterization of new functionalized polyurethanes for sustained and site -specific drug release in the gastrointestinal tract EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2017 Effect of metabolites of hydroxytyrosol on protection against oxidative stress and inflammation in human endothelial cells JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS
Ponencia2017 ICT as useful tools to improve the teaching of organic chemistry ICERI2017: 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION
Ponencia2017 New strategies for cheminformatics teaching based on collaborative e-learning ICERI2017: 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION
Ponencia2017 Nutrition & labeling. A critical issue to be faced by future health graduates EDULEARN17 Proceedings
Artículo2017 pH-Responsive Polymeric Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery Systems Journal of Drug Desing and Research
Ponencia2017 Science as a tool to promote critical thinking skills (peace and democracy) INTED2017: 11TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE
Ponencia2017 Science spreading across society. Research disclosure days for students of experimental sciences INTED2017: 11TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE
Artículo2017 Synthesis, Binding Properties, and Differences in Cell Uptake of G-Quadruplex Ligands Based on Carbohydrate Naphthalene Diimide Conjugates CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL
Ponencia2017 The epidemic of the twenty-first century: obesity. Keys to face it EDULEARN17 Proceedings
Artículo2017 Tunable hydrophilicity of redox D-mannitol-based polyurethanes modulates glutathione response EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL
Artículo2017 Tyrosol and its metabolites as antioxidative and anti-inflammatory molecules in human endothelial cells FOOD & FUNCTION
Nota2016 Back Cover: Cytotoxic, Antiangiogenic and Antitelomerase Activity of Glucosyl- and Acyl- Resveratrol Prodrugs and Resveratrol Sulfate Metabolites (ChemBioChem 14/2016) CHEMBIOCHEM
Artículo2016 Cytotoxic, Antiangiogenic and Antitelomerase Activity of Glucosyl- and Acyl-Resveratrol Prodrugs and Resveratrol Sulfate Metabolites CHEMBIOCHEM
Ponencia2016 Experiences in cooperative groups focused on final degree projects in sciences INTED2016: 10TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE
Artículo2016 Glucose-Nucleobase Pseudo Base Pairs: Biomolecular Interactions within DNA ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION
Artículo2016 Hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol sulfate metabolites protect against the oxidized cholesterol pro-oxidant effect in Caco-2 human enterocyte-like cells FOOD & FUNCTION
Artículo2016 Identifying Coordination Geometries of Metal Aquaions in Water: Application to the Case of Lanthanoid and Actinoid Hydrates JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
Ponencia2016 Innovative approach to acid-base equilibriums INTED2016: 10TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE
Artículo2016 Novel aqueous chitosan-based dispersions as efficient drug delivery systems for topical use. Rheological, textural and release studies CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS
Ponencia2016 O-TIII.14_50 Self-assembly block-copolymer nanoparticles useful as drug delivery systems Avances en materiales poliméricos: XIV Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Polímeros (GEP) de la RSEQ y RSEF
Ponencia2016 P-TII.10_25 New biodegradable co-polyurethanes for biomedical applications Avances en materiales poliméricos: XIV Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Polímeros (GEP) de la RSEQ y RSEF
Ponencia2016 P-TII.6_21 Synthesis of new polycationic polytriazoles derived from carbohydrates for biomedical applications Avances en materiales poliméricos: XIV Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Polímeros (GEP) de la RSEQ y RSEF
Ponencia2016 Sirt1 activators induced neuroprotection of photoreceptors in rd10 mice INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE
Capítulo2016 Synthesis of 1, 3, 4, 6-Tetra-O-Acetyl-2-Azido-2-Deoxy-α, β-d-Glucopyranose and 2-Azido-4, 6-OBenzylidene-2-Deoxy-α, β-d-Glucopyranose Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods: Volume 1
Artículo2016 Synthesis of reduction sensitive comb-like polyurethanes using click chemistry JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Revisión2016 Synthetic Polymers from Sugar-Based Monomers CHEMICAL REVIEWS
Artículo2016 Tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol derivatives as antitrypanosomal and antileishmanial agents EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2015 A new biodegradable polythiourethane as controlled release matrix polymer INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS
Artículo2015 Antioxidant activity of alkyl gallates and glycosyl alkyl gallates in fish oil in water emulsions: Relevance of their surface active properties and of the type of emulsifier FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2015 Degradable Poly(ester triazole)s Based on Renewable Resources JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2015 Polyurethanes Derived from Carbohydrates and Cystine-Based Monomers JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE
Artículo2015 Skin delivery of antioxidant surfactants based on gallic acid and hydroxytyrosol JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY
Artículo2015 Synthesis and Characterization of Copoly(amide triazole)s Derived from D-Glucose JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2014 Bio-based PBT copolyesters derived from D-glucose: influence of composition on properties Polymer Chemistry
Artículo2014 Biodegradable Copolyesters of Poly(hexamethylene terephthalate) Containing Bicyclic 2,4:3,5-Di-O-methylene-D-Glucarate Units MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2014 Collecting high-order interactions in an effective pairwise intermolecular potential using the hydrated ion concept: The hydration of Cf3+ JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
Artículo2014 Effects of Sugar Functional Groups, Hydrophobicity, and Fluorination on Carbohydrate-DNA Stacking Interactions in Water JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2014 Linear Poly(amide triazole)s Derived from D-Glucose JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2014 Reduction-sensitive functionalized copolyurethanes for biomedical applications Polymer Chemistry
Artículo2014 Synthesis and characterization of a novel chitosan-N-acetyl-homocysteine thiolactone polymer using MES buffer CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS
Artículo2014 Tandem ATRP/Diels-Alder synthesis of polyHEMA-based hydrogels Polymer Chemistry
Artículo2013 A diabatic parameterization of the twofold ground state potential energy surface of the H2O-OH molecular complex JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
Artículo2013 Carbohydrate-DNA Interactions at G-Quadruplexes: Folding and Stability Changes by Attaching Sugars at the 5 '-End CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL
Artículo2013 D-Glucose-derived PET copolyesters with enhanced T-g Polymer Chemistry
Capítulo2013 La mujer como fuerza de trabajo en la universidad española Mujeres, ciencia y academia
Artículo2013 Potential energy curves and spin-orbit coupling of light alkali-heavy rare gas molecules JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
Artículo2013 Study of the properties of the new biodegradable polyurethane PU (TEG-HMDI) as matrix forming excipient for controlled drug delivery DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY
Artículo2013 Synthesis and Characterization of New Carbohydrate-based Polyureas JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE MATERIALS
Artículo2013 Synthesis, RNAi activity and nuclease-resistant properties of apolar carbohydrates siRNA conjugates BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS
Artículo2013 The Gut Microbiota Ellagic Acid-Derived Metabolite Urolithin A and Its Sulfate Conjugate Are Substrates for the Drug Efflux Transporter Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (ABCG2/BCRP) JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2012 Apolar carbohydrates as DNA capping agents CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS
Artículo2012 Bio-based aromatic copolyesters made from 1,6-hexanediol and bicyclic diacetalized D-glucitol Polymer Chemistry
Artículo2012 Bio-Based Aromatic Polyesters from a Novel Bicyclic Diol Derived from D-Mannitol MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2012 Bio-based poly(butylene terephthalate) copolyesters containing bicyclic diacetalized galactitol and galactaric acid: Influence of composition on properties POLYMER
Artículo2012 Biodegradable aromatic copolyesters made from bicyclic acetalized galactaric acid JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2012 Carbohydrate-based copolyesters made from bicyclic acetalized galactaric acid JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2012 Conformationally restricted linear polyurethanes from acetalized sugar-based monomers JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Ponencia2012 Copoliésteres alifáticos derivados de ácido galactárico diacetalizado Nuevos desafíos para la Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros [Recurso electrónico]: VI Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Polímeros
Artículo2012 Degradable "click" polyesters from erythritol having free hydroxyl groups POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY
Artículo2012 Effects of long-term consumption of low doses of resveratrol on diet-induced mild hypercholesterolemia in pigs: a transcriptomic approach to disease prevention JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY
Ponencia2012 Poliuretanos con aplicaciones biomédicas. Funcionalización y biodegradación Nuevos desafíos para la Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros [Recurso electrónico]: VI Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Polímeros
Artículo2012 Resveratrol and Some Glucosyl, Glucosylacyl, and Glucuronide Derivatives Reduce Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes Scott A Adhesion to Colonic Epithelial Cell Lines JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
Ponencia2012 Síntesis, caracterización y degradabilidad de nuevos poliuretanos derivados de carbohidratos Nuevos desafíos para la Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros [Recurso electrónico]: VI Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Polímeros
Artículo2012 Synthesis and characterization of isocyanate-functionalized PVA-based polymers with applications as new additives in lubricant formulations JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE
Artículo2012 Synthesis of Functional Sugar-Based Polyurethanes MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Ponencia2011 B-learning workshop: innovation project to achieve lifelong learning competences 2011 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (ICERI)
Artículo2011 Carbohydrate-Based Polyesters Made from Bicyclic Acetalized Galactaric Acid BIOMACROMOLECULES
Ponencia2011 Dapoxetine: an exciting journey through retrosynthetic analysis 2011 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (ICERI)
Ponencia2011 General principles in organic synthesis: PBL-methodology EDULEARN11: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND NEW LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES
Artículo2011 Highly Polar Carbohydrates Stack onto DNA Duplexes via CH/pi Interactions JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
Ponencia2011 How to involve students in their learning process: learning contracts EDULEARN11: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND NEW LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES
Artículo2011 Hydroxytyrosol glucuronides protect renal tubular epithelial cells against H2O2 induced oxidative damage CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS
Ponencia2011 Implementation of new teaching methodologies to promote the participation of students: application of collaborative blog-based learning techniques EDULEARN11: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND NEW LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES
Artículo2011 L-Arabinitol-Based Functional Polyurethanes JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2011 Metabolites and tissue distribution of resveratrol in the pig MOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH
Ponencia2011 New tools for self-motivation of undergraduate students 2011 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (ICERI)
Ponencia2011 Student self-learning through the shooting of educational videos 2011 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (ICERI)
Artículo2011 Synthesis and characterization of phenolic antioxidants with surfactant properties: glucosyl- and glucuronosyl alkyl gallates TETRAHEDRON
Artículo2011 Synthesis and in vitro inhibition properties of siRNA conjugates carrying glucose and galactose with different presentations MOLECULAR DIVERSITY
Artículo2010 Antioxidant Activity of Resveratrol in Several Fish Lipid Matrices: Effect of Acylation and Glucosylation JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2010 Crystallization Studies on Linear Aliphatic Polyamides Derived From Naturally Occurring Carbohydrates JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE
Artículo2010 Dithiothreitol-based polyurethanes. Synthesis and degradation studies POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY
Artículo2010 Glutathione-Mediated Biodegradable Polyurethanes Derived from L-Arabinitol BIOMACROMOLECULES
Ponencia2010 Molecular solids of actinide hexacyanoferrate: Structure and bonding IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering
Artículo2010 Preventive Oral Treatment with Resveratrol Pro-prodrugs Drastically Reduce Colon Inflammation in Rodents JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2010 Solving the Hydration Structure of the Heaviest Actinide Aqua Ion Known: The Californium(III) Case ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION
Artículo2010 Structure-Activity Relationship of Phenolic Antioxidants and Olive Components Olives and olive oil in health and disease prevention (Second Edition)
Artículo2010 Surface-Active Properties of Lipophilic Antioxidants Tyrosol and Hydroxytyrosol Fatty Acid Esters: A Potential Explanation for the Nonlinear Hypothesis of the Antioxidant Activity in Oil-in-Water Emulsions JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2010 Synthesis and Hydrolytic Degradation of Stereoregular Aromatic Poly(ester amide)s Derived from D-Xylose JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2010 Synthesis, Cell-Surface Binding, and Cellular Uptake of Fluorescently Labeled Glucose DNA Conjugates with Different Carbohydrate Presentation BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY
Artículo2009 1,4-Dioxane-2,5-dione-type monomers derived from L-ascorbic and D-isoascorbic acids. Synthesis and polymerisation CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo2009 A concise synthesis of glucuronide metabolites of urolithin-B, resveratrol, and hydroxytyrosol CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo2009 Butylene Copolyesters Based on Aldaric and Terephthalic Acids. Synthesis and Characterization JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2009 Crystalline structure and crystallization of stereoisomeric polyamides derived from arabinaric acid POLYMER
Artículo2009 Effect of Lipophilization of Hydroxytyrosol on Its Antioxidant Activity in Fish Oils and Fish Oil-in-Water Emulsions JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
Artículo2009 Hydroxylated Linear Polyurethanes Derived from Sugar Alditols MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2009 Opposite effects of successive hydration shells on the aqua ion structure of metal cations MOLECULAR SIMULATION
Artículo2009 Synthesis and characterization of new copolymers of ethyl methacrylate grafted on tapioca starch as novel excipients for direct compression matrix tablets EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL
Capítulo2008 Desarrollo de un material didáctico interactivo para la autoevaluación formativa en la asignatura de Química Orgánica Experiencia de innovación universitaria: curso 2005/2006
Artículo2008 Glycomimetic Inhibitors of Mycobacterial Glycosyltransferases: Targeting the TB Cell Wall CHEMBIOCHEM
Artículo2008 Hábitos y normas de seguridad recomendadas en un laboratorio de entorno químico Revista Digital Central de Emergencias
Artículo2008 Hydrolytic degradation of carbohydrate-based polyamides of the AABB type derived from L-arabinose and D-xylose POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY
Artículo2008 Mixture synthesis and "Charge tagging" based demixing: An efficient strategy for the preparation of heparan sulfate libraries JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2008 Polyesters analogous to PET and PBT based on O-benzyl ethers of xylitol and L-arabinitol JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2008 Rheology and microstructure of lithium lubricating greases modified with a reactive diisocyanate-terminated polymer: Influence of polymer addition protocol CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING
Artículo2008 Versatile sugar derivatives for the synthesis of potential degradable hydrophilic-hydrophobic polyurethanes and polyureas JOURNAL OF CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY
Artículo2007 Linear polyurethanes derived from alditols and diisocyanates JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2006 Cylodextrins effects in the substitution reaction of 4,4 '-bpy for the aquo ligand in aquopentacyanoferrate(II): an estimation of the binding constants of the reactant and the transition state to cyclodextrins CHEMICAL PHYSICS
Artículo2006 First synthesis of heparan sulfate tetrasaccha rides containing both N-acetylated and N-unsubstituted glucosamine - Search for putative 10E4 epitopes CHEMBIOCHEM
Artículo2006 Hydrolytic degradation of carbohydrate-based aromatic homo- and co-polyesters analogous to PET and PEI POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY
Artículo2006 Linear polyesters of the poly[alkylene (and co-arylene) dicarboxylate] type derived from carbohydrates MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2006 Neutron reflection study of a water-soluble biocompatible diblock copolymer adsorbed at the air/water interface: The effects of pH and polymer concentration LANGMUIR
Artículo2006 Poly(butylene terephthalate) copolyesters derived frorn L-arabinitol and xylitol MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2006 Use of reactive diisocyanate-terminated polymers as rheology modifiers of lubricating greases INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH
Artículo2005 Aromatic homo- and copolyesters from naturally occurring monosaccharides: PET and PEI analogs derived from L-arabinitol and xylitol JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2005 Aromatic polyesters from naturally occurring monosaccharides: Poly(ethylene terephthalate) and poly(ethylene isophthalate) analogs derived from D-mannitol and galactitol JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo2005 Carbohydrate-based polycarbonates. Synthesis, structure, and biodegradation studies MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2005 Synthesis and secondary structure of oligo(alpha-isobutyl beta,L-aspartate)s BIOPOLYMERS
Artículo2004 Capillary zone electrophoresis as a tool to monitor the hydrolytic degradation of a water-soluble poly(esteramide) POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY
Artículo2004 Synthesis and characterization of linear polyamides derived from L-arabinitol and xylitol MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2004 Synthesis of glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharides - An unexpected inhibitory effect of a remote N-acetyl group upon trichloroacetimidate-mediated couplings EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2004 The activation of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) by glycosaminoglycans: Influence of the sulfation pattern on the biological activity of FGF-1 CHEMBIOCHEM
Artículo2004 The heparin-Ca2+ interaction: the influence of the O-sulfation pattern on binding CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo2003 Synthesis and structural study of two new heparin-like hexasaccharides ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY
Artículo2003 Synthesis of 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-methyl-D-glucono-1,6-lactone as a monomer for the preparation of copolyesters CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo2002 Carbohydrate-based copolymers. Hydrolysis of copoly(ester amide)s containing L-arabinose units MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2002 Carbohydrate-based copolymers. Synthesis and characterization of copoly(ester amide)s containing L-arabinose units MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2002 Hydrolytic and enzymatic degradations of physically crosslinked hydrogels prepared from PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymers JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE
Artículo2002 The heparin-Ca2+ interaction: Structure of the Ca2+ binding site EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2001 Controlled polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate by ATRP at ambient temperature MACROMOLECULES
Ponencia2001 Controlled polymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate by ATRP at ambient temperature. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
Artículo2001 Preparation and reactivity of some 3-deoxy-D-altronic acid derivatives JOURNAL OF CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY
Artículo2001 Protein release from physically crosslinked hydrogels of the PLA/PEO/PLA triblock copolymer-type BIOMATERIALS
Artículo2001 Synthesis and structural studies of 2,3-disubstituted poly(beta-peptide)s MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2001 Synthesis of L-arabinitol and xylitol monomers for the preparation of polyamides. Preparation of an L-arabinitol-based polyamide CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo2001 Synthesis of well-defined, semibranched, hydrophilic-hydrophobic block copolymers using atom transfer radical polymerization MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2001 Use of oxyanion-initiated polymerization for the synthesis of amine methacrylate-based homopolymers and block copolymers POLYMER
Artículo2000 Preparation of 3-amino-3-deoxy-2,4,5,6-tetra-O-methyl-D-altronic acid hydrochloride, a precursor in the preparation of a chiral beta-polyamide (nylon 3 analog) JOURNAL OF CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY
Artículo2000 Stereoregular copolyamides derived from D-xylose and L-arabinose MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2000 Synthesis and characterization of some new homo- and copoly(vinylsaccharides). Some preliminary studies as drug delivery POLYMER
Artículo2000 Synthesis and solution properties of dimethylsiloxane-2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate block copolymers MACROMOLECULES
Artículo2000 Synthesis of novel cationic polymeric surfactants POLYMER
Artículo2000 Synthesis of shell cross-linked micelles at high solids in aqueous media MACROMOLECULES
Ponencia2000 Use of oxyanion-initiated polymerization for the synthesis of amine methacrylate-based homopolymers and block copolymers. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
Artículo1999 Hydrolytic degradation of poly(ester amide)s made from tartaric and succinic acids: Influence of the chemical structure and microstructure on degradation rate MACROMOLECULES
Artículo1998 Synthesis and characterization of chiral polyamides derived from glycine and (S)-5-amino-4-methoxypentanoic acid JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo1998 Synthesis and properties of stereoregular poly(ester amides) derived from carbohydrates JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997 Hydrolytic degradation of poly(ester amides) derived from carbohydrates MACROMOLECULES
Artículo1997 Synthesis and characterization of optically active polyamides derived from carbohydrate-based monomers JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997 Synthesis and condensation reactions of 1-amino-1-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-5-O-[(pentachlorophenoxy)phthaloyl]-L-arabinitol CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo1997 Synthesis of poly[isobutyl (2S,3R)-3-benzyloxyaspartate] MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo1996 Synthesis of carbohydrate-based monomers that are precursors for the preparation of stereoregular polyamides TETRAHEDRON-ASYMMETRY
Artículo1995 Synthesis of a stereoregular poly(ester amide) derived from l-arabinose MACROMOLECULES
Artículo1995 Synthesis of stereoregular polygluconamides from d-glucose and d-glucosamine JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY
Nota1994 Photomodulation of the inverse temperature transition of a modified elastin poly(pentapeptide) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
Artículo1994 Selective H+-dependent release of contents from thymine-labeled phospholipid-vesicles by an adenine-labeled polyelectrolyte MACROMOLECULES
Nota1993 Preparation of 2-amino-2-deoxy-3,4,5,6-tetra-o-methyl-d-gluconic acid hydrochloride, an intermediate in the preparation of polypeptide-type polyamides CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Nota1992 Reaction of Meldrum's acid with d-mannose and l-arabinose CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Nota1992 Some derivatives of 6-amino-6-deoxy-d-gluconic acid that are precursors for the synthesis of polyamides CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Nota1991 Synthesis of 1,2-diamino-1,2-dideoxy-d-glycero-l-manno-heptitol and 1,2-diamino-1,2-dideoxy-d-glycero-l-gluco-heptitol CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo1990 Glycosides of 1-amino-1-deoxy-d-fructose CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo1990 Reaction of sugars with Meldrum's acid: A route to 3,6-anhydro-2-deoxyaldono-1,4-lactones CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Nota1990 Synthesis and conformational analysis of C-glycosylbarbiturates CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo1989 Preparative synthesis of C-(α-d-glucopyranosyl)-alkenes and -alkadienes: Diels-alder reaction CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo1988 Studies on the dehydration of new 2-(pentitol-1-yl)pyridines having d-gulo, d-ido, and l-manno configurations Nucleosides & Nucleotides
Artículo1988 Synthesis and structural study of 5-nitro-6-(penta-O-acetylpentitol-1-yl)norbornenes CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Nota1987 1H and 13C NMR spectra of peracetylated 1‐deoxy‐1‐nitroheptitols Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
Artículo1987 Protection of the amino group of amino-sugars by the acylvinyl group .4. koenigs-knorr glycosidations with 3,4,6-tri-o-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-[(4,4-dimethyl-2,6-dioxocyclohexylidenemethyl)-amino]-alpha-d-glucopyranosylbromide CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Nota1987 Synthesis of 2-(d-allo-pentitol-1-yl and d-altro-pentitol-1-yl)pyridines and their 2',5'-anhydro derivatives CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo1987 Synthesis of alkyl glyco-pyranosides and -furanosides of 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucose. Crystal structure of 2-deoxy-2-[(4,4-dimethyl-2,6-dioxocyclohexylidenemethyl)amino]-α-d -glucopyranose CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo1987 Vibrational spectroscopy and conformations of 2,2-diacylethenamines Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions. II
Artículo1986 Protection of the amino group of amino-sugars by the acylvinyl group .2. synthesis and glycosidation of 1-deoxy-1-[2,2-diacylvinyl)amino]-d-fructoses CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH
Artículo1984 Syntheses of D-glyceraldehyde 2,3-carbonate, D-glyceraldehyde 2,3- diacetate, and racemic and sn-glycerol 1,2-carbonate ANALES DE QUIMICA SERIE C-QUIMICA ORGANICA Y BIOQUIMICA
Artículo1984 Syntheses of d-glyceraldehyde 2,3-carbonate, d-glyceraldehyde 2,3-diacetate, and racemic and sn-glycerol 1,2-carbonate ANALES DE QUIMICA SERIE C-QUIMICA ORGANICA Y BIOQUIMICA
Artículo1981 Derivados del pirrol. XXIV. Ciclación de cetoenaminas procedentes de 2-amino-2-desoxi-heptosas ANALES DE QUIMICA SERIE C-QUIMICA ORGANICA Y BIOQUIMICA
Artículo1981 Pyrrole derivatives .24. cyclization of ketoamines from 2-amino-2-deoxy-heptoses ANALES DE QUIMICA SERIE C-QUIMICA ORGANICA Y BIOQUIMICA

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Denominación Agencia financiadora Importe concedido
01/01/2022 31/05/2023 Development of nano and microstructured polymeric materials with gastroretentive action for oral drug administration (US-1380587) Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad (Autonómico) 80.000,00 €
01/09/2021 31/05/2025 Preparación sostenible de hidrogeles superporosos con biodegradabilidad mejorada mediante la formación de redes interpenetradas (PID2020-115916GB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 90.750,00 €
01/06/2020 30/11/2023 Implantes de Base Titanio con Rigidez Adaptada, Superficie Biofuncionalizada y Poros Rellenos con Polímeros Biodegradables, Antibacterianos y Potencial Actividad Terapéutica (PID2019-109371GB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional) 121.000,00 €
01/01/2019 30/09/2022 Sistemas de Liberación de Fármacos Basados en Materiales Poliméricos Avanzados para el Tratamiento de Enfermedades del Tracto Gastro-Intestinal (RTI2018-095041-B-C31) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional) 96.800,00 €
30/12/2016 29/06/2019 Polímeros de Fuentes Renovables para Aplicaciones Farmacéuticas. Diseño de Sistemas Avanzados para Liberación Prolongada y Localizada de Fármacos (MAT2016-77345-C3-3-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional) 108.900,00 €
30/12/2016 29/06/2019 Polímeros de Fuentes Renovables para Aplicaciones Farmacéuticas: Homopolímeros y Copolímeros Basados en Azúcares (MAT2016-77345-C3-2-P) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional) 96.800,00 €
30/01/2014 16/07/2019 Polímeros Biodegradables a partir de Fuentes Renovables como Sistemas para el Transporte y Liberación de Fármacos y Material Genético (P12-FQM-1553) Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia (Autonómico) 273.894,00 €
01/01/2013 31/12/2015 Bioplásticos Derivados de Carbohidratos y Biopolímeros Microbianos para Aplicaciones en Envasado y Farmacia. (MAT2012-38044-C03-01) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Nacional) 194.220,00 €
01/01/2010 30/06/2013 Polímeros y nanopolímeros de fuentes renovables para aplicaciones biomédicas (MAT2009-14053-C02-02) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional) 181.500,00 €
01/01/2009 31/12/2011 Estudio teórico de propiedades fisicoquímicas de disoluciones conteniendo lones metálicos: solvatación, complejación, dinámina y reactividad (CTQ2008-05277) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional) 101.640,00 €
31/01/2008 31/12/2012 Polímeros Sintéticos Biodegradables para Aplicaciones en Biomedicina y Farmacia (P07-FQM-02684) Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas (Autonómico) 141.725,00 €
01/10/2006 31/12/2009 Biopolímeros y polímeros de síntesis biodegradables para aplicaciones en biomedicina y farmacia (MAT2006-13209-C02-01) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional) 169.400,00 €
31/12/2005 31/12/2008 Extensión y aplicaciones de la metodología cuántico-estadística basada en el modelo de ion hidratado a la química en disolución de sistemas conteniendo iones metálicos pesados (CTQ2005-03657) Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Nacional) 66.640,00 €
15/11/2003 28/02/2007 Polímeros biotecnológicos y biorrelacionados para aplicaciones biomédicas: síntesis y caracterización (MAT2003-06955-C02-02) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional) 163.850,00 €
01/01/2003 31/12/2003 Poliamidas, poliesteres y poliesteres biodegradables: síntesis, caracterización, estructura y propiedades (MAT2002-04600-C02-01) Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Nacional) 34.500,00 €


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Denominación Agencia financiadora Importe concedido
16/09/2011 01/11/2011 Evaluación científico tecnológico de los proyectos empresariales por expertos independientes preferentemente delmundo universitario. (1337/0533) Universidad de Granada (Desconocido)
06/02/2007 31/01/2011 Síntesis de nuevos materiales modificados derivados de azúcares (OG-025/07) Schlumberger Cambridge Research Limited (Desconocido)
07/09/2005 01/01/2006 Reversible Cross-Linking Via Diels-Alder Chemistry (OG-108/05) Schlumberger Cambridge Research Limited (Desconocido)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Denominación Agencia financiadora Importe concedido
01/01/2020 31/12/2020 Ayudas para el uso de los Servicios Generales de Investigación (PPI521/2020) Universidad de Sevilla (Local) 369,00 €
01/01/2020 31/12/2020 Ayudas para el uso de los Servicios Generales de Investigación (PPI509/2020) Universidad de Sevilla (Local) 2.749,00 €