Artículo | 2024 |
Attacking epistemic personhood on Twitter (X): A Spanish corpusbased examination
Reseña | 2024 |
Irina T. Pandarova, Revisiting sentence adverbials and relevance (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 334). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2021. Pp. ix + 254. ISBN 9789027213730.
English Language and Linguistics |
Capítulo | 2024 |
Reshaping Epistemic Identity on X/Twitter: A Spanish-English Contrast
Evaluating Identities Online |
Artículo | 2023 |
Ad hoc concepts, affective attitude and epistemic stance
Artículo | 2023 |
Concepts and context in relevance-theoretic pragmatics New developments
Capítulo | 2023 |
Diminutive morphemes: Towards a relevance-theoretic approach
Meaning in Language - From Individual to Collective |
Capítulo | 2023 |
Humour at the opening and closing phases of service encounters in small cafeterias and bars in Seville
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series |
Capítulo | 2023 |
Humour at the opening and closing phases of service encounters in small cafeterias and bars in Seville: Comparing the morning and evening segments
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series |
Artículo | 2023 |
Paralanguage and ad hoc concepts
Capítulo | 2023 |
Understanding Misunderstanding
Missverstehen |
Artículo | 2022 |
Dialogical humour in evening service encounters in the hospitality industry in Seville, Spain
Artículo | 2022 |
Is free enrichment always free? Revisiting ad hoc-concept construction
Artículo | 2022 |
Joke identification, comprehension and appreciation by Spanish intermediate ESL learners: an exploratory study
European Journal of Humour Research |
Otros | 2021 |
New developments in relevance theory
Artículo | 2021 |
On the interpretation of utterances with expressive expletives
Artículo | 2021 |
The role of humorous elements in Cádiz chirigotas in creating/reinforcing a local identity
Capítulo | 2020 |
Chapter 3. Evidential participles and epistemic vigilance
Relevance Theory, Figuration, and Continuity in Pragmatics |
Capítulo | 2020 |
El malentendido
Pragmática |
Reseña | 2020 |
Review of Alba-Juez, L., & Larina, T. (2018). The discourse of emotions [Special issue]. Russian Journal of Linguistics 22(1)
Russian Journal of Communication |
Artículo | 2020 |
Towards a relevance‐theoretic approach to the diminutive morpheme
Russian Journal of Linguistics |
Artículo | 2019 |
Dealing with jokes in the ESL class: a pedagogical proposal centred on comprehension
Letrônica |
Artículo | 2019 |
Interlanguage pragmatics and instructional pragmatics: Two vibrant and illuminating research fields
Letrônica |
Artículo | 2019 |
On the pragmatic and conversational features of venting: A reply to Thorson and Baker
Social epistemology review and reply collective |
Artículo | 2019 |
On the Successfulness of Venting and Its Venues
Social epistemology review and reply collective |
Artículo | 2019 |
Pragmática da interlíngua e pragmática instrucional: dois campos de pesquisa vibrantes e elucidativos
Letrônica |
Artículo | 2019 |
Qualifying insults, offensive epithets, slurs and expressive expletives A relevance-theoretic approach
Capítulo | 2019 |
Verbal humor and age in cafés and bars in Seville, Spain
Pragmatic Variation in Service Encounter Interactions across the Spanish-Speaking World |
Artículo | 2018 |
Expressive APs and expletive NPs revisited: Refining the extant relevance-theoretic procedural account
Artículo | 2018 |
One thing is testimonial injustice and another is conceptual competence injustice. Reply to Podosky and Tuckwell
Social epistemology review and reply collective |
Artículo | 2018 |
Pragmatic Competence Injustice
Artículo | 2017 |
Conceptual competence injustice and relevance theory, a reply to Derek Anderson
Social epistemology review and reply collective |
Artículo | 2017 |
Interlanguage pragmatics in a service encounter: diagnosing how Spanish learners of English for the Tourism Industry inform tourists at a visitor centre
Artículo | 2017 |
Interlocutors-related and hearer-specific causes of misunderstanding: Processing strategy, confirmation bias and weak vigilance
Research in Language |
Capítulo | 2017 |
On the origin and meaning of secondary interjections: A relevance-theoretic proposal
Applications of Relevance Theory: From Discourse to Morphemes |
Artículo | 2017 |
On the usefulness of the notion of `conceptual competence injustice' to linguistic pragmatics
Social epistemology review and reply collective |
Reseña | 2016 |
Francisco Yus: Humour and Relevance. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2016, 367 pp. ISBN: 978-90-272-0231-4
Philologia hispalensis |
Libro | 2016 |
Relevance theory: recent developments, current challenges and future directions
Relevance theory: recent developments, current challenges and future directions |
Capítulo | 2016 |
Some directions for future research in relevance-theoretic pragmatics
Relevance theory: recent developments, current challenges and future directions |
Capítulo | 2016 |
Three decades of relevance theory
Relevance theory: recent developments, current challenges and future directions |
Artículo | 2016 |
Vigilance mechanisms in interpretation: Hermeneutical vigilance
Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis |
Artículo | 2015 |
Fostering EF/SL learners' meta-pragmatic awareness of complaints and their interactive effects
Language Awareness |
Artículo | 2015 |
On the role of vigilance in the interpretation of puns
Otros | 2015 |
Pragmatics and discourse analysis
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics |
Artículo | 2014 |
Pragmatic failure, epistemic injustice and epistemic vigilance
Artículo | 2013 |
An integrative proposal to teach the pragmatics of phatic communion in ESL classes
Artículo | 2013 |
Metapsychological awareness of comprehension and epistemic vigilance of L2 communication in interlanguage pragmatic development
Artículo | 2013 |
Understanding and overcoming pragmatic failure in intercultural communication: From focus on speakers to focus on hearers
Artículo | 2012 |
Epistemic vigilance, cautious optimism and sophisticated understanding
Research in Language |
Capítulo | 2012 |
Metarepresentation, attitudinal utterances and attitude combination: a relevance-theoretic approach
Relevance Studies in Poland. Essays on language and communication. Volume 4 |
Libro | 2012 |
New perspectives on (im)politeness and interpersonal communication
New perspectives on (im)politeness and interpersonal communication |
Ponencia | 2012 |
Rapport management by Spanish learners of English as an L2 at the opening phase of interaction in the tourist information office: a pragmatic analysis
Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 Century applied linguistics |
Ponencia | 2010 |
Revisting the non-conceptual of interjections
Analysing data > Describing variation |
Capítulo | 2010 |
Teaching interjections in the ESL/EFL class: a pragmatic approach
Estudios de Metodología de la Lengua Inglesa, 5 |
Ponencia | 2010 |
What can interjections communicate?: towards a complementary relevance-theoretic proposal
Modos y formas de la comunicación humana |
Capítulo | 2009 |
Complaints as rapport builders: a relevance-theoretic proposal
Applied Linguistics Now [Recurso electrónico]: Understanding Language and Mind = La Lingüística aplicada actual: comprendiendo el lenguaje y la mente |
Artículo | 2009 |
Might interjections encode concepts? More questions than answers
Lodz Papers In Pragmatics |
Libro | 2009 |
Pragmatics Applied to Language Teaching and Learning
Pragmatics Applied to Language Teaching and Learning |
Reseña | 2009 |
Review of pragmatics and non-verbal communication, by Tim Wharton
Lodz Papers In Pragmatics |
Artículo | 2009 |
Towards an Alternative Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Interjections
Capítulo | 2009 |
Understanding and Overcoming Pragmatic Failure when Interpreting Phatic Utterances
Pragmatics Applied to Language Teaching and Learning |
Capítulo | 2008 |
On the (im)politeness of phatic utterances in the UK and USA
Discurso y sociedad II: nuevas contribuciones al estudio de la lengua en contexto social |
Capítulo | 2008 |
On the (im)politeness of phatic utterances in the UK and USA
Discurso y sociedad II: nuevas contribuciones al estudio de la lengua en un contexto social |
Ponencia | 2008 |
Phatic utterances as face-threatening/saving acts or politeness strategies: a pragmatic reflection for their teaching in the L2 class
25 años de lingüística en España [Recurso electrónico]: hitos y retos = 25 years os applied linguistics in Spain: milestones and challenges |
Ponencia | 2008 |
Social effects: a relevance theory perspective
Proceedings from the 31st AEDEAN Conference [Recurso electrónico] |
Capítulo | 2008 |
Three Different Approaches to the Teaching of the (IM) Politeness of Phatic Utterances in English
Language Awareness in English and Spanish, 131-152 |
Ponencia | 2007 |
Can irony be phatic? A relevance-theoretic proposal
Proceedings of the 30th International AEDEAN Conference [Recurso electrónico] |
Capítulo | 2007 |
Politeness: Always Implicated?.
International Perspectives on Gender and Language, 350-372 |
Ponencia | 2007 |
Should teachers focus on phatic utterances in the ESL class? A pragmatic reflection
Actas del XXIV Congreso Internacional de AESLA [Recurso electrónico]: aprendizaje de lenguas, uso del lenguaje y modelación cognitiva : perspectivas aplicadas entre disciplinas |
Ponencia | 2006 |
Hacia una nueva definición de la cortesía
Discurso y sociedad : contribuciones al estudio de la lengua en contexto social |
Artículo | 2006 |
Interpreting phatic statements: a complementary relevance-theoretic approach
Proceedings of the 29th internacional AEDEAN conference [Recurso electrónico] |
Capítulo | 2006 |
Topic selection for phatic utterances: a relevance-theoretic approach
Usos sociales del lenguaje y aspectos psicolingüísticos [Recurso electrónico]: perspectivas aplicadas |
Artículo | 2005 |
On the phatic interpretation of utterances: a complementary relevance-theoretic proposal
Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses |
Artículo | 2005 |
Relevance theory and historical linguistics: towards a pragmatic approach to the morphological changes in the preterite from old english to middle english
Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses |
Capítulo | 2005 |
Teaching to be phatic: a pragmatic approach
Estudios de metodología de la lengua inglesa (III) |
Ponencia | 2005 |
Teaching to Be Phatic: a Pragmatic Approach
IV Jornadas de Metodología de la Lengua Inglesa (2005), |
Ponencia | 2005 |
Towards new politeness systems
Actas XVIII Congreso Internacional AEDEAN [Recurso electrónico] |
Artículo | 2004 |
Algunos problemas del análisis de los enunciados fáticos desde la teoría de la relevancia
Interlingüística |
Ponencia | 2004 |
Phatic utterances and cultural knowledge: some remarks for a new relevance-theoretic approach to phatic communication
Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN = Proceedings of the 27th International AEDEAN Conference |
Ponencia | 2004 |
Politeness Strategies in "The Barbers Playe" and "The Second Shepherds Pageant": a Comparison of Two Middle English Politeness Systems
Estudios de filología inglesa : IV Actas de las IV Jornadas de Filología Inglesa, Córdoba, octubre 2001 |
Ponencia | 2004 |
Towards New Politeness Systems
XXVIII Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN (2004) |
Artículo | 2003 |
Análisis de las estrategias de cortesía lingüística de “The second shepherds’ pageant” en el nivel extradiegético: un sistema de cortesía de solidaridad
AEDEAN: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference (León, 16-18 de diciembre, 1999) [Recurso electrónico] |
Artículo | 2003 |
Perspectivas pragmáticas sobre los saludos
Interlingüística |
Ponencia | 2002 |
Learning about the role of repetitions of phatic sequences: A relevance theoretic approach
V Congrés Internacional sobre Llengües per a Finalitats Específiques: the language of international communication : actes : 6, 7 i 8 setembre 2001, Canet de Mar |
Artículo | 2002 |
Lo que la pragmática puede aportar al estudio histórico del lenguaje
Res Diachronicae |
Ponencia | 2001 |
Algunas Claves para Evitar el Fallo Sociopragmático en los Estudiantes de Inglés Como L2
English Language Teaching: Changing Perspectives in Context. I Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza del Inglés: Nuevas Perspectivas en Investigación y Didáctica, 451-462 |
Artículo | 2001 |
Compliments: a relevance-theoretic approach
Actas del 25º Congreso AEDEAN [Recurso electrónico] |
Capítulo | 2001 |
El desarrollo de la competencia sociopragmática de los estudiantes de una L2: algunas implicaciones metodológicas de la "Teoría de la relevancia"
Teaching English in a Spanish setting |
Ponencia | 2001 |
Las estrategias de cortesía lingüística en los parlamentos dirigidos a la audiencia de un "Mystery Play" de inglés medio: "The Cappers Playe"
La linguística aplicada a finales de siglo XX : ensayos y propuestas |
Ponencia | 2001 |
Relevance theory and the morphologic evolution of the present tense from old english to early modern english
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference of AEDEAN: [electronic resource] |
Artículo | 2001 |
Sobre las funciones comunicativas de la comunión fática
Interlingüística |
Artículo | 2001 |
The relevance of what seems irrelevant: remarks on the relationship between phatic utterances and sociopragmatic failure
Artículo | 2001 |
Una aproximación al fallo pramalingüístico y a los lapsus lingüísticos desde la teoría de la relevancia
Interlingüística |
Artículo | 1998 |
Estudio de estrategias de cortesía lingüística en los Mistery Plays
Interlingüística |