Ver Investigador - - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Caren Goldberg

Posdoctoral Marie Curie
Área de conocimiento: Organización de Empresas
Departamento: Administración de Empresas y Marketing
Grupo: Sin grupo
Instituto de Inv.: IUSEN

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024 When words are not enough: The combined effects of autism meta-stereotypes and recruitment practices aimed at attracting autistic job-seekers Human Resource Management
Artículo2023 Lean on me when you’re not out: interactive effects of coworker support and concealment on transgender employees’ commitment and effort Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Artículo2022 Organizational abortion support benefits in the post-Roe world: employee and employer perspectives Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Artículo2021 Pygmalion in the pipeline: How managers' perceptions influence racial differences in turnover Human Resource Management
Artículo2020 A meta-analytic review of gender composition influencing employees’ work outcomes: implications for human resource development Human Resource Development International
Artículo2020 From new hires to their supervisors: The influence of newcomer race/ethnicity on the leader–member exchange conveyance JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Revisión2019 Improving the measurement of sexual harassment climate Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Artículo2019 Political Affiliation and Employment Screening Decisions: The Role of Similarity and Identification Processes Journal of Applied Psychology
Artículo2019 The direct and indirect effects of organizational tolerance for sexual harassment on the effectiveness of sexual harassment investigation training for HR managers Human Resource Development Quarterly
Artículo2018 Are They True to the Cause? Beliefs About Organizational and Unit Commitment to Sexual Harassment Awareness Training Group and Organization Management
Artículo2017 How Today’s Shocks Predict Tomorrow’s Leaving Journal of Business and Psychology
Artículo2017 The role of political affiliation in employment decisions: A model and research agenda Journal of Applied Psychology
Editorial2016 What Makes the GOM Special Conceptual Issue Special? Group and Organization Management
Editorial2015 Editors’ Comment: So, What Is a Conceptual Paper? Group and Organization Management
Artículo2014 Sensitivity-to-diversity: A moderator of diversity affective outcomes relationships Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Artículo2013 Antecedents and outcomes of targeting older applicants in recruitment EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Capítulo2012 Diversity issues for an aging workforce Aging and Work in The 21st Century
Artículo2011 Speaking up: A conceptual model of voice responses following the unfair treatment of others in non-union settings Human Resource Management
Artículo2010 Asymmetrical demography effects on psychological climate for gender diversity: Differential effects of leader gender and work unit gender composition among Swedish doctors Human Relations
Artículo2010 Does social identity theory underlie relational demography? A test of the moderating effects of uncertainty reduction and status enhancement on similarity effects Human Relations
Artículo2008 Black and white and read all over: Race differences in reactions to recruitment web sites Human Resource Management
Artículo2008 Employees' perceptions of their leaders: Is being similar always better? Group and Organization Management
Artículo2008 The effects of retirement expectations and social support on post-retirement adjustment: A longitudinal analysis JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2007 The impact of training and conflict avoidance on responses to sexual harassment Psychology of Women Quarterly
Artículo2005 Preferences for job attributes associated with work and family: A longitudinal study of career outcomes SEX ROLES
Artículo2005 Relational demography and similarity-attraction in interview assessments and subsequent offer decisions - Are we missing something? Group and Organization Management
Capítulo2004 Age discrimination in the workplace Discrimination at Work: The Psychological and Organizational Bases
Revisión2004 Job and industry fit: The effects of age and gender matches on career progress outcomes Journal of Organizational Behavior
Artículo2004 Simple and joint effects of gender and self-esteem on responses to same-sex sexual harassment SEX ROLES
Artículo2004 Walking the walk and talking the talk: Gender differences in the impact of interviewing skills on applicant assessments Group and Organization Management
Artículo2003 Applicant reactions to the employment interview. A look at demographic similarity and social identity theory JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH
Artículo2003 Who responds to surveys? Assessing the effects of nonresponse in cross-sectional dyadic research Assessment
Revisión2003 Work attitudes and decisions as a function of manager age and employee age Journal of Applied Psychology
Artículo2001 The impact of the proportion of women in one's workgroup, profession, and friendship circle on males' and females' responses to sexual harassment SEX ROLES
Artículo2000 Modeling employee absenteeism: Testing alternative measures and mediated effects based on job satisfaction Journal of Organizational Behavior
Artículo2000 No Safety in Numbers: Persistence of biases and their effects on team risk perception and team decision making Group and Organization Management
Este investigador no ha dirigido/tutorizado tesis

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
15/01/2022 14/07/2024 Investigador/a Closing the Gender Gap in Leadership: Using Research to Inform Practice - WOMLEAD (101030652) Comisión Europea (Europeo)
01/09/2022 31/08/2025 Investigador/a Modelos estructurales avanzados sobre la presencia femenina en posiciones de liderazgo. Un análisis de su efecto en el diseño de los sistemas de información y el compromiso social (MOLIFEM) (PID2021-127074NB-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Nacional)
01/03/2022 29/02/2024 Contratado A Riboescaper study: Protein synthesis driven by deficiently assembled ribosomes - RiboEscapers (H2020-MSCA-IF-2020) Comisión Europea (Europeo)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado