Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024Generalized eigenvalue problem for an interface elliptic equationJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2024Hausdorff and fractal dimensions of attractors for functional differential equations in Banach spacesJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2024Mean attractors and invariant measures of locally monotone and generally coercive SPDEs driven by superlinear noiseJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2024On the proximity between the wave dynamics of the integrable focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation and its non-integrable generalizationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2024Point-wise behavior of the explosive positive solutions to a degenerate elliptic BVP with an indefinite weight functionJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2023Discrete Carleman estimates and application to controllability for a fully-discrete parabolic operator with dynamic boundary conditionsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2023Exact controllability to the trajectories of the one-phase Stefan problemJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2023Quasi-periodic solutions to the incompressible Euler equations in dimensions two and higherJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2022Asymptotic behavior of a semilinear problem in heat conduction with long time memory and non-local diffusionJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2022Invariant sample measures and random Liouville type theorem for the two-dimensional stochastic Navier-Stokes equationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2022Smoothing effect and asymptotic dynamics of nonautonomous parabolic equations with time-dependent linear operatorsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2022The closeness of the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice to the Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger equationJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2021Integral characterization for Poincaré half-maps in planar linear systemsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2021Non-autonomous nonlocal partial differential equations with delay and memoryJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2021Smoothing and finite-dimensionality of uniform attractors in Banach spacesJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2021Statistical solution and Liouville type theorem for the Klein-Gordon-Schrödinger equationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2021Well-posedness of the water-wave with viscosity problemJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2020Boundary controllability of a one-dimensional phase-field system with one control forceJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2020On some geometric inverse problems for nonscalar elliptic systemsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2020On the controllability of some equations of Sobolev-Galpern typeJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2020Trajectory statistical solutions and Liouville type equations for evolution equations: Abstract results and applicationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2019Asymptotic regularity of trajectory attractor and trajectory statistical solution for the 3D globally modified Navier-Stokes equationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2019On the global well-posedness of a class of 2D solutions for the Rosensweig system of ferrofluidsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2019On the influence of gravity on density-dependent incompressible periodic fluidsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2019Unilateral global bifurcation for a class of quasilinear elliptic systems and applicationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2018Asymptotics of viscoelastic materials with nonlinear density and memory effectsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2018Continuity of non-autonomous attractors for hyperbolic perturbation of parabolic equationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2018Exponential stability of stochastic evolution equations driven by small fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter in (1/2,1)JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2018Global and cocycle attractors for non-autonomous reaction-diffusion equations. The case of null upper Lyapunov exponentJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2018Porous elastic system with nonlinear damping and sources termsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2018Stability results for 2D Navier-Stokes equations with unbounded delayJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2018The C-r dependence problem of eigenvalues of the Laplace operator on domains in the planeJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2017Attractors for impulsive non-autonomous dynamical systems and their relationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2017Dynamics of wave equations with moving boundaryJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2017Refuge versus dispersion in the logistic equationJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2017Uniform attractors for non-autonomous random dynamical systemsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2016A new div-curl result. Applications to the homogenization of elliptic systems and to the weak continuity of the JacobianJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2015On differentiability of eigenvalues of second order elliptic operators on non-smooth domainsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2015On the critical crossing cycle bifurcation in planar Filippov systemsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2014Semilinear biharmonic problems with a singular termJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2014Structure of attractors for skew product semiflowsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2013Random attractors for stochastic 2D-Navier-Stokes equations in some unbounded domainsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2013Skew product semiflows and Morse decompositionJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2012Attractors of stochastic lattice dynamical systems with a multiplicative noise and non-Lipschitz nonlinearitiesJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2012Pullback attractors in V for non-autonomous 2D-Navier-Stokes equations and their tempered behaviourJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2011Levitan/Bohr almost periodic and almost automorphic solutions of second order monotone differential equationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2011Periodic orbits for perturbations of piecewise linear systemsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2010Finite-dimensional global attractors in Banach spacesJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2010On the long time behavior of non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra models with diffusion via the sub-supertrajectory methodJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2010Unstable invariant manifolds for stochastic PDEs driven by a fractional Brownian motionJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2009A Lotka-Volterra symbiotic model with cross-diffusionJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2009Almost periodic and almost automorphic solutions of linear differential/difference equations without Favard's separation condition. IJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2009Almost periodic and almost automorphic solutions of linear differential/difference equations without Favard's separation condition. IIJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2009An extension of the concept of gradient semigroups which is stable under perturbationJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2009Asymptotic behaviour of a phase-field model with three coupled equations without uniquenessJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2008Nonlinear age-dependent diffusive equations: A bifurcation approachJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2008Pullback attractors for a semilinear heat equation in a non-cylindrical domainJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2008Study of an elliptic system arising from angiogenesis with chemotaxis and flux at the boundaryJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2008Uniform convergence of sequences of solutions of two-dimensional linear elliptic equations with unbounded coefficientsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2007Attractors for differential equations with unbounded delaysJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2007Characterization of non-autonomous attractors of a perturbed infinite-dimensional gradient systemJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2007Non-autonomous perturbation of autonomous semilinear differential equations: Continuity of local stable and unstable manifoldsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2007The stability of attractors for non-autonomous perturbations of gradient-like systemsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2006Bifurcations in non-autonomous scalar equationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2005Autonomous and non-autonomous attractors for differential equations with delaysJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2004Attractors for 2D-Navier-Stokes models with delaysJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2004First derivative of the period function with applicationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2004On the controllability of the heat equation with nonlinear boundary Fourier conditionsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2003Pullback permanence in a non-autonomous competitive Lotka-Volterra modelJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2003Why viscous fluids adhere to rugose walls: A mathematical explanationJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2002The exponential behaviour and stabilizability of stochastic 2D-Navier-Stokes equationsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo2000On the symbiotic Lotka-Volterra model with diffusion and transport effectsJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
Artículo1979Dynamical system for a nonautonomous differential equation with α-Lipschitz operatorJOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS