Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones de la editorial Elsevier Science

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2025Chemical preparation, thermal behavior, magnetic properties and biological activities of a new manganese chloride templated by piperazine (C4H12N2)[MnCl4(H2O)2]INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2025Densely embedded homogeneous FeOx nanoparticles in N-doped carbon frameworks: A 3D scaffold catalyst for high-temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesisCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2025Effect of electrostatic immobilization on the electrochemistry of human and horse cytochrome cJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2025Exploring FeVO4/ZnCo2O4 n-p heterojunctions for superior photoelectrochemical performanceJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2025Field study on adaptive comfort in a mixed mode university building located in the south of EuropeENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2025Homogenized models of mechanical metamaterialsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2025Hydrophobic gold nanoparticles coupled with fluorescent dyes: A smart tool for optoelectronic applicationsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2025Influence of electronic and structural properties on Au/In2O3/ZrO2 catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to methanolCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2025Unlocking synergistic benefits of the calcium looping-calcium hydroxide integration for energy storage: A perspective on sorbent performanceCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo20242D magnesium phosphate resorbable coating to enhance cell adhesion on titanium surfacesMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2024A domain decomposition method employing displacement-only partitioned equations for quasi-static structural analysisCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2024A model-less approach for the optimal coordination of renewable energy sources and DC links in low-voltage distribution networksELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2024A neural network-based classifier for identifying and locating neutral wire breaks in low voltage distribution networksELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2024A partitioned flexibility (PartFlex) method for structural analysisCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2024Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in the Spanish nuclear fieldNUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2024Closing the energy flexibility gap: Enriching flexibility performance rating of buildings with monitored dataENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2024Development of a scintillator based fast-ion loss detector for the Wendelstein 7-X stellaratorFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2024Development of bimetallic Ru/Ni/SBA-16 catalysts for catalytic hydrogenation of bio-based furfural to 2-methylfuran and furfuryl alcoholMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2024Efficient management of HVAC systems through coordinated operation of parallel chiller units: An economic predictive control approachENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2024Energy poverty under 2M indicator: Feasibility of decrease by using passive techniques in residential buildings of Southeast MexicoENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2024Enhancing nonlinear solvers for the Navier–Stokes equations with continuous (noisy) data assimilationCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2024Enhancing the building resilience in a changing climate through a passive cooling roof: A case study in Camas (Seville, Spain)ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2024Fine-grained BCZT piezoelectric ceramics by combining high-energy mechanochemical synthesis and hot-press sinteringJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2024Heat wave resilience in open Spaces: A case study of a Self-Sufficient cooling shelterENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2024Implementation and validation of a dual P- and M- class compliant PMU prototype based on the delayed in-quadrature interpolated DFTELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2024Magnetostructural transformation and magnetocaloric response in Mn(Fe)NiSi(Al) alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2024Medium- and long-term demand estimation integrating emerging technologiesELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2024Metataxonomy and pigments analyses unravel microbial diversity and the relevance of retinal-based photoheterotrophy at different salinities in the Odiel Salterns (SW, Spain)JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo2024Novel IEC 61850-based off-site engineering and validation methodology for protection, automation, and control systemsELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2024On the automatic construction of interface coupling operators for non-matching meshes by optimization methodsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2024Overview of European efforts and advances in Stellarator power plant studiesFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2024Reconstruction of thermomagnetic and phase transformation loops in magnetostructural transitions using selective integration of temperature first-order reversal curves (TFORC) distributionsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2024Reduced Basis modelling of turbulence with well-developed inertial rangeCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2024Reliability assessment of dynamic line rating methods based on conductor temperature estimationELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2024Statistical characterization of reliability indices in medium voltage networks using a Monte Carlo-based methodELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2024Steam cracking in a semi-industrial dual fluidized bed reactor: Tackling the challenges in thermochemical recycling of plastic wasteCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2024Structure-dependent oxidation behavior of Au-Cu nanoparticlesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2024Study of stability and thermo-magnetic response of MnCoFeGeSi mechanically alloyed systemsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2024Tunable magnetocaloric effect towards cryogenic range by varying Mn:Ni ratio in all-d-metal Ni(Co)-Mn-Ti Heusler alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2024Unleashing the antibiofouling potential of nano-structured ZrN-Cu coating through electricitySURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2023A fitting procedure for probability density functions of service restoration times. Application to underground cables in medium-voltage networksELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2023All-d-metal Ni(Co)-Mn(X)-Ti (X = Fe or Cr) Heusler alloys: Enhanced magnetocaloric effect for moderate magnetic fieldsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2023An innovative approach to assess the limitations of characterizing solar gains in buildings: a Spanish case studyENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023Analysing the indoor temperature ranges for an efficient control of HVAC systemsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023Analysis and design of the central stack for the SMART tokamakFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2023Biorefinery concept in the meat industry: From slaughterhouse biowastes to superaborbent materialsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2023Catalytic conversion of syngas to light hydrocarbons via simulated intermediates CO/CO2/DME/N2/H2 over the regulated acidity of SAPO-34CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2023Cu(I) and Ag(I) complexes of two sterically demanding Xylyl-substituted phosphine ligands: synthesis, characterization, and structural examinationINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2023Energy loss of MeV protons in diamond: Stopping power and mean ionization energyDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2023Energy-conserving interface dynamics with asynchronous direct time integration employing arbitrary time stepsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2023Extending the concept of high-performance buildings to existing dwellingsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023Extending the use of adaptive thermal comfort to air-conditioning: the case study of a local Japanese comfort model in present and future scenariosENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023First measurements of a scintillator-based fast-ion loss detector in reversed Ip/Bt at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamakFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2023First-order phase transition in high-performance La(Fe,Mn,Si)13H despite negligible hysteresisJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2023Improving winter thermal comfort in Mediterranean buildings upgrading the envelope: an adaptive assessment based on a real surveyENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023Interatomic-potential-free, data-driven molecular dynamicsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2023Is the analysis scale crucial to assess energy poverty? Analysis of yearly and monthly assessments using the 2 M indicator in the south of SpainENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023Kinetics of H2S removal using alkaline residue as in-bed sorbent in fluidized bed gasification of biomass and wastesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2023Low CO2 hydrogen streams production from formic acid through control of the reaction pHCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2023Microstructural characterization and thermal stability of He charged amorphous silicon films prepared by magnetron sputtering in heliumMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2023On the influence of the nonlinear term in the numerical approximation of Incompressible Flows by means of proper orthogonal decomposition methodsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2023On the order of magnetic transition in MnCo1−xFexGe (x = 0.20, 0.06 and 0.03) mechanical alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2023Optimising LCA in complex buildings with MLCAQ: a BIM-based methodology for automated multi-criteria materials selectionENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023Photovoltaic energy balance estimation based on the building integration levelENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023Porous beta titanium alloy coated with a therapeutic biopolymeric composite to improve tribomechanical and biofunctional balanceMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2023Predictive simulations for plasma scenarios in the SMART tokamakFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2023Providing a feasible energy retrofitting technique based on polyurethane foam injection to improve windows performance in the building stockENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023Recent developments in amino acid-derived imidazole-, imidazolium- and N-heterocyclic carbene-carboxylate complexesINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2023Retrofit strategies to mitigate overheating linking urban climate modeling and urban building simulations with outdoor comfort. An urban sector in Malaga (Spain)ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023Reversibility and thermal dependence of the martensitic transformation in a melt-spun Ni55Fe17Ga26Co2 Heusler alloyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2023Setting a comprehensive strategy to face the runback icing phenomenaSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2023Thermal modeling of existing buildings in high-fidelity simulators: a novel, practical methodologyENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2023Three-field partitioned analysis of fluid–structure interaction problems with a consistent interface modelCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2023Ti6Al4V coatings on titanium samples by sputtering techniques: microstructural and mechanical characterizationJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2023Ultra-low hysteresis in giant magnetocaloric Mn1-xVxFe0.95(P,Si,B) compoundsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2023Use of ultracapacitor for provision of inertial response in virtual synchronous generator: design and experimental validationELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2022A combined phase-field and cohesive zone model approach for crack propagation in layered structures made of nonlinear rubber-like materialsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Revisión2022Activity and efficiency trends for the residential sector across countriesENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2022Albero: An alternative natural material for solar energy storage by the calcium-looping processCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2022Comparative study between the passive house standard in warm climates and nearly zero energy buildings under Spanish technical building code in a dwelling design in Seville, SpainENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2022Comparative study of structural and magnetic properties of ribbon and bulk Ni55Fe19Ga26 Heusler alloyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Corrección2022Corrigendum to “Photobiology of the keystone genus Metarhizium” [Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology Volume 226 (2022), 112374] (Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology (2022) 226, (S1011134421002530), (10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2021.112374))JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo2022Cubic to hexagonal tuning in Fe2Mn(Si1-xGex) Heusler alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2022Dehydroxylation processing and lasing properties of a Nd alumino-phosphate glassJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2022Effect of sintering under CO+N2/H2 and CO2+air atmospheres on the physicochemical features of a commercial nano-YSZJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2022Enhanced low-temperature CO2 methanation performance of Ni/ZrO2 catalysts via a phase engineering strategyCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2022Enzyme-like activity of cobalt-MOF nanosheets for hydrogen peroxide electrochemical sensingSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2022Error analysis of a residual-based stabilization-motivated POD-ROM for incompressible flowsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2022Evaluation of the power frequency magnetic field generated by three-core armored cables through 3D finite element simulationsELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2022Experimental validation of ultra-shortened 3D finite element electromagnetic modeling of three-core armored cables at power frequencyELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2022Exploring the local environment of the engineered nanoclay Mica-4 under hydrothermal conditions using Eu(3+)as a luminescent probeJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2022Improving supply quality in distribution power networks: a game-theoretic planning approachELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2022Influence of the wind variability on the calculation of dynamic line ratingELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2022Microstructure, magnetism and critical behavior of hot pressed Ni-Mn-Ga/Al magnetocaloric composites with enhanced thermal conductivity and mechanical propertiesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2022Mitigation of climate change in Mediterranean existing social dwellings through numerical optimization of building stock modelsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2022Nonlinear thermo-elastic phase-field fracture of thin-walled structures relying on solid shell conceptsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Revisión2022Novel insights into the mechanism of electron transfer in mitochondrial cytochrome cCOORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo2022Optimal retrofit solutions considering thermal comfort and intervention costs for the Mediterranean social housing stockENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2022Phase field modeling of brittle fracture in large-deformation solid shells with the efficient quasi-Newton solution and global–local approachCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Revisión2022Photobiology of the keystone genus MetarhiziumJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo2022Plasma assisted CO2 dissociation in pure and gas mixture streams with a ferroelectric packed-bed reactor in ambient conditionsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2022Reactive flash sintering of SrFe12O19 ceramic permanent magnetsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2022Surface Si decoration of ultrafine NaFeMn-Si catalyst enabling high Fe-phase electron density for effectively converting syngas to aromaticsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2022Synthesis and characterization of chiral bidentate bis(N-heterocyclic carbene)-carboxylate palladium and nickel complexesINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2022The Calcium Looping process for energy storage: Insights from in situ XRD analysisCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2022Thermal comfort prediction of the existing housing stock in southern Spain through calibrated and validated parameterized simulation modelsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2022Thin film nanostructuring at oblique angles by substrate patterningSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2022Titania coatings: a mechanical shield for cohesive granular media at high temperaturesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021A GIS-based methodology to increase energy flexibility in building cluster through deep renovation: A neighborhood in SevilleENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Revisión2021A roadmap for the development and applications of silicon carbide membranes for liquid filtration: Recent advancements, challenges, and perspectivesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021Adaptive setpoint temperatures to reduce the risk of energy poverty? A local case study in SevilleENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2021Analysis of frequency-dependent network equivalents in dynamic harmonic domainELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2021Analysis of supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycles for a helium-cooled pebble bed blanket DEMO-like fusion power plantFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2021Are the dwellings of historic Mediterranean cities cold in winter? A field assessment on their indoor environment and energy performanceENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2021Arene-ruthenium(II) complexes with pyrazole-based ligands bearing a pyridine moiety: Synthesis, structure, DFT calculations, and cytotoxicityINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2021Autotolerant ceruloplasmin based biocathodes for implanted biological power sourcesBIOELECTROCHEMISTRY
Artículo2021Bio-inspired Ni dinuclear complexes as heterogeneous catalysts for hydrogen evolutionCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021Calcination under low CO2 pressure enhances the calcium Looping performance of limestone for thermochemical energy storageCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021Ceria-based catalytic coatings on biomorphic silicon carbide: A system for soot oxidation with enhanced propertiesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021Characterization of the response of fast ion loss detectors to fusion neutrons for applications at JT-60SA and ITERFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2021Characterization of thermal hysteresis in magnetocaloric NiMnIn Heusler alloys by Temperature First Order Reversal Curves (TFORC)JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2021Coils and power supplies design for the SMART tokamakFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2021Contribution of energy efficiency standards to life-cycle carbon footprint reduction in public buildings in ChileENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2021Data-driven variational multiscale reduced order modelsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2021Deconvolution of overlapping first and second order phase transitions in a NiMnIn Heusler alloy using the scaling laws of the magnetocaloric effectJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2021Deposition of bioactive gelatin coatings on porous titanium: influence of processing parameters, size and pore morphologySURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2021Extraction of microstructural parameters from sculptured thin films nanoindentationSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2021Fabrication and characterization of superficially modified porous dental implantsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2021Features of coupled AgBr/WO3 materials as potential photocatalystsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2021Formation of CuCrCoFeNiO high entropy alloy thin films by rapid thermal processing of Cu/CrNiO/FeCo multilayersSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2021Hardware developments and commissioning of the imaging heavy ion beam probe at ASDEX upgradeFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2021Impact of Tb4+ and morphology on the thermal evolution of Tb-doped TiO2 nanostructured hollow spheres and nanoparticlesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2021Influence of the type of thermostat on the energy saving obtained with adaptive setpoint temperatures: analysis in the current and future scenarioENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2021Kinetics and cyclability of limestone (CaCO3) in presence of steam during calcination in the CaL scheme for thermochemical energy storageCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021Low concentration CO2 capture in fluidized beds of Ca(OH)2 as affected by storage humidityCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021Magnetic equilibrium design for the SMART TokamakFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2021Mechanical and electromagnetic design of the vacuum vessel of the SMART TokamakFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2021Mixed monolayer of a nucleolipid and a phospholipid has improved properties for spectroelectrochemical sensing of complementary nucleobasesJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2021MnFeNiGeSi high-entropy alloy with large magnetocaloric effectJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2021Modelling of a fluidized bed carbonator reactor for post-combustion CO2 capture considering bed hydrodynamics and sorbent characteristicsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021N-substituted aminobiphenyl palladacycles stabilized by dialkylterphenyl phosphanes: preparation and applications in C[sbnd]N cross-coupling reactionsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2021Nanosilica to improve the flowability of fine limestone powders in thermochemical storage unitsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021On the convergence order of the finite element error in the kinetic energy for high Reynolds number incompressible flowsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2021On the dynamic assessment of the Local-Maximum Entropy Material Point Method through an Explicit Predictor-Corrector SchemeCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2021Optimal chiller loading including transientsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Revisión2021P atom as ligand in transition metal chemistry: structural aspectsCOORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo2021Prediction and identification of physical systems by means of Physically-Guided Neural Networks with meaningful internal layersCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2021Sol-gel synthesis of ZnWO4-(ZnO) composite materials. Characterization and photocatalytic propertiesJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2021Solar gasification of biomass in a dual fluidized bedCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021Structure-sensitivity of formic acid dehydrogenation reaction over additive-free Pd NPs supported on activated carbonCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021Synthesis and deposition of silver nanoparticles on porous titanium substrates for biomedical applicationsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2021Synthesis, characterization, DNA binding ability, in vitro cytotoxicity, electrochemical properties and theoretical studies of copper(II) carboxylate complexesINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2021The role of hybrid systems in the decarbonization of residential heritage buildings in Mediterranean climate. A case study in Seville, SpainENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2021Theory of single point incremental forming of tubesJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2021Thermo-magnetic characterization of phase transitions in a Ni-Mn-In metamagnetic shape memory alloyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2021Thermo-mechanical assessment of the JT-60SA fast-ion loss detectorFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2021Tribo-mechanical and cellular behavior of superficially modified porous titanium samples using femtosecond laserSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2021Understanding the active sites of boron nitride for CWPO: An experimental and computational approachCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2021Unveiling mechanochemistry: kinematic-kinetic approach for the prediction of mechanically induced reactionsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo20204-Amino-1,2,4-triazoles-3-thiones and 1,3,4-oxadiazoles-2-thiones·palladium(II) recoverable complexes as catalysts in the sustainable Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactionJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020A 3D interpenetrated Co(II)-glutarate coordination polymer: Synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic and adsorption propertiesINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2020A multiscale data-driven approach for bone tissue biomechanicsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2020A phase field approach enhanced with a cohesive zone model for modeling delamination induced by matrix crackingCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2020A systematic approach to service restoration in distribution networksELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2020Accelerating the convergence of AFETI partitioned analysis of heterogeneous structural dynamical systemsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2020Chemical and structural heterogeneities in Nd-doped oxynitride phosphate laser glassesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Corrección2020Corrigendum to ‘Preparation of ZnFe2O4/ZnO composite: Effect of operational parameters for photocatalytic degradation of dyes under UV and visible illumination’ (Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry (2020) 390, (S1010603019316156), (10.1016/j.jphotochem.2019.112305))JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020Development of Ti(C,N)-based cermets with (Co,Fe,Ni)-based high entropy alloys as binder phaseJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2020Effect of pressure on the phase stability and magnetostructural transitions in nickel-rich NiFeGa ribbonsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2020Evaluating assumptions of scales for subjective assessment of thermal environments – Do laypersons perceive them the way, we researchers believe?ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2020Experimental evaluation of different natural cold sinks integrated into a concrete façadeENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2020Exploiting the π-bonding for the separation of benzene and cyclohexane in zeolitesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2020Failure rates in distribution networks: Estimation methodology and applicationELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2020Graphene-coated Ti-Nb-Ta-Mn foams: A promising approach towards a suitable biomaterial for bone replacementSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2020Homochiral imidazolium-based dicarboxylate compounds: Structure and solution behaviourINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2020How do lipid nanocarriers - Cubosomes affect electrochemical properties of DMPC bilayers deposited on gold (111) electrodes?BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY
Artículo2020Hybrid ZnO/Ag3PO4 photocatalysts, with low and high phosphate molar percentagesJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020Hydrogen environmentally assisted cracking during static loading of AA7075 and AA7449MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Revisión2020Inductive fault current limiters: a reviewELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Revisión2020Magnetocaloric and barocaloric effects of metal complexes for solid state cooling: Review, trends and perspectivesCOORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo2020Microwave-assisted sol-gel synthesis of TiO2 in the presence of halogenhydric acids. Characterization and photocatalytic activityJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020Milling effects on the distribution of Curie temperatures and magnetic properties of Ni-doped La0·7Ca0·3MnO3 compoundsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2020Molecular recognition between guanine and cytosine-functionalized nucleolipid hybrid bilayers supported on gold (111) electrodesBIOELECTROCHEMISTRY
Artículo2020Potentiometric detection of ATP based on the transmembrane proton gradient generated by ATPase reconstituted on a gold electrodeBIOELECTROCHEMISTRY
Artículo2020Power injection model of IDC-PFC for NR-based and technical constrained MT-HVDC grids power flow studiesELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2020Preparation of ZnFe2O4/ZnO composite: Effect of operational parameters for photocatalytic degradation of dyes under UV and visible illuminationJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020Role of particle size on the cohesive behavior of limestone powders at high temperatureCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Revisión2020Selective detection of gasotransmitters using fluorescent probes based on transition metal complexesINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2020Study of the kinetics and products of the devitrification process of mechanically amorphized Fe70Zr30 alloyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2020Towards an in-situ evaluation methodology of thermal resistance of basement walls in buildingsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2020Understanding metal binding in neuromedin CINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2020Understanding the performance gap in energy retrofitting: Measured input data for adjusting building simulation modelsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2020Unit cell volume reduction of Gd5(Si,Ge)4 nanoparticles controlled by bulk compressibilityJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2020π-Complexation for olefin/paraffin separation using aluminosilicatesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2019A comprehensive hydrodynamic analysis of a full-scale oxidation ditch using Population Balance Modelling in CFD simulationCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2019A locked mode indicator for disruption prediction on JET and ASDEX upgradeFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019A multidimensional linear model for disruption prediction in JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019A new fire shaping approach to produce highly axisymmetric and reproducible nozzlesJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Corrección2019A new fire shaping approach to produce highly axisymmetric and reproducible nozzles (vol 270, pg 241, 2019)JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2019A QTAIM and DFT study of the dizinc bond in non-symmetric [CpZn2Ln] complexesJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2019A triple alkoxo bridged dinuclear cobalt(III) complex mimicking phosphatase and showing ability to degrade organic dye contaminants by photocatalysisJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2019An innovative approach for micro/nano structuring plasma polymer filmsTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2019An unsupervised data completion method for physically-based data-driven modelsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2019Analysis of the outer divertor hot spot activity in the protection video camera recordings at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019Application of ADVANTG to the JET3-NEXP streaming benchmark experimentFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019Bacterial behavior on coated porous titanium substrates for biomedical applicationsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2019Coinage metal complexes bearing fluorinated N-Heterocyclic carbene ligandsJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2019Comparison of quantitative IRT to estimate U-value using different approximations of ECHTC in multi-leaf wallsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019Consolidation by MF-ERS of mechanically alloyed Al powderJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2019Coupling of Ag2CO3 to an optimized ZnO photocatalyst: Advantages vs. disadvantagesJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2019Defect induces effect on LaCoO3: From diamagnetism to ferrimagnetism due to vacancy in the bulk latticeJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2019Design and characterization of pH-sensitive spirorhodamine 6G probes with aliphatic substituentsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2019Designing bioactive porous titanium interfaces to balance mechanical properties and in vitro cells behavior towards increased osseointegrationSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2019Does grain size have an influence on intrinsic mechanical properties and conduction mechanism of near fully-dense boron carbide ceramics?JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2019Does shaping catalysts modify active phase sites? A comprehensive in situ FTIR spectroscopic study on the performance of a model Ru/Al2O3 catalyst for the CO methanationCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2019Effect of counter-ions on electromembrane extraction of non- steroidal antiinflammatory drugsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2019Effect of temperature on flow properties of magnetofluidized beds at low consolidationsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2019Effect of the thermal annealing and the nominal composition in the elemental distribution of InxAl1-xAsySb1-y for triple junction solar cellsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2019Electrostimulation in an autonomous culture lab-on-chip provides neuroprotection of a retinal explant from a retinitis pigmentosa mouse-modelSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2019Energy impact of the air infiltration in residential buildings in the Mediterranean area of Spain and the Canary islandsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019Evaluating stereoelectronic properties of bulky dialkylterphenyl phosphine ligandsJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2019Experimental study on partial oxy-combustion technology in a bench-scale CO2 capture unitCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2019Extraordinary visible photocatalytic activity of a Co0.2Zn0.8O system studied in the Remazol BB oxidationJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2019Highly integrable and normally open microvalve for industrial thermoplastic-based lab on PCBSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
Artículo2019Implementation and exploitation of JET enhancements at different fuel mixtures in preparation for DT operation and next step devicesFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019Improved neutron activation dosimetry for fusionFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019In situ surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy study of the adsorption of cytosine on gold electrodesJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2019Influence of climate on the creation of multilayer perceptrons to analyse the risk of fuel povertyENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019Interrelations of structure, electric surface charge, and hydrophobicity of organo-mica and -montmorillonite, tailored with quaternary or primary amine cations. Preliminary study of pyrimethanil adsorptionMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2019Magnetocaloric effect and scaling analysis in superspinglass cobalt based nanoparticlesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2019Material migration and fuel retention studies during the JET carbon divertor campaignsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019Microstructure, interfaces and properties of 3YTZP ceramic composites with 10 and 20 vol% different graphene-based nanostructures as fillersJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2019Modeling of fixed-bed columns for gas physical adsorptionCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2019Modification of the order of the magnetic phase transition in cobaltites without changing their crystal space groupJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2019Multicycle CO2 capture activity and fluidizability of Al-based synthesized CaO sorbentsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2019Numerical comparisons of finite element stabilized methods for a 2D vortex dynamics simulation at high Reynolds numberCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2019Off-stoichiometry LaFe5Six cubic phase induced by the reduced size of the nanoparticles produced by pulsed laser depositionJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2019On the effects of missing chords and systematic errors on a new tomographic method for JET bolometryFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019Optimizing the evaluation of thermal transmittance with the thermometric method using multilayer perceptronsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019Overview of the JET operation reliabilityFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019Parameter estimation of fully regulated synchronous generators using Unscented Kalman FiltersELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2019Performance of factory made solar heating systems according to standard ISO 9459-5:2007ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019Plasma boundary reconstruction in JET by magnetic measurementsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019Potential of energy flexible buildings: Evaluation of DSM strategies using building thermal massENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019Recent progress in the biomass-mediated synthesis of porous materialsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2019Single-use impulsion system for displacement of liquids on thermoplastic-based lab on chipSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
Artículo2019Sintering kinetics, defect chemistry and room-temperature mechanical properties of titanium nitride prepared by spark plasma sinteringJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2019Social housing airtightness in Southern EuropeENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019Spectrometric analysis of inner divertor materials of JET carbon and ITER-like wallsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019Supramolecular association in Cu(II) coordination complexes involving energetically significant NO center dot center dot center dot NO pi-hole interaction and cooperative pi-stacked ternary assembly: Experimental and theoretical studiesINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2019Tensile strength and compressibility of fine CaCO3 powders. Effect of nanosilica addition.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2019The dud detector: An empirically-based real-time algorithm to save neutron and T budgets during JET DT operationFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2019The influence of the envelope in the preventive conservation of books and paper records. Case study: Libraries and archives in La Plata, ArgentinaENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019The performance of Mediterranean low-income housing in scenarios involving climate changeENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019Thermal comfort and indoor air quality in low-income housing in Spain: the influence of airtightness and occupant behaviourENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Revisión2019Towards a multiple-indicator approach to energy poverty in the European Union: A reviewENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019Towards the quantification of energy demand and consumption through the adaptive comfort approach in mixed mode office buildings considering climate changeENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2019Transferring the index of vulnerable homes: Application at the local-scale in England to assess fuel poverty vulnerabilityENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo20183D mixed micromechanics-FEM modeling of piezoresistive carbon nanotube smart concreteCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2018A new reliability-based data-driven approach for noisy experimental data with physical constraintsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2018Activation material selection for multiple foil activation detectors in JET TT campaignFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Assessment of thermal comfort and energy savings in a field study on adaptive comfort with application for mixed mode officesENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2018Bioactive coatings on porous titanium for biomedical applicationsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2018Calcium-Looping performance of mechanically modified Al2O3-CaO composites for energy storage and CO2 captureCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2018Characterisation of neutron generators and monitoring detectors for the in-vessel calibration of JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Colorimetric energy sensitive scintillator detectors based on luminescent multilayer designsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
Artículo2018Control and data acquisition software upgrade for JET gamma-ray diagnosticsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Correction of the shape effect on magnetic entropy change in ball milled Fe70Zr30 alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2018Correlation of surface chemical states with hydrogen isotope retention in divertor tiles of JET with ITER-Like WallFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Development of a new adaptive comfort model for low income housing in the central-south of ChileENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2018Divertor currents optimization procedure for JET-ILW high flux expansion experimentsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Dust generation in tokamaks: Overview of beryllium and tungsten dust characterisation in JET with the ITER-like wallFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Effect of milling mechanism on the CO2 capture performance of limestone in the Calcium Looping processCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2018Effects of milling time, sintering temperature, Al content on the chemical nature, microhardness and microstructure of mechanochemically synthesized FeCoNiCrMn high entropy alloyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2018Efficient and scalable discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations with LPS modelingCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2018Electrochemical characterization of a mixed lipid monolayer supported on Au(111) electrodes with implications for doxorubicin deliveryJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2018Electrophoretic deposition of chitosan/bioactive glass/silica coatings on stainless steel and WE43 Mg alloy substratesSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2018Energy consumption reduction proposals for thermal systems in residential buildingsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2018Evaluating the environmental adaptability of a nearly zero energy retrofitting strategy designed for Dutch housing stock to a Mediterranean climateENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2018Evaluation method for process intensification alternativesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING
Artículo2018Fabrication and characterization of WC-HEA cemented carbide based on the CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2018Fracture of solar-grade anisotropic polycrystalline Silicon: A combined phase field-cohesive zone model approachCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2018Generation of a plasma neutron source for Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations in the tokamak JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Gold microelectrodes array embedded in PDMS for electrical stimulation and signal detectionSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2018Growth of nanocolumnar porous TiO2 thin films by magnetron sputtering using particle collimatorsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2018Improvement of the balance between a reduced stress shielding and bone rit ingrowth by bioactive coatings onto porous titanium substratesSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2018In situ surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy study of adenine-thymine co-adsorption on gold electrodes as a function of the pHJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2018Influence of the growth temperature on the composition distribution at sub-nm scale of InAlAsSb for solar cellsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2018Influence of the Mn content on the TiNbxMn alloys with a novel fcc structureJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2018Mechanosynthesis of Sr1-xLaxTiO3 anodes for SOFCs: Structure and electrical conductivityJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2018Modelling of the neutron production in a mixed beam DT neutron generatorFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Molecular-based selection of porphyrins towards the sensing of explosives in the gas phaseSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2018New 3D model based urban energy simulation for climate protection conceptsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Revisión2018Non-heteroatom-substituted alkylidene complexes of groups 10 and 11COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo2018O-2/CO2 and O-2/N-2 combustion of bituminous char particles in a bubbling fluidized bed under simulated combustor conditionsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2018On the control system preparation for ELM pacing with vertical kicks experiments at TCVFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018On the potential of ruled-based machine learning for disruption prediction on JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Optimizing the homogenization technique for graphene nanoplatelet/yttria tetragonal zirconia composites: influence on the microstructure and the electrical conductivityJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2018Oxidative degradation of a novel AMP/AEP blend designed for CO2 capture based on partial oxy-combustion technologyCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2018Partial discharge detection using PLC receivers in MV cables: A theoretical frameworkELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2018Photo-induced processes on Nb2O5 synthesized by different proceduresJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2018Photocatalytic H-2 production from glycerol aqueous solutions over fluorinated Pt-TiO2 with high {001} facet exposureJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2018Plasma-wall interaction on the divertor tiles of JET ITER-like wall from the viewpoint of micro/nanoscopic observationsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Preparation for commissioning of materials detritiation facility at Culham Science CentreFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Protein crosslinking improves the thermal resistance of plastocyanin immobilized on a modified gold electrodeBIOELECTROCHEMISTRY
Artículo2018Proton transfer impedance of electrodes modified with acid thiol monolayersJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2018Real-time implementation with FPGA-based DAQ system of a probabilistic disruption predictor from scratchFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Robust polarization active nanostructured 1D Bragg Microcavities as optofluidic label-free refractive index sensorSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2018Shutdown dose rate measurements after the 2016 Deuterium-Deuterium campaign at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Shutdown dose rate neutronics experiment during high performances DD operations at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Sol-gel deposition of hydroxyapatite coatings on porous titanium for biomedical applicationsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2018Solar radiation entering through openings: Coupled assessment of luminous and thermal aspectsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2018Study of the effectiveness of the flocculation-photocatalysis in the treatment of wastewater coming from dairy industriesJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2018Surface modification of Ti-6Al-4V alloys manufactured by selective laser melting: Microstructural and tribo-mechanical characterizationSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2018Synthesis, structure and properties of nickel and copper complexes containing N, O-hydrazone Schiff base ligandINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2018Testing of tritium breeder blanket activation foil spectrometer during JET operationsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018The dizinc bond as a ligand: A computational study of elongated dizinc bondsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2018Thermal desorption spectrometry of beryllium plasma facing tiles exposed in the JET tokamakFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Corrección2018Thermal desorption spectrometry of beryllium plasma facing tiles exposed in the JET tokamak (vol 133, pg 135, 2018)FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2018Where to improve in human-in-the-loop tele-operated maintenance? A phased task analysis based on video data of maintenance at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017A 3D electromagnetic model of the iron core in JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017A tool to support the construction of reliable disruption databasesFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Activation measurements in support of the 14 MeV neutron calibration of JET neutron monitorsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Analysis of activation and damage of ITER material samples expected from DD/DT campaign at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Calculation of the profile-dependent neutron backscatter matrix for the JET neutron camera systemFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017CeBr3-based detector for gamma-ray spectrometer upgrade at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Characterization of mechanosynthesized Bi1-xSmxFeO3 samples unencumbered by secondary phases or compositional inhomogeneityJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2017Cholesterol biosensing with a polydopamine-modified nanostructured platinum electrode prepared by oblique angle physical vacuum depositionSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2017Commissioning and first results of the reinstated JET ICRF ILAFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Concurrently coupled solid shell-based adaptive multiscale method for fractureCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2017Controlled switching strategies for transformer inrush current reduction: a comparative studyELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2017Critical review of bim-based LCA method to buildingsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2017Deep learning for plasma tomography using the bolometer system at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Development of MPPC-based detectors for high count rate DT campaigns at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Direct visualization of electrical transport-induced alloy formation and composition changes in filled multi-wall carbon nanotubes by in situ scanning transmission electron microscopyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2017Dynamic and thermal simulations of a fast-ion loss detector for ITERFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Ecological footprint of the use and maintenance phase of buildings: Maintenance tasks and final resultsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2017Effect of the impact energy on the chemical homogeneity of a (Ti,Ta,Nb)(C,N) solid solution obtained via a mechanically induced self-sustaining reactionJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2017Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy study of the adsorption of adenine on Au(111) electrodes as a function of the pHJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2017Enhanced lumped circuit model for smart nanocomposite cement-based sensors under dynamic compressive loading conditionsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
Artículo2017Experimental study of high velocity oxy-fuel sprayed WC-17Co coatings applied on complex geometries. Part B: Influence of kinematic spray parameters on microstructure, phase composition and decarburization of the coatingsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2017Grid-forming VSC control in four-wire systems with unbalanced nonlinear loadsELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2017Hardware architecture of the data acquisition and processing system for the JET Neutron Camera Upgrade (NCU) projectFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Improving the pollutant removal efficiency of packed-bed plasma reactors incorporating ferroelectric componentsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2017ITER oriented neutronics benchmark experiments on neutron streaming and shutdown dose rate at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Revisión2017Life cycle assessment (LCA) of building refurbishment: A literature reviewENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2017Magnetic stabilization of fluidized beds: Effect of magnetic field orientationCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2017Mapping and comparison of the shortcomings of kesterite absorber layers, and how they could affect industrial scalabilityTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2017Micro-/nano-characterization of the surface structures on the divertor tiles from JET ITER-like wallFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Microcalorimetry: A powerful tool for quantitative analysis of aging hardening response of Cu-Ni-Sn alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2017Mixed alpha-Fe2O3/Bi2WO6 oxides for photoassisted hetero-Fenton degradation of Methyl Orange and PhenolJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2017Multi-objective optimisation model: A housing block retrofit in SevilleENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2017Normal and inverse magnetocaloric effects in structurally disordered Laves phase Y1-xGdxCo2 (0 <= x <= 1) compoundsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2017On the assessment of the energy performance and environmental behaviour of social housing stock for the adjustment between simulated and measured data: The case of mild winters in the Mediterranean climate of southern EuropeENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2017Phase composition and growth mechanisms of half-metal Heusler alloy produced by Pulsed Laser Deposition: From core-shell nanoparticles to amorphous randomic clustersMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2017Photochemical methane partial oxidation to methanol assisted by H2O2JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2017Real time control developments at JET in preparation for deuterium-tritium operationFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Response of the imaging cameras to hard radiation during JET operationFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Retrofit strategies towards Net Zero Energy Educational Buildings: A case study at the University of the Basque CountryENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2017Revisiting the problem of a crack impinging on an interface: A modeling framework for the interaction between the phase field approach for brittle fracture and the interface cohesive zone modelCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2017Rigid and adjustable fixation of the shielding modules into the ITER port plugsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Simulation of neutral gas flow in the JET sub-divertorFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Stabilized mixed displacement-pressure finite element formulation for linear hydrodynamic problems with free surfacesCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2017Status of ITER material activation experiments at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Study of phases evolution in high-coercive MnAl powders obtained through short milling time of gas-atomized particlesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2017Syntheses, solid structures, and behavior in solution of [MI2(CO)(3)(pyrazole)(2)] complexes (M = Mo, W)INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2017Synthesis and characterization of in situ-reinforced Al-AlN composites produced by mechanical alloyingJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2017Synthesis and structure of nickel and copper complexes containing the N-allyl-o-hydroxyacetophenoniminato ligand and the application of copper complex as catalyst for aerobic alcohol oxidationsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2017Technical preparations for the in-vessel 14 MeV neutron calibration at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017The emissivity of W coatings deposited on carbon materials for fusion applicationsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017The preparation of the Shutdown Dose Rate experiment for the next JET Deuterium-Tritium campaignFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Upgrade of the tangential gamma-ray spectrometer beam-line for JET DT experimentsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2017Water-to-air-heat exchanger and indirect evaporative cooling in buildings with green roofsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2016A hybrid silver-magnetite detector based on surface enhanced Raman scattering for differentiating organic compoundsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2016A new analytical approach for simplified thermal modelling of buildings: Self-Adjusting RC-network modelENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2016A PGD-based multiscale formulation for non-linear solid mechanics under small deformationsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2016Advanced design of the Mechanical Tritium Pumping System for JET DTE2FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016Air conditioning and passive environmental techniques in historic churches in Mediterranean climate. A proposed method to assess damage risk and thermal comfort pre-intervention, simulation-basedENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2016An approach to modelling envelope airtightness in multi-family social housing in Mediterranean Europe based on the situation in SpainENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2016Anisotropy field distribution in soft magnetic Hitperm alloys submitted to different field annealing processesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2016Applying the HVAC systems in an integrated optimization method for residential building's design. A case study in SpainENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2016Characterization of a diamond detector to be used as neutron yield monitor during the in-vessel calibration of JET neutron detectors in preparation of the DT experimentFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016Controlling In-Ga-Zn-O thin films transport properties through density changesTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2016Disorder-order phase transformation in a fluorite-related oxide thin film: In-situ X-ray diffraction and modelling of the residual stress effectsTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2016Dye-based photonic sensing systemsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2016Economic assessments of passive thermal rehabilitations of dwellings in Mediterranean climateENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2016Enhanced carbon nanotube dispersion in 3YTZP/SWNTs composites and its effect on room temperature mechanical and electrical propertiesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2016Enhancement of dielectric barrier layer properties by sol-gel and PECVD stacksSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2016Error bounds for POD expansions of parameterized transient temperaturesCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2016Experimental evidences of enhanced magnetocaloric properties at room temperature and half-metallicity on Fe2MnSi-based Heusler alloysMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2016Experimental study of hole-flanging by single-stage incremental sheet formingJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2016Fabrication and characterization of CeO2 pellets for simulation of nuclear fuelNUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016Forced deactivation and postmortem characterization of a metallic microchannel reactor employed for the preferential oxidation of CO (PROX)CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2016Gd plus GdZn biphasic magnetic composites synthesized in a single preparation step: Increasing refrigerant capacity without decreasing magnetic entropy changeJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2016Global optimization driven by genetic algorithms for disruption predictors based on APODIS architectureFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016Hot-pressing of (Ti,Mt)(C,N)-Co-Mo2C (Mt = Ta,Nb) powdered cermets synthesized by a mechanically induced self-sustaining reactionCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2016Influence of nanocrystallization on the magnetocaloric properties of Ni-based amorphous alloys: Determination of critical exponents in multiphase systemsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2016Influence of temperature and time on the Eu3+ reaction with synthetic Na-Mica-n (n=2 and 4)CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2016Intensifying glycerol steam reforming on a monolith catalyst: A reaction kinetic modelCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2016JET experience on managing radioactive waste and implications for ITERFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016JET experiments with tritium and deuterium-tritium mixturesFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016JET Tokamak, preparation of a safety case for tritium operationsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016Magnesium hydride for energy storage applications: The kinetics of dehydrogenation under different working conditionsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2016Magnetocaloric functional properties of Sm0.6Sr0.4MnO3 manganite due to advanced nanostructured morphologyMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2016Measurement of char surface temperature in a fluidized bed combustor using pyrometry with digital cameraCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2016Mechanically induced disorder and crystallization process in Ni-Mn-In ball-milled alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2016Modeling dispersion of partial discharges due to propagation velocity variation in power cablesELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2016Multi-criteria assessment for the effective decision management in residential energy retrofittingENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2016Multivariable regression analysis to assess energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the early stages of offices design in ChileENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2016Nanocrystallization kinetics understood as multiple microprocesses following the classical theory of crystallizationJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2016Neutronic analysis of JET external neutron monitor responseFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016Neutronics experiments and analyses in preparation of DT operations at JETFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016Optimal gang-operated switching for transformer inrush current reductionELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2016Oxy-fuel combustion of a single fuel particle in a fluidized bed: Char combustion characteristics, an experimental studyCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2016Prediction of fixed-bed breakthrough curves for H2S adsorption from biogas: Importance of axial dispersion for designCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2016Radiation damage and nuclear heating studies in selected functional materials during the JET DT campaignFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016Supercritical water reforming of model compounds of bio-oil aqueous phase: Acetic acid, acetol, butanol and glucoseCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2016Technological exploitation of Deuterium-Tritium operations at JET in support of ITER design, operation and safetyFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2016The calorimetric analysis as a tool for studying the aging hardening mechanism of a Cu-10wt%Ni-5.5wt%Sn alloyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2015A novel and improved surfactant-modified Prussian Blue electrode for amperometric detection of free chlorine in waterSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2015A variational multi-scale method with spectral approximation of the sub-scales: Application to the 1D advection-diffusion equationsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2015Analysis of magnetocaloric effect of ball milled amorphous alloys: Demagnetizing factor and Curie temperature distributionJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2015Approximation of Smectic-A liquid crystalsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2015Design of active loops for magnetic field mitigation in MV/LV substation surroundingsELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2015Direct deposition of graphene nanomaterial films on polymer-coated glass by ultrasonic sprayingTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2015Effect of alpha-Fe impurities on the field dependence of magnetocaloric response in LaFe11.5Si1.5JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2015Effect of particle size polydispersity on the yield stress of magnetofluidized beds as depending on the magnetic field orientationCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2015Electrochemical vs antibacterial characterization of ZrCN-Ag coatingsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2015Electronic and atomic structure of complex defects in Al- and Ga-highly doped ZnO filmsMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2015Embodied energy of conventional load-bearing walls versus natural stabilized earth blocksENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2015Enhancement of magnetocaloric effect in B-rich FeZrBCu amorphous alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2015Enhancement of stability and photoactivity of TiO2 coatings on annular glass reactors to remove emerging pollutants from watersCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2015Factors influencing the generation of a machined surface. Application to turned piecesJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2015FIB/FESEM experimental and analytical assessment of R-curve behavior of WC-Co cemented carbidesMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2015Forming force and temperature effects on single point incremental forming of polyvinylchlorideJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2015Hybrid real-complex current injection-based load flow formulationELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2015Hydration and carbonation reactions of calcium oxide by weathering: Kinetics and changes in the nanostructureCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2015In vivo reconstitution of a homodimeric cytochrome b559 like structure: The role of the N-terminus α-subunit from Synechocystis sp PCC 6803JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo2015Influence of hot compaction on microstructure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed Fe(Co)-based amorphous compositionsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2015Inrush current mitigation in three-phase transformers with isolated neutralELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2015Magnetocaloric effect of Fe-RE-B-Nb (RE = Tb, Ho or Tm) bulk metallic glasses with high glass-forming abilityJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2015Magnetocaloric effect, magnetostructural and magnetic phase transformations in Ni50.3Mn36.5Sn13.2 Heusler alloy ribbonsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2015Microreactors technology for hydrogen purification: Effect of the catalytic layer thickness on CuOx/CeO2-coated microchannel reactors for the PROX reactionCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2015Microstructure of mixed oxide thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering at oblique anglesTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2015Numerical analysis of a finite element projection-based VMS turbulence model with wall lawsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2015Numerical simulation of the temperature evolution in a room with a mur neutralisant. Application to "The City of Refuge" by Le CorbusierENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2015Optical detection of amine vapors using ZnTriad porphyrin thin filmsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2015PCM incorporation in a concrete core slab as a thermal storage and supply system: Proof of conceptENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2015Probabilistic load flow with versatile non-Gaussian power injectionsELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2015Silver surface segregation in Ag-DLC nanocomposite coatingsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2015Structural and chemical reactivity modifications of a cobalt perovskite induced by Sr-substitution. An in situ XAS studyMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2015Study of thulium doping effect and enhancement of photocatalytic activity of rutile TiO<inf>2</inf> nanoparticlesMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2015Synthesis and structure of mixed carboxylate-aminopyridinate and -amidinate complexes of dimolybdenum and ditungstenINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2015The enhanced pellet centrifuge launcher at ASDEX Upgrade: Advanced operation and application as technology test facility for ITER and DEMOFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2015Time domain analysis of partial discharges envelope in medium voltage XLPE cablesELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2015Toughening of complete solid solution cermets by graphite additionCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2015Towards an analysis of the performance of monitor skylights under overcast sky conditionsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2015Uranium immobilization by FEBEX bentonite and steel barriers in hydrothermal conditionsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2014"Patio" and "Botijo": Energetic strategies' architectural integration in "Patio 2.12" prototypeENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2014A prediction model based on neural networks for the energy consumption of a bioclimatic buildingENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2014Amorphization and evolution of magnetic properties during mechanical alloying of Co62Nb6Zr2B30: Dependence on starting boron microstructureJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2014An adaptive SUPG method for evolutionary convection-diffusion equationsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2014An integrated optimisation method for residential building design: A case study in SpainENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2014Chemical and photochemical reactions under restricted geometry conditions: Similarities and differencesJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2014Chromium removal on chitosan-based sorbents - An EXAFS/XANES investigation of mechanismMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2014Concomitant effects of the substrate temperature and the plasma chemistry on the chemical properties of propanethiol plasma polymer prepared by ICP dischargesSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2014Crystallization kinetics and soft magnetic properties in metalloid-free (Fe, Co)(90)Zr-10 amorphous and nanocrystalline alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2014Design of the back-up system in Patio 2.12 photovoltaic installationENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2014Evolution of Fe environments in mechanically alloyed Fe-Nb-(B) compositionsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2014Extracting the composition of nanocrystals of mechanically alloyed systems using Mossbauer spectroscopyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2014Influence of microstructure and crystallographic phases on the tribological properties of SiC obtained by spark plasma sinteringWEAR
Artículo2014Influence of the IR-mirror layer composition in the mechanical properties of solar selective coatings made from Mo:Si3N4 cermetTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2014Isothermal dissolution of small rising bubbles in a low viscosity liquidCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING
Artículo2014Magnetic field shielding optimization in underground power cable duct banksELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2014Modeling and simulation of the adsorption of biogas hydrogen sulfide on treated sewage-sludgeCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2014New manganese (II) structures derived from 2,6-dichlorobenzoic acid: Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetismMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2014Spinodal decomposition and precipitation in Cu-Cr nanocompositeJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2014Structural relaxation in Fe(Co)SiAlGaPCB amorphous alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2014Synthesis, structuring and characterization of rare earth oxide thin films: modeling of the effects of stress and defects on the phase stabilityTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2013A model on the CaO multicyclic conversion in the Ca-looping processCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2013Ag+ release and corrosion behavior of zirconium carbonitride coatings with silver nanoparticles for biomedical devicesSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2013Analysis of the effect of a textured surface on fretting fatigueWEAR
Artículo2013Combined reactive magnetron sputtering and plasma decomposition of non-volatile precursors to grow luminescent thin filmsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2013Competitive processes of a chromophore modified alpha-cyclodextrin in the presence of a fluorescence polarity sensitive probeJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2013Daylighting design with lightscoop skylights: Towards an optimization of shape under overcast sky conditionsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2013Decomposition kinetics of model tar compounds over chars with different internal structure to model hot tar removal in biomass gasificationCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2013Dry gas-solid carbonation in fluidized beds of Ca(OH)(2) and nanosilica/Ca(OH)(2) at ambient temperature and low CO2 pressureCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2013Experimental study of a ventilated facade with PCM during winter periodENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2013Fast and reliable distribution load and state estimatorELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2013Functional poly(urethane-imide) s containing Lewis bases for SO2 detection by Love surface acoustic wave gas micro-sensorsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2013Highly active Zr co-doped Ag-ZnO photocatalyst for the mineralization of Acid Black 1 under UV-A light illuminationMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2013Joining and interface characterization of in situ reinforced silicon nitrideJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2013Liquid-phase sintering of Ti(C,N)-based cermets. The effects of binder nature and content on the solubility and wettability of hard ceramic phasesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2013Low refractive index SiOF thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputteringTHIN SOLID FILMS
Ponencia2013Mitigation of edge localised modes with magnetic perturbations in ASDEX UpgradeFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2013Modelling pressure drop evolution on high temperature filtersCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING
Artículo2013Monitoring living cell assays with bio-impedance sensorsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2013Monolayer arrangement of fatty hydroxystearic acids on graphite: Influence of hydroxyl groupsTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2013Optical studies of amorphous Ge nanostructures in Al2O3 produced by pulsed laser depositionTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2013Optimization of power and hydrogen production from glycerol by supercritical water reformingCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2013Preparation and characterization of CrO2 films by Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition from CrO3THIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2013Role of starting phase of boron on the mechanical alloying of FeNbB compositionJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2013Shishkin mesh simulation: A new stabilization technique for convection-diffusion problemsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2013Single axis accelerometer fabricated using printed circuit board techniques and laser ablationSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
Artículo2013Spark plasma sintering of TixTa1-xC0.5N0.5-based cermets: Effects of processing conditions on chemistry, microstructure and mechanical propertiesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2013Sustainable restoration of traditional building systems in the historical centre of Sevilla (Spain)ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2013Thermal analysis of a ventilated facade with PCM for cooling applicationsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2013Tightening the energy consumptions of buildings depending on their typology and on Climate Severity IndexesENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2013Towards an analysis of the performance of lightwell skylights under overcast sky conditionsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2012A model of biomass char gasification describing the change in catalytic activity of ashCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2012Amorphous-nanocrystalline Al doped ZnO transparent conducting thin filmsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2012Analysis of nanocrystallization kinetics and crystal size distribution under limited growth approachJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2012Analytical solutions of sharp interface models with nth order kinetics. Application to char conversionCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2012Anisotropic wear framework for 3D contact and rolling problemsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2012Capacitive depression sensor for microfluidic pneumatic networksSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
Artículo2012Comparison of equivalent ball milling processes on Fe70Zr30 and Fe70Nb30JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2012Constructing HVAC energy efficiency indicatorsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2012Daylighting design with lightscoop skylights: Towards an optimization of proportion and spacing under overcast sky conditionsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2012Development of multicomponent-multiphase materials based on (Ti,Ta,Nb)CxN1-x carbonitride solid solutionsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2012Effect of oxidation on the compressive strength of sintered SiC-fiber bonded ceramicsMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2012Extension of the classical theory of crystallization to non-isothermal regimes: Application to nanocrystallization processesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2012Fluorescent labeling of alkyl chains of phosphocholine lipids by one-pot TMS cleavage-click reactionJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2012High-temperature mechanical characteristics of NiO/3YTZP compositesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2012Identifying the production region of single-malt Scotch whiskies using optical spectroscopy and pattern recognition techniquesSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2012Influence of silver content on the tribomechanical behavior on Ag-TiCN bioactive coatingsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2012Invariant Hermitian finite elements for thin Kirchhoff rods. I: the linear plane caseCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2012Invariant Hermitian finite elements for thin Kirchhoff rods. II: the linear three-dimensional caseCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2012Microstructural characterization of hydrophobic Ti1-xAlxN coatings with moth-eye-like surface morphologyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2012Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by vacuum hot-pressingMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2012Microstructure and high-temperature mechanical behavior of melt-growth Al2O3/Er3Al5O12/ZrO2 ternary eutectic compositesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Revisión2012Mixed-integer linear programming model for solving reconfiguration problems in large-scale distribution systemsELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2012Multi-machine power system stability improvement using an observer-based nonlinear controllerELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2012On the applicability of the two state (pseudophase) model to photochemical reactions under restricted geometry conditionsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2012On tuning the magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloy ribbons with thermal treatmentJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2012Processing and characterization of porous titanium for implants by using NaCl as space holderJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2012Residual stresses in Al2O3-ZrO2 (3 mol.% Y2O3) directionally solidified eutectic ceramics as a function of temperatureMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2012Spark plasma sintering of TiyNb1-yCxN1-x monolithic ceramics obtained by mechanically induced self-sustaining reactionMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2012Structural and mechanical properties of Au alloyed Al-O sputter deposited coatingsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2012Study of the growth of infrared-transparent non-spheric layer lenses by continuous-wave laser depositionTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2012Triple bridged anionic dimetallic complexes from cis-[Mo(eta(3)-methallyl)Cl(CO)(2)(NCMe)(2)] and pyrazolatesJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2012Unique real-variable expressions of the integral kernels in the Somigliana stress identity covering all transversely isotropic elastic materials for 3D BEMCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2012XPS and AES analyses of cerium conversion coatings generated on AA5083 by thermal activationSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2011A heuristic technique to determine corrective control actions for reactive power flowsELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Revisión2011A review of HVAC systems requirements in building energy regulationsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2011A taxonomy of multi-area state estimation methodsELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2011An adaptive finite element method for evolutionary convection dominated problemsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2011An iterative method for controlling reactive power flow in boundary transformersELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2011An XPS and ellipsometry study of Cr-O-Al mixed oxides grown by reactive magnetron sputteringSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2011Artificial weathering pools of calcium-rich industrial waste for CO2 sequestrationCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2011Comparative study of the photodeposition of Pt, Au and Pd on pre-sulphated TiO2 for the photocatalytic decomposition of phenolJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2011Control of the optical properties of silicon and chromium mixed oxides deposited by reactive magnetron sputteringTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2011Design and testing of a microchannel reactor for the PROX reactionCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2011Different coordination modes of an aryl-substituted hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate ligand in rhodium and iridium complexesINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2011Dynamic crack analysis in piezoelectric solids with non-linear electrical and mechanical boundary conditions by a time-domain BEMCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2011Endurance of TiAlSiN coatings: effect of Si and bias on wear and adhesionWEAR
Artículo2011Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in microchannelsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2011Fracture analysis of plane piezoelectric/piezomagnetic multiphase composites under transient loadingCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2011Growth of ZnO nanowires through thermal oxidation of metallic zinc films on CdTe substratesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2011Heat transfer and mass flow correlations for ventilated facadesENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2011High and low potential forms of the Q(A) quinone electron acceptor in Photosystem II of Thermosynechococcus elongatus and spinachJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo2011Improving the training and data processing of an electronic olfactory system for the classification of virgin olive oil into quality categoriesSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2011Lateral and in-depth distribution of functional groups on diamond-like carbon after oxygen plasma treatmentsDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2011Magnetic and structural characterization of Mo-Hitperm alloys with different Fe/Co ratioJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2011Magneto-caloric effect in the pseudo-binary intermetallic YPrFe17 compoundMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2011Magnetocaloric effect in melt-spun FePd ribbon alloy with second order phase transitionJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2011Monolayer structures of alkyl aldehydes: Odd-membered homologuesTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2011Multiscale simulation of particle-reinforced elastic plastic adhesives at small strainsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2011Nitrogen plasma functionalization of low density polyethyleneSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2011Optimization of mixed Langmuir-Blodgett films of a water insoluble porphyrin in a calixarene matrix for optical gas sensingTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2011Peculiar properties of chlorophyll thermoluminescence emission of autotrophically or mixotrophically grown Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo2011Rapid discrimination and counterfeit detection of perfumes by an electronic olfactory systemSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2011Reactivity of Tp(Me2)Ir(C2H4)(DMAD) with carboxylic acids. A DFT study on geometrical isomers and structural characterizationJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2011Selective CO removal over Au/CeFe and CeCu catalysts in microreactors studied through kinetic analysis and CFD simulationsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2011Self-association of a naphthalene-capped-beta-cyclodextrin through cooperative strong hydrophobic interactionsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2011State-of-the-art, challenges, and future trends in security constrained optimal power flowELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2011Strengthening of ultrafine PM aluminium using nano-sized oxycarbonitride dispersoidsMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2011Structural and optical properties of tellurite thin film glasses deposited by pulsed laser depositionTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2011Surface topography evolution through production of aluminium offset lithographic platesWEAR
Artículo2011Synthesis and structural characterization of two new copper(II) complexes with thiazoline derivative ligands: Influence of the coordination on the phagocytic activity of human neutrophilsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2011Two milling time regimes in the evolution of magnetic anisotropy of mechanically alloyed soft magnetic powdersJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2010A 2.5D coupled FE-BE methodology for the dynamic interaction between longitudinally invariant structures and a layered halfspaceCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2010A comparative study of the magnetocaloric effect in RNi2 (R = Dy, Ho, Er) intermetallic compoundsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2010A recyclable and highly effective sulfated TiO2-P25 for the synthesis of quinoxaline and dipyridophenazine derivatives at room temperatureJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2010A simple realistic modeling of full-scale wet limestone FGD unitsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2010A simpler and exact mathematical model for the computation of the minimal power losses treeELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2010A transparent TMPyP/TiO2 composite thin film as an HCl sensitive optochemical gas sensorSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2010AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel monoliths: Modification of the oxidation layer and catalytic coatings after deposition and its catalytic implicationsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2010Catalytic nanomedicine: Functionalisation of nanostructured cryptomelaneMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2010Computational fluid dynamics study of heat transfer in a microchannel reactor for low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesisCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2010Consolidation of titanium matrix composites to maximum density by different hot pressing techniquesMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2010Correlation between structure and optical properties in low emissivity coatings for solar thermal collectorsTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2010Electrochemical and AFM characterization on gold and carbon electrodes of a high redox potential laccase from Fusarium proliferatumBIOELECTROCHEMISTRY
Artículo2010Enhanced performance of the AA2050-T8 aluminium alloy following excimer laser surface melting and anodising processesTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2010Enhanced photoluminescence response of Er3+-Si nanoparticle codoped Al2O3 films by controlled synthesis in the nanoscale and thermal processingTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2010Growth and characterization of nitrogen-doped TiO2 thin films prepared by reactive pulsed laser depositionTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2010Improved wear performance of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene coated with hydrogenated diamond like carbonWEAR
Artículo2010Influence of Co addition on the magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of Nanoperm (Fe1-xCox)(75)Nb10B15 type alloys prepared by mechanical alloyingJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2010Influence of the surface morphology and microstructure on the biological properties of Ti-Si-C-N-O coatingsTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2010Kinetic study of the methanogenic step of a two-stage anaerobic digestion process treating olive mill solid residueCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2010Lateral Force Microscopy with micrometer-sized particles: Effect of wear on adhesion and frictionWEAR
Artículo2010Microstructural characterization by TEM techniques of mechanically alloyed FeNbGe powdersJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2010Nucleation rate and nanocrystallization of Co-60-(Fe, Mn)(18)-Nb-6-B-16 amorphous alloys in the frame of instantaneous growth approximationJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Revisión2010Partitioned formulation of internal and gravity waves interacting with flexible structuresCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2010Phospholipid and gramicidin-phospholipid-coated mercury electrodes as model systems of partially blocked electrodesJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2010Pneumatic impulsion device for microfluidic systemsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
Artículo2010Preventive voltage control actions to securely face load evolution in power systemsELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Revisión2010Revision of the Trombe wall calculation method proposed by UNE-EN ISO 13790ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2010Room temperature giant magnetoimpedance in La0.7Ba0.15Sr0.15MnO3 compoundMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2010Stability analysis of five-phase induction motor drives with variable third harmonic injectionELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2010Structure-property relations in ZrCN coatings for tribological applicationsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2010Study of the fabrication of infrared-transparent dielectric aspheric deposits by continuous-wave laser depositionTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2010Synthesis and spectral properties of fluorescent linear alkylphosphocholines labeled with all-(E)-1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatrieneJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2010Transient heat conduction in multi-layer walls: An efficient strategy for Laplace's methodENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2010Tricritical point and critical exponents of La0.7Ca0.3-xSrxMnO3(x=0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25) single crystalsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2010Tunable Curie temperatures in Gd alloyed Fe-B-Cr magnetocaloric materialsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Revisión2009A review of benchmarking, rating and labelling concepts within the framework of building energy certification schemesENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2009AISI 304 Austenitic stainless steels monoliths for catalytic applicationsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2009Aluminium anodisation for Au-CeO2/Al2O3-Al monoliths preparationCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2009An ultra-low-power precision rectifier for biomedical sensors interfacingSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
Artículo2009Crystal structure of [NBu4](2)[Pd-2{C-4(COOMe)(4)}(2)(mu-OH)(2)] determined ab initio by charge flippingJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2009Dry wear of NiAl3-reinforced mechanically alloyed aluminium with different microstructureWEAR
Artículo2009Electrical characteristics of mixed Zr-Si oxide thin films prepared by ion beam induced chemical vapor deposition at room temperatureTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2009Electrostatic strain and concerted motions in the transient complex between plastocyanin and cytochrome f from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosumBIOELECTROCHEMISTRY
Artículo2009Evaluation of the phase composition of (NH4)(2)SO4 + (NH4)H2PO4 mixtures by X-ray diffractometryJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2009Growth and characterization of electroless deposited Cu films on carbon nanofibersSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2009Hydrotrispyrazolylborate-copper complexes as catalysts for the styrene cyclopropanation reaction with ethyl diazoacetate under homogeneous and heterogeneous conditionsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2009Increasing the ductility and strength of submicrometer-grained P/M aluminiumJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2009Influence of inoculum-substrate ratio on the anaerobic digestion of sunflower oil cake in batch mode: Process stability and kinetic evaluationCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2009Influence of the growth conditions on the stoichiometry and on the optical properties of titanium oxide thin films prepared by reactive sputteringTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2009Influence of the microstructure on the mechanical and tribological behavior of TiC/a-C nanocomposite coatingsTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2009Methane steam reforming in a microchannel reactor for GTL intensification: A computational fluid dynamics simulation studyCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2009On two hypersingular time-domain BEM for dynamic crack analysis in 2D anisotropic elastic solidsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2009Oxidation post-treatment of hard AlTiN coating for machining of hardened steelsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2009Plant optimisation and ash recycling in fluidised bed waste gasificationCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2009Rhodium and iridium olefin complexes with bulky cyclopentadienyl and hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate ligandsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2009Specific heat measurements on amorphous and nanocrystalline Al88Y5Ni5Co2JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2009Supersaturated solid solution obtained by mechanical alloying of 75% Fe, 20% Ge and 5% Nb mixture at different milling intensitiesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2009Synthesis of complex carbonitride powders TiyMT1-yCxN1-x (M-T: Zr, V, Ta, Hf) via a mechanically induced self-sustaining reactionJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2009Two-dimensional sediment transport models in shallow water equations. A second order finite volume approach on unstructured meshesCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2009Well-defined silica supported metallocarbenes: Formation and reactivityCOORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo20082-D transient dynamic analysis of cracked piezoelectric solids by a time-domain BEMCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2008A FETI method with a mesh independent condition number for the iteration matrixCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2008A formulation based on localized Lagrange multipliers for BEM-FEM coupling in contact problemsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2008A realistic approach to modeling an in-duct desulfurization process based on an experimental pilot plant studyCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2008A review on buildings energy consumption informationENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2008Adsorption of polluting substances on activated carbons prepared from rice husk and sugarcane bagasseCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2008Analysis of deformations and stresses in flat rolling of wireJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2008Analyze complex phases of slag-tundish plaster reactions by modified XRD ratio of slopes method for some kinetic considerationsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2008Carbothermal synthesis of silicon nitride(Si3N4): Kinetics and diffusion mechanismJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2008Climatic zoning and its application to Spanish building energy performance regulationsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2008Comparative performance of nanocomposite coatings of TiC or TiN dispersed in a-C matrixesSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Revisión2008Evaluating the performance for makespan minimisation in no-wait flowshop sequencingJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2008Fluidization of nanoparticles: A simple equation for estimating the size of agglomeratesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2008Gas-solid conversion in fluidised bed reactorsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2008Heat-resistant bulk nanostructured P/M aluminiumJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2008Hydrogen and oxygen in-depth evolution during electrochemical hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of Y-Pd thin films analyzed by Glow Discharge Optical Emission SpectroscopyTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2008Kinetic and microstructural studies on the devitrification of Fe60-xCo18MnxNb6B16 amorphous alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2008Micro-macro numerical modelling of bone regeneration in tissue engineeringCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2008Microstructure and properties of ceramics and composites joined by plastic deformationMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2008Numerical simulation of the gas-liquid flow in a laboratory scale bubble column Influence of bubble size distribution and non-drag forcesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2008Preparation of Au-CeO2 and Au-Al2O3/AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel monoliths and their performance in the catalytic oxidation of COCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2008Rheology and microstructure of lithium lubricating greases modified with a reactive diisocyanate-terminated polymer: Influence of polymer addition protocolCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING
Artículo2008Structural and mechanical properties of Ti-Si-C-ON for biomedical applicationsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2008Structure and properties of silver-containing a-C(H) films deposited by plasma immersion ion implantationSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Revisión2008Synthesis and structural characterization of dizincocenes Zn-2(eta(5)-C5Me5)(2) and Zn-2(eta(5)-C5Me4Et)(2)COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo2008Tribological behaviour of titanium carbide/amorphous carbon nanocomposite coatings: From macro to the micro-scaleSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2008Well-balanced finite volume schemes for 2D non-homogeneous hyperbolic systems. Application to the dam break of AznalcollarCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2008XRD and FTIR analysis of Ti-Si-C-ON coatings for biomedical applicationsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2007A direct extension of the Avrami equation to describe the non-isothermal crystallization of Al-base alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2007A posteriori error estimates for fully discrete nonlinear parabolic problemsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2007A technical assessment of a particle hybrid collector in a pilot plantCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2007Characterization of nanostructured Ti-B-(N) coatings produced by direct current magnetron sputteringTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2007Deposition of TiO 2 thin films by atmospheric plasma post-discharge assisted injection MOCVDSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2007Determination of the hydrogen content in diamond-like carbon and polymeric thin films by reflection electron energy loss spectroscopyDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2007Effect of the structure and concentration of cyclodextrins in the quenching process of naproxenJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2007Electro-oxidation of altertoxin I (ATX-I) at gold electrodes modified by dodecanethiol self-assembled monolayersJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2007Kinetic Monte Carlo modelling of neutron irradiation damage in ironFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2007Magnetostriction measurements of (Fe-Co)-Mo-Cu-B alloys with varying atomic Fe/Co ratioMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2007Optical refractive index and static permittivity of mixed Zr-Si oxide thin films prepared by ion beam induced CVDTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2007Oxidation tuning in AlCrN coatingsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2007Redox free energies and one-electron energy levels in density functional theory based ab initio molecular dynamicsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2007Study of effect of deposition temperature of AIN films on SAW velocity using Brillouin spectroscopyDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2007Synthesis and solution behavior of the trinuclear palladium(II) unsaturated carboxylate complexes triangle-Pd-3[mu-O2CC(R ') = CHMe](6) (R ' = Me, H): X-ray structure of palladium(II) tiglate (R ' = Me)INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2007Synthesis of nanocrystalline MgH2 powder by gas-phase condensation and in situ hydridation: TEM, XPS and XRD studyJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2007The effect of transient changes in organic load on the performance of an anaerobic inverse turbulent bed reactorCHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING
Artículo2007Thermal and microstructural dependence of the initial permeability of Co60Fe18Nb6(B,Cu)(16) alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2007Yttrium oxide thin films: influence of the oxygen vacancy network organization on the microstructureTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2006A convenient synthesis of bis(phosphino)methanes: Formation of a nickel(II) bis(phosphino)methane monoxide complexINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2006A highly sensitive microsystem based on nanomechanical biosensors for genomics applicationsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2006An improved synthesis of Kagan's menthyl substituted titanocene and zirconocene dichloride, comparison of their crystal structures, and preliminary catalyst evaluationJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2006Compositional depth profiling analysis of thin and ultrathin multilayer coatings by radio-frequency glow discharge optical emission spectroscopySURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2006Effect of TiO2 acidic pre-treatment on the photocatalytic properties for phenol degradationJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2006Electrolyte effects on the intervalence transition within discrete binuclear cyano-bridged complexes. An estimation of activation free energy from static, optical and electrochemical dataINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2006Growth of CrNx films by DC reactive magnetron sputtering at constant N-2/Ar gas flowSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2006Hypersingular BEM for dynamic fracture in 2-D piezoelectric solidsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2006Mixed S/N and S/P/N ligands from carbohydrates: Synthesis and application in palladium-catalyzed allylic alkylationINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2006Mossbauer study of a Fe-Zr-B-Cu-(Ge, Co) nanocrystalline alloy seriesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2006Optically active Er3+-Yb3+ codoped Y2O3 films produced by pulsed laser depositionTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2006Precursor selection and its role in the mechanical properties of porous SiC derived from woodMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2006Synthesis and MMA polymerization of chiral ansa-zirconocene ester enolate complexes with C-2- and C-s-ligationJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2006Synthesis of copper(I) bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)methane olefin complexes and their reactivity towards carbon monoxideJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2006Trinuclear palladium complexes containing terminal nitrosyl ligands: Behavior in solid state and in solution. X-ray structures of Pd-3(NO)(2)(mu-OCOCX3)(4)(eta(2)-ArH)(2) (X = F, Cl; ArH = toluene or benzene)INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2005A modified blister test to study the adhesion of thin coatings based on local helium ion implantationTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2005A nanoscale approach for the characterization of amorphous carbon-based lubricant coatingsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2005Adhesion behaviour of CrNx coatings on pre-treated metal substrates studied in situ by PBA and ESEM after annealingSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2005Calculation of ionic surface excess concentrations in the diffuse double layer at low field strengths for a restricted primitive model electrolyteJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2005Characterization and stability studies of titanium beryllidesFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2005Comparative study of c-axis AIN films sputtered on metallic surfacesDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2005DRIFTS analysis of the CO2 detection mechanisms using LaOCl sensingSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2005Effect of partial substitution of Ge for B on the high temperature response of soft magnetic nanocrystalline alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2005Effect of the preparation method on the physicochemical properties of mixed magnesium-vanadium oxidesMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo2005Effects of the heating rate on the microstructure and the thermal stability of Fe-Co-Nb-B-(Cu) nanocrystalline alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2005Electrochemical formation and electron transfer through self-assembled monolayers of 4-mercaptophenol on mercuryJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2005Functional in situ evaluation of photosynthesis-protecting carotenoids in mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo2005Growth mechanisms of SiO2 thin films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapour depositionSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2005Influence of milling conditions on the wear resistance of mechanically alloyed aluminiumWEAR
Artículo2005Integrable silicon microfluidic valve with pneumatic actuationSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL
Artículo2005Interface detection in poly-ethylene terephthalate-metal laminates using variable energy positron annihilationTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2005Iridium carboxycarbene complexes by C-H bond activation of aliphatic ethers and of alkyl aryl ethersCOORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo2005Magnetron sputtering of Cr(AI)N coatings: Mechanical and tribological studySURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2005Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Ti-B-(N) coatings produced by DC magnetron sputteringSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2005Microstructural characterization of Eurofer-ODS RAFM steel in the normalized and tempered simulated condition and after thermal aging in fusion conditionsFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2005Synthesis of palladium¿biscarbene complexes derived from 1,10-methylenebis(1,2,4-triazole) functionalized in the methylene bridgeJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2005Synthesis, structure and electronic properties of N-dialkylamino-and N-alkoxy-1,2,4-triazol-3-ylidene ligandsJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2004"SOLVENT": development of a reversible solar-screen glazing systemENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2004A structural study of organo-silicon polymeric thin films deposited by remote microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour depositionSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2004Cationic eta(3)-benzyl nickel compounds with diphosphine ligands as catalyst precursors for ethylene oligomerization/polymerization: influence of the diphosphine bite angleJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2004Dynamic BE analysis of 3-D cracks in transversely isotropic solidsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2004Fatigue behavior of powder metallurgy high-speed steels: fatigue limit prediction using a crack growth threshold-based approachMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2004Folded 2,5-diazapent-3-ene metallacycle in ene-diamido group 4 metal compounds: DFT and AIM analysesJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2004Guanylation of aromatic amines catalyzed by vanadium imido complexesJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2004High-temperature plastic behavior of reaction-bonded CuO and TiO2 co-doped alumina-zirconiaMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2004Improvement of alternariol monomethyl ether detection at gold electrodes modified with a dodecanethiol self-assembled monolayerJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2004Influence of Mn and Cu addition on the hyperfine parameters of amorphous and nanocrystalline FeCoNbB alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2004Influence of oxygen and argon on the crystal quality and piezoelectric response of AlN sputtered thin filmsDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2004Influence of the addition of Mn and Cu on the nanocrystallization process of HITPERM Fe-Co-Nb-B alloysMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2004Ion implantation-caused damage in SiC measured by spectroscopic ellipsometryTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2004Ligand exchange and abstraction reactions involving titanium isopropoxide with tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane and -alane: ramifications for ring-opening polymerization of propylene oxideINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2004Modelling microclimate in urban environments and assessing its influence on the performance of surrounding buildingsENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Artículo2004Numerical investigation of the regularity of the pressure for the primitive equations of the oceanCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2004Poly(phenyleneethynylene) polymers bearing glucose substituents as promising active layers in enantioselective chemiresistorsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo2004Solid-particle erosion and strength degradation of Si3N4/BN fibrous monolithsWEAR
Artículo2004Solid-particle erosion of a geopolymer containing fly ash and blast-furnace slagWEAR
Artículo2004Stress reduction in a-C : H coatings through the addition of nitrogen to the feed gasDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2004Study of the stoichiometry transfer in pulsed laser deposition of bioactive silica-based glassesTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2004Synthesis, structure, magnetic and electrochemical properties of an oxydiacetate iron(II) complexINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2004Thermally induced delamination of amorphous hydrogenated carbon coatings monitored by positron beam analysisSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2003A family of stable numerical solvers for the shallow water equations with source termsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2003Analysis of the diffuse layer potential drop in the limit of small fields on the basis of a generalized mean spherical approximationJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Ponencia2003Friction and tribological behavior of (Ti, V)C-Co cermetsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2003High energy ion characterization of sputtered AlN thin filmsDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2003Impedance study of thallous ion movement through gramicidin-dioleoylphosphatidylcholine self-assembled monolayers supported on mercury electrodes: the C-(C)-CE mechanismJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2003Indentation moduli and microhardness of RE-Si-Mg-O-N glasses (RE = Sc, Y, La, Sm, Yb and Lu) with different nitrogen contentMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2003Influence of temperature on the reduction kinetics of Zn2+ at a mercury electrodeJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2003Optical and crystallisation behaviour of TiO2 and V/TiO2 thin films prepared by plasma and ion beam assisted methodsTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2003Reactive power optimization and voltage control in the Western Algerian transmission system: a hybrid approachELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH
Artículo2003Recycling potential of coal fly ash and titanium waste as new fireproof productsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
Artículo2003Spectrofluorimetric determination of velnacrine in human serum and urineFARMACO
Artículo2003Structural and electronic features of Group 8 metal complexes containing one alpha-diiminobenzene chelate ligandINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2003Structural characterisation of SiC/SiCf composites exposed to chemical interaction with Be at high temperatureFUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN
Artículo2003Synthesis of dialkyl, diaryl and metallacyclic complexes of Ni and Pd containing pyridine, alpha-diimines and other nitrogen ligands crystal structures of the complexes cis-NiR(2)py(2) (R = benzyl, mesityl)JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2003Unexpected reactivity of 2,5-dimethylthiophene towards Tp(Me2)Ir(C2H4)(2)INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2003Wear of aluminium-base materials processed by mechanical milling in air or ammoniaWEAR
Artículo2002An evolutionary analysis of the reaction mechanisms of photosystem I reduction by cytochrome c(6) and plastocyaninBIOELECTROCHEMISTRY
Artículo2002Compressive creep of silicon nitride with different secondary phase compositionsMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2002Effect of protein relaxation on electron transfer from the cytochrome subunit to the bacteriochlorophyll dimer in Rps. sulfoviridis reaction centers within mixed adiabatic/nonadiabatic modelBIOELECTROCHEMISTRY
Artículo2002Eudragit (R) RS-PM and Ethocel (R) 100 Premium: influence over the behavior of didanosine inert matrix systemFARMACO
Artículo2002Failure of gas turbine bladesWEAR
Artículo2002Five-coordinate aminophosphine platinum(II) complexes containing cysteine derivatives as ligandsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo2002Ground and singlet excited state hydrogen-bonding interactions between 1-azacarbazole and amidesJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2002Modification of the physicochemical properties of commercial TiO2 samples by soft mechanical activationJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2002Synthesis and molecular structure of the nitride (L-OEt)Mo(N)Cl-2 [L-OEt = (eta-C5H5)CO{P(O)(OEt)(2)}3]JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2002Synthesis and reactivity studies on alkyl-aryloxo complexes of nickel containing chelating diphosphines: cyclometallation and carbonylation reactionsJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2002Synthesis, structure and catalytic activity of new iminophenolato complexes of scandium and yttriumJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2002Theoretical analysis of bis(ethylene) complexes of molybdenum and tungstenJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2002Theoretical study of the bonding capabilities of 1,4-diaza-1,3-butadiene and cis-1, 3-butadiene ligands in cyclopentadienyl tantalum(V) complexesJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2002Young's modulus of (Ti,Si)N films by surface acoustic waves and indentation techniquesTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2001Anti-inflammatory effect of Pimenta racemosa var. ozua and isolation of the triterpene lupeolFARMACO
Artículo2001CPCO(CO)(2)-catalysed cyclotrimerisation of alkynes in supercritical carbon dioxideJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2001Current understanding of superplastic deformation of Y-TZP and its application to joiningMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2001Development of a modified CVD coating process for the enhancement of the high temperature oxidation resistance of Cr2O3 and Al2O3 forming alloysMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo2001Dry and lubricated wear resistance of mechanically-alloyed aluminium-base sintered compositesWEAR
Artículo2001Kinetics of condensation of adenine at the mercury vertical bar electrolyte interfaceJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2001Low cost rare earth elements deposition method for enhancing the oxidation resistance at high temperature of Cr2O3 and Al2O3 forming alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2001Low temperature synthesis of dense SiO2 thin films by ion beam induced chemical vapor depositionTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2001Mechanosynthesis of carbon nitride compoundsDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2001MPACVD diamond films for surface acoustic wave filtersDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2001NH3 adsorption over lanthanide doped V2O5/Al2O3 catalystsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2001Photocatalytic deactivation of commercial TiO2 samples during simultaneous photoreduction of Cr(VI) and photooxidation of salicylic acidJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo2001Photoinduced electron transfer in non-aqueous microemulsionsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Revisión2001Rhodium- and iridium-trispyrazolylborate complexes - C-H activation and coordination chemistryCOORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo2001Room temperature synthesis of SiO2 thin films by ion beam induced and plasma enhanced CVDSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2001Synthesis of SiO2 and SiOxCyHz thin films by microwave plasma CVDTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2001Transition-metal-mediated activation of arylisocyanates in supercritical carbon dioxideJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo2000A unified analysis of mixed and stabilized finite element solutions of Navier-Stokes equationsCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo2000Amorphisation and related structural effects in thin films prepared by ion beam assisted methodsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2000Characterisation by X-ray absorption spectroscopy of oxide thin films prepared by ion beam-induced CVDTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo2000Chemical and photochemical oxidation of tetrahydrobetacarbolineJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Revisión2000Electron transfer reactions in solvent mixtures: the excess component of solvent reorganization free energyCOORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo2000Estimation of activity coefficients at different temperatures by using the mean spherical approximationJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2000Evolution of the magnetic behavior of the Co subsystem in YCo3 caused by small variations in stoichiometry and Al substitutionJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo2000Hard nanocomposite Ti-Si-N coatings prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputteringSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2000Hypersonic properties of nano- and microstructured CVD diamondDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2000Quantitative characterization of desorptive stripping voltammograms complicated by surface dimerization reactions. Application to the reductive desorption of thiols from mercuryJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2000Reduction mechanism of deoxybenzoin on a mercury electrodeJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2000Study of the thermal stability of carbon nitride thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputteringDIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS
Artículo2000Synthesis, crystal growth and characterisation of a new nonlinear optical material - urea L-malic acidSYNTHETIC METALS
Artículo1999A simple local smoothing scheme in strongly singular boundary integral representation of potential gradientCOMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING
Artículo1999Activity coefficients of Al(ClO4)(3) in aqueous solutions: a reexaminationJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1999An EXAFS study of Mo(VI) and Mo(V) complexes with proline dithiocarbamateINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Revisión1999Phosphine-carbon disulfide adducts, S2CPR3: versatile ligands in coordination chemistryCOORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo1999Photocatalytic properties of ZrO2 and Fe/ZrO2 semiconductors prepared by a sol-gel techniqueJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1999Photophysics and photochemical oxidation of yohimbine in moderately concentrated sulfuric acid methanol-water mediaJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1999Reactivity studies of eta 2-acyl complexes of molybdenum: reactions with strong bases and with bidentate phosphinesJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1999Salt and isotope effects upon a multistep electrode reaction: the reduction of nitromethane on mercuryJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1999SNIFTIRS studies of the electrochemical double layer - Part II. Au(111) electrode in solutions with specifically adsorbed nitrate ionsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1999SnO2 thin films prepared by ion beam induced CVD: preparation and characterization by X-ray absorption spectroscopyTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo1999Synthesis and characterization of d(2)-molybdenum imido complexes containing coordinated dithio-ligands. MO rationalization of the preferential isomer formation of Mo(N-2,4,6-Me3C6H2)(S2COMe)Cl(PMe3)(2)JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1999Synthesis and characterization of oxo-imido and alkyl-imido complexes of molybdenum(VI)JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1999Synthesis and reactivity studies of Pd(II) complexes of the bulky CH(SiMe3)(2) group. X ray structure of the indenyl derivative (eta-Ind)Pd[CH(SiMe3)(2)](PMe3)JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Revisión1999The chemistry of group 10 metalacyclesCOORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS
Artículo1998AlN thin films prepared by ion beam induced chemical vapour depositionTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo1998Cyclic variations in friction forces and contact stresses during fretting fatigueWEAR
Artículo1998Cytostatic activity of some compounds from the unsaponifiable fraction obtained from virgin olive oilFARMACO
Artículo1998Elastic behaviour of Si/Ge superlattices determined by Brillouin light scatteringTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo1998Grain size and temperature dependence of the threshold stress for superplastic deformation in yttria-stabilized zirconia polycrystalsMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo1998Homology predicted structure and comparison with the secondary structure from NMR data for plastocyanin from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1998Impedance measurements with phospholipid-coated mercury electrodesJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1998Impedance voltammetry of electro-dimerization mechanisms: Application to the reduction of the methyl viologen di-cation at mercury electrodes and aqueous solutionsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1998Mononuclear and binuclear o-xylylene derivatives of Pd(II)INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1998Organometallic derivatives of Ni(II) with poly(pyrazolyl)borate ligandsJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1998Photosensitized electron transfer reactions of cytochrome c(4) from Pseudomonas stutzeri with flavins and methyl viologenINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1998Preparation and characterization of Al-Ti mixed oxide thin filmsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo1998Reactivity of bis(ethylene) complexes of molybdenum(0) versus alpha,beta unsaturated carbonyl compounds. Crystal and molecular structure of Mo(H2C=CH-COOMe)(3)(PMe3)JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1998Synthesis and characterisation of rhodium(I) complexes containing the dihydrobis(pyrazolyl)borate ligands [H2B(pz ')(2)](-). The X-ray structures of Bp*Rh(C2H4)(2) and BpRh(PPh3)(2) (Bp = H2B(pz)(2); Bp* = H2B(3,5-Me-2-pz)(2)INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1998Synthesis and reactivity of bis(ethylene)-phosphite complexes of molybdenum(0)INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1998Synthesis, molecular structure and theoretical considerations on Mo(PhC equivalent to CCOOEt)(3)(PMe3)JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo19973-[4-Phenoxyphenyl]pyrazole (Hpz(pp)) and 3-[4-butoxyphenyl]pyrazole (Hpz(bp)) in rhodium chemistry - Crystal structures of 3-[4-phenoxyphenyl]pyrazole, [Rh(mu-pz(pp))(COD)](2)center dot 1/2CH(2)Cl(2) and [Rh(mu-pz(bp))(COD)](2)JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997Channel electrode voltammetry and reversible electro-dimerisation processes. The reduction of the methyl viologen di-cation in aqueous solutionJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997Electrode processes with coupled chemistry. Heterogeneous or homogeneous chemical reaction? The reduction of nitromethane in basic aqueous solutionJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997Ellipsometric characterization of an AISI 304 stainless steel protective coatingTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo1997Evidence of a ''notch effect'' in microwave surface resistance versus deposition temperature for Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x thin film on MgO (100) substrateJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo1997Formation of 1,2,3-eta(3)-butadienyl derivatives by photochemical C-H activation of Ir(I)-eta(4)-1,3-diene complexes containing tris(pyrazolyl)borate ligandsJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997Interfacial properties of hypoxantine adsorbed at the mercury|electrolyte interfaceJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997Mechanism of oxygenation of YBaCuO thin films during in situ growth by cathodic sputtering: Effect of atomic oxygenJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo1997Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl-aminoborole derivatives of zirconium and hafnium with alkyl and allyl ligandsJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997Photoconductive and photocatalytic properties of ZrTiO4. Comparison with the parent oxides TiO2 and ZrO2JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997Reduction mechanism of benzoin on a mercury electrodeJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997SNIFTIRS studies of the double layer at the metal|solution interface. Part 1. Single crystal gold electrodes in aqueous perchloric acidJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997Synthesis and reactivity of new palladium alkyl complexes containing PMe3 ligands: Insertion reactions and formation of bis(pyrazolyl) borate derivativesJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1997UV-photoassisted degradation of phenyltin(IV) chlorides in waterJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1996Antinflammatory effects of different extracts and harpagoside isolated from Scrophularia frutescens L.FARMACO
Artículo1996Consolidation of mechanically alloyed aluminium by double cold-pressing and sinteringJOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY
Artículo1996Cytostatic activity of some essential oils against HEp-2 cellsFARMACO
Artículo1996Fuzzy-logic-based analog design toolsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1996High-temperature deformation of ZrO2-Al2O3/SiC whisker composites fabricated by two techniquesMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
Artículo1996Impedance voltammetric analysis of a consecutive E-C-E mechanism with two diffusing intermediates with application to the reduction of nitromethaneJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1996In situ diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS) study of the reversibility of CdGeON sensors towards oxygen.SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Artículo1996Photocatalytic properties of iron-doped titania semiconductorsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1996Preparation of Al2O3 thin films by ion-beam-induced CVD: Structural effects of the bombardment with accelerated ionsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo1996Short-range order of yttria doped zirconia powders studied by X-ray absorption .2.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo1996Structural characterization of PbTiO3 thin films prepared by ion beam induced CVD and evaporation of leadTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo1996Synthesis, antimicrobial and cytostatic activity of 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-alpha-D-glucofuranosyl (-)-(S)-propanesulfinateFARMACO
Artículo1996The role of the metal in determining electrosorption valency in the case of strong molecular adsorption at the electrode vertical bar solution interfaceJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1996The use of EXAFS spectroscopy to show the structural modifications in metals implanted with N+ ionsSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
Artículo1995A theoretical approach to the molecular-structure of vinylstannane and some structural isomersJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Revisión1995Acyl complexes of molybdenum - structural and reactivity studiesJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1995Application of γ-cyclodextrin to the improvement of dissolution characteristics of oxazepamFARMACO
Artículo1995Effect of acrylic resins on the rheological and compressibility properties of paracetamol: Formulation of directly compressible matrix systemsFARMACO
Nota1995In-situ reactivity of the electrochemically generated nitro radical-anion from nitrendipine with glutathione, adenine and uracilJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1995Influence of solution acidity on the adsorption and charge-transfer kinetics of parabanic acid reductionJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1995Mechanism of the electrodimerization of pyrimidine on mercury from acid solutionsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1995Short-range order of yttria-doped zirconia powders study by x-ray-absorption .1.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
Artículo1994Adsorption of pyrimidine at the mercury/aqueous solution interphaseJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1994Comparison of the photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2, iron oxides and mixed Ti(IV) Fe(III) oxides: photodegradation of oligocarboxylic acidsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1994Experimental set-up for in-situ x-ray-absorption spectroscopy analysis of photochemical-reactions - the photocatalytic reduction of gold on titaniaJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1994Impedance analysis of the reduction of pyrimidine at the dropping mercury electrode. Part I: Sequential mechanismsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1994Impedance analysis of the reduction of pyrimidine at the dropping mercury electrode. Part II: Parallel mechanismsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1994On the simultaneous evaluation of charge-transfer kinetics and adsorption - reduction of parabanic acid in low acidity x M HCl + (2 - x)M LiCl mixturesJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1994Self-association properties of diclofenacFARMACO
Letter1994Synthesis and structural characterization of volatile poly(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)borate-complexes of ca, sr, and baJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1994Uv photolytic degradation of phenylmercury compounds in water-acetonitrile (1/1)-mediaJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1994XAS and XRD structural studies of titanium-oxide thin-films prepared by ion-beam-induced cvdTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo1993Adsorption of malonate and succinate at the hg/aqueous solution interphaseJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1993Dialkyl complexes of nickel(ii) containing chelating diphosphines - the crystal-structure of [ni(ch2sime2ph)2(ipr2pch2ch2pipr2)]JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1993Generalization of the udca theory and its application to the analysis of the ion-free layer thicknessJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1993Role of ionic strength in the binuclear complex formation between aquopentacyanoferrate(II) and tetraamminepyrazinecarboxylatocobalt(III) ionsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1993Solid-particle erosion of in situ reinforced Si3N4WEAR
Artículo1993UV photolytic degradation of butyltin chlorides in waterJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1992A comparative-study of the interphase between mercury and aqueous-solutions of monovalent, divalent and trivalent chloridesJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1992Analysis of the faradaic admittance for an ece mechanism in the case of a non-randles behaviour with frequencyJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1992Specific cation solute interactions as a major contributor to the salt effects on charge-transfer transitionsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1992The vacuum ultraviolet-spectrum of [MN2(CO)10]JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1991A laser flash photolysis study of the reduction of methyl viologen by conduction band electrons of tio2 and feti oxides photocatalystsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1991Electrochemical reduction of benzil in strongly acid and alkaline mediaJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1991On the reaction-mechanism of flavin-sensitized photoregulation of monoraphidium-braunii nitrate reductaseJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo1991Reaction between pyridoxal and hexylamine - electrochemical and spectrophotometric studies on the schiff-base formationJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1991Salt effects on charge-transfer transitionsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1990An electron microscopy study of the crystallization of amorphous Se100 - xBix (x ≤ 15) thin filmsTHIN SOLID FILMS
Nota1990Another comment on the anomalous behavior of the inner-layer capacity at low electrolyte concentrationsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1990Electrochemical behaviour of the schiff base from pyridin-4-aldehyde and n-hexylamineJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1990Electrochemical behaviour of the Schiff base from pyridoxal-5'-phosphate and L-alanineJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1990Fluorescence characteristics of 7-azaindole in highly acidic and basic aqueous-mediaJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1990Keto-enol-tautomerism in the electrochemical reduction of parabanic acidJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1990Oxidation of 2-furoic acid via singlet oxygen generated photochemicallyJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1990Photomorphogenesis in behavioral and color mutants of phycomycesJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo1990Photomorphogenesis in phycomyces - competence period and stimulus-response relationshipsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo1990Polarographic analysis of mechanisms involving competition between dimerization and electron-transfer reactionsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1990Spectrophotometric determination of bismuth in pharmaceutical preparations using 1-[Di(2-pyridyl)-methylene]-5-salicylidene-thiocarbonohydrazideFARMACO
Artículo1989A comparative-study of the adsorption of la-3+ and al-3+ at the mercury aqueous-electrolyte interphaseJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1989Activation energy spectra for the relaxation phenomena in non-crystalline samples of the Se100-xBix system (x≤ 3.4)MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
Artículo1989Electrochemical-behavior of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate - influence of the medium compositionJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Nota1989Ion size effects in the hurwitz-parsons analysis - allowance for a lower dielectric-constant between the 2 cationic ohpsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1989The adsorption of tetraethylammonium ions at a mercury-electrode from perchlorate solutionsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1989The theory of the interfacial impedance in the case of the ece and the ecce mechanism and its application to the electrochemical reduction of nitromethane on mercury from aqueous 1-m kcl at ph-9JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1989Vacuum ultraviolet and photoelectron-spectra of dimethyl-stannane and trimethyl-stannaneJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1988Derivation and experimental verification of approximate explicit equations in differential pulse polarography. Part III. Diagnostic criteria for characterization of first order processesJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1988Electrochemical-behavior of pyrazine derivatives - reduction of 2-hydroxy-3-phenyl-6-methylpyrazineJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1988Electrodimerization of crotonic aldehyde in aqueous-media on a mercury-electrodeJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1988Global analysis of kinetic current in dc polarography - application to pyridine-4-aldehyde reductionJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1988Hydrogen-peroxide photoproduction sensitized with rose-bengal with semicarbazide as the electron sourceJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1987Analysis of the interfacial admittance in the case of a 2-step 2-electron electrode-reaction with a diffusing intermediate, with application to the reduction of pyrazineJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1987Antimitotic activity of aqueous acid extracts and phenol acid fraction of Erica andevalensis Cabezudo-RiveraFARMACO
Artículo1987Characterization of lanthanide oxide-promoted rhodium alumina catalystsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1987Flavin-mediated photoinactivation of spinach leaf nitrate reductase involving superoxide radical and activating effect of hydrogen-peroxideJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY
Artículo1987Fluorescence lifetimes of some harmala and rauwolfia alkaloidsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Artículo1987Hydrogen peroxide photoproduction by the semicarbazide-tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(II)-oxygen systemJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY
Letter1987Influence of the substrate on the crystallization kinetics of vapor-deposited amorphous selenium filmsTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo1987Some case-histories of wear-related failures of metallic materialsWEAR
Artículo1987Study of the antihypertensive activity of Ononis natrix LFARMACO
Artículo1986Adsorption of chloride at the mercury aqueous lacl3 interfaceJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1986Adsorption of crotonaldehyde at the mercury water interfaceJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1986Cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry of rescinnamineJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1986Derivation an experimental verification of approximate explicit equations in differential pulse polarography. Part II. Second order processesJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1986The coupling of the double-layer admittance and the faradaic admittance of a stepwise electrode-reaction complicated by adsorption of the reactants with experimental-verification on the reduction of pyrazineJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1986The reduction of cr(III) in concentrated aqueous-electrolytes at a DME - the influence of anionsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1985Derivation and experimental verification of approximate explicit equations in differential pulse polarography. I. First order processes.JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1985Diagnostic criteria for characterization of mechanisms corresponding to the second reduction polarographic wave of carbonyl compounds in acid mediumJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1985Electrochemical reduction of tricarbonyl compounds - reduction-mechanism of alloxan on a mercury-electrodeJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1984Adsorption of cinnamaldehyde at the mercury-water interfaceJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1984Diagnostic criteria for characterization of CE and CEC mechanisms in polarographyJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1984Estudio comparativo de la cinética de disolución de dos formas farmacéuticas de dinitrato de isosorbide de administración sublingual: cérulas y comprimidosFARMACO
Ponencia1984Lanthanide Oxides: Effect of CO2 on the Yb2O3 HydrationINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Ponencia1984Lanthanide Oxides: Yb2O3 HydrationINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA
Artículo1984Oxidation mechanism of triosereductone on a mercury-electrodeJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1984The catalysis of the reduction of zn(II) ions by iodide-ions - a mechanistic study in mixed 1-m naclo4/nai aqueous-solutionsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1984The reduction of cr3+ in naclo4 solutionsJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1984Trimethylphosphine complexes of molybdenum and tungsten. The synthesis and chemical properties of MoCl4(PMe3)3 and the crystal and molecular structures of WCl4(PMe3)3 and MoO(acac)2PMe3JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY
Artículo1982The mechanism of the reduction of zn(ii) from naclo4 base electrolyte-solutions at the dmeJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1982Thermal evolution of co-evaporated amorphous thin Ni-Ag filmsTHIN SOLID FILMS
Artículo1976Electro-oxidation mechanism of d-araboascorbic acid on a mercury drop electrode. IJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo1976The low temperature deposition of pyrolytic SiO2 for passivating semiconductor power diodesTHIN SOLID FILMS